Exemple #1
  * AliasHandler needs some special handling in init() and therefore overloads the function.
  * It also calls parent::init()
 public function init($id)
     @(list($local_part, $domain) = explode('@', $id));
     # supress error message if $id doesn't contain '@'
     if ($local_part == '*') {
         # catchall - postfix expects '@domain', not '*@domain'
         $id = '@' . $domain;
     $retval = parent::init($id);
     if (!$retval) {
         return false;
     # parent::init() failed, no need to continue
     # hide 'goto_mailbox' for non-mailbox aliases
     # parent::init called view() before, so we can rely on having $this->result filled
     # (only validate_new_id() is called from parent::init and could in theory change $this->result)
     if ($this->new || $this->result['is_mailbox'] == 0) {
         $this->struct['goto_mailbox']['editable'] = 0;
         $this->struct['goto_mailbox']['display_in_form'] = 0;
         $this->struct['goto_mailbox']['display_in_list'] = 0;
     if (!$this->new && $this->result['is_mailbox'] && $this->admin_username != '' && !authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
         # domain admins are not allowed to change mailbox alias $CONF['alias_control_admin'] = NO
         # TODO: apply the same restriction to superadmins?
         if (!Config::bool('alias_control_admin')) {
             # TODO: make translateable
             $this->errormsg[] = "Domain administrators do not have the ability to edit user's aliases (check config.inc.php - alias_control_admin)";
             return false;
     return $retval;
Exemple #2
 * Used to enforce that $user has a particular role when 
 * viewing a page.
 * If they are lacking a role, redirect them to login.php
 * Note, user < admin < global-admin
function authentication_require_role($role)
    // redirect to appropriate page?
    if (authentication_has_role($role)) {
        return True;
    header("Location: login.php");
  * Constructor: fill $struct etc.
  * @param integer - 0 is edit mode, set to 1 to switch to create mode
  * @param string - if an admin_username is specified, permissions will be restricted to the domains this admin may manage
  * @param integer - 0 if logged in as user, 1 if logged in as admin or superadmin
 public function __construct($new = 0, $username = "", $is_admin = 1)
     # set label_field if not explicitely set
     if (empty($this->label_field)) {
         $this->label_field = $this->id_field;
     # set order_by if not explicitely set
     if (empty($this->order_by)) {
         $this->order_by = $this->id_field;
     if ($new) {
         $this->new = 1;
     if ($is_admin) {
         $this->admin_username = $username;
     } else {
         $this->username = $username;
         $this->is_admin = 0;
         $this->is_superadmin = 0;
     if ($username != "" && !authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
         $this->is_superadmin = 0;
     if ($this->domain_field == "") {
     } else {
         if ($this->admin_username != "") {
             $this->allowed_domains = list_domains_for_admin($username);
         } else {
             $this->allowed_domains = list_domains();
     if ($this->user_field == '') {
     if (!isset($this->struct['_can_edit'])) {
         $this->struct['_can_edit'] = pacol(0, 0, 1, 'vnum', '', '', '', '', 0, 1, '1 as _can_edit');
     if (!isset($this->struct['_can_delete'])) {
         $this->struct['_can_delete'] = pacol(0, 0, 1, 'vnum', '', '', '', '', 0, 1, '1 as _can_delete');
     $struct_hook = Config::read($this->db_table . '_struct_hook');
     if ($struct_hook != 'NO' && function_exists($struct_hook)) {
         $this->struct = $struct_hook($this->struct);
     $this->msg['id_field'] = $this->id_field;
     $this->msg['show_simple_search'] = count($this->searchfields) > 0;
 if (isset($_POST['fPassword'])) {
     $fPassword = escape_string($_POST['fPassword']);
 if (isset($_POST['fPassword2'])) {
     $fPassword2 = escape_string($_POST['fPassword2']);
 isset($_POST['fName']) ? $fName = escape_string($_POST['fName']) : ($fName = "");
 if (isset($_POST['fDomain'])) {
     $fDomain = escape_string($_POST['fDomain']);
 isset($_POST['fQuota']) ? $fQuota = intval($_POST['fQuota']) : ($fQuota = 0);
 isset($_POST['fActive']) ? $fActive = escape_string($_POST['fActive']) : ($fActive = "1");
 if (isset($_POST['fMail'])) {
     $fMail = escape_string($_POST['fMail']);
 if (!check_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $fDomain) && !authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
     $error = 1;
