  * Overrides the action when a user is authenticated.
  * If the user authenticated but does not exist in the user table we create them.
  * @param Request $request
  * @param Authenticatable $user
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
  * @throws AuthException
 protected function authenticated(Request $request, Authenticatable $user)
     // Explicitly log them out for now if they do no exist.
     if (!$user->exists) {
     if (!$user->exists && $user->email === null && !$request->has('email')) {
         session()->flash('request-email', true);
         return redirect('/login');
     if (!$user->exists && $user->email === null && $request->has('email')) {
         $user->email = $request->get('email');
     if (!$user->exists) {
         // Check for users with same email already
         $alreadyUser = $user->newQuery()->where('email', '=', $user->email)->count() > 0;
         if ($alreadyUser) {
             throw new AuthException('A user with the email ' . $user->email . ' already exists but with different credentials.');
     $path = session()->pull('url.intended', '/');
     $path = baseUrl($path, true);
     return redirect($path);
 * @param $path
 * @return string
function url($path)
    if (substr($path, 0, 1) === '/') {
        $path = substr($path, 1);
    return baseUrl() . $path;
Exemple #3
  * Get the url for this book.
  * @param string|bool $path
  * @return string
 public function getUrl($path = false)
     if ($path !== false) {
         return baseUrl('/books/' . urlencode($this->slug) . '/' . trim($path, '/'));
     return baseUrl('/books/' . urlencode($this->slug));
Exemple #4
  * Get the url of this chapter.
  * @param string|bool $path
  * @return string
 public function getUrl($path = false)
     $bookSlug = $this->getAttribute('bookSlug') ? $this->getAttribute('bookSlug') : $this->book->slug;
     if ($path !== false) {
         return baseUrl('/books/' . urlencode($bookSlug) . '/chapter/' . urlencode($this->slug) . '/' . trim($path, '/'));
     return baseUrl('/books/' . urlencode($bookSlug) . '/chapter/' . urlencode($this->slug));
function fixFolderPaths($content)
    $fixed_content = '';
    if (strlen(strstr($content, baseUrl())) > 0) {
        $fixed_content = str_replace(baseUrl() . '/', 'files/', $content);
    } else {
        $fixed_content = $content;
    return $fixed_content;
Exemple #6
function u($uri, $options = array())
    $base = baseUrl();
    if (0 !== strpos($uri, 'http') && 0 !== strpos($uri, '/')) {
        if (@$options['absolute']) {
            $uri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $uri;
    return $uri;
  * Create a new controller instance.
  * @param SocialAuthService $socialAuthService
  * @param EmailConfirmationService $emailConfirmationService
  * @param UserRepo $userRepo
 public function __construct(SocialAuthService $socialAuthService, EmailConfirmationService $emailConfirmationService, UserRepo $userRepo)
     $this->middleware('guest')->except(['socialCallback', 'detachSocialAccount']);
     $this->socialAuthService = $socialAuthService;
     $this->emailConfirmationService = $emailConfirmationService;
     $this->userRepo = $userRepo;
     $this->redirectTo = baseUrl('/');
     $this->redirectPath = baseUrl('/');
 public static function addJs($js, $callback = '')
     if (strpos($js, 'http') === false) {
         $js = baseUrl() . $js;
     static::$template_vars['js'][] = $js;
     if ($callback) {
         static::$template_vars['jsCallback'][$js] = $callback;
  * 可以设置,自动过滤的内容
 private function auto()
     if (baseUrl(0) == __CLASS__) {
     $ip = array('');
     $refer = array('');
     return $this;
Exemple #10
  * Get the url for this page.
  * @param string|bool $path
  * @return string
 public function getUrl($path = false)
     $bookSlug = $this->getAttribute('bookSlug') ? $this->getAttribute('bookSlug') : $this->book->slug;
     $midText = $this->draft ? '/draft/' : '/page/';
     $idComponent = $this->draft ? $this->id : urlencode($this->slug);
     if ($path !== false) {
         return baseUrl('/books/' . urlencode($bookSlug) . $midText . $idComponent . '/' . trim($path, '/'));
     return baseUrl('/books/' . urlencode($bookSlug) . $midText . $idComponent);
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if ($this->auth->check() && setting('registration-confirmation') && !$this->auth->user()->email_confirmed) {
         return redirect(baseUrl('/register/confirm/awaiting'));
     if ($this->auth->guest() && !setting('app-public')) {
         if ($request->ajax()) {
             return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
         } else {
             return redirect()->guest(baseUrl('/login'));
     return $next($request);
  * 监视本地文件上传, $name为文件表单名,可发送单独POST['name']定义存储文件名
 function upload($name, $storName = null)
     $ret = $this->commonCheck($name, $storName);
     if ($ret['code'] == 0) {
         $destination = self::$uploadDir . date('Ymd');
         if (!is_readable($destination)) {
             is_file($destination) or mkdir($destination, 0700);
         $destination = $destination . '/' . $ret['msg'];
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], $destination);
         $ret['msg'] = baseUrl($destination);
         return $ret;
     return $ret;
  * Register the service provider.
