register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'bg_bibfers_deinstall');
    // Регистрируем шорт-код bible
    add_shortcode('bible', 'bg_bibfers_qoutes');
    // Регистрируем шорт-код bible_epigraph
    add_shortcode('bible_epigraph', 'bg_bibfers_bible_epigraph');
    // Регистрируем шорт-код references
    add_shortcode('references', 'bg_bibfers_references');
    // Регистрируем шорт-код norefs
    add_shortcode('norefs', 'bg_bibfers_norefs');
    // Регистрируем шорт-код bible_search
    add_shortcode('bible_search', 'bg_bibfers_bible_search');
    // Регистрируем шорт-код bible_omnisearch
    add_shortcode('bible_omnisearch', 'bg_bibfers_bible_omnisearch');
    // Инициализируем значения параметров настройки плагина по умолчанию
	Функции установки языка Библии 
function set_bible_lang()
    global $post;
    if (function_exists('bg_custom_lang')) {
        $blog_lang = bg_custom_lang();
    // Если определена внешняя функция определения языка, то используем ее
    if (!$blog_lang) {
        $blog_lang = get_bloginfo('language');
function bg_bibfers_options_page()
    // имена опций и полей
    $bg_bibfers_site = 'bg_bibfers_site';
    // Имя ссылки
    $c_lang_name = 'bg_bibfers_c_lang';
    // Церковно-славянский
    $r_lang_name = 'bg_bibfers_r_lang';
    // Русский
    $g_lang_name = 'bg_bibfers_g_lang';
    // Греческий
    $l_lang_name = 'bg_bibfers_l_lang';
    // Латинский
    $i_lang_name = 'bg_bibfers_i_lang';
    // Иврит
    $c_font_name = 'bg_bibfers_c_font';
    // Шрифт для церковно-славянского текста
    $bg_bibfers_page = 'bg_bibfers_page';
    // Ссылка на предварительно созданную страницу для вывода текста Библии
    $bg_verses_lang = 'bg_bibfers_verses_lang';
    // Язык стихов из Библии во всплывающей подсказке
    $bg_show_fn = 'bg_bibfers_show_fn';
    // Отображать оригинальные номера стихов
    $target_window = 'bg_bibfers_target';
    // Где открыть страницу с текстом Библии
    $bg_headers = 'bg_bibfers_headers';
    // Подсвечивать ссылки в заголовках H1-H6
    $bg_interpret = 'bg_bibfers_interpret';
    // Включить ссылки на толкование Священного Писания
    $bg_parallel = 'bg_bibfers_parallel';
    // Включить ссылки на паралельные места Священного Писания
    $bg_norm_refs = 'bg_bibfers_norm_refs';
    // Преобразовывать ссылки к нормализованному виду
    $bg_verses_name = 'bg_bibfers_show_verses';
    // Отображать стихи из Библии во всплывающей подсказке
    $bg_curl_name = 'bg_bibfers_curl';
    // Чтение файлов Библии с помощью cURL
    $bg_fgc_name = 'bg_bibfers_fgc';
    // Чтение файлов Библии с помощью file_get_contents()
    $bg_fopen_name = 'bg_bibfers_fopen';
    // Чтение файлов Библии с помощью fopen()
    $bg_preq = 'bg_bibfers_prereq';
    // Предварительно загружать стихи из Библии в всплывающие подсказки
    $bg_content = 'bg_bibfers_content';
    // Контейнер, внутри которого будут отображаться подсказки
    $links_class = 'bg_bibfers_class';
    // CSS класс для ссылок на Библию
    $bg_refs_file = 'bg_bibfers_refs_file';
    // Пользовательский файл цитат из Библии
