Exemple #1
  * Generates prime number with length $bits_cnt
  * using $random_generator as random generator function.
  * @param int $bits_cnt
  * @param string $rnd_generator
  * @access public
 function getPrime($bits_cnt, $random_generator)
     $bytes_n = intval($bits_cnt / 8);
     $bits_n = $bits_cnt % 8;
     do {
         $str = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes_n; $i++) {
             $str .= chr(call_user_func($random_generator) & 0xff);
         $n = call_user_func($random_generator) & 0xff;
         $n |= 0x80;
         $n >>= 8 - $bits_n;
         $str .= chr($n);
         $num = $this->bin2int($str);
         // search for the next closest prime number after [$num]
         $num = bi_next_prime($num);
     } while ($this->bitLen($num) != $bits_cnt);
     return $num;
Exemple #2
    Returns pseudorandom number with $bit_len bit length.
    Attention: do not use this function in cryptographic
    or security applications! The function can be used only
    for educational purposes :)
$c = bi_rand(100);
echo 'rand(100) = ', bi_to_str($c), "<br/>\n";
$c = bi_rand(100, 'mt_rand');
// use mt_rand() as random generator
echo 'rand(100, "mt_rand") = ', bi_to_str($c), "<br/>\n";
    functions for modular arithmetic calculations
echo '<h3>modular arithmetic functions</h3>' . "\n";
// find next pseudoprime number after $c
$modulus = bi_next_prime($c);
echo '$modulus = next_prime($c) = [', bi_to_str($modulus), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_addmod($a, $b, $modulus);
echo '$a + $b (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_submod($a, $b, $modulus);
echo '$a - $b (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_mulmod($a, $b, $modulus);
echo '$a * $b (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_divmod($a, $b, $modulus);
echo '$a / $b (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_powmod($a, $b, $modulus);
echo 'pow($a, $b) (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_factmod(1000, $modulus);
echo '1000! (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_absmod(-1, $modulus);
echo '-1 (mod $modulus) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
  * Finds next strong pseudoprime number, following after $num
  * @param big_int resource $num
  * @return big_int resource
  * @access public
 function nextPrime($num)
     return bi_next_prime($num);
Exemple #4
    returns a "good" prime $a with length $bit_len with
        $a - 1 != 0 (mod $e)
function get_prime($bit_len)
    return bi_next_prime(bi_set_bit(bi_rand($bit_len, 'microtime_generator'), $bit_len - 1));