Exemple #1
 public function __construct()
     if (!auth_check()) {
         // put your code here for example: redirect('Testauth/deny');
         // don't fotget to make 'Testauth/deny' allowed for all, else you will have infinte loop ;)
Exemple #2
  * Add a comment
  * This function will add a comment to the database
  * using the credentials passed to it.
  * @access public
  * @param  string $pageUrl  The page url
  * @param  string $userName The user adding the comment
  * @param  string $note     The note to add
  * @param  string $approved Is it approved ? "Default: pending"
 function addComment($pageUrl, $userName, $note, $approved = 'pending')
     $user = isset($GLOBALS['auth_user']) ? $GLOBALS['auth_user']->handle : '';
     if ($user) {
         $sql = "\n                INSERT INTO {$this->notesTableName}\n                (page_url, user_name, user_handle, note_text, note_time,\n                 note_approved, note_approved_by, note_deleted)\n                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, 0)\n            ";
         // always approve pear.dev account holder comments, moderate others
         $res = $this->dbc->query($sql, array($pageUrl, $userName, $user, $note, auth_check('pear.dev') ? 'yes' : $approved, auth_check('pear.dev') ? $user : ''));
     } else {
         $sql = "\n                INSERT INTO {$this->notesTableName}\n                (page_url, user_name, user_handle, note_text, note_time,\n                 note_approved, note_approved_by, note_deleted)\n                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, null, 0)\n            ";
         $res = $this->dbc->query($sql, array($pageUrl, $userName, $user, $note, $approved));
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         return $res;
     $this->_compileComment($this->dbc->getOne('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'), $note);
     return true;
Exemple #3
function printForm($data = array())
    foreach (array('name', 'email', 'copy_me', 'subject', 'text') as $value) {
        if (!isset($data[$value])) {
            $data[$value] = '';
    $form = new HTML_QuickForm2('contect', 'post', array('action' => '/account-mail.php?handle=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['handle'])));
    // Set defaults for the form elements
    $form->addDataSource(new HTML_QuickForm2_DataSource_Array(array('name' => htmlspecialchars($data['name']), 'email' => htmlspecialchars($data['email']), 'copy_me' => htmlspecialchars($data['copy_me']), 'subject' => htmlspecialchars($data['subject']), 'text' => htmlspecialchars($data['text']))));
    $form->addElement('text', 'name', array('required' => 'required'))->setLabel('Y<span class="accesskey">o</span>ur Name:', 'size="40" accesskey="o"');
    $form->addElement('email', 'email', array('required' => 'required'))->setLabel('Email Address:');
    $form->addElement('checkbox', 'copy_me')->setLabel('CC me?:');
    $form->addElement('text', 'subject', array('required' => 'required', 'size' => '80'))->setLabel('Subject:');
    $form->addElement('textarea', 'text', array('cols' => 80, 'rows' => 10, 'required' => 'required'))->setLabel('Text:');
    if (!auth_check('pear.dev')) {
        $numeralCaptcha = new Text_CAPTCHA_Numeral();
        $form->addElement('number', 'captcha', array('maxlength' => 4, 'required' => 'required'))->setLabel("What is " . $numeralCaptcha->getOperation() . '?');
        $_SESSION['answer'] = $numeralCaptcha->getAnswer();
    $form->addElement('submit', 'submit')->setLabel('Send Email');
    print $form;
Exemple #4
function checkUser($user)
    global $dbh;
    // It's a lead or user of the package
    $query = '
        SELECT m.handle
        FROM packages p, maintains m
            m.handle = ? AND
            p.id = m.package AND
            m.role = ?';
    $res = $dbh->getOne($query, array($user, 'lead'));
    if ($res !== null) {
        return true;
    // Try to see if the user is an admin
    return auth_check('pear.qa');
Exemple #5

$sub_menu = "200200";
include_once './_common.php';
auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], 'r');
$token = get_token();
$sql_common = " from {$g5['point_table']} ";
$sql_search = " where (1) ";
if ($stx) {
    $sql_search .= " and ( ";
    switch ($sfl) {
        case 'mb_id':
            $sql_search .= " ({$sfl} = '{$stx}') ";
            $sql_search .= " ({$sfl} like '%{$stx}%') ";
    $sql_search .= " ) ";
if (!$sst) {
    $sst = "po_id";
    $sod = "desc";
$sql_order = " order by {$sst} {$sod} ";
$sql = " select count(*) as cnt\n            {$sql_common}\n            {$sql_search}\n            {$sql_order} ";
$row = sql_fetch($sql);
$total_count = $row['cnt'];
$rows = $config['cf_page_rows'];
$total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows);
// 전체 페이지 계산
Exemple #6
    $cols_name[] = array("日期", "類別", "平台/論壇", "評價層級", "問題", "問題網址", "問題回覆/解答者", "問題回覆/解答日期", "關鍵字");
    //$_SESSION['report_value'] = $result;
    /*echo $col++;
    		echo "<pre>";
    		print_r( $_SESSION['report_value'] );
    		echo "</pre>";
    		foreach($_SESSION['report_value'] as $rows){
    			foreach($rows as $key => $val ){
    				print_r( $rows["$key"] );
    				print "Key $key, Value $val\n";
    export_xls($_SESSION['report_value'], $cols_name, "export", "export");
auth_check("member", false, false);
$user_id = get_login_id();
$get_member_group_sql = "SELECT group_id,name FROM plu_member WHERE account = '{$user_id}'";
$member_info = $db->get_results($get_member_group_sql, ARRAY_A);
$_SESSION['member_group'] = $member_info[0]['group_id'];
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="js/jquery.history_remote.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="js/jquery.tabs.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

