?> '> <div class='container'> <div class='template-page template-portfolio content <?php avia_layout_class('content'); ?> units'> <?php /* Run the loop to output the posts. * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file * called loop-page.php and that will be used instead. */ $avia_config['size'] = avia_layout_class('main', false) == 'entry_without_sidebar' ? '' : 'entry_with_sidebar'; get_template_part('includes/loop', 'portfolio-single'); ?> <!--end content--> </div> <?php //get the sidebar $avia_config['currently_viewing'] = 'page'; get_sidebar(); ?> </div><!--end container-->
* get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory. */ get_header(); echo avia_title(array('title' => avia_which_archive())); do_action('ava_after_main_title'); ?> <div class='container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color <?php avia_layout_class('main'); ?> '> <div class='container'> <main class='template-page template-portfolio content <?php avia_layout_class('content'); ?> units' <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content', 'post_type' => 'portfolio')); ?> > <div class="entry-content-wrapper clearfix"> <div class="category-term-description"> <?php echo term_description(); ?> </div> <?php
/** * Frontend Shortcode Handler * * @param array $atts array of attributes * @param string $content text within enclosing form of shortcode element * @param string $shortcodename the shortcode found, when == callback name * @return string $output returns the modified html string */ function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "") { global $avia_config; $avia_config['layout_container'] = "section"; avia_sc_section::$section_count++; $atts = shortcode_atts(array('src' => '', 'position' => 'top left', 'repeat' => 'no-repeat', 'attach' => 'scroll', 'color' => 'main_color', 'custom_bg' => '', 'id' => '', 'myclass' => '', 'video' => '', 'video_ratio' => '16:9', 'video_mobile_disabled' => '', 'custom_markup' => '', 'attachment' => '', 'attachment_size' => '', 'bottom_border' => ''), $atts, $this->config['shortcode']); extract($atts); $output = ""; $class = "obey-color-section avia-section " . $color . " avia-section-" . $padding . " avia-" . $shadow . " avia-bg-style-" . $attach; $background = ""; if (!empty($attachment) && !empty($attachment_size)) { $attachment_entry = get_post($attachment); if (!empty($attachment_entry)) { if (!empty($attachment_size)) { $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_entry->ID, $attachment_size); $src = !empty($src[0]) ? $src[0] : ""; } } } else { $attachment = false; } // display class on front end if ($myclass != '') { $class = "obey-color-section " . $myclass . " avia-section " . $color . " avia-section-" . $padding . " avia-" . $shadow . " avia-bg-style-" . $attach; } // end display class if (!empty($attachment) && !empty($attachment_size)) { $attachment_entry = get_post($attachment); if (!empty($attachment_entry)) { if (!empty($attachment_size)) { $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_entry->ID, $attachment_size); $src = !empty($src[0]) ? $src[0] : ""; } } } else { $attachment = false; } // background color or image /*set background image*/ if ($src != "") { if ($repeat == 'stretch') { $background .= "background-repeat: no-repeat; "; $class .= " avia-full-stretch"; } else { $background .= "background-repeat: {$repeat}; "; } $background .= "background-image: url({$src}); "; $background .= $attach == 'parallax' ? "background-attachment: scroll; " : "background-attachment: {$attach}; "; $background .= "background-position: {$position}; "; if ($attach == 'parallax') { $attachment_class = ""; if ($repeat == 'stretch' || $repeat == 'no-repeat') { $attachment_class .= " avia-full-stretch"; } $class .= " av-parallax-section"; $speed = apply_filters('avf_parallax_speed', "0.3", $params['id']); $params['attach'] .= "<div class='av-parallax {$attachment_class}' data-avia-parallax-ratio='{$speed}' style = '{$background}' ></div>"; $background = ""; } $params['data'] = "data-section-bg-repeat='{$repeat}'"; } if ($custom_bg != "") { $background .