function amr_meta_menu() { /* parent, page title, menu title, access level, file, function */ /* Note have to have different files, else wordpress runs all the functions together */ global $amain, $amr_pluginpage; global $ausersadminurl, $ausersadminusersurl; if (is_network_admin()) { $ausersadminurl = network_admin_url('admin.php'); $ausersadminusersurl = network_admin_url('users.php'); } else { $ausersadminurl = admin_url('admin.php'); $ausersadminusersurl = admin_url('users.php'); } if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } /* add the options page at admin level of access */ $menu_title = $page_title = __('User Lists', 'amr-users'); $parent_slug = 'amr-users'; $function = 'amrmeta_about_page'; $menu_slug = 'amr-users'; $capability = 'manage_options'; $settings_page = $ausersadminurl . '?page=amr-users'; $amr_pluginpage = add_menu_page($page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function); add_action('load-' . $amr_pluginpage, 'amru_on_load_page'); add_action('admin_init-' . $amr_pluginpage, 'amr_load_scripts'); $parent_slug = $menu_slug; $amr_pluginpage = add_submenu_page($parent_slug, __('About', 'amr-users'), __('About', 'amr-users'), 'manage_options', $menu_slug, $function); $amr_pluginpage = add_submenu_page($parent_slug, __('User List Settings', 'amr-users'), __('General Settings', 'amr-users'), 'manage_options', 'ameta-admin-general.php', 'amr_meta_general_page'); $amr_pluginpage = add_submenu_page($parent_slug, __('Configure a list', 'amr-users'), __('Configure a list', 'amr-users'), 'manage_options', 'ameta-admin-configure.php', 'amrmeta_configure_page'); add_action('admin_head-' . $amr_pluginpage, 'ameta_admin_style'); $amr_pluginpage = add_submenu_page($parent_slug, __('Cache Settings', 'amr-users'), __('Cacheing', 'amr-users'), 'manage_options', 'ameta-admin-cache-settings.php', 'amrmeta_cache_settings_page'); add_action('admin_head-' . $amr_pluginpage, 'ameta_admin_style'); if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } /* Need to get this early so we can do menus */ if (current_user_can('list_users') or current_user_can('edit_users')) { if (isset($amain['names'])) { /* add a separate menu item for each list */ foreach ($amain['names'] as $i => $name) { if (isset($amain['names'][$i])) { $page = add_submenu_page('users.php', __('User lists', 'amr-users'), $amain['names'][$i], 'list_users', 'ameta-list.php?ulist=' . $i, 'amr_list_user_meta'); // function /* Using registered $page handle to hook stylesheet loading */ add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, 'add_ameta_stylesheet'); add_action('admin_head-' . $page, 'ameta_admin_style'); } } } } }
function amr_meta_overview_page() { /* the main setting spage - num of lists and names of lists */ global $amain; global $aopt; if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Overview of configured user lists'.' '.AUSERS_VERSION); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc if (isset($_POST['import-list'])) { amr_meta_handle_import(); } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == "save") { if (!empty($_POST['reset'])) { amr_meta_reset(); return; } elseif (isset($_POST['export-list'])) { amr_meta_handle_export(); } else { amrmeta_validate_overview(); } } else { amr_handle_copy_delete(); } if (!ameta_cache_enable() or !ameta_cachelogging_enable()) { echo '<h2>' . __('Problem creating DB tables', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (!isset($amain['checkedpublic'])) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="checkedpublic" value="true"/>'; } echo '<h2>' . __('Overview & tools', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="wrap"><!-- one wrap -->' . PHP_EOL; if (!isset($amain['names'])) { echo '<h2>' . __('There is a problem - Some overview list settings got lost somehow. Try reset options.', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } else { amr_meta_overview_onelist_headings(); amr_meta_overview_onelist_headings_middle(); foreach ($amain['names'] as $i => $name) { //for ($i = 1; $i <= $amain['no-lists']; $i++) { amr_meta_overview_onelist_settings($i); echo '</tr>'; } amr_meta_overview_onelist_headings_end(); } echo '</div><!-- end of one wrap --> <br />' . PHP_EOL; //echo '<div style="clear: both; float:right; padding-right:100px;" class="submit">'; echo ausers_submit(); echo '<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="addnew" value="' . __('Add new', 'amr-users') . '" />'; amr_list_export_form(); echo ausers_form_end(); amr_list_import_form(); // different form }