require_once 'src/db.php';
//make sure user is allowed
if ($_SESSION != null) {
    if (!auth_check($_SESSION['email'], $_SESSION['password'])) {
        header('Location: index.php');
} else {
    header('Location: index.php');
//User is allowed!
//Check to see if user posted data
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
    if (strlen($_POST['title']) > 0) {
        $title = filter_var($_POST["title"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        $tags = to_pg_array(explode(" ", filter_var($_POST['tags'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)));
        $visible = isset($_POST['visible']) ? 't' : 'f';
        $is_on_odua = isset($_POST['is_on_odua']) ? 't' : 'f';
        $content = $_POST['content'];
        $name = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : $title;
        //Data grabed and sanatized, add to database
        $dbconn = post_connect();
        $query = "UPDATE blog SET title='{$title}',entry='{$content}',tags='{$tags}',visible='{$visible}',is_on_odua='{$is_on_odua}' WHERE title='{$name}';\n        INSERT INTO blog (title, entry, tags, visible, is_on_odua) SELECT '{$title}', '{$content}', '{$tags}', '{$visible}', '{$is_on_odua}'\n        WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM blog WHERE title='{$title}');";
        $results = pg_query($dbconn, $query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());
        if ($results) {
Exemple #8
    foreach ($inactive_channels as $channel) {
        <a href="<?php 
        print $channel['project_link'];
" title="<?php 
        print $channel['name'];
        print $channel['project_label'];
        if (auth_check('pear.admin')) {
(<a href="edit.php?channel=<?php 
            print $channel['name'];
Exemple #9
 * Generates and returns the notes comments HTML.
 * @param string $uri Manual page id
 * @return string HTML
function getComments($uri)
    $output = '';
    require_once 'notes/ManualNotes.class.php';
    $manualNotes = new Manual_Notes();
    $comments = $manualNotes->getPageComments($uri, auth_check('pear.dev'));
    if (empty($comments)) {
        $output .= 'There are no user contributed notes for this page.';
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
    return $output;
Exemple #10
$maintain = !empty($_GET['maintain']) ? $_GET['maintain'] : '';
$bug_type = !empty($_GET['bug_type']) && $_GET['bug_type'] != 'All' ? $_GET['bug_type'] : '';
$boolean_search = isset($_GET['boolean']) ? (int) $_GET['boolean'] : 0;
define('BOOLEAN_SEARCH', $boolean_search);
$package_name = isset($_GET['package_name']) && is_array($_GET['package_name']) ? $_GET['package_name'] : array();
$package_nname = isset($_GET['package_nname']) && is_array($_GET['package_nname']) ? $_GET['package_nname'] : array();
if (isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'display') {
    $query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS bugdb.*, ' . ' TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(bugdb.ts2) AS unchanged FROM bugdb' . ' LEFT JOIN packages ON packages.name = bugdb.package_name';
    if ($maintain != '' || $handle != '') {
        $query .= ' LEFT JOIN maintains ON packages.id = maintains.package';
        $query .= ' AND maintains.handle = ';
        $query .= $maintain != '' ? $dbh->quoteSmart($maintain) : $dbh->quoteSmart($handle);
        $query .= ' AND maintains.active = 1';
    $where_clause = ' WHERE bugdb.registered IN(';
    $where_clause .= !auth_check('pear.dev') ? '1)' : '1,0)';
    if (!empty($package_name)) {
        $where_clause .= ' AND bugdb.package_name';
        if (count($package_name) > 1) {
            $where_clause .= " IN ('" . join("', '", escapeSQL($package_name)) . "')";
        } else {
            $where_clause .= ' = ' . $dbh->quoteSmart($package_name[0]);
    if (!empty($package_nname)) {
        $where_clause .= ' AND bugdb.package_name';
        if (count($package_nname) > 1) {
            $where_clause .= " NOT IN ('" . join("', '", escapeSQL($package_nname)) . "')";
        } else {
            $where_clause .= ' <> ' . $dbh->quoteSmart($package_nname[0]);
Exemple #11
function output_note($com_id, $ts, $email, $comment, $showemail = 1, $handle = null, $comment_name = null, $registered)
    global $edit, $id, $user, $dbh;
    echo '<div class="comment">';
    echo '<a name="' . urlencode($ts) . '">&nbsp;</a>';
    echo "<strong>[", format_date($ts), "] ";
    if (!$registered) {
        echo 'User who submitted this comment has not confirmed identity</strong>';
        if (!auth_check('pear.dev')) {
            echo '<pre class="note">If you submitted this note, check your email.';
            echo 'If you do not have a message, <a href="resend-request-email.php?' . 'handle=' . urlencode($handle) . "\">click here to re-send</a>\n", 'MANUAL CONFIRMATION IS NOT POSSIBLE.  Write a message to <a href="mailto:' . PEAR_DEV_EMAIL . '">' . PEAR_DEV_EMAIL . '</a>' . "\n", "to request the confirmation link.  All bugs/comments/patches associated with this\n\nemail address will be deleted within 48 hours if the account request is not confirmed!";
            echo "</pre>\n</div>";
    } else {
        if ($handle) {
            echo '<a href="/user/' . $handle . '">' . $handle . "</a></strong>\n";
        } else {
            require_once 'bugs/pear-bugs-utils.php';
            $pbu = new PEAR_Bugs_Utils();
            echo $pbu->spamProtect(htmlspecialchars($email)) . "</strong>\n";
    if ($comment_name && $registered) {
        echo '(' . htmlspecialchars($comment_name) . ')';
    if ($edit === 1 && $com_id !== 0 && auth_check('pear.dev')) {
        echo "&nbsp<a href=\"bug.php?id={$id}&amp;edit=1&amp;hide_comment={$com_id}\">[delete]</a>\n";
    echo '<div class="note" style="white-space: pre-wrap; width: 60em; overflow: auto; max-height: 20em; padding: 1.0em; margin: 1.0em; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240)">';
    // This has to be done so we don't wordwrap the changeset part again
    $fix = $comment;
    $status = "";
    $search = "</div>";
    $needle = strrpos($comment, $search);
    if ($needle !== false) {
        $fix = substr($comment, $needle + strlen($search));
        // Get from last div until end of string
        $status = substr($comment, 0, $needle) . $search;
    $comment = make_ticket_links(addlinks(clean($fix)));
    $comment = $status . $comment;
    echo $comment;
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
Exemple #12
    if (!isset($_POST['admintag'])) {
        $_POST['admintag'] = 0;
    $errors = $manager->validateNewTag($_POST['tag'], $_POST['desc'], $_POST['admintag']);
    if (!count($errors)) {
        try {
            if ($_POST['admintag']) {
                $manager->createAdminTag($_POST['tag'], $_POST['desc']);
            } else {
                $manager->createRegularTag($_POST['tag'], $_POST['desc']);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
} elseif (isset($_POST['deltag'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['tags']) && is_array($_POST['tags'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['tags'] as $id => $unused) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