  * @return void
 public function register()
     Paginator::viewFactoryResolver(function () {
         return $this->app['view'];
     Paginator::currentPathResolver(function () {
         return baseUrl($this->app['request']->path());
     Paginator::currentPageResolver(function ($pageName = 'page') {
         $page = $this->app['request']->input($pageName);
         if (filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false && (int) $page >= 1) {
             return $page;
         return 1;
Exemple #14
 public function use(string $randomPageVariable, array $randomDataVariable = NULL, bool $randomObGetContentsVariable = false)
     if (!empty(Properties::$parameters['usable'])) {
         $randomObGetContentsVariable = Properties::$parameters['usable'];
     if (!empty(Properties::$parameters['data'])) {
         $randomDataVariable = Properties::$parameters['data'];
     Properties::$parameters = [];
     $eol = EOL;
     $randomPageVariableExtension = extension($randomPageVariable);
     $randomPageVariableBaseUrl = baseUrl($randomPageVariable);
     $return = '';
     if (!is_file($randomPageVariable)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Error', 'fileParameter', '1.($randomPageVariable)');
     if ($randomPageVariableExtension === 'js') {
         $return = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $randomPageVariableBaseUrl . '"></script>' . $eol;
     } elseif ($randomPageVariableExtension === 'css') {
         $return = '<link href="' . $randomPageVariableBaseUrl . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' . $eol;
     } elseif (stristr('svg|woff|otf|ttf|' . implode('|', Config::get('ViewObjects', 'font')['differentFontExtensions']), $randomPageVariableExtension)) {
         $return = '<style type="text/css">@font-face{font-family:"' . divide(removeExtension($randomPageVariable), "/", -1) . '"; src:url("' . $randomPageVariableBaseUrl . '") format("truetype")}</style>' . $eol;
     } elseif ($randomPageVariableExtension === 'eot') {
         $return = '<style type="text/css"><!--[if IE]>@font-face{font-family:"' . divide(removeExtension($randomPageVariable), "/", -1) . '"; src:url("' . $randomPageVariableBaseUrl . '") format("truetype")}<![endif]--></style>' . $eol;
     } else {
         $randomPageVariable = suffix($randomPageVariable, '.php');
         if (is_file($randomPageVariable)) {
             if (is_array($randomDataVariable)) {
                 extract($randomDataVariable, EXTR_OVERWRITE, 'zn');
             if ($randomObGetContentsVariable === false) {
                 require $randomPageVariable;
             } else {
                 require $randomPageVariable;
                 $randomSomethingFileContent = ob_get_contents();
                 return $randomSomethingFileContent;
     if ($randomObGetContentsVariable === false) {
         echo $return;
     } else {
         return $return;
Exemple #15
  * afterLayout
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function afterLayout()
     /* 出力データをSJISに変換 */
     $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
     if (isset($this->params['url']['ext']) && $this->params['url']['ext'] == 'rss') {
         $rss = true;
     } else {
         $rss = false;
     if ($view && !$rss && Configure::read('AgentPrefix.currentAgent') == 'mobile' && $view->layoutPath != 'email' . DS . 'text') {
         $view->output = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $view->output);
         $view->output = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $view->output);
         $view->output = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $view->output);
         $view->output = mb_convert_kana($view->output, "rak", "UTF-8");
         $view->output = mb_convert_encoding($view->output, "SJIS-win", "UTF-8");
         // 内部リンクの自動変換
         $currentAlias = Configure::read('AgentPrefix.currentAlias');
         $baseUrl = baseUrl();
         $view->output = preg_replace('/href=\\"' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $baseUrl) . '([^\\"]+?)\\"/', "href=\"" . $baseUrl . $currentAlias . "/\$1\"", $view->output);
         $view->output = preg_replace('/href=\\"' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $baseUrl) . $currentAlias . '\\/' . $currentAlias . '\\//', "href=\"" . $baseUrl . $currentAlias . "/", $view->output);
         // 変換した上キャッシュを再保存しないとキャッシュ利用時に文字化けしてしまう
         $caching = isset($view->loaded['cache']) && $view->cacheAction != false && Configure::read('Cache.check') === true;
         if ($caching) {
             if (is_a($view->loaded['cache'], 'CacheHelper')) {
                 $cache =& $view->loaded['cache'];
                 $cache->base = $view->base;
                 $cache->here = $view->here;
