if ($MQ) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = stripslashes($v); } } // Clean and validate data if (!is_emailable_address($_POST['email'])) { $errors[] = 'You must supply a valid email address.'; } /** * Lockout of addresses and domains known to SPAM us. * Add, edit, or remove blacklisted users or domains * in include/email-validation.inc :: blacklisted(). */ $uemail = isset($_POST['email']) ? strtolower($_POST['email']) : ''; if (blacklisted($uemail)) { $errors[] = 'An expected error has been encountered. Please don\'t try again later.'; } $_POST['sdesc'] = trim($_POST['sdesc']); if (!$_POST['sdesc']) { $errors[] = "You must supply a short description of the event."; } $_POST['ldesc'] = trim(strip_tags($_POST['ldesc'], '<a><i><b><br><p>')); $_POST['ldesc'] = preg_replace("/(style|on\\w+?)\\s*=[^>]*/i", "", $_POST['ldesc']); if (!$_POST['ldesc']) { $errors[] = "You must supply a long description of the event."; } $valid_schemes = array('http', 'https', 'ftp'); $_POST['url'] = trim($_POST['url']); $pu = parse_url($_POST['url']); $pu['host'] = isset($pu['host']) ? trim($pu['host']) : '';
function needsFixing($file) { return whitelisted($file) && !blacklisted($file); }