$tags = $manager->getTags();
$tagname = isset($_POST['tag']) ? strip_tags($_POST['tag']) : '';
$desc = isset($_POST['desc']) ? $_POST['desc'] : '';
$admin = auth_check('pear.admin');
require PEARWEB_TEMPLATEDIR . '/tags/admin.tpl.php';
Exemple #13
function auth($type, $forum_id, $ug_data, $f_access = array(), $group_perm = UG_PERM_BOTH)
    global $lang, $bf, $datastore;
    $is_guest = true;
    $is_admin = false;
    $auth = $auth_fields = $u_access = array();
    $add_auth_type_desc = $forum_id != AUTH_LIST_ALL;
    // Get $auth_fields
    if ($type == AUTH_ALL) {
        $auth_fields = array_keys($bf['forum_perm']);
    } else {
        if ($auth_type = array_search($type, $bf['forum_perm'])) {
            $auth_fields = array($auth_type);
    if (empty($auth_fields)) {
        trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): empty $auth_fields', E_USER_ERROR);
    // Get $f_access
    // If f_access has been passed, or auth is needed to return an array of forums
    // then we need to pull the auth information on the given forum (or all forums)
    if (empty($f_access)) {
        if (!($forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums'))) {
            $forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums');
        if ($forum_id == AUTH_LIST_ALL) {
            $f_access = $forums['f'];
        } else {
            if (isset($forums['f'][$forum_id])) {
                $f_access[$forum_id] = $forums['f'][$forum_id];
    } else {
        if (isset($f_access['forum_id'])) {
            // Change passed $f_access format for later using in foreach()
            $f_access = array($f_access['forum_id'] => $f_access);
    if (empty($f_access)) {
        trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): empty $f_access', E_USER_ERROR);
    // Get user or group permissions
    $forum_match_sql = $forum_id != AUTH_LIST_ALL ? "AND aa.forum_id = " . (int) $forum_id : '';
    // GROUP mode
    if (!empty($ug_data['group_id'])) {
        $is_guest = false;
        $is_admin = false;
        $sql = "SELECT aa.forum_id, aa.forum_perm\n\t\t\tFROM " . BB_AUTH_ACCESS . " aa\n\t\t\tWHERE aa.group_id = " . (int) $ug_data['group_id'] . "\n\t\t\t\t{$forum_match_sql}";
        foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row) {
            $u_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_perm'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($ug_data['user_id'])) {
            $is_guest = empty($ug_data['session_logged_in']);
            $is_admin = !$is_guest && $ug_data['user_level'] == ADMIN;
            if ($group_perm != UG_PERM_BOTH) {
                $group_single_user = $group_perm == UG_PERM_USER_ONLY ? 1 : 0;
                $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\taa.forum_id, BIT_OR(aa.forum_perm) AS forum_perm\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t" . BB_USER_GROUP . " ug,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . BB_GROUPS . " g,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . BB_AUTH_ACCESS . " aa\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t    ug.user_id = " . (int) $ug_data['user_id'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND ug.user_pending = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tAND g.group_id = ug.group_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND g.group_single_user = {$group_single_user}\n\t\t\t\t\tAND aa.group_id = g.group_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$forum_match_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY aa.forum_id\n\t\t\t";
                foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row) {
                    $u_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_perm'];
            } else {
                if (!$is_guest && !$is_admin) {
                    $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE aa.forum_id, aa.forum_perm\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . BB_AUTH_ACCESS_SNAP . " aa\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE aa.user_id = " . (int) $ug_data['user_id'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$forum_match_sql}";
                    foreach (DB()->fetch_rowset($sql) as $row) {
                        $u_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_perm'];
    // If the user is logged on and the forum type is either ALL or REG then the user has access
    // If the type if ACL, MOD or ADMIN then we need to see if the user has specific permissions
    // to do whatever it is they want to do ... to do this we pull relevant information for the
    // user (and any groups they belong to)
    // Now we compare the users access level against the forums. We assume here that a moderator
    // and admin automatically have access to an ACL forum, similarly we assume admins meet an
    // auth requirement of MOD
    foreach ($f_access as $f_id => $f_data) {
        $auth[$f_id]['auth_mod'] = auth_check('forum_perm', 'auth_mod', $u_access, $f_id, $is_admin);
        foreach ($auth_fields as $auth_type) {
            if (!isset($f_data[$auth_type])) {
            switch ($f_data[$auth_type]) {
                case AUTH_ALL:
                    $auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = true;
                case AUTH_REG:
                    $auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = !$is_guest;
                case AUTH_ACL:
                    $auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = auth_check('forum_perm', $auth_type, $u_access, $f_id, $is_admin) || $auth[$f_id]['auth_mod'];
                case AUTH_MOD:
                    $auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = $auth[$f_id]['auth_mod'];
                case AUTH_ADMIN:
                    $auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = $is_admin;
                    $auth[$f_id][$auth_type] = false;
            if ($add_auth_type_desc) {
                $auth[$f_id][$auth_type . '_type'] =& $lang['AUTH_TYPES'][$f_data[$auth_type]];
    return $forum_id == AUTH_LIST_ALL ? $auth : $auth[$forum_id];
Exemple #14
function auth_require($admin = false)
    global $auth_user;
    $res = true;
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // exits
    $num = func_num_args();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
        $arg = func_get_arg($i);
        $res = auth_check($arg);
        if ($res == true) {
            return true;
    if ($res == false) {
        response_header("Insufficient Privileges");
        report_error("Insufficient Privileges");
    return true;
Exemple #15
function auth_need($domain, $did, $auth, $level = 1)
    $flag = auth_check($domain, $did, $auth, $level);
    if ($flag > 0) {
        return true;
    global $_TPL;
    $_TPL['hidemenu'] = true;
    switch ($flag) {
        case -1:
            message('并不拥有指定权限' . $auth, '警告');
        case -2:
            message('并不拥有指定权限' . $auth . ',该权限已经被取消', '警告');
        case -3:
            message('并不拥有指定权限' . $auth . ',授权等级不足', '警告');
        case 0:
            message('授权操作被拒绝', '警告');
Exemple #16