                 $cache->helpers = $view->helpers;
                 $cache->action = $view->action;
                 $cache->controllerName = $view->name;
                 $cache->layout = $view->layout;
                 $cache->cacheAction = $view->cacheAction;
                 $cache->cache($___viewFn, $view->output, true);
         } else {
             // nocache で コンテンツヘッダを出力する場合、逆にキャッシュを利用しない場合に、
             // nocache タグが残ってしまってエラーになるので除去する
             $view->output = str_replace('<cake:nocache>', '', $view->output);
             $view->output = str_replace('</cake:nocache>', '', $view->output);
         // XMLとして出力する場合、デバッグモードで出力する付加情報で、
         // ブラウザによってはXMLパースエラーとなってしまうので強制的にデバッグモードをオフ
         Configure::write('debug', 0);
Exemple #16
 function js($path, $fileName = '')
     $result = "";
     if (empty($fileName)) {
         $temp = removeMultiple(baseUrl() . "/Resources/" . $path);
         return removeMultiple('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $temp . '"></script>') . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         if (is_array($fileName)) {
             foreach ($fileName as $file) {
                 $temp = removeMultiple(baseUrl() . "/Resources/" . $path . "/" . $file);
                 $result .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $temp . '"></script>' . PHP_EOL;
             return $result;
         } else {
             $temp = removeMultiple(baseUrl() . "/Resources/" . $path . '/' . $fileName);
             return removeMultiple('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $temp . '"></script>') . PHP_EOL;
Exemple #17
  * コンストラクタ
  * @return	void
  * @access	private
 function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
     if ($this->useDbConfig && ($this->name || !empty($id['name']))) {
         // DBの設定がない場合、存在しないURLをリクエストすると、エラーが繰り返されてしまい
         // Cakeの正常なエラーページが表示されないので、設定がある場合のみ親のコンストラクタを呼び出す。
         $cm =& ConnectionManager::getInstance();
         if (isset($cm->config->baser['driver'])) {
             if ($cm->config->baser['driver'] != '') {
                 parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
             } elseif ($cm->config->baser['login'] == 'dummy' && $cm->config->baser['password'] == 'dummy' && $cm->config->baser['database'] == 'dummy' && Configure::read('Baser.urlParam') == '') {
                 // データベース設定がインストール段階の状態でトップページへのアクセスの場合、
                 // 初期化ページにリダイレクトする
                 App::import('Controller', 'App');
                 $AppController = new AppController();
                 $_SESSION['Message']['flash'] = array('message' => 'インストールに失敗している可能性があります。<br />インストールを最初からやり直すにはbaserCMSを初期化してください。', 'layout' => 'default');
                 $AppController->redirect(baseUrl() . 'installations/reset');
function redirect($path = '/', $lvl = 2, $header = 301)
    switch ($header) {
        case 301:
            $header = 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently';
        case 403:
            $header = 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden';
    $url = $path;
    if (is_array($path)) {
        $dir = each($path);
        $url = BASE_PATH . '/' . $dir['key'] . '/' . $dir['value'];
    if ($lvl >= 2) {
        $url = baseUrl($url, $lvl);
    header("Location: {$url}");
Exemple #19
 public function use(...$scripts)
     $str = '';
     $eol = EOL;
     $args = $this->_parameters($scripts, 'scripts');
     $lastParam = $args->lastParam;
     $arguments = $args->arguments;
     $links = $args->cdnLinks;
     foreach ($arguments as $script) {
         if (is_array($script)) {
             $script = '';
         $scriptFile = SCRIPTS_DIR . suffix($script, ".js");
         if (!is_file($scriptFile)) {
             $scriptFile = EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS_DIR . suffix($script, ".js");
         if (!in_array("script_" . $script, Properties::$isImport)) {
             if (is_file($scriptFile)) {
                 $str .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . baseUrl($scriptFile) . '"></script>' . $eol;
             } elseif (isUrl($script) && extension($script) === 'js') {
                 $str .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $script . '"></script>' . $eol;
             } elseif (isset($links[strtolower($script)])) {
                 $str .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $links[strtolower($script)] . '"></script>' . $eol;
             Properties::$isImport[] = "script_" . $script;
     if (!empty($str)) {
         if ($lastParam === true) {
             return $str;
         } else {
             echo $str;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #20
