function rosterProp($member, $prop) { global $SEMESTER; $html = ''; switch ($prop) { case "Contact": $html .= "<a href='tel:" . $member["phone"] . "'>" . $member["phone"] . "</a><br><a href='mailto:" . $member['email'] . "'>" . $member["email"] . "</a>"; break; case "Location": $html .= $member["location"]; break; case "Balance": $balance = balance($member['email']); if ($balance < 0) { $html .= "<span class='moneycell' style='color: red'>{$balance}</span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='moneycell'>{$balance}</span>"; } break; case "Dues": $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select sum(`amount`) as `balance` from `transaction` where `memberID` = '" . $member['email'] . "' and `type` = 'dues' and `semester` = '{$SEMESTER}'")); $balance = $result['balance']; if ($balance == '') { $balance = 0; } if ($balance >= 0) { $html .= "<span class='duescell' style='color: green'>{$balance}</span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='duescell' style='color: red'>{$balance}</span>"; } break; default: $html .= "???"; break; } return $html; }
if (!preg_match("/^[0-9A-Z]*\$/", $first)) { $errors[] = 'Wrong Vehicle Number format.'; } } ?> <?php if (empty($errors) === true) { $vehicle_number = $first; $vehicle_exists = vehicle_exists($vehicle_number); if ($vehicle_exists === false) { $errors[] = 'Vehicle Number ' . $vehicle_number . ' registered. Bill Manually!!!'; } else { stolen_alert($vehicle_number, $user_data); $balance = balance($vehicle_number, $user_data); if ($balance === false) { $errors[] = 'Vehicle Number' . $vehicle_number . 'balance is low. Bill Manually!!!'; $data1 = array(); $data1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `vehicle` WHERE `vehicle_number` = '{$vehicle_number}'")); $vehicle_owner_id = $data1['vehicle_owner_id']; $data2 = array(); $data2 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user_id` = '{$vehicle_owner_id}'")); $email = $data2['email']; $body = "Your Current Balance is " . $data2['balance'] . " which is low. Recharge Urgently."; $sub = "Toll Booth Transaction"; $bool = sendMail($email, $body, $sub); } else { $errors[] = 'Vehicle Number ' . $vehicle_number . ' billed successfully!'; $data1 = array(); tb_owner_detail($vehicle_number, $user_data);
function rosterProp($member, $prop) { global $SEMESTER, $CHOIR; if (!$CHOIR) { die("No choir selected"); } $html = ''; switch ($prop) { case "Section": $section = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select `sectionType`.`name` from `sectionType`, `activeSemester` where `sectionType`.`id` = `activeSemester`.`section` and `activeSemester`.`choir` = '{$CHOIR}' and `activeSemester`.`semester` = '{$SEMESTER}' and `activeSemester`.`member` = '" . $member["email"] . "'")); $html .= $section['name']; break; case "Contact": $html .= "<a href='tel:" . $member["phone"] . "'>" . $member["phone"] . "</a><br><a href='mailto:" . $member['email'] . "'>" . $member["email"] . "</a>"; break; case "Location": $html .= $member["location"]; break; case "Car": if ($member["passengers"] == 0) { $html .= "No"; } else { $html .= $member["passengers"] . " passengers"; } break; case "Enrollment": $enr = enrollment($member["email"]); if ($enr == "class") { $html .= "<span style=\"color: blue\">class</span>"; } else { if ($enr == "club") { $html .= "club"; } else { $html .= "<span style=\"color: gray\">inactive</span>"; } } break; case "Balance": $balance = balance($member['email']); if ($balance < 0) { $html .= "<span class='moneycell' style='color: red'>{$balance}</span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='moneycell'>{$balance}</span>"; } break; case "Dues": $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select sum(`amount`) as `balance` from `transaction` where `memberID` = '" . $member['email'] . "' and `type` = 'dues' and `semester` = '{$SEMESTER}'")); $balance = $result['balance']; if ($balance == '') { $balance = 0; } if ($balance >= 0) { $html .= "<span class='duescell' style='color: green'>{$balance}</span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='duescell' style='color: red'>{$balance}</span>"; } break; case "Gigs": $gigcount = attendance($member["email"], 3); $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select `gigreq` from `semester` where `semester` = '{$SEMESTER}'")); $gigreq = $result['gigreq']; if ($gigcount >= $gigreq) { $html .