include_once 'error_converted_exception_handler.php';
require_once 'library.php';
Exemple #17

require_once './commonAPI.php';
require_once './constantAPI.php';
require_once './auth.php';
require_once './phpError.php';
$realm = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$authError = "";
if (!$myUser && !($myUser = auth_check($realm))) {
} else {
    header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
    header('Expires:' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', time() + 3600));
    header('Content-type: application/json');
    $jsonOutput = "{\"error\":{\"id\":\"0\",\"message\":\"no error\"}}\n";
$_SESSION['currentUser'] = serialize($myUser);
if ($isErrorPHP == true) {
    echo $msgErrorPHP;
    $_SESSION = array();
} else {
    echo $jsonOutput;
Exemple #18
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 1800);
ini_set('date.timezone', 'Asia/Chongqing');
if (function_exists('mysql_set_timeout')) {
$db_admin_user = '******';
$db_admin_pass = '******';
$backup_user = '******';
// Main
$validate_arg_array = array("mode" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => 'create', "help_alias" => "[ seed | statement | clean ]"), "ddl_file" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "help_alias" => "Required for mode statement.\n                     File with ALTER or CREATE statements"), "seed_tables" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "help_alias" => "Required for mode seed.\n                     Comma seperated list of tables for which schema\n                     should be replicated from seed db"), "seed_host" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Required for mode seed.\n                     Host with example of desired table structure"), "seed_db" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Required for mode seed.\n                     Schema with example of desired table structure"), "socket" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "mysqld socket file (default is to run on all)"), "dbname" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Run on named database\n                     Default is all not like test, mysql, localinfo,\n                     snapshot%, %_restored"), "skip_fk_check" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Skip foreign key check (not advisable outside udb)"), "skip_trigger_check" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Skip trigger check (not advisable)"), "eliminate_dups" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Removes duplicate entries for PK/uniques.\n                     Dangerous if run on slaves before masters."), "eliminate_unused_columns" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Allows a column to be dropped if it is not\n                     the in the new schema"), "use_new_pk" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Use new tables PK for doing merging of data.\n                     This option will use more diskspace and be slower."), "create_missing_table" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => 0, "help_alias" => "If this option is set the script will create\n                     a missing table"), "ignore_partition_differences" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => 0, "help_alias" => "If this option is set the script will not consider\n                     differences in partitions in its view of whether a table\n                     is already in the desired state"), "tmpdir" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Directory to temporarily store data\n                     Default is schema data directory"), "verbose" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => 1, "help_alias" => "A value of 0 only shows errors,\n                     1 is the default and shows most interesting information,\n                     2 is has more detail than is normally useful,\n                     3 is very verbose and can break servers"), "long_trx_time" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => 3600, "help_alias" => "Do not run OSC if a trx running longer than X exists"), "osc_class" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => "OnlineSchemaChange", "help_alias" => "OnlineSchemaChange class to use instead of default"), "connection_limit" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => CONNECTION_LIMIT, "help_alias" => "Wait to run if more than XXX connection exist\n                    DEFAULT is " . CONNECTION_LIMIT . " with a 10 minute timeout"), "scratch_schema" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => "test", "help_alias" => "Schema to use instead of test for conversions of ALTERs\n                     into CREATE TABLE statements"), "accept_mysql_version" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Accept a version of MySQL that has not been white listed\n                    in the main OSC code"), "safe_compression_version" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => "5.1.53", "help_alias" => "Strip InnoDB compression from CREATE TABLE statements\n                    if mysql is less than this version (default 5.1.53)"));
if (!($arg_list = validate_args($validate_arg_array))) {
if (auth_check() == false) {
    print "ERROR: You have to run this script as root user\n";
foreach ($arg_list as $arg => $value) {
    ${$arg} = $value;
if ($osc_class != "OnlineSchemaChange") {
    require_once 'osc_helpers/' . $osc_class . '.php';
// get localhost
$op = "/bin/hostname | sed -e 's/\\.facebook\\.com//'";
$basename = trim(shell_exec($op));
$allowed_modes = array('seed', 'statement', 'clean');
$check_mode = array_search($mode, $allowed_modes);
Exemple #19