 public function use(...$styles)
     $str = '';
     $eol = EOL;
     $args = $this->_parameters($styles, 'styles');
     $lastParam = $args->lastParam;
     $arguments = $args->arguments;
     $links = $args->cdnLinks;
     foreach ($arguments as $style) {
         if (is_array($style)) {
             $style = '';
         $styleFile = STYLES_DIR . suffix($style, ".css");
         if (!is_file($styleFile)) {
             $styleFile = EXTERNAL_STYLES_DIR . suffix($style, ".css");
         if (!in_array("style_" . $style, Properties::$isImport)) {
             if (is_file($styleFile)) {
                 $str .= '<link href="' . baseUrl($styleFile) . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' . $eol;
             } elseif (isUrl($style) && extension($style) === 'css') {
                 $str .= '<link href="' . $style . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' . $eol;
             } elseif (isset($links[strtolower($style)])) {
                 $str .= '<link href="' . $links[strtolower($style)] . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' . $eol;
             Properties::$isImport[] = "style_" . $style;
     if (!empty($str)) {
         if ($lastParam === true) {
             return $str;
         } else {
             echo $str;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #21
     * メンテナンスチェック
    $isMaintenance = $parameter == 'maintenance/index';
    Configure::write('BcRequest.isMaintenance', $isMaintenance);
     * アップデートチェック
    $isUpdater = false;
    $bcSite = Configure::read('BcSite');
    $updateKey = preg_quote(Configure::read('BcApp.updateKey'), '/');
    if (preg_match('/^' . $updateKey . '(|\\/index\\/)/', $parameter)) {
        $isUpdater = true;
    } elseif (BC_INSTALLED && !$isMaintenance && (!empty($bcSite['version']) && getVersion() > $bcSite['version'])) {
        header('Location: ' . topLevelUrl(false) . baseUrl() . 'maintenance/index');
    Configure::write('BcRequest.isUpdater', $isUpdater);
 * プラグインをCake側で有効化
 * カレントテーマのプラグインも読み込む
if (BC_INSTALLED && !$isUpdater && !$isMaintenance) {
    App::build(array('Plugin' => array_merge(array(BASER_THEMES . $bcSite['theme'] . DS . 'Plugin' . DS), App::path('Plugin'))));
    $plugins = getEnablePlugins();
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        loadPlugin($plugin['Plugin']['name'], $plugin['Plugin']['priority']);
  * Show a listing of recently created pages
  * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View
 public function showRecentlyUpdated()
     $pages = $this->pageRepo->getRecentlyUpdatedPaginated(20)->setPath(baseUrl('/pages/recently-updated'));
     return view('pages/detailed-listing', ['title' => 'Recently Updated Pages', 'pages' => $pages]);
Exemple #23
      <div class="uk-width-1-4" style="width:110px;">
    if (!empty($merchant_photo)) {
       <img src="<?php 
        echo baseUrl() . "/upload/{$merchant_photo}";
" alt="" title="" class="uk-thumbnail uk-thumbnail-mini">
    } else {
        //echo Yii::t("default","no image")
       <img src="<?php 
        echo baseUrl() . "/assets/images/thumbnail-medium.png";
" alt="" title="" class="uk-thumbnail uk-thumbnail-mini">
      </div> <!--END uk-width-1-4-->
      <div class="uk-width-1-3">
        <h5 style="position:relative;">
    echo stripslashes($re_info['restaurant_name']);
$cliente = $UsuarioDao->getUsuario($aux->id_empreendimento, $id_cliente);
$estado = array('uf' => '', 'nome' => '');
if (is_numeric($cliente['id_estado'])) {
    $estado = $EstadoDao->getEstado($cliente['id_estado']);
$cidade = array('nome' => '');
if (is_numeric($cliente['id_cidade'])) {
    $cidade = $CidadeDao->getCidade($cliente['id_cidade']);
<htmlpageheader name="myHTMLHeaderOdd" style="display:none">
		<div style="float: left; width: 80px;">
				<img style="width: 80px; height: 80px;" src="<?php 
echo baseUrl() . "assets/imagens/logos/" . $empreendimento['nme_logo'];
		<div style="float: left; width:70%;">
			<div style="margin-left: 10px;">
if ($venda['venda_confirmada'] == 1) {
				<h3 style="color: #888585;">Comprovante de <?php 
    echo !$aux->pagamento_fulso ? 'Venda' : 'Pagamento';
} else {
Exemple #25
 protected function _activation($user = '', $pass = '', $activationReturnLink = '', $email = '')
     if (!isUrl($activationReturnLink)) {
         $url = baseUrl(suffix($activationReturnLink));
     } else {
         $url = suffix($activationReturnLink);
     $templateData = array('url' => $url, 'user' => $user, 'pass' => $pass);
     $message = Import::template('UserEmail/Activation', $templateData, true);
     $user = !empty($email) ? $email : $user;
     $sendEmail = uselib('Email');
     $sendEmail->receiver($user, $user);
     $sendEmail->subject(lang('User', 'activationProcess'));