= "<span class='gigscell' style='color: green'>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='gigscell' style='color: red'>"; } $html .= "{$gigcount}</span>"; break; case "Score": if (enrollment($member["email"]) == 'inactive') { $grade = "--"; } else { $grade = attendance($member["email"], 0); } $html .= "<span class='gradecell'"; if (enrollment($member["email"]) == "class" && $grade < 80) { $html .= " style=\"color: red\""; } $html .= ">{$grade}</span>"; break; case "Tie": $html .= "<span class='tiecell' "; $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select sum(`amount`) as `amount` from `transaction` where `memberID` = '" . $member['email'] . "' and `type` = 'deposit'")); $tieamount = $result['amount']; if ($tieamount == '') { $tieamount = 0; } if ($tieamount >= fee("tie")) { $html .= "style='color: green'"; } else { $html .= "style='color: red'"; } $html .= ">"; $query = mysql_query("select `tie` from `tieBorrow` where `member` = '" . $member['email'] . "' and `dateIn` is null"); if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 0) { $result = mysql_fetch_array($query); $html .= $result['tie']; } else { $html .= "•"; } $html .= "</span>"; break; default: $html .= "???"; break; } return $html; }
<?php require "settings.php"; if (isset($_REQUEST["key"])) { switch ($_REQUEST["key"]) { case "select": $OUTPUT = select(); break; case "balance": $OUTPUT = balance(); break; case "balance_update": $OUTPUT = balance_update(); break; case "reason": $OUTPUT = reason(); break; case "reason_update": $OUTPUT = reason_update(); break; case "comments": $OUTPUT = comments(); break; case "comments_update": $OUTPUT = comments_update(); break; } } else { $OUTPUT = select(); } require "template.php";
function info($userEmail) { global $SEMESTER, $CHOIR; $html = ""; $sql = "select sum(`amount`) as `balance` from `transaction` where `memberID` = '{$userEmail}' and `type` = 'dues' and `semester` = '{$SEMESTER}'"; $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); $dues = $result['balance']; if ($dues == '') { $dues = 0; } $sql = "select sum(`amount`) as `balance` from `transaction` where `memberID` = '{$userEmail}' and `type` = 'deposit'"; $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); $tie = $result['balance']; if ($tie == '') { $tie = 0; } $html .= "<table><tr><td>"; if ($dues >= 0) { $html .= "<span class='color: green'><i class='icon-ok'></i></span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='color: red'><i class='icon-remove'></i></span>"; } $html .= "</td><td>Dues</td></tr><tr><td>"; if ($tie >= fee("tie")) { $html .= "<span class='color: green'><i class='icon-ok'></i></span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='color: red'><i class='icon-remove'></i></span>"; } $html .= "</td><td>Tie Deposit</td></tr></table><br>"; $sql = "select `tie` from `tieBorrow` where `member` = '{$userEmail}' and `dateIn` is null"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0) { $html .= "You do <b>not</b> have a tie checked out."; } else { $result = mysql_fetch_array($query); $html .= "You have tie <b>" . $result['tie'] . "</b> checked out."; } $html .= "<br>"; $balance = balance($userEmail); $choir = choirname($CHOIR); if ($balance > 0) { $html .= "{$choir} owes you <span style='font-weight: bold; color: blue'>\${$balance}</span>."; } else { if ($balance < 0) { $balance *= -1; $html .= "You owe {$choir} <span style='font-weight: bold; color: red'>\${$balance}</span>."; } else { $html .= "Your {$choir} balance is <span style='font-weight: bold'>\$0</span>."; } } $html .= "<br><br>" . user_money_table($userEmail); return "{$html}"; }
case "FTC": $address = $feathercoin->getnewaddress(); $coin = 'FTC'; break; } $insert_query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `address` (`vtc`, `type`, `address`) VALUES (:vtc, :type, :address)"); $insert_query->bindParam(':vtc', $_POST['address'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_query->bindParam(':type', $coin, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_query->bindParam(':address', $address, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_query->execute(); } echo $address; break; case 'balance': balance($darkcoin->listunspent(121, 1000), 'DRK'); balance($feathercoin->listunspent(121, 1000), 'FTC'); break; case 'tocryptsy': tocryptsy('DRK', '0.1', '1.5', $cryptsy_drk); tocryptsy('FTC', '5', '50', $cryptsy_ftc); break; case "order_id": order_id('DRK', 155); order_id('FTC', 5); break; case "buy_vtc": buy_vtc('DRK', 151); buy_vtc('FTC', 151); break; case "check_buy": check_buy(151);