$patchcontents = $patchinfo->getPatch($buginfo['id'], $patch, $revision);
if (PEAR::isError($patchcontents)) {
    response_header('Error :: Cannot retrieve patch');
    report_error('Internal error: Invalid patch/revision specified (is in database, but not in filesystem)');
$package = $buginfo['package_name'];
$bug = $buginfo['id'];
$handle = $patchinfo->getDeveloper($bug, $patch, $revision);
$obsoletedby = $patchinfo->getObsoletingPatches($bug, $patch, $revision);
$obsoletes = $patchinfo->getObsoletePatches($bug, $patch, $revision);
$patches = $patchinfo->listPatches($bug);
$revisions = $patchinfo->listRevisions($bug, $patch);
$canpatch = auth_check('pear.bug') || auth_check('pear.dev');
response_header('Bug #' . clean($bug) . ' :: Patches');
if (isset($_GET['diff']) && $_GET['diff'] && isset($_GET['old']) && is_numeric($_GET['old'])) {
     * Display patch diff
    $diffoldrev = (int) $_GET['old'];
    $old = $patchinfo->getPatchFullpath($bug_id, $patch, $diffoldrev);
    $new = $path;
    if (!realpath($old) || !realpath($new)) {
        response_header('Error :: Cannot retrieve patch');
        report_error('Internal error: Invalid patch revision specified for diff');
    require_once 'Horde/Text/Diff.php';
Exemple #20
        logme($lang['ok_login'], 'no', 'user');
    } else {
        $s = 'login';
        $message = $log_in;
        logme($lang['failed_login'], 'yes', 'error');
} else {
    if (isset($s) && $s == 'logout') {
        setcookie('pixie_login', ' ', time() - 3600, '/');
        $s = 'login';
        if (isset($tool) && $tool == 'home') {
            header('Location: ../');
    } else {
        $log_in = auth_check();
        if (isset($GLOBALS['pixie_user'])) {
            if ($GLOBALS['pixie_user']) {
                if (isset($s) && $s) {
                    /* Then use $s */
                } else {
                    $s = 'myaccount';
            } else {
                /*if ($s == 'help') { 
                		$s = 'help';
                		} else {*/
                $s = 'login';
                $message = $log_in;
Exemple #21
 * Assigns the header urls to the smarty engine
 * @param string $help    The helpfile to display (optional, without extension)
 * @param string $title   The text to add to html <title> tag (optional, will be html-encoded)
function tpl_header($help = '', $title = '')
    global $smarty, $lang, $config;
    global $id, $diskid;
    // viewing is only availble if autorized or public access
    if (auth_check(false)) {
        $header['browse'] = 'index.php';
        if (check_permission(PERM_READ, PERM_ANY)) {
            $header['random'] = 'show.php';
            $header['search'] = 'search.php';
        $header['stats'] = 'stats.php';
        if ($config['imdbBrowser']) {
            $header['trace'] = 'trace.php';
        $header['help'] = 'help.php';
        if ($help) {
            $header['help'] .= '?page=' . $help . '.html';
    // editing is only available in local network
    if (localnet()) {
        if (check_permission(PERM_WRITE, PERM_ANY)) {
            //2015-10-6 Alex ADD start
            $header['studio'] = 'studiolist.php';
            //2015-10-6 Alex ADD end
            $header['new'] = 'edit.php';
            if ($config['showtools']) {
                $header['contrib'] = 'contrib.php';
        if (check_permission(PERM_ADMIN)) {
            $header['setup'] = 'setup.php';
        // edit or show?
        if ($id) {
            if (check_videopermission(PERM_WRITE, $id)) {
                $header['edit'] = 'edit.php?id=' . $id;
            if (!preg_match('/show.php$/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
                $header['view'] = 'show.php?id=' . $id;
            if (check_videopermission(PERM_WRITE, $id)) {
                $header['del'] = 'delete.php?id=' . $id;
        if (check_permission(PERM_WRITE, PERM_ANY)) {
            $header['borrow'] = 'borrow.php';
            if (isset($diskid)) {
                $header['borrow'] .= '?diskid=' . $diskid;
    // multiuser settings
    if ($config['multiuser']) {
        $header['login'] = '******';
        // logged in?
        if (!empty($_COOKIE['VDBusername']) && $_COOKIE['VDBuserid'] != $config['guestid']) {
            $header['profile'] = 'profile.php';
            $smarty->assign('loggedin', $_COOKIE['VDBusername']);
        } else {
            // make sure anonymous users don't get access to trace for security reasons
        if (check_permission(PERM_ADMIN)) {
            $header['users'] = 'users.php';
    // determine active tab
    if (preg_match('/(\\w+)\\.php/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $m)) {
        $tab = strtolower($m[1]);
        switch ($tab) {
            case 'show':
            case 'edit':
                if (!empty($id)) {
                    $header['active'] = $tab;
                } else {
                    $header['active'] = $tab == 'show' ? 'random' : 'new';
                /* legacy version 
                   $translate = array('index' => 'browse', 'users' => 'setup', 'permissions' => 'setup', 'delete' => 'show');
                $translate = array('index' => 'browse', 'permissions' => 'users', 'delete' => 'show');
                if (in_array($tab, array_keys($translate))) {
                    $tab = $translate[$tab];
                $header['active'] = $tab;
    // breadcrumbs
    $breadcrumbs = session_get('breadcrumbs', array());
    $smarty->assign('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs);
    $smarty->assign('title', htmlspecialchars($title));
    $smarty->assign('header', $header);
    $smarty->assign('style', $config['style']);