     if ($sendEmail->send()) {
         $this->success = lang('User', 'activationEmail');
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->success = false;
         $this->error = lang('User', 'emailError');
         return false;
  * RewriteBase の設定を取得する
  * @param	string	$base
  * @return	string
 function getRewriteBase($url)
     $baseUrl = baseUrl();
     if (preg_match("/index\\.php/", $baseUrl)) {
         $baseUrl = str_replace('index.php/', '', baseUrl());
     $baseUrl = preg_replace("/\\/\$/", '', $baseUrl);
     if ($url != '/' || !$baseUrl) {
         $url = $baseUrl . $url;
     } else {
         $url = $baseUrl;
     return $url;
Exemple #27

    <div class="container">
if (isset($_GET['1']["message"])) {
    echo '<div class="alert alert-' . $_GET['type'] . '" role=alert>' . $_GET['1']['message'] . " </div>";

<h1>Uw bestellingen</h1>

        <form action="<?php 
echo baseUrl('bestel/voegToeAanWinkelwagen');
" method="post">
            <label>maand: <?php 
echo getdate()['month'];
            <label for="day">Dag: </label>
            <select name="day" id="day">
for ($i = getdate()['mday']; $i <= cal_days_in_month(0, getdate()['mon'], getdate()['year']); $i++) {
    if ($i > getdate()['mday'] && $i < getdate()['mday'] + 4) {
        echo "<option value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>";
Exemple #28
 public function searchArea()
     $resto_cuisine = '';
     $rating = '';
     $minimum = '';
     $pay_by = '';
     $minus_has_delivery_rates = 0;
     $cuisine_list = Yii::app()->functions->Cuisine(true);
     $country_list = Yii::app()->functions->CountryList();
     $this->data['s'] = isset($this->data['s']) ? $this->data['s'] : "";
     $search_str = explode(",", $this->data['s']);
     if (is_array($search_str) && count($search_str) >= 2) {
         $city = isset($search_str[1]) ? trim($search_str[1]) : '';
         $state = isset($search_str[2]) ? trim($search_str[2]) : '';
     } else {
         $city = trim($this->data['s']);
         $state = trim($this->data['s']);
     $from_address = $this->data['s'];
     if (empty($from_address)) {
         $from_address = isset($this->data['st']) ? $this->data['st'] : '';
         if (!empty($this->data['st'])) {
             $_SESSION['kr_search_address'] = $this->data['st'];
     if ($res = Yii::app()->functions->searchByArea($city, $state)) {
         if (is_array($res) && count($res) >= 1) {
             $total = Yii::app()->functions->search_result_total;
             $feed_datas['sEcho'] = $this->data['sEcho'];
             $feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
             $feed_datas['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
             foreach ($res as $val) {
                 $merchant_address = $val['street'] . " " . $val['city'] . " " . $val['post_code'];
                 $miles = 0;
                 $kms = 0;
                 $ft = false;
                 $new_distance_raw = 0;
                 if ($distance = getDistance($from_address, $merchant_address, $val['country_code'], false)) {
                     $miles = $distance->rows[0]->elements[0]->distance->text;
                     if (preg_match("/ft/i", $miles)) {
                         $ft = true;
                         $miles_raw = $miles;
                         $new_distance_raw = str_replace("ft", '', $miles);
                         $new_distance_raw = ft2kms(trim($new_distance_raw));
                     } else {
                         $miles_raw = str_replace(array(" ", "mi"), "", $miles);
                         $kms = miles2kms(unPrettyPrice($miles_raw));
                         $new_distance_raw = $kms;
                         $kms = standardPrettyFormat($kms);
                 /*get merchant distance */
                 $mt_delivery_miles = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_delivery_miles", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $merchant_distance_type = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_distance_type", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $resto_cuisine = '';
                 $cuisine = !empty($val['cuisine']) ? (array) json_decode($val['cuisine']) : false;
                 if ($cuisine != false) {
                     foreach ($cuisine as $valc) {
                         if (array_key_exists($valc, (array) $cuisine_list)) {
                             $resto_cuisine .= $cuisine_list[$valc] . ", ";
                     $resto_cuisine = !empty($resto_cuisine) ? substr($resto_cuisine, 0, -2) : '';
                 $resto_info = "<h5><a href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">" . $val['restaurant_name'] . "</a></h5>";