= "background-color: {$custom_bg}; "; } if ($background) { $background = "style = '{$background}'"; } $params['class'] = $class . " " . $meta['el_class']; $params['bg'] = $background; $params['video'] = $video; $params['video_ratio'] = $video_ratio; $params['video_mobile_disabled'] = $video_mobile_disabled; if (isset($meta['index'])) { if ($meta['index'] == 0) { $params['main_container'] = true; } if ($meta['index'] == 0 || isset($meta['siblings']['prev']['tag']) && in_array($meta['siblings']['prev']['tag'], AviaBuilder::$full_el_no_section)) { $params['close'] = false; } } // end background color or image // this output adds the obeysection $output .= "<div id='{$id}' class='{$class} container_wrap " . avia_layout_class('main', false) . "' {$bg} {$data} {$style} {$background}>"; //if the user uses the column shortcode without the layout builder make sure that paragraphs are applied to the text $content = empty($avia_config['conditionals']['is_builder_template']) ? ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content)) : ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content, true); //Sarah these add the paralax section $output .= avia_mynew_section($params); $output .= '<div class="container position-reg">' . trim($content) . '</div></div><!-- end obey container -->'; unset($avia_config['layout_container']); return $output; }
function avia_woocommerce_overview_banner_image() { global $avia_config; if (avia_is_dynamic_template() || is_paged() || is_search()) { return false; } $image_size = "entry_with_sidebar"; $layout = avia_layout_class('main', false); if ($layout == 'fullsize') { $image_size = 'entry_without_sidebar'; } if (is_shop()) { $shop_id = woocommerce_get_page_id('shop'); if ($shop_id != -1) { $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($shop_id, $image_size); if ($image) { echo "<div class='page-thumb'>{$image}</div>"; } } } if (is_product_category()) { global $wp_query; $image = ""; if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy'])) { $term = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var($wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy']), $wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy']); if (!empty($term->term_id)) { $attachment_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta($term->term_id, 'thumbnail_id'); if (!empty($attachment_id)) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image($attachment_id, $image_size, false, array('class' => 'category_thumb')); if ($image) { echo "<div class='page-thumb'>{$image}</div>"; } } } } } }
function avia_new_section($params = array()) { global $avia_section_markup, $avia_config; $defaults = array('class' => 'main_color', 'bg' => '', 'close' => true, 'open' => true, 'open_structure' => true, 'open_color_wrap' => true, 'data' => '', "style" => '', 'id' => "", 'main_container' => false, 'min_height' => '', 'video' => '', 'video_ratio' => '16:9', 'video_mobile_disabled' => '', 'attach' => "", 'custom_markup' => ''); $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $params); extract($defaults); $post_class = ""; $output = ""; $bg_slider = ""; if ($id) { $id = "id='{$id}'"; } //close old content structure. only necessary when previous element was a section. other fullwidth elements dont need this if ($close) { $cm = avia_section_close_markup(); $output .= "</div></div>{$cm}</div></div>"; } //start new if ($open) { if (function_exists('avia_get_the_id')) { $post_class = "post-entry-" . avia_get_the_id(); } if ($open_color_wrap) { if (!empty($min_height)) { $class .= " av-minimum-height av-minimum-height-" . $min_height; } if (!empty($video)) { $slide = array('shortcode' => 'av_slideshow', 'content' => '', 'attr' => array('id' => '', 'video' => $video, 'slide_type' => 'video', 'video_mute' => true, 'video_loop' => true, 'video_ratio' => $video_ratio, 'video_controls' => 'disabled', 'video_section_bg' => true, 'video_format' => '', 'video_mobile' => '', 'video_mobile_disabled' => $video_mobile_disabled)); $bg_slider = new avia_slideshow(array('content' => array($slide))); $bg_slider->set_extra_class('av-section-video-bg'); $class .= " av-section-with-video-bg"; $class .= !empty($video_mobile_disabled) ? " av-section-mobile-video-disabled" : ""; $data .= " data-section-video-ratio='{$video_ratio}'"; } $output .= "<div {$id} class='{$class} container_wrap " . avia_layout_class('main', false) . "' {$bg} {$data} {$style}>"; $output .