    $bg_bibfers_debug_name = 'bg_bibfers_debug';
    // Включить запись в лог
    $hidden_field_name = 'bg_bibfers_submit_hidden';
    // Скрытое поле для проверки обновления информацции в форме
    // Параметры по умолчанию
    // Читаем существующие значения опций из базы данных
    $bg_bibfers_site_val = get_option($bg_bibfers_site);
    $c_lang_val = get_option($c_lang_name);
    $r_lang_val = get_option($r_lang_name);
    $g_lang_val = get_option($g_lang_name);
    $l_lang_val = get_option($l_lang_name);
    $i_lang_val = get_option($i_lang_name);
    $font_val = get_option($c_font_name);
    $bg_bibfers_page_val = get_option($bg_bibfers_page);
    $bg_verses_lang_val = get_option($bg_verses_lang);
    $bg_show_fn_val = get_option($bg_show_fn);
    $target_val = get_option($target_window);
    $bg_headers_val = get_option($bg_headers);
    $bg_interpret_val = get_option($bg_interpret);
    $bg_parallel_val = get_option($bg_parallel);
    $bg_norm_refs_val = get_option($bg_norm_refs);
    $bg_verses_val = get_option($bg_verses_name);
    $bg_curl_val = get_option($bg_curl_name);
    $bg_fgc_val = get_option($bg_fgc_name);
    $bg_fopen_val = get_option($bg_fopen_name);
    $bg_preq_val = get_option($bg_preq);
    $bg_content_val = get_option($bg_content);
    $class_val = get_option($links_class);
    $bg_refs_file_val = get_option($bg_refs_file);
    $bg_bibfers_debug_val = get_option($bg_bibfers_debug_name);
    // Проверяем, отправил ли пользователь нам некоторую информацию
    // Если "Да", в это скрытое поле будет установлено значение 'Y'
    if (isset($_POST[$hidden_field_name]) && $_POST[$hidden_field_name] == 'Y') {
        // Сохраняем отправленное значение в БД
        $bg_bibfers_site_val = isset($_POST[$bg_bibfers_site]) && $_POST[$bg_bibfers_site] ? $_POST[$bg_bibfers_site] : '';
        update_option($bg_bibfers_site, $bg_bibfers_site_val);
        $c_lang_val = isset($_POST[$c_lang_name]) && $_POST[$c_lang_name] ? $_POST[$c_lang_name] : '';
        update_option($c_lang_name, $c_lang_val);
        $r_lang_val = isset($_POST[$r_lang_name]) && $_POST[$r_lang_name] ? $_POST[$r_lang_name] : '';
        update_option($r_lang_name, $r_lang_val);
        $g_lang_val = isset($_POST[$g_lang_name]) && $_POST[$g_lang_name] ? $_POST[$g_lang_name] : '';
        update_option($g_lang_name, $g_lang_val);
        $l_lang_val = isset($_POST[$l_lang_name]) && $_POST[$l_lang_name] ? $_POST[$l_lang_name] : '';
        update_option($l_lang_name, $l_lang_val);
        $i_lang_val = isset($_POST[$i_lang_name]) && $_POST[$i_lang_name] ? $_POST[$i_lang_name] : '';
        update_option($i_lang_name, $i_lang_val);
        $font_val = isset($_POST[$c_font_name]) && $_POST[$c_font_name] ? $_POST[$c_font_name] : '';
        update_option($c_font_name, $font_val);
        $bg_bibfers_page_val = isset($_POST[$bg_bibfers_page]) && $_POST[$bg_bibfers_page] ? $_POST[$bg_bibfers_page] : '';
        update_option($bg_bibfers_page, $bg_bibfers_page_val);