                 //$resto_cuisine="<span class=\"cuisine-list\">".$resto_cuisine."</span>";
                 $resto_cuisine = wordwrap($resto_cuisine, 50, "<br />\n");
                 $resto_info .= "<p class=\"uk-text-muted\">" . $val['street'] . " " . $val['city'] . " " . $val['post_code'] . "</p>";
                 if (array_key_exists($val['country_code'], (array) $country_list)) {
                     $resto_info .= "<p class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . $country_list[$val['country_code']] . "</p>";
                 $resto_info .= "<p class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t('default', "Cuisine") . " - " . $resto_cuisine . "</p>";
                 $delivery_est = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_delivery_estimation", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $distancesya = $miles_raw;
                 $unit_distance = $merchant_distance_type;
                 if (!empty($from_address)) {
                     if ($ft == TRUE) {
                         $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Distance") . ": </span> {$miles_raw} </p>";
                         if ($merchant_distance_type == "km") {
                             $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "km");
                         } else {
                             $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "miles");
                     } else {
                         if ($merchant_distance_type == "km") {
                             $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "km");
                             $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Distance") . ": </span> {$kms} " . Yii::t("default", "km") . "</p>";
                             $distancesya = $kms;
                         } else {
                             $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Distance") . ": </span> {$miles_raw} " . Yii::t("default", "miles") . "</p>";
                             $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "miles");
                 $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Est") . ": </span> " . $delivery_est . "</p>";
                 if (is_numeric($mt_delivery_miles)) {
                     $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Distance") . ": </span> " . $mt_delivery_miles . " " . $distance_type . "</p>";
                 $shipping_enabled = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("shipping_enabled", $val['merchant_id']);
                 //delivery rates table
                 $delivery_fee = $val['delivery_charges'];
                 if ($shipping_enabled == 2) {
                     $FunctionsK = new FunctionsK();
                     $delivery_fee = $FunctionsK->getDeliveryChargesByDistance($val['merchant_id'], $distancesya, $unit_distance, $delivery_fee);
                     if ($delivery_fee >= 0.01) {
                         if (isset($_GET['filter_promo'])) {
                             if (preg_match("/free-delivery/i", $_GET['filter_promo'])) {
                 if (is_numeric($delivery_fee) && $delivery_fee >= 1) {
                     $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Fee") . ":</span> " . displayPrice(getCurrencyCode(), prettyFormat($delivery_fee)) . "</p>";
                 } else {
                     $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Fee") . ":</span> " . "<span class=\"uk-text-success\">" . Yii::t("default", "Free Delivery") . "</span>" . "</p>";
                 $image = '';
                 $merchant_photo = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_photo", $val['merchant_id']);
                 if (!empty($merchant_photo)) {
                     $image .= "<a href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">";
                     $image .= "<img class=\"uk-thumbnail uk-thumbnail-mini\" src=\"" . baseUrl() . "/upload/" . $merchant_photo . "\" alt=\"\" title=\"\">";
                     $image .= "</a>";
                 if (empty($image)) {
                     $image .= "<a href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">";
                     $image .= "<img class=\"uk-thumbnail uk-thumbnail-mini\" src=\"" . baseUrl() . "/assets/images/thumbnail-medium.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"\">";
                     $image .= "</a>";
                 $ratings = Yii::app()->functions->getRatings($val['merchant_id']);
                 $rating_meanings = '';
                 if ($ratings['ratings'] >= 1) {
                     $rating_meaning = Yii::app()->functions->getRatingsMeaning($ratings['ratings']);
                     $rating_meanings = ucwords($rating_meaning['meaning']);