    $smarty->assign('langcode', $config['language']);
Exemple #22
function draw_navigation()
    global $auth_user;
    // SELF doesn't cut it here, using REQUEST URI instead
    $self = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'));
    if ($self === '/') {
        $self = '/index.php';
    include_once 'pear-auth.php';
    $main_order = $main = $data = $sub = $rel = array();
    $main_order[1] = '/index.php';
    $main['/index.php'] = 'Main';
    $sub['/index.php'] = array();
    $sub['/index.php']['/index.php'] = 'Home';
    $sub['/index.php']['/news/'] = 'News';
    $sub['/index.php']['/qa/'] = 'Quality Assurance';
    $sub['/index.php']['/group/'] = 'The PEAR Group';
    $sub['/index.php']['/mirrors.php'] = 'Mirrors';
    $main_order[2] = '/support/';
    $main['/support/'] = 'Support';
    $sub['/support/'] = array();
    $sub['/support/']['/support/'] = 'Overview';
    $sub['/support/']['/support/lists.php'] = 'Mailing Lists';
    $sub['/support/']['/support/books.php'] = 'Books';
    $sub['/support/']['/support/tutorials.php'] = 'Tutorials';
    $sub['/support/']['/support/slides.php'] = 'Presentation Slides';
    $sub['/support/']['/support/icons.php'] = 'Icons';
    $sub['/support/']['/support/forums.php'] = 'Forums';
    $main_order[3] = '/manual/';
    $main['/manual/'] = 'Documentation';
    $sub['/manual/'] = array();
    $sub['/manual/']['/manual/en/about-pear.php'] = 'About PEAR';
    $sub['/manual/']['/manual/'] = 'Manual';
    $sub['/manual/']['/manual/en/faq.php'] = 'FAQ';
    $main_order[4] = '/packages.php';
    $main['/packages.php'] = 'Packages';
    $sub['/packages.php'] = array();
    if (!empty($auth_user) && !empty($auth_user->registered) && auth_check('pear.dev')) {
        $sub['/packages.php']['/package-new.php'] = 'New Package';
        $sub['/packages.php']['/release-upload.php'] = 'Upload Release';
    $sub['/packages.php']['/packages.php'] = 'List Packages';
    $sub['/packages.php']['/search.php'] = 'Search Packages';
    $sub['/packages.php']['/package-stats.php'] = 'Statistics';
    $sub['/packages.php']['/channels/'] = 'Channels';
    $main_order[6] = '/accounts.php';
    $main['/accounts.php'] = 'Developers';
    $sub['/accounts.php'] = array();
    $sub['/accounts.php']['/map/'] = 'Find a Developer';
    $sub['/accounts.php']['/accounts.php'] = 'List Accounts';
    $sub['/accounts.php']['/bugs/stats_dev.php'] = 'Developers Bug Statistics';
    if (!empty($auth_user) && !empty($auth_user->registered) && auth_check('pear.dev')) {
        $sub['/accounts.php']['/release-upload.php'] = 'Upload Release';
        $sub['/accounts.php']['/package-new.php'] = 'New Package';
        $sub['/accounts.php']['/notes/admin/'] = 'Manage User Notes';
        $sub['/accounts.php']['/election/'] = 'View Elections';
    $main_order[5] = '/pepr/';
    $main['/pepr/'] = 'Package Proposals';
    $sub['/pepr/'] = array();
    $sub['/pepr/']['/pepr/'] = 'Browse Proposals';
    $sub['/pepr/']['/pepr/pepr-proposal-edit.php'] = 'New Proposal';
    $main_order[7] = '/bugs/';
    $main['/bugs/'] = 'Bugs';
    $sub['/bugs/'] = array();
    $sub['/bugs/']['/bugs/search.php'] = 'Search for bugs';
    $sub['/bugs/']['/bugs/stats.php'] = 'Package Bug Statistics';
    if (!empty($auth_user) && $auth_user->isAdmin()) {
        $main_order[8] = '/admin/';
        $main['/admin/'] = 'Administrators';
        $sub['/admin/'] = array();
        $sub['/admin/']['/admin/'] = 'Overview';
        $sub['/admin/']['/admin/package-approval.php'] = 'Package approvals';
        $sub['/admin/']['/admin/category-manager.php'] = 'Manage categories';
        $sub['/admin/']['/tags/admin.php'] = 'Manage tags';
        $sub['/admin/']['/admin/karma.php'] = 'Karma';
        $sub['/admin/']['/admin/apidoc-log.php'] = 'APIdoc log';
    // Orders the main items in the proper order according to $main_order
    foreach ($main_order as $mo) {
        if (isset($main[$mo])) {
            $data[$mo] = $main[$mo];
    // Relationship linker
    foreach (array_keys($sub) as $path) {
        $keys = array_keys($sub[$path]);
        $temp = array_fill_keys($keys, $path);
        $rel += $temp;
    // Can't find a match, lets cut pieces of the url
    // lets first try sub dir + a php file
    if (!isset($rel[$self]) || $rel[$self] === null) {
        $pos = strpos($self, '.php');
        $self = $pos !== false ? substr($self, 0, $pos + 4) : $self;
    // Can't find a match, lets cut pieces of the url
    if ((!isset($rel[$self]) || $rel[$self] === null) && strlen($self) > 0) {
        $pos = strpos($self, '/', 1);
        $self = $pos !== false ? substr($self, 0, $pos + 1) : $self;
    /* Check if it's a top level item.
     * There are cases were we don't want to put fake second level
     * menu item, like Bugs -> Index, the top level link serves as Index
    if (isset($data[$self])) {
        $rel += array($self => $self);
    // avoid a notice if the array key isn't set
    if (!array_key_exists($self, $rel)) {
        $rel[$self] = null;
    // Not really menu items but required so the correct
    // sub menu item gets selected
    $fake = array('/developers/' => '/accounts.php', '/user/' => '/accounts.php', '/package/' => '/packages.php', '/package-edit.php' => '/packages.php', '/package-delete.php' => '/packages.php');
    if (isset($fake[$self])) {
        $self = $fake[$self];
    // Still no luck, lets fallback on index.php
    if ($rel[$self] === null) {
        $self = '/index.php';
    $menu = array();
    $menu['main'] = make_menu($data, 'menu', $rel[$self]);
    $menu['sub'] = make_menu($sub[$rel[$self]], 'submenu', $self);
    return $menu;