        $bg_verses_lang_val = isset($_POST[$bg_verses_lang]) && $_POST[$bg_verses_lang] ? $_POST[$bg_verses_lang] : '';
        update_option($bg_verses_lang, $bg_verses_lang_val);
        $bg_show_fn_val = isset($_POST[$bg_show_fn]) && $_POST[$bg_show_fn] ? $_POST[$bg_show_fn] : '';
        update_option($bg_show_fn, $bg_show_fn_val);
        $target_val = isset($_POST[$target_window]) && $_POST[$target_window] ? $_POST[$target_window] : '';
        update_option($target_window, $target_val);
        $bg_headers_val = isset($_POST[$bg_headers]) && $_POST[$bg_headers] ? $_POST[$bg_headers] : '';
        update_option($bg_headers, $bg_headers_val);
        $bg_interpret_val = isset($_POST[$bg_interpret]) && $_POST[$bg_interpret] ? $_POST[$bg_interpret] : '';
        update_option($bg_interpret, $bg_interpret_val);
        $bg_parallel_val = isset($_POST[$bg_parallel]) && $_POST[$bg_parallel] ? $_POST[$bg_parallel] : '';
        update_option($bg_parallel, $bg_parallel_val);
        $bg_norm_refs_val = isset($_POST[$bg_norm_refs]) && $_POST[$bg_norm_refs] ? $_POST[$bg_norm_refs] : '';
        update_option($bg_norm_refs, $bg_norm_refs_val);
        $bg_verses_val = isset($_POST[$bg_verses_name]) && $_POST[$bg_verses_name] ? $_POST[$bg_verses_name] : '';
        update_option($bg_verses_name, $bg_verses_val);
        $bg_curl_val = isset($_POST[$bg_curl_name]) && $_POST[$bg_curl_name] ? $_POST[$bg_curl_name] : '';
        update_option($bg_curl_name, $bg_curl_val);
        $bg_fgc_val = isset($_POST[$bg_fgc_name]) && $_POST[$bg_fgc_name] ? $_POST[$bg_fgc_name] : '';
        update_option($bg_fgc_name, $bg_fgc_val);
        $bg_fopen_val = isset($_POST[$bg_fopen_name]) && $_POST[$bg_fopen_name] ? $_POST[$bg_fopen_name] : '';
        update_option($bg_fopen_name, $bg_fopen_val);
        $bg_preq_val = isset($_POST[$bg_preq]) && $_POST[$bg_preq] ? $_POST[$bg_preq] : '';
        update_option($bg_preq, $bg_preq_val);
        $bg_content_val = isset($_POST[$bg_content]) && $_POST[$bg_content] ? $_POST[$bg_content] : '';
        update_option($bg_content, $bg_content_val);
        $class_val = isset($_POST[$links_class]) && $_POST[$links_class] ? $_POST[$links_class] : '';
        update_option($links_class, $class_val);
        $bg_refs_file_val = isset($_POST[$bg_refs_file]) && $_POST[$bg_refs_file] ? $_POST[$bg_refs_file] : '';
        update_option($bg_refs_file, $bg_refs_file_val);
        $bg_bibfers_debug_val = isset($_POST[$bg_bibfers_debug_name]) && $_POST[$bg_bibfers_debug_name] ? $_POST[$bg_bibfers_debug_name] : '';
        update_option($bg_bibfers_debug_name, $bg_bibfers_debug_val);
        // Вывести сообщение об обновлении параметров на экран
        echo '<div class="updated"><p><strong>' . __('Options saved.', 'bg_bibfers') . '</strong></p></div>';
<!--  форма опций -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="top">
<!--  Теперь отобразим опции на экране редактирования -->
<div class="wrap">
<!--  Заголовок -->
    _e('Bg Bible References Plugin Options', 'bg_bibfers');
    printf(__('Version', 'bg_bibfers') . ' <b>' . get_plugin_version() . '</b>');