     $tUsername = escape_string($_POST['fUsername']);
     $tName = $fName;
     $tQuota = $fQuota;
     $tDomain = $fDomain;
     $pCreate_mailbox_username_text = $PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error1'];
 if (!check_mailbox($fDomain)) {
     $error = 1;
     $tUsername = escape_string($_POST['fUsername']);
     $tName = $fName;
     $tQuota = $fQuota;
     $tDomain = $fDomain;
     $pCreate_mailbox_username_text = $PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error3'];
$smarty = new PFASmarty();
if (!isset($rel_path)) {
    $rel_path = '';
# users/* sets this to '../'
$CONF['theme_css'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_css']);
if (!empty($CONF['theme_custom_css'])) {
    $CONF['theme_custom_css'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_custom_css']);
$CONF['theme_logo'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_logo']);
$smarty->assign('CONF', $CONF);
$smarty->assign('PALANG', $PALANG);
$smarty->assign('url_domain', '');
//*** footer.tpl
$smarty->assign('version', $version);
//*** menu.tpl
$smarty->assign('boolconf_alias_domain', Config::bool('alias_domain'));
$smarty->assign('authentication_has_role', array('global_admin' => authentication_has_role('global-admin'), 'admin' => authentication_has_role('admin'), 'user' => authentication_has_role('user')));
function eval_size($aSize)
    if ($aSize == 0) {
        $ret_val = Config::Lang('pOverview_unlimited');
    } elseif ($aSize < 0) {
        $ret_val = Config::Lang('pOverview_disabled');
    } else {
        $ret_val = $aSize;
    return $ret_val;
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
Exemple #6
$admin_username = authentication_get_username();
$list_domains = list_domains_for_admin($admin_username);
$page_size = $CONF['page_size'];
$fDomain = safepost('fDomain', safeget('domain', safesession('list-virtual:domain')));
if (safesession('list-virtual:domain') != $fDomain) {
$fDisplay = (int) safepost('limit', safeget('limit', safesession('list-virtual:limit')));
$search = safepost('search', safeget('search', array()));
# not remembered in the session
if (!is_array($search)) {
if (count($list_domains) == 0) {
    if (authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
    } else {
    header("Location: list.php?table=domain");
    # no domains (for this admin at least) - redirect to domain list
if (is_array($list_domains) and sizeof($list_domains) > 0) {
    if (empty($fDomain)) {
        $fDomain = escape_string($list_domains[0]);
if (!in_array($fDomain, $list_domains)) {
Exemple #7
 * Template File: none
require_once 'common.php';
if (safeget('token') != $_SESSION['PFA_token']) {
    die('Invalid token!');
$username = authentication_get_username();
# enforce login
$id = safeget('delete');
$table = safeget('table');
$handlerclass = ucfirst($table) . 'Handler';
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $table) || !file_exists("model/{$handlerclass}.php")) {
    # validate $table
    die("Invalid table name given!");
$is_admin = authentication_has_role('admin');
$handler = new $handlerclass(0, $username, $is_admin);
$formconf = $handler->webformConfig();
if ($is_admin) {
} else {
    if (empty($formconf['user_hardcoded_field'])) {
        die($handlerclass . ' is not available for users');
if ($handler->init($id)) {
    # errors will be displayed as last step anyway, no need for duplicated code ;-)
function check_alias_owner($username, $alias)
    global $CONF;
    if (authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
        return true;
    $tmp = preg_split('/\\@/', $alias);
    if ($CONF['special_alias_control'] == 'NO' && array_key_exists($tmp[0], $CONF['default_aliases'])) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
                 if ($v_active_int == 1) {
                     $v_active = $PALANG['pOverview_vacation_edit'];
                 } else {
                     $v_active = $PALANG['pOverview_vacation_option'];
                 print "<td><a href=\"edit-vacation.php?username="******"&domain={$fDomain}" . "\">" . $v_active . "</a></td>\n";
             } else {
                 // can't tell vacation state - broken pgsql query
                 echo "<td> &nbsp; </td>\n";
         $edit_aliases = 0;
         if (authentication_has_role('global-admin') && $CONF['alias_control_admin'] == 'YES') {
             $edit_aliases = 1;
         if (!authentication_has_role('global-admin') && $CONF['alias_control'] == 'YES') {
             $edit_aliases = 1;
         if ($edit_aliases == 1) {