$sub_menu = "300100";
include_once './_common.php';
include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/json.lib.php';
$data = array();
$data['error'] = '';
$data['error'] = auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], 'w', true);
if ($data['error']) {
if (!$config['cf_theme']) {
    $data['error'] = '사용 중인 테마가 없습니다.';
$theme_dir = get_theme_dir();
if (!in_array($config['cf_theme'], $theme_dir)) {
    $data['error'] = $config['cf_theme'] . ' 테마는 설치된 테마가 아닙니다.';
$type = $_POST['type'];
$arr_type = array('board', 'conf_skin', 'conf_member', 'shop_skin', 'shop_img_size');
if (!in_array($type, $arr_type)) {
    $data['error'] = '올바른 방법으로 이용해 주십시오.';
if ($type == 'board') {
    $keys = array('bo_gallery_cols', 'bo_gallery_width', 'bo_gallery_height', 'bo_mobile_gallery_width', 'bo_mobile_gallery_height', 'bo_image_width');
    $tconfig = get_theme_config_value($config['cf_theme'], implode(',', $keys));
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($keys as $val) {
function response_header($title = 'The PHP Extension Community Library', $style = false)
    global $_style, $_header_done, $SIDEBAR_DATA, $extra_styles, $auth_user;
    if ($_header_done) {
    $_header_done = true;
    $_style = $style;
    $rts = rtrim($SIDEBAR_DATA);
    if (substr($rts, -1) == '-') {
        $SIDEBAR_DATA = substr($rts, 0, -1);
    } else {
        global $main_menu, $docu_menu, $downloads_menu;
        $SIDEBAR_DATA .= draw_navigation($main_menu);
        $SIDEBAR_DATA .= draw_navigation($docu_menu, 'Documentation:');
        $SIDEBAR_DATA .= draw_navigation($downloads_menu, 'Downloads:');
        if (!$GLOBALS['_NODB']) {
        } else {
            $auth_user = null;
        if (is_logged_in()) {
            global $developer_menu;
            $SIDEBAR_DATA .= draw_navigation($developer_menu, 'Developers:');
            if (auth_check(true)) {
                global $admin_menu;
                $SIDEBAR_DATA .= draw_navigation($admin_menu, 'Administrators:');
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
 <title>PECL :: <?php 
    echo $title;
 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/gifs/pecl-favicon.ico" />
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" />
    foreach ($extra_styles as $style_file) {
        echo ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $style_file . "\" />\n";
 <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed" href="http://<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
/feeds/latest.rss" />