= !empty($bg_slider) ? $bg_slider->html() : ""; $output .= $attach; $output .= apply_filters('avf_section_container_add', '', $defaults); } //this applies only for sections. other fullwidth elements dont need the container for centering if ($open_structure) { if (!empty($main_container)) { $markup = 'main ' . avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content', 'echo' => false, 'custom_markup' => $custom_markup)); $avia_section_markup = 'main'; } else { $markup = "div"; } $output .= "<div class='container'>"; $output .= "<{$markup} class='template-page content " . avia_layout_class('content', false) . " units'>"; $output .= "<div class='post-entry post-entry-type-page {$post_class}'>"; $output .= "<div class='entry-content-wrapper clearfix'>"; } } return $output; }
// check if we got posts to display: if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); /* * get the current post id, the current post class and current post format */ $the_id = get_the_ID(); $parity = $post_loop_count % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'; $last = count($wp_query->posts) == $post_loop_count ? " post-entry-last " : ""; $post_class = "post-entry-" . $the_id . " post-loop-" . $post_loop_count . " post-parity-" . $parity . $last . " " . $blog_style; $post_format = get_post_format() ? get_post_format() : 'standard'; /* * retrieve slider, title and content for this post,... */ $size = strpos($blog_style, 'big') ? strpos(avia_layout_class('main', false), 'sidebar') ? 'entry_with_sidebar' : 'entry_without_sidebar' : 'square'; if (!empty($avia_config['preview_mode']) && !empty($avia_config['image_size']) && $avia_config['preview_mode'] == 'custom') { $size = $avia_config['image_size']; } $current_post['slider'] = get_the_post_thumbnail($the_id, $size); $current_post['title'] = get_the_title(); $current_post['content'] = $blog_content == "content" ? get_the_content(__('Read more', 'avia_framework') . '<span class="more-link-arrow"> →</span>') : get_the_excerpt(); $current_post['content'] = $blog_content == "excerpt_read_more" ? $current_post['content'] . '<div class="read-more-link"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" class="more-link">' . __('Read more', 'avia_framework') . '<span class="more-link-arrow"> →</span></a></div>' : $current_post['content']; $current_post['before_content'] = ""; /* * ...now apply a filter, based on the post type... (filter function is located in includes/helper-post-format.php) */ $current_post = apply_filters('post-format-' . $post_format, $current_post); $with_slider = empty($current_post['slider']) ? "" : "with-slider"; /* * ... last apply the default wordpress filters to the content
} // end have_comments() /* Last but not least the comment_form() wordpress function * renders the comment form as defined by wordpress itself * if you want to modify the submission form check the documentation here: * http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/comment_form */ if (!isset($indent)) { $indent = ""; } if (comments_open()) { /* echo "<div class='comment_meta_container alpha '.avia_layout('meta',false,false).' unit'>"; echo "</div>"; */ echo "<div class='comment_container " . avia_layout_class('entry', false) . " units {$indent}'>"; echo "<h3 class='miniheading'>" . __('Leave a Reply', 'avia_framework') . "</h3>"; echo "<span class='minitext'>" . __('Want to join the discussion? <br/>Feel free to contribute!', 'avia_framework') . "</span>"; comment_form(); echo "</div>"; } else { if (get_comments_number()) { /* If there are no comments and comments are closed, * let's leave a little note, shall we? */ echo "<h3 class='{$indent} commentsclosed'>" . __('Comments are closed.', 'avia_framework') . "</h3>"; } } ?> </div>
function avia_offset_class($key, $echo = true) { $alpha = ""; $offset = avia_layout_class($key, false); if (strpos($offset, 'alpha') !== false) { $offset = str_replace('alpha', "", $offset); $alpha = " alpha"; } $offset = 'offset-by-' . trim($offset) . $alpha; if ($echo == true) { echo $offset; } else { return $offset; } }