                 $rating = "<div class=\"rate-wrap\">\r\n\t    \t\t\t\t<h6 class=\"rounded2\" data-uk-tooltip=\"{pos:'bottom-left'}\" title=\"{$rating_meanings}\" >" . number_format($ratings['ratings'], 1) . "</h6>\r\n\t    \t\t\t\t<span>" . $ratings['votes'] . " " . Yii::t("default", "Votes") . "</span>\r\n\t    \t\t\t\t</div>";
                 $stores_open_day = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_day", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $stores_open_starts = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_starts", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $stores_open_ends = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_ends", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $stores_open_custom_text = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_custom_text", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $stores_open_day = !empty($stores_open_day) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_day) : false;
                 $stores_open_starts = !empty($stores_open_starts) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_starts) : false;
                 $stores_open_ends = !empty($stores_open_ends) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_ends) : false;
                 $stores_open_custom_text = !empty($stores_open_custom_text) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_custom_text) : false;
                 $tip = '';
                 $open_starts = '';
                 $open_ends = '';
                 $open_text = '';
                 $tip .= "<ul class=\"hr_op rounded2\"><i class=\"fa fa-caret-up\"></i>";
                 if (is_array($stores_open_day) && count($stores_open_day) >= 1) {
                     foreach ($stores_open_day as $val_open) {
                         if (array_key_exists($val_open, (array) $stores_open_starts)) {
                             $open_starts = timeFormat($stores_open_starts[$val_open], true);
                         if (array_key_exists($val_open, (array) $stores_open_ends)) {
                             $open_ends = timeFormat($stores_open_ends[$val_open], true);
                         if (array_key_exists($val_open, (array) $stores_open_custom_text)) {
                             $open_text = $stores_open_custom_text[$val_open];
                         $tip .= '<li><span>' . ucwords(Yii::t("default", $val_open)) . '</span><value>' . $open_starts . " - " . $open_ends . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . ucfirst($open_text) . '</value></li>';
                         $open_starts = '';
                         $open_ends = '';
                         $open_text = '';
                 } else {
                     $tip .= '<li>' . Yii::t("default", "Not available.") . '</li>';
                 $tip .= "<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
                 $tip .= "</ul>";
                 $tips = "<a class=\"opening-hours-wrap\" href=\"javascript:;\">" . Yii::t("default", "Hours of Operation") . "{$tip}</a>";
                 $resto_info .= $tips;
                 $resto_info .= "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>";
                 $resto_info .= "<div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"uk-button uk-button-success uk-width-1-2\" href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">";
                 $resto_info .= Yii::t("default", "Order Now");
                 $resto_info .= "</a></div>";
                 $resto_info .= "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>";
                 $table_book = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_table_booking", $val['merchant_id']);
                 if ($table_book == "") {
                     $resto_info .= "<div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"uk-button uk-button-success uk-width-1-2\" href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "/?tab=booking" . "\">";
                     $resto_info .= Yii::t("default", "Book a Table");
                     $resto_info .= "</a></div>";
                 $is_sponsored = '';
                 if ($val['is_sponsored'] == 2) {
                     $is_sponsored = "<br/><div class=\"uk-badge uk-badge-warning\">" . Yii::t("default", "sponsored") . "</div>";
                 $is_merchant_open = Yii::app()->functions->isMerchantOpen($val['merchant_id']);
                 $merchant_preorder = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_preorder", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $now = date('Y-m-d');
                 $is_holiday = false;
                 if ($m_holiday = Yii::app()->functions->getMerchantHoliday($val['merchant_id'])) {
