function maybe_send_email_notifications() { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ if (!($this->conf->options['send_email_notifications'] || $this->conf->options['send_authors_email_notifications'])) { return; } //Find links that have been detected as broken since the last sent notification. $last_notification = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->conf->options['last_notification_sent']); $where = $wpdb->prepare('( first_failure >= %s )', $last_notification); $links = blc_get_links(array('s_filter' => 'broken', 'where_expr' => $where, 'load_instances' => true, 'load_containers' => true, 'load_wrapped_objects' => $this->conf->options['send_authors_email_notifications'], 'max_results' => 0)); if (empty($links)) { return; } //Send the admin notification $admin_email = get_option('admin_email'); if ($this->conf->options['send_email_notifications'] && !empty($admin_email)) { $this->send_admin_notification($links, $admin_email); } //Send notifications to post authors if ($this->conf->options['send_authors_email_notifications']) { $this->send_authors_notifications($links); } $this->conf->options['last_notification_sent'] = time(); $this->conf->save_options(); }
static function sync_link_data() { $max_results = get_option('mainwp_child_blc_max_number_of_links', 50); $params = array(array('load_instances' => true)); if (!empty($max_results)) { $params['max_results'] = $max_results; } $links = blc_get_links($params); $get_fields = array('link_id', 'url', 'being_checked', 'last_check', 'last_check_attempt', 'check_count', 'http_code', 'request_duration', 'timeout', 'redirect_count', 'final_url', 'broken', 'first_failure', 'last_success', 'may_recheck', 'false_positive', 'dismissed', 'status_text', 'status_code', 'log'); $return = ""; $site_id = $_POST['site_id']; $blc_option = get_option('wsblc_options'); if (is_string($blc_option) && !empty($blc_option)) { $blc_option = json_decode($blc_option, true); } if (is_array($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { $lnk = new stdClass(); foreach ($get_fields as $field) { $lnk->{$field} = $link->{$field}; } if (!empty($link->post_date)) { $lnk->post_date = $link->post_date; } $days_broken = 0; if ($link->broken) { //Add a highlight to broken links that appear to be permanently broken $days_broken = intval((time() - $link->first_failure) / (3600 * 24)); if ($days_broken >= $blc_option['failure_duration_threshold']) { $lnk->permanently_broken = 1; if ($blc_option['highlight_permanent_failures']) { $lnk->permanently_broken_highlight = 1; } } } $lnk->days_broken = $days_broken; if (!empty($link->_instances)) { $instance = reset($link->_instances); $lnk->link_text = $instance->ui_get_link_text(); $lnk->count_instance = count($link->_instances); $container = $instance->get_container(); /** @var blcContainer $container */ $lnk->container = $container; if (!empty($container)) { $lnk->container_type = $container->container_type; $lnk->container_id = $container->container_id; $lnk->source_data = MainWPChildLinksChecker::Instance()->ui_get_source($container, $instance->container_field); } $can_edit_text = false; $can_edit_url = false; $editable_link_texts = $non_editable_link_texts = array(); $instances = $link->_instances; foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($instance->is_link_text_editable()) { $can_edit_text = true; $editable_link_texts[$instance->link_text] = true; } else { $non_editable_link_texts[$instance->link_text] = true; } if ($instance->is_url_editable()) { $can_edit_url = true; } } $link_texts = $can_edit_text ? $editable_link_texts : $non_editable_link_texts; $data_link_text = ''; if (count($link_texts) === 1) { //All instances have the same text - use it. $link_text = key($link_texts); $data_link_text = esc_attr($link_text); } $lnk->data_link_text = $data_link_text; $lnk->can_edit_url = $can_edit_url; $lnk->can_edit_text = $can_edit_text; } else { $lnk->link_text = ""; $lnk->count_instance = 0; } $lnk->site_id = $site_id; $return[] = $lnk; } } else { return ""; } return $return; }
/** * Retrieve a list of links found in this container. * * @access public * * @return array of blcLink */ function get_links() { $params = array('s_container_type' => $this->container_type, 's_container_id' => $this->container_id); return blc_get_links($params); }
function send_email_notifications() { global $wpdb; //Find links that have been detected as broken since the last sent notification. $last_notification = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->conf->options['last_notification_sent']); $where = $wpdb->prepare('( first_failure >= %s )', $last_notification); $links = blc_get_links(array('s_filter' => 'broken', 'where_expr' => $where, 'load_instances' => true, 'max_results' => 0)); if (empty($links)) { return; } $cnt = count($links); //Prepare email message $subject = sprintf(__("[%s] Broken links detected", 'broken-link-checker'), html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES)); $body = sprintf(_n("Broken Link Checker has detected %d new broken link on your site.", "Broken Link Checker has detected %d new broken links on your site.", $cnt, 'broken-link-checker'), $cnt); $body .= "<br>"; $max_displayed_links = 5; if ($cnt > $max_displayed_links) { $line = sprintf(_n("Here's a list of the first %d broken links:", "Here's a list of the first %d broken links:", $max_displayed_links, 'broken-link-checker'), $max_displayed_links); } else { $line = __("Here's a list of the new broken links: ", 'broken-link-checker'); } $body .= "<p>{$line}</p>"; //Show up to $max_displayed_links broken link instances right in the email. $displayed = 0; foreach ($links as $link) { $instances = $link->get_instances(); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $pieces = array(sprintf(__('Link text : %s', 'broken-link-checker'), $instance->ui_get_link_text('email')), sprintf(__('Link URL : <a href="%s">%s</a>', 'broken-link-checker'), htmlentities($link->url), blcUtility::truncate($link->url, 70, '')), sprintf(__('Source : %s', 'broken-link-checker'), $instance->ui_get_source('email'))); $link_entry = implode("<br>", $pieces); $body .= "{$link_entry}<br><br>"; $displayed++; if ($displayed >= $max_displayed_links) { break 2; //Exit both foreach loops } } } //Add a link to the "Broken Links" tab. $body .= __("You can see all broken links here:", 'broken-link-checker') . "<br>"; $link_page = admin_url('tools.php?page=view-broken-links'); $body .= sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%1$s</a>', $link_page); //Need to override the default 'text/plain' content type to send a HTML email. add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', array(&$this, 'override_mail_content_type')); //Send the notification $rez = wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), $subject, $body); if ($rez) { $this->conf->options['last_notification_sent'] = time(); $this->conf->save_options(); } //Remove the override so that it doesn't interfere with other plugins that might //want to send normal plaintext emails. remove_filter('wp_mail_content_type', array(&$this, 'override_mail_content_type')); }