<!-- Форма настроек -->
<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo str_replace('%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

<!--  Основные параметры -->
<!--  Адрес ссылки -->
    _e('Links to... (select the site)', 'bg_bibfers');

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<input type="radio" id="bg_bibfers_site1" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_site;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_bibfers_site_val == "azbyka") {
        echo "checked";
 value="azbyka"> <?php 
    _e('Links to <a href="" target=_blank></a>', 'bg_bibfers');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"></th>
    printf(__('Languages of the Bible text on', 'bg_bibfers') . ' <a href="" target=_blank></a>');
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
    echo $hidden_field_name;
" value="Y">

<input type="checkbox" id="c_lang" name="<?php 
    echo $c_lang_name;
" <?php 
    if ($c_lang_val == "c") {
        echo "checked";
 value="c" onclick='c_lang_checked();'> <?php 
    _e('Church Slavic', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="r_lang" name="<?php 
    echo $r_lang_name;
" <?php 
    if ($r_lang_val == "r") {
        echo "checked";
  value="r"> <?php 
    _e('Russian', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="g_lang" name="<?php 
    echo $g_lang_name;
" <?php 
    if ($g_lang_val == "g") {
        echo "checked";
  value="g"> <?php 
    _e('Greek', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="l_lang" name="<?php 
    echo $l_lang_name;
" <?php 
    if ($l_lang_val == "l") {
        echo "checked";
  value="l"> <?php 
    _e('Latin', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="i_lang" name="<?php 
    echo $i_lang_name;
" <?php 
    if ($i_lang_val == "i") {
        echo "checked";
  value="i"> <?php 
    _e('Hebrew', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"></th>
    _e('Font for Church Slavonic text', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="radio" id="ucs" name="<?php 
    echo $c_font_name;
" <?php 
    if ($font_val == "ucs") {
        echo "checked";
 value="ucs"> <?php 
    _e('Church Slavic font', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="radio" id="rus" name="<?php 
    echo $c_font_name;
" <?php 
    if ($font_val == "rus") {
        echo "checked";
 value="rus"> <?php 
    _e('Russian font ("Old" style)', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="radio" id="hip" name="<?php 
    echo $c_font_name;
" <?php 
    if ($font_val == "hip") {
        echo "checked";
 value="hip"> <?php 
    _e('HIP-standard', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
function c_lang_checked() {
	elRadio = document.getElementsByName('<?php 
    echo $c_font_name;
	for (var i = 0; i < elRadio.length; i++) {
		if (document.getElementById('c_lang').checked == true) {elRadio[i].disabled = false;}
		else {elRadio[i].disabled = true;}

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<input type="radio" id="bg_bibfers_site2" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_site;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_bibfers_site_val == "this") {
        echo "checked";
 value="this"> <?php 
    _e('Links to this site', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"></th>
    _e('Permalink to page for search result', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="text" id="bg_bibfers_page" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_page;
" size="60" value="<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_page_val;
"><br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<input type="radio" id="bg_bibfers_site3" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_site;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_bibfers_site_val == "none") {
        echo "checked";
 value="none"> <?php 
    _e('No links, popup only', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
function bg_bibfers_site_checked() {
	elRadio = document.getElementsByName('<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_site;
	for (var i = 0; i < elRadio.length; i++) {
		if (document.getElementById('c_lang').checked == true) {elRadio[i].disabled = false;}
		else {elRadio[i].disabled = true;}
<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Language of references and tooltips', 'bg_bibfers');
<select id="bg_verses_lang" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_verses_lang;
	<option <?php 
    if ($bg_verses_lang_val == "") {
        echo "selected";
    _e('Default', 'bg_bibfers');
    $path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/bible/';
    if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
        while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) {
            if (is_dir($path . $dir) && $dir != '.' && $dir != '..') {
                include $path . $dir . '/books.php';
                echo "<option ";
                if ($bg_verses_lang_val == $dir) {
                    echo "selected";
                echo " value=" . $dir . ">" . $bg_bibfers_lang_name . "</option>\n";
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Show original verse numbers', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_show_fn" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_show_fn;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_show_fn_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"> <?php 
    _e('<br><i>(Show the original verse numbers in parentheses after the verse numbers of Russian Synodal Translation in the tooltips and quotes.<br>Verses marked with asterisk * are absent in the original translation. * - always visible!)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Open links', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="radio" id="blank_window" name="<?php 
    echo $target_window;
" <?php 
    if ($target_val == "_blank") {
        echo "checked";
 value="_blank"> <?php 
    _e('in new window', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<input type="radio" id="self_window" name="<?php 
    echo $target_window;
" <?php 
    if ($target_val == "_self") {
        echo "checked";
 value="_self"> <?php 
    _e('in current window', 'bg_bibfers');
<br />
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Highlight references in the headers H1...H6', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_headers" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_headers;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_headers_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"> <br />
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Enable links to the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_interpret" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_interpret;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_interpret_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"> <?php 
    _e('<br><i>(Tooltips and Short Codes)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Enable links to the parallel passages in the Bible', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_parallel" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_parallel;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_parallel_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"> <?php 
    _e('<br><i>(Tooltips and Short Codes)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Convert references to the normalized form', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_norm_refs" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_norm_refs;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_norm_refs_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"> <br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Show Bible verses in popup', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_verses" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_verses_name;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_verses_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on" onclick='bg_verses_checked();'> <?php 
    _e('<br><i>(If this option is disabled or data are not received from the server,<br>popup showing the Bible book title, chapter number and verse numbers)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />

<!--  Дополнительные параметры -->
    _e('Additional options...', 'bg_bibfers');