<body <?php 
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['ONLOAD'])) {
        print "onload=\"" . $GLOBALS['ONLOAD'] . "\"";
 <a id="TOP"></a>


<table class="head" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
  <td class="head-logo">
    print_link('/', make_image('peclsmall.gif', 'PECL :: The PHP Extension Community Library', false, false, false, false, 'margin: 5px;'));
<br />

  <td class="head-menu">
    if (empty($auth_user)) {
        print_link('/login.php', 'Login', false, 'class="menuBlack"');
    } else {
        print '<small class="menuWhite">';
        print 'Logged in as ' . strtoupper($auth_user->handle) . ' (';
        print '<a class="menuWhite" href="/user/' . $auth_user->handle . '">Info</a> | ';
        print '<a class="menuWhite" href="/account-edit.php?handle=' . $auth_user->handle . '">Profile</a> | ';
        print '<a class="menuWhite" href="https://bugs.php.net/search.php?cmd=display&amp;status=Open&amp;assign=' . $auth_user->handle . '">Bugs</a>';
        print ")</small><br />\n";
        print_link('/?logout=1', 'Logout', false, 'class="menuBlack"');
    echo delim();
    print_link('/packages.php', 'Packages', false, 'class="menuBlack"');
    echo delim();
    print_link('/support.php', 'Support', false, 'class="menuBlack"');
    echo delim();
    print_link('/bugs/', 'Bugs', false, 'class="menuBlack"');
&nbsp;<br />
    spacer(2, 2);
<br />

  <td class="head-search" colspan="2">
   <form method="post" action="/search.php">
    <p class="head-search"><span class="accesskey">S</span>earch for
    <input class="small" type="text" name="search_string" value="" size="20" accesskey="s" />
    in the
    <select name="search_in" class="small">
     <option value="packages">Packages</option>
     <option value="site">This site (using Google)</option>
     <option value="developers">Developers</option>
     <option value="pecl-dev">Developer mailing list</option>
     <option value="pecl-cvs">SVN commits mailing list</option>
    <input type="image" src="/gifs/small_submit_white.gif" alt="search" style="vertical-align: middle;" />&nbsp;<br />

<!-- END HEADER -->

<table class="middle" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

    if (isset($SIDEBAR_DATA)) {

  <td class="sidebar_left">
        echo $SIDEBAR_DATA;



  <td class="content">

Exemple #25
if (isset($_REQUEST['bug_type'])) {
    $selectedBt = $_REQUEST['bug_type'];
} else {
    $selectedBt = $_POST['in']['bug_type'];
   <select name="in[bug_type]" id="in[bug_type]">
if (auth_check('pear.dev')) {
    $content = '';
    $db = Bug_DataObject::bugDB('bugdb_roadmap');
    $db->package = $clean_package;
    $db->orderBy('releasedate ASC');
    $myroadmaps = array();
    if (isset($_POST['in']) && isset($_POST['in']['roadmap']) && is_array($_POST['in']['roadmap'])) {
        $myroadmaps = array_flip($_POST['in']['roadmap']);
    if ($db->find(false)) {
        while ($db->fetch()) {
            $released = $dbh->getOne('SELECT releases.id
                FROM packages, releases, bugdb_roadmap b
                b.id = ? AND
Exemple #26
function auth_require()
    global $auth_user;
    $res = true;
    $user = @$_COOKIE['PEAR_USER'];
    $passwd = @$_COOKIE['PEAR_PW'];
    if (!auth_verify($user, $passwd)) {
        // exits
    $num = func_num_args();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
        $arg = func_get_arg($i);
        $res = auth_check($arg);
        if ($res === true) {
            return true;
    if ($res === false) {
        response_header("Insufficient Privileges");
        report_error("Insufficient Privileges");
    return true;
Exemple #27

$sub_menu = "200100";
include_once "./_common.php";
auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "d");
$mb = get_member($_POST['mb_id']);
if (!$mb[mb_id]) {
    alert("회원자료가 존재하지 않습니다.");
} else {
    if ($member[mb_id] == $mb[mb_id]) {
        alert("로그인 중인 관리자는 삭제 할 수 없습니다.");
    } else {
        if (is_admin($mb[mb_id]) == "super") {
            alert("최고 관리자는 삭제할 수 없습니다.");
        } else {
            if ($mb[mb_level] >= $member[mb_level]) {
                alert("자신보다 권한이 높거나 같은 회원은 삭제할 수 없습니다.");
// 회원자료 삭제
if ($url) {
} else {
Exemple #28
 function removePackageTag($tag, $package)
     if (!is_int($package)) {
         $package = package::info($package, 'id');
     if (!is_numeric($tag)) {
         $tagid = $this->tagExists($tag);
     } else {
         $tagid = $tag;
     if (!$package || !$tagid) {
     if ($this->dbh->getOne('SELECT adminkey FROM tagnames WHERE tagid=?', array($tagid))) {
         if (!auth_check('pear.group') && !auth_check('pear.admin')) {
             throw new Exception('Only PEAR administrators can set or remove this tag');
     $this->dbh->query('DELETE FROM tag_package_link WHERE package_id=? AND tagid=?', array($package, $tagid));