/** * Sidebar left open functions. * * @since 1.0.0 * @package GeoDirectory * @param string $type Page type. * @param string $id The id of the HTML element. * @param string $class The class of the HTML element. * @param string $itemtype HTML itemtype 'http://schema.org/WPSideBar'. */ function enfold_action_sidebar_left_open($type = '', $id = '', $class = '', $itemtype = '') { $sidebar_smartphone = avia_get_option('smartphones_sidebar') == 'smartphones_sidebar' ? 'smartphones_sidebar_active' : ""; echo "<aside class='sidebar sidebar_left " . $sidebar_smartphone . " " . avia_layout_class('sidebar', false) . " units' " . avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'sidebar', 'echo' => false)) . ">"; echo "<div class='inner_sidebar extralight-border'>"; }
while (have_posts()) { the_post(); /* * get the current post id, the current post class and current post format */ $url = ""; $current_post = array(); $current_post['post_loop_count'] = $post_loop_count; $current_post['the_id'] = get_the_ID(); $current_post['parity'] = $post_loop_count % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'; $current_post['last'] = count($wp_query->posts) == $post_loop_count ? " post-entry-last " : ""; $current_post['post_type'] = get_post_type($current_post['the_id']); $current_post['post_class'] = "post-entry-" . $current_post['the_id'] . " post-loop-" . $post_loop_count . " post-parity-" . $current_post['parity'] . $current_post['last'] . " " . $blog_style; $current_post['post_class'] .= $current_post['post_type'] == "post" ? '' : ' post'; $current_post['post_format'] = get_post_format() ? get_post_format() : 'standard'; $current_post['post_layout'] = avia_layout_class('main', false); $blog_content = !empty($avia_config['blog_content']) ? $avia_config['blog_content'] : "content"; /*If post uses builder change content to exerpt on overview pages*/ if (AviaHelper::builder_status($current_post['the_id']) && !is_singular($current_post['the_id']) && $current_post['post_type'] == 'post') { $current_post['post_format'] = 'standard'; $blog_content = "excerpt_read_more"; } /* * retrieve slider, title and content for this post,... */ $size = strpos($blog_style, 'big') ? strpos($current_post['post_layout'], 'sidebar') !== false ? 'entry_with_sidebar' : 'entry_without_sidebar' : 'square'; if (!empty($avia_config['preview_mode']) && !empty($avia_config['image_size']) && $avia_config['preview_mode'] == 'custom') { $size = $avia_config['image_size']; } $current_post['slider'] = get_the_post_thumbnail($current_post['the_id'], $size); if (is_single($initial_id) && get_post_meta($current_post['the_id'], '_avia_hide_featured_image', true)) {
if (strpos($sidebar_pos, 'sidebar_left') !== false) { $sidebar = 'left'; } if (strpos($sidebar_pos, 'sidebar_right') !== false) { $sidebar = 'right'; } //filter the sidebar position (eg woocommerce single product pages always want the same sidebar pos) $sidebar = apply_filters('avf_sidebar_position', $sidebar); //if the layout hasnt the sidebar keyword defined we dont need to display one if (empty($sidebar)) { return; } if (!empty($avia_config['overload_sidebar'])) { $avia_config['currently_viewing'] = $avia_config['overload_sidebar']; } echo "<aside class='sidebar sidebar_" . $sidebar . " " . $sidebar_smartphone . " " . avia_layout_class('sidebar', false) . " units' " . avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'sidebar', 'echo' => false)) . ">"; echo "<div class='inner_sidebar extralight-border'>"; //Display a subnavigation for pages that is automatically generated, so the users do not need to work with widgets $av_sidebar_menu = avia_sidebar_menu(false); if ($av_sidebar_menu) { echo $av_sidebar_menu; $default_sidebar = false; } $the_id = @get_the_ID(); $custom_sidebar = ""; if (!empty($the_id) && is_singular()) { $custom_sidebar = get_post_meta($the_id, 'sidebar', true); } if ($custom_sidebar) { dynamic_sidebar($custom_sidebar); $default_sidebar = false;
<?php /* Template Name: ACF Wizard */ get_header(); //the_post(); ?> <div class='container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color <?php avia_layout_class('main'); ?> '> <div class='container'> <?php get_template_part('inc/content', 'wizard'); ?> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- #primary --> <?php get_footer();