<pre> <?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/private/config.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/private/init/mysql.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/private/func.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/private/wallets.php'; balance($bitcoin->listtransactions("*", 100000)); send2site(); payout();
echo "<input type=hidden name=cardno value={$cardno} />"; echo "</form>"; return; // not done adding yet } /* adp id wasn't found, so a form of * some kind was submitted to fill it in */ if (isset($_POST['adpID'])) { $cardno = $_POST['cardno']; $adpID = $_POST['adpID']; // the user provided an adp id if ($adpID != 'None of these') { $insQ = $sql->prepare("insert into staffID values (?,?,1)"); $insR = $sql->execute($insQ, array($cardno, $adpID)); balance($cardno); echo "Member #{$cardno} added to staff AR"; } else { echo "Enter the employee's ADP ID#<br />"; echo "<form method=post action=staffARmanager.php>"; echo "<input type=text name=adpID value=100 /> "; echo "<input type=submit value=Submit />"; echo "<input type=hidden name=cardno value={$cardno} />"; echo "</form>"; return; // not done adding yet } } // add the correct balance for the cardno to staffAR function balance($cardno) {
function bid($data = array(), $extend = false, $bid_description = null) { $db = Database::getInstance(); $canBid = true; $message = ''; if (empty($data['user_id'])) { $message = 'Connectez-vous'; $canBid = false; $data['user_id'] = 0; } // Get the auction $auction_id = $data['auction_id']; $auction = $db->getRow("SELECT id, product_id, start_time, end_time, type, price, status_id, peak_only, closed, minimum_price, pred_cost, extends_bids, users_bids, created FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE id = {$auction_id}"); if (!empty($auction)) { if (!empty($auction['free']) || $auction['type'] == 1) { $data['bid_debit'] = 0; } if ($auction['type'] == 8) { $already_bid = $db->getRow("SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bids WHERE user_id={$data['user_id']} && auction_id={$auction['id']} AND debit > 0"); if (!empty($already_bid)) { if ($auction['status_id'] == 1) { $message = 'Enchère non commencée'; $canBid = false; } $data['bid_debit'] = 0; } else { $data['bid_debit'] = $auction['pred_cost']; } $firstDay = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - date("w") + 1, date("Y"))); $lastDay = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), 7 - date("w") + date("d"), date("Y"))); $check_win = $db->getRow("SELECT count(id) AS total FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE winner_id={$data['user_id']} AND end_time BETWEEN '{$firstDay}' AND '{$lastDay}'"); if ($check_win['total'] >= 3) { $message = 'Vous avez déjà remporté 3 enchères cette semaine'; $canBid = false; } } if (!empty($auction['closed']) && $extend == false && !@$data['autobid']) { $message = 'Enchère terminée'; $canBid = false; } if (!empty($auction['peak_only'])) { if (empty($data['isPeakNow'])) { $message = 'Enchère limitée'; $canBid = false; } } if ($extend == true) { $balance = $data['bid_debit']; } else { $balance = balance($data['user_id']); } if ($auction['type'] == 5 && $extend == false) { $already_win = $db->getRow("SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE winner_id={$data['user_id']}"); if ($already_win) { $message = 'Enchère pour débutants'; $canBid = false; } } if ($auction['type'] == 6 && $extend == false) { $product = $db->getRow("SELECT price FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "products WHERE id={$auction['product_id']}"); $bid_value = $db->getRow("SELECT value FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "settings WHERE name='bid_value'"); if ($balance * $bid_value['value'] < $product['price']) { $message = 'Enchère pour VIP'; $canBid = false; } } $latest_bid = lastBid($data['auction_id']); if (!empty($latest_bid) && $latest_bid['user_id'] == $data['user_id'] && $auction['type'] != 4) { $message = "Vous avez la main"; $canBid = false; } if (!empty($latest_bid)) { $theTime = time() - strtotime($latest_bid['created']); if ($latest_bid['description'] == 'auto') { if ($theTime < 5) { $canBid = false; } } else { if ($theTime < 2) { $canBid = false; } } } /* $bought = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ". DB_PREFIX ."auctions WHERE buy_id=".$auction['id']." AND winner_id=".