             print "      <td><a href=\"edit-alias.php?address=" . urlencode($tMailbox[$i]['username']) . "&domain={$fDomain}" . "\">" . $PALANG['pOverview_alias_edit'] . "</a></td>\n";
         print "      <td><a href=\"edit-mailbox.php?username="******"&domain={$fDomain}" . "\">" . $PALANG['edit'] . "</a></td>\n";
         print "      <td><a href=\"delete.php?table=mailbox" . "&delete=" . urlencode($tMailbox[$i]['username']) . "&domain={$fDomain}" . "\"onclick=\"return confirm ('" . $PALANG['confirm'] . $PALANG['pOverview_get_mailboxes'] . ": " . $tMailbox[$i]['username'] . "')\">" . $PALANG['del'] . "</a></td>\n";
         print "   </tr>\n";
 print "</table>\n";
 print "<div id=\"nav_bar\"><a name=\"LowArrow\" /a>\n";
 if ($tDisplay_back_show == 1) {
     print "<a href=\"{$file}?domain={$fDomain}&limit={$tDisplay_back}#LowArrow\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/arrow-l.png\" title=\"" . $PALANG['pOverview_left_arrow'] . "\" alt=\"" . $PALANG['pOverview_left_arrow'] . "\" /></a>\n";
        $tBody = html_entity_decode($PALANG['pUsersVacation_body_text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $tSubject = safepost('fSubject');
    $fSubject = escape_string($tSubject);
    $tBody = safepost('fBody');
    $fBody = escape_string($tBody);
    $fChange = escape_string(safepost('fChange'));
    $fBack = escape_string(safepost('fBack'));
    if (authentication_has_role('admin') && isset($_GET['domain'])) {
        $fDomain = escape_string($_GET['domain']);
    } else {
        $fDomain = $USERID_DOMAIN;
    if (authentication_has_role('admin') && isset($_GET['username'])) {
        $fUsername = escape_string($_GET['username']);
    } else {
        $fUsername = authentication_get_username();
    $tUseremail = $fUsername;
    if ($tSubject == '') {
        $tSubject = html_entity_decode($PALANG['pUsersVacation_subject_text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    if ($tBody == '') {
        $tBody = html_entity_decode($PALANG['pUsersVacation_body_text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    //if change, remove old one, then perhaps set new one
    if (!empty($fBack) || !empty($fChange)) {
        //if we find an existing vacation entry, disable it
        $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {$table_vacation} WHERE email='{$fUsername}'");
Exemple #11
            if ('pgsql' == $CONF['database_type']) {
                $row['modified'] = gmstrftime('%c %Z', $row['modified']);
                $row['active'] = 't' == $row['active'] ? 1 : 0;
            $tAlias[] = $row;
if ($CONF['vacation_control_admin'] == 'YES' && $CONF['vacation'] == 'YES') {
    $query = "SELECT {$table_mailbox}.*, {$table_vacation}.active AS v_active FROM {$table_mailbox} LEFT JOIN {$table_vacation} ON {$table_mailbox}.username={$table_vacation}.email WHERE {$table_mailbox}.username LIKE '%{$fSearch}%' OR {$table_mailbox}.name LIKE '%{$fSearch}%' ORDER BY {$table_mailbox}.username";
} else {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$table_mailbox} WHERE username LIKE '%{$fSearch}%' OR name LIKE '%{$fSearch}%' ORDER BY username";
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
    while ($row = db_array($result['result'])) {
        if (check_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $row['domain']) || authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
            if ('pgsql' == $CONF['database_type']) {
                $row['created'] = gmstrftime('%c %Z', strtotime($row['created']));
                $row['modified'] = gmstrftime('%c %Z', strtotime($row['modified']));
                $row['active'] = 't' == $row['active'] ? 1 : 0;
            $tMailbox[] = $row;
include "templates/header.php";
include "templates/menu.php";
include "templates/search.php";
include "templates/footer.php";
// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
 * tSubject
 * tBody
 * tInterval_time
 * Form POST \ GET Variables:
 * fUsername
 * fDomain
 * fCancel
 * fChange
 * fBack
 * fActive
require_once 'common.php';
// only allow admins to change someone else's 'stuff'
if (authentication_has_role('admin')) {
    $Admin_role = 1;
    $fUsername = safeget('username');
    list(, $fDomain) = explode('@', $fUsername);
    $Return_url = "list-virtual.php?domain=" . urlencode($fDomain);
    # TODO: better check for valid username (check if mailbox exists)
    # TODO: (should be done in VacationHandler)
    if ($fDomain == '' || !check_owner(authentication_get_username(), $fDomain)) {
        die("Invalid username!");
        # TODO: better error message
} else {
    $Admin_role = 0;
    $Return_url = "main.php";
    $fUsername = authentication_get_username();