<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Preload Bible verses in tooltips', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_preq" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_preq;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_preq_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"> <?php 
    _e('<br><i>(Try this option on a slow server.<br><u>Warning:</u> You can have a problem with ajax-requests limiting on the server.)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />
function bg_verses_checked() {
	if (document.getElementById('bg_verses').checked == true) {
		document.getElementById('bg_preq').disabled = false;
	} else {
		document.getElementById('bg_preq').disabled = true;
		document.getElementById('bg_preq').checked = false;

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Method of reading files', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_fgc" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_fgc_name;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_fgc_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on" onclick='reading_off_checked();'> file_get_contents()<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_fopen" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_fopen_name;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_fopen_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on" onclick='reading_off_checked();'> fopen() - fread() - fclose()<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_curl" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_curl_name;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_curl_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
 value="on" onclick='reading_off_checked();'> cURL<br />
    _e('<i>(Plugin tries to read Bible files with marked methods in the order listed.<br>To do the reading faster, disable unnecessary methods - you need one only. <br><u>Warning:</u> Some methods may not be available on your server.)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />
function reading_off_checked() {
	if (document.getElementById('bg_curl').checked == true || document.getElementById('bg_fgc').checked == true || document.getElementById('bg_fopen').checked == true) {
		document.getElementById('bg_verses').disabled = false;
	} else {
		document.getElementById('bg_verses').disabled = true;
		document.getElementById('bg_verses').checked = false;
		document.getElementById('bg_preq').disabled = true;
		document.getElementById('bg_preq').checked = false;
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Container, inside which will display tooltips', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="text" id="bg_content" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_content;
" size="20" value="<?php 
    echo $bg_content_val;
"><br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Reference links CSS class', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="text" id="links_class" name="<?php 
    echo $links_class;
" size="20" value="<?php 
    echo $class_val;
"><br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Custom file of Bible quotes', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="text" id="bg_refs_file" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_refs_file;
" size="60" value="<?php 
    echo $bg_refs_file_val;
"><br />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Debug', 'bg_bibfers');
<input type="checkbox" id="bg_bibfers_debug" name="<?php 
    echo $bg_bibfers_debug_name;
" <?php 
    if ($bg_bibfers_debug_val == "on") {
        echo "checked";
  value="on"'> <?php 
    _e('<br><i>(If you enable this option the debug information will written to the file "debug.log" in the plugin directory.<br>The file will be updated in 30 minutes after the last record, or the filesize exceed 2 Mb.<br><font color="red"><b>Disable this option after the end of debugging!</b></font>)</i>', 'bg_bibfers');
 <br />

<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Options', 'bg_bibfers');
" />


<!-- Информация о плагине -->
<td valign="top" align="left" width="45em">

<div class="bg_bibfers_info_box">

    _e('Thanks for using Bg Biblie References', 'bg_bibfers');
	<p class="bg_bibfers_gravatar"><a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
    echo get_avatar("*****@*****.**", '64');
    _e('Dear brothers and sisters!<br />Thank you for using my plugin!<br />I hope it is useful for your site.', 'bg_bibfers');
	<p class="bg_bibfers_author"><a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
    _e('Vadim Bogaiskov', 'bg_bibfers');

    _e('I like this plugin<br>– how can I thank you?', 'bg_bibfers');
    _e('There are several ways for you to say thanks:', 'bg_bibfers');
    printf(__('<a href="%1$s" target="_blank">Give a donation</a>  for the construction of the church of Sts. Peter and Fevronia in Marino', 'bg_bibfers'), "");
    printf(__('<a href="%1$s" target="_blank">Give 5 stars</a> over at the WordPress Plugin Directory', 'bg_bibfers'), "");
    printf(__('Share infotmation or make a nice blog post about the plugin', 'bg_bibfers'));
	<div class="share42init" align="center" data-url="" data-title="<?php 
    _e('Bg Bible References really cool plugin for Orthodox WordPress sites', 'bg_bibfers');
	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    printf(plugins_url('share42/share42.js', dirname(__FILE__)));

    _e('Support', 'bg_bibfers');
    printf(__('Please see the <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">support forum</a> or my <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">personal site</a> for help.', 'bg_bibfers'), "", "");
	<p class="bg_bibfers_close"><?php 
    _e("God protect you!", 'bg_bibfers');