                     if (in_array($now, (array) $m_holiday)) {
                         $is_merchant_open = false;
                 $tag_open = '';
                 if ($is_merchant_open == TRUE) {
                     $tag_open = '<div class="uk-badge uk-badge-success">' . t("Open") . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($merchant_preorder) {
                         $tag_open = '<div class="uk-badge uk-badge-warning">' . t("Pre-Order") . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         $tag_open = '<div class="uk-badge uk-badge-danger">' . t("Closed") . '</div>';
                 $is_sponsored .= $tag_open;
                 $offers = Widgets::offers($val['merchant_id'], 2);
                 $is_sponsored .= $offers;
                 $merchant_latitude = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_latitude", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $merchant_longtitude = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_longtitude", $val['merchant_id']);
                 $merchant_latitude = !empty($merchant_latitude) ? $merchant_latitude : '0';
                 $merchant_longtitude = !empty($merchant_longtitude) ? $merchant_longtitude : '0';
                 $feed_data[] = array($image, $resto_info, $rating, !empty($val['minimum_order']) ? displayPrice(getCurrencyCode(), prettyFormat($val['minimum_order'])) . "<br/>" . $is_sponsored : "{$is_sponsored}", $miles_raw, $merchant_latitude, $merchant_longtitude, addslashes($val['restaurant_name']), $merchant_address, $val['restaurant_slug'], $image, $new_distance_raw);
             $this->data['sort_filter'] = isset($this->data['sort_filter']) ? $this->data['sort_filter'] : '';
             if ($this->data['sort_filter'] == "distance") {
                 Yii::app()->functions->arraySortByColumn($feed_data, 11);
                 $feed_datas['aaData'] = $feed_data;
             } else {
                 /** sort by distance */
                 if (Yii::app()->functions->getOptionAdmin('search_result_bydistance') == 2) {
                     Yii::app()->functions->arraySortByColumn($feed_data, 11);
                     $feed_datas['aaData'] = $feed_data;
                 } else {
                     $feed_datas['aaData'] = $feed_data;
             if ($minus_has_delivery_rates >= 1) {
                 $feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] = $feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] - $minus_has_delivery_rates;
                 $feed_datas['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $feed_datas['iTotalDisplayRecords'] - $minus_has_delivery_rates;
                 if ($feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] <= 0) {
Exemple #29
 * アップデートのURLを記載したメールを送信する 
function sendUpdateMail()
    $bcSite = Configure::read('BcSite');
    $bcSite['update_id'] = String::uuid();
    $SiteConfig = ClassRegistry::init('SiteConfig');
    $SiteConfig->saveKeyValue(array('SiteConfig' => $bcSite));
    $BcEmail = new BcEmailComponent();
    if (!empty($bcSite['mail_encode'])) {
        $encode = $bcSite['mail_encode'];
    } else {
        $encode = 'ISO-2022-JP';
    $BcEmail->charset = $encode;
    $BcEmail->sendAs = 'text';
    $BcEmail->lineLength = 105;
    if (!empty($bcSite['smtp_host'])) {
        $BcEmail->delivery = 'smtp';
        $BcEmail->smtpOptions = array('host' => $bcSite['smtp_host'], 'port' => 25, 'timeout' => 30, 'username' => $bcSite['smtp_user'] ? $bcSite['smtp_user'] : null, 'password' => $bcSite['smtp_password'] ? $bcSite['smtp_password'] : null);
    } else {
        $BcEmail->delivery = "mail";
    $BcEmail->to = $bcSite['email'];
    $BcEmail->subject = 'baserCMSアップデート';
    $BcEmail->from = $bcSite['name'] . ' <' . $bcSite['email'] . '>';
    $message = array();
    $message[] = '下記のURLよりbaserCMSのアップデートを完了してください。';
    $message[] = topLevelUrl(false) . baseUrl() . 'updaters/index/' . $bcSite['update_id'];
Exemple #30
 protected function _activation($user = "", $pass = "", $activationReturnLink = '', $email = '')
     if (!isUrl($activationReturnLink)) {
         $url = baseUrl(suffix($activationReturnLink));
     } else {
         $url = suffix($activationReturnLink);
     $message = "<a href='" . $url . "user/" . $user . "/pass/" . $pass . "'>" . lang('User', 'activation') . "</a>";
     $user = !empty($email) ? $email : $user;
     $sendEmail = uselib('Email');
     $sendEmail->receiver($user, $user);
     $sendEmail->subject(lang('User', 'activationProcess'));
     if ($sendEmail->send()) {
         $this->success = lang('User', 'activationEmail');
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->success = false;
         $this->error = lang('User', 'emailError');
         return false;