$data['user_id']."")); if(!empty($bought)) { $message = "Produit acheté"; $canBid = false; } */ if ($canBid == true) { if ($balance >= $data['bid_debit']) { if ($auction['type'] == 8 && $auction['status_id'] == 1) { $auction['price'] = $auction['price']; $bid_description = 'participation'; } else { $auction['price'] += $data['price_increment']; } if ($auction['type'] != 4 && $auction['type'] != 1 && $auction['type'] != 8) { if (strtotime($auction['end_time']) - time() > $data['time_increment']) { $auction['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($auction['end_time']) + $data['time_increment']); } else { $auction['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $data['time_increment']); } } if ($extend == true) { $auction['extends_bids']++; } else { $auction['users_bids']++; } $bid['user_id'] = $data['user_id']; $bid['auction_id'] = $auction['id']; $bid['price'] = $auction['price']; $bid['credit'] = 0; $bid['debit'] = $data['bid_debit']; if (!empty($bid_description)) { $bid['description'] = $bid_description; } elseif (!empty($data['autobid'])) { $bid['description'] = "auto"; } else { $bid['description'] = "manuel"; } if (!empty($data['autobid'])) { $autobids = $db->getRow("SELECT bids FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "autobids WHERE id = " . $data['autobid']); if (!empty($autobids)) { if ($autobids['bids'] >= $data['bid_debit']) { $autobids['bids'] -= $data['bid_debit']; $db->update("autobids", array('bids' => $autobids['bids']), "id = {$data['autobid']}"); } else { return $auction; } } } $auction['leader_id'] = $data['user_id']; $success = $db->update("auctions", array('end_time' => $auction['end_time'], 'price' => $auction['price'], 'extends_bids' => $auction['extends_bids'], 'users_bids' => $auction['users_bids'], 'leader_id' => $auction['leader_id']), "id = {$auction['id']}"); if ($success) { $db->insert("bids", array('user_id' => $bid['user_id'], 'auction_id' => $bid['auction_id'], 'price' => $bid['price'], 'description' => $bid['description'], 'credit' => $bid['credit'], 'debit' => $bid['debit'], 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); clearCache($auction['id'], $data['user_id']); $message = "offre validée"; } else { $message = "problème"; } $auction['Auction']['success'] = true; $auction['Bid']['description'] = $bid['description']; $auction['Bid']['user_id'] = $bid['user_id']; } else { $message = "Vous n'avez plus d'offres"; $message .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> window.location.replace("/packages"); </script>'; } } if ($auction['type'] != 4) { fixDoubleBids($auction['id']); } echo $message; } else { return false; } }
function rosterProp($member, $prop) { global $SEMESTER, $CHOIR; if (!$CHOIR) { die("No choir selected"); } $html = ''; switch ($prop) { case "Section": $section = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select `sectionType`.`name` from `sectionType`, `activeSemester` where `sectionType`.`id` = `activeSemester`.`section` and `activeSemester`.`choir` = '{$CHOIR}' and `activeSemester`.`semester` = '{$SEMESTER}' and `activeSemester`.`member` = '" . $member["email"] . "'")); $html .= $section['name']; break; case "Contact": $html .= "<a href='tel:" . $member["phone"] . "'>" . $member["phone"] . "</a><br><a href='mailto:" . $member['email'] . "'>" . $member["email"] . "</a>"; break; case "Location": $html .= $member["location"]; break; case "Balance": $balance = balance($member['email']); if ($balance < 0) { $html .= "<span class='moneycell' style='color: red'>{$balance}</span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='moneycell'>{$balance}</span>"; } break; case "Dues": $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select sum(`amount`) as `balance` from `transaction` where `memberID` = '" . $member['email'] . "' and `type` = 'dues' and `semester` = '{$SEMESTER}'")); $balance = $result['balance']; if ($balance == '') { $balance = 0; } if ($balance >= 0) { $html .= "<span class='duescell' style='color: green'>{$balance}</span>"; } else { $html .= "<span class='duescell' style='color: red'>{$balance}</span>"; } break; case "Score": if (enrollment($member["email"]) == 'inactive') { $grade = "--"; } else { $grade = attendance($member["email"], 0); } $html .= "<span class='gradecell'"; if (enrollment($member["email"]) == "class" && $grade < 80) { $html .= " style=\"color: red\""; } $html .= ">{$grade}</span>"; break; default: $html .= "???"; break; } return $html; }