function test_submit_batch($req) { $req->app_name = "uppercase"; $req->jobs = array(); $f = new StdClass(); $f->mode = "local_staged"; $f->source = "input"; $job = new StdClass(); $job->input_files = array($f); for ($i = 10; $i < 20; $i++) { $job->rsc_fpops_est = $i * 1000000000.0; $job->command_line = "--t {$i}"; $req->jobs[] = $job; } list($batch_id, $errmsg) = boinc_submit_batch($req); if ($errmsg) { echo "Error: {$errmsg}\n"; } else { echo "Batch ID: {$batch_id}\n"; } }
function handle_create_action() { global $project, $auth; $get_estimate = get_str('get_estimate', true); if ($get_estimate) { $req = form_to_request($project, $auth); list($e, $errmsg) = boinc_estimate_batch($req); if ($errmsg) { error_page(htmlentities($errmsg)); } page_head("Batch estimate"); echo sprintf("Estimate: %.0f seconds", $e); echo "<p><a href=submit_example.php>Return to job control page</a>\n"; page_tail(); } else { $req = form_to_request($project, $auth); list($id, $errmsg) = boinc_submit_batch($req); if ($errmsg) { error_page(htmlentities($errmsg)); } page_head("Batch submitted"); echo "Batch created, ID: {$id}\n"; echo "<p><a href=submit_example.php>Return to job control page</a>\n"; page_tail(); } }