function avia_new_section($params = array()) { $defaults = array('class' => 'main_color', 'bg' => '', 'close' => true, 'open' => true, 'open_structure' => true, 'open_color_wrap' => true, 'data' => '', "style" => '', 'id' => ""); $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $params); extract($defaults); $post_class = ""; $output = ""; if ($id) { $id = "id='{$id}'"; } //close old if ($close) { $output .= '</div></div></div></div></div>'; } //start new if ($open) { if (function_exists('avia_get_the_id')) { $post_class = "post-entry-" . avia_get_the_id(); } if ($open_color_wrap) { $output .= "<div {$id} class='{$class} container_wrap " . avia_layout_class('main', false) . "' {$bg} {$data} {$style}>"; $output .= apply_filters('avf_section_container_add', '', $defaults); } if ($open_structure) { $output .= "<div class='container'>"; $output .= "<div class='template-page content " . avia_layout_class('content', false) . " units'>"; $output .= "<div class='post-entry post-entry-type-page {$post_class}'>"; $output .= "<div class='entry-content clearfix'>"; } } return $output; }
$default_sidebar = true; $sidebar_pos = avia_layout_class('main', false); $sidebar = ""; if (strpos($sidebar_pos, 'sidebar_left') !== false) { $sidebar = 'left'; } if (strpos($sidebar_pos, 'sidebar_right') !== false) { $sidebar = 'right'; } //filter the sidebar position (eg woocommerce single product pages always want the same sidebar pos) $sidebar = apply_filters('avf_sidebar_position', $sidebar); //if the layout hasnt the sidebar keyword defined we dont need to display one if (empty($sidebar)) { return; } echo "<div class='sidebar sidebar_" . $sidebar . " " . avia_layout_class('sidebar', false) . " units'>"; echo "<div class='inner_sidebar extralight-border'>"; //Display a subnavigation for pages that is automatically generated, so the users doesnt need to work with widgets $av_sidebar_menu = avia_sidebar_menu(false); if ($av_sidebar_menu) { echo $av_sidebar_menu; $default_sidebar = false; } $the_id = @get_the_ID(); $custom_sidebar = ""; if (!empty($the_id) && is_singular()) { $custom_sidebar = get_post_meta($the_id, 'sidebar', true); } if ($custom_sidebar) { dynamic_sidebar($custom_sidebar); $default_sidebar = false;
/** * Frontend Shortcode Handler * * @param array $atts array of attributes * @param string $content text within enclosing form of shortcode element * @param string $shortcodename the shortcode found, when == callback name * @return string $output returns the modified html string */ function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "") { global $avia_config; $avia_config['layout_container'] = "section"; avia_sc_section::$section_count++; $atts = shortcode_atts(array('src' => '', 'position' => 'top left', 'id' => '', 'myclass' => ''), $atts, $this->config['shortcode']); extract($atts); $output = ""; $class = "tab-body-content " . $color; $background = ""; if (!empty($attachment) && !empty($attachment_size)) { $attachment_entry = get_post($attachment); if (!empty($attachment_entry)) { if (!empty($attachment_size)) { $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_entry->ID, $attachment_size); $src = !empty($src[0]) ? $src[0] : ""; } } } else { $attachment = false; } // display class on front end if ($myclass != '') { $class = "tab-body-content " . $myclass . " " . $attach; } // end display class if (!empty($attachment) && !empty($attachment_size)) { $attachment_entry = get_post($attachment); if (!empty($attachment_entry)) { if (!empty($attachment_size)) { $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_entry->ID, $attachment_size); $src = !empty($src[0]) ? $src[0] : ""; } } } else { $attachment = false; } // this outputs our start tags $output .= "<div id='tab-content-" . avia_sc_section::$section_count . "' class='{$class} container_wrap " . avia_layout_class('main', false) . "'>"; //if the user uses the column shortcode without the layout builder make sure that paragraphs are applied to the text $content = empty($avia_config['conditionals']['is_builder_template']) ? ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content)) : ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content, true); //Sarah these add the paralax section // $output .= avia_mynew_section($params); $output .= trim($content); unset($avia_config['layout_container']); $output .= '</div><!--sarahs end to parent tab section-->'; return $output; }