function cache_status() { /* show the cache status and offer to rebuild */ global $wpdb; global $amain; $problem = false; $now = time(); $dt = new DateTime('now', $this->tz); $nowtxt = date_format($dt, 'D, j M Y G:i e'); if (is_admin()) { if (!($amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'))) { $amain = ameta_default_main(); } $wpdb->show_errors(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT reportid AS "rid", COUNT(reportid) AS "lines" FROM ' . $this->table_name . ' GROUP BY reportid'; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); /* Now e have a summary of what isin the cache table - rid, lines */ if (is_wp_error($results)) { echo '<h2>' . $results->get_error_message() . '</h2>'; return false; } else { if (!empty($results)) { //var_dump($results); var_dump($amain); foreach ($results as $i => $rpt) { $r = intval(substr($rpt['rid'], 5)); /* *** skip the 'users' and take the rest */ $summary[$r]['rid'] = $rpt['rid']; $summary[$r]['lines'] = $rpt['lines'] - 2; /* as first two liens are headers anyway*/ $summary[$r]['name'] = $amain['names'][intval($r)]; } } else { echo adb_cache::get_error('nocacheany'); // attempt a realtime run NO!!! Don't do this - for large databases that are failing anyway will be no good. //foreach ($amain['names'] as $i => $name) { // amr_build_user_data_maybe_cache($i); //} } $status = ausers_get_option('amr-users-cache-status'); /* Now pickup the record of starts etc reportid, start and reportid end*/ if (!empty($status)) { foreach ($status as $rd => $se) { $r = intval(substr($rd, 5)); /* *** skip the 'users' and take the rest */ if (empty($se['end'])) { $now = time(); $diff = $now - $se['start']; if ($diff > 60 * 5) { $problem = true; $summary[$r]['end'] = __('Taking too long, may have been aborted... delete cache status, try again, check server logs and/or memory limit', 'amr-users'); delete_transient('amr_users_cache_' . $r); // so another can run } else { $summary[$r]['end'] = sprintf(__('Started %s', 'amr-users'), human_time_diff($now, $se['start'])); } $summary[$r]['time_since'] = __('?', 'amr-users'); $summary[$r]['time_taken'] = __('?', 'amr-users'); $summary[$r]['peakmem'] = __('?', 'amr-users'); $summary[$r]['rid'] = $rd; $r = intval(substr($rd, 5)); /* *** skip the 'users' and take the rest */ $summary[$r]['name'] = $amain['names'][intval($r)]; } else { if (empty($se['end'])) { $summary[$r]['end'] = 'In progress'; } else { $datetime = new datetime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $se['end'])); if (empty($tzobj)) { $tzobj = amr_getset_timezone(); } $datetime->setTimezone($tzobj); $summary[$r]['end'] = $datetime->format('D, j M G:i'); } //$summary[$r]['end'] = empty($se['end']) ? 'In progress' : date_i18n('D, j M H:i:s',$se['end']); /* this is in unix timestamp not "our time" , so just say how long ago */ $summary[$r]['start'] = date_i18n('D, j M Y H:i:s', $se['start']); /* this is in unix timestamp not "our time" , so just say how long ago */ $dt = new DateTime('now', $this->tz); $nowtxt = date_format($dt, 'D, j M Y G:i e'); $summary[$r]['time_since'] = human_time_diff($se['end'], time()); /* the time that the last cache ended */ $summary[$r]['time_taken'] = $se['end'] - $se['start']; /* the time that the last cache ended */ $summary[$r]['peakmem'] = $se['peakmem']; $summary[$r]['headings'] = $se['headings']; } } } else { if (!empty($summary)) { foreach ($summary as $rd => $rpt) { $summary[$rd]['time_since'] = $summary[$rd]['time_taken'] = $summary[$rd]['end'] = $summary[$rd]['peakmem'] = ''; } } } if (!empty($summary)) { echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="wrap" style="padding-top: 20px;">' . '<h3>' . $nowtxt . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL . '<table class="widefat" style="width:auto; ">' . '<thead><tr><th>' . __('Report Id', 'amr-users') . '</th><th>' . __('Name', 'amr-users') . '</th><th>' . __('Lines', 'amr-users') . '</th><th style="text-align: right;">' . __('Ended?', 'amr-users') . '</th><th style="text-align: right;">' . __('How long ago?', 'amr-users') . '</th><th style="text-align: right;">' . __('Seconds taken', 'amr-users') . '</th><th style="text-align: right;">' . __('Peak Memory', 'amr-users') . '</th><th style="text-align: right;">' . __('Details', 'amr-users') . '</th></tr></thead>'; foreach ($summary as $rd => $rpt) { if (!isset($rpt['headings'])) { $rpt['headings'] = ' '; } if (!isset($rpt['lines'])) { $rpt['lines'] = ' '; } if (isset($rpt['rid'])) { echo '<tr>' . '<td>' . $rpt['rid'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . au_view_link($rpt['name'], $rd, '') . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $rpt['lines'] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $rpt['end'] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $rpt['time_since'] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $rpt['time_taken'] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $rpt['peakmem'] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $rpt['headings'] . '</td>' . '</tr>'; } } echo PHP_EOL . '</table>' . PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end wrap -->' . PHP_EOL; } } } else { echo '<h3>not admin?</h3>'; } if ($problem) { $fun = '<a target="_blank" title="' . __('Link to audio file of the astronauts of Apollo 13 reporting a problem.', 'amr-users') . '" href="" >' . __('Houston, we have a problem', 'amr-users') . '</a>'; $text = __('The background job\'s may be having problems.', 'amr-users'); $text .= '<br />' . __('Delete all the cache records and try again', 'amr-users'); $text .= '<br />' . __('Check the server logs and your php wordpress memory limit.', 'amr-users'); $text .= '<br />' . __('The TPC memory usage plugin may be useful to assess whether the problem is memory.', 'amr-users'); $text = $fun . '<br/>' . $text; amr_users_message($text); } }
function amrmeta_cache_settings_page() { global $aopt; global $amr_nicenames; global $pluginpage; global $amain; if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } $tabs['settings'] = __('Cache Settings', 'amr-users'); $tabs['logs'] = __('Cache Logs', 'amr-users'); $tabs['status'] = __('Cache Status', 'amr-users'); if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { if ($_GET['tab'] == 'logs') { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'logs'); amrmeta_cache_logs_page(); return; } elseif ($_GET['tab'] == 'status') { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'status'); amrmeta_cachestatus_page(); return; } } amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'settings'); //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Cache Settings'); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc if (!ameta_cache_enable() or !ameta_cachelogging_enable()) { echo '<h2>Problem creating DB tables</h2>'; } if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == "save") { amrmeta_validate_cache_settings(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['rebuildback'])) { echo '<p>' . __('Background cache request received', 'amr-users') . '</p>'; if (isset($_REQUEST['rebuildreal'])) { $ulist = (int) $_REQUEST['rebuildreal']; amr_request_cache_with_feedback($ulist); } else { amr_request_cache_with_feedback(); } return; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['rebuildreal'])) { /* can only do one list at a time in realtime */ $ulist = (int) $_REQUEST['rebuildreal']; amr_rebuild_in_realtime_with_info($ulist); //echo amr_build_cache_for_one($_REQUEST['rebuildreal']); //echo '<h2>'.sprintf(__('Cache rebuilt for %s ','amr-users'),$_REQUEST['rebuildreal']).'</h2>'; /* check that allowed */ //echo au_view_link(__('View Report','amr-users'), $_REQUEST['rebuildreal'], __('View the recently cached report','amr-users')); return; } else { /* validation will have been done */ $freq = array('notauto' => __('No scheduled auto cacheing', 'amr-users'), 'hourly' => __('Hourly', 'amr-users'), 'twicedaily' => __('Twice daily', 'amr-users'), 'daily' => __('Daily', 'amr-users')); if (!isset($amain['cache_frequency'])) { $freqchosen = 'notauto'; } else { $freqchosen = $amain['cache_frequency']; } echo '<h3>'; _e('Activate regular cache rebuild ? ', 'amr-users'); echo '</h3><span><em>'; echo '<p>'; _e('This cacheing grabs all the raw data it can find and does some preprocessing. ', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('The data is stored in a flat db table for later formatting and reporting. ', 'amr-users'); echo '</p>'; echo '<p>'; _e('The cache log will tell you the last few times that the cache was rebuilt and why. ', 'amr-users'); echo '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=ameta-admin-cache-settings.php&tab=logs') . '">' . __('Go to cache log', 'amr-users') . '</a>'; echo '<br />'; _e('A cron plugin may also be useful.', 'amr-users'); echo ' <a href="">amr cron manager</a>'; echo '</p>'; echo '<p><a target="_blank" href="">' . __('More information', 'amr-users') . '</a></p>'; echo '</em> </span> <p>'; /* echo '<label for="notonuserupdate"> <input type="checkbox" size="2" id="notonuserupdate" name="notonuserupdate" '; echo (empty($amain['notonuserupdate'])) ? '' :' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; _e('Do NOT re-cache on user update', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; */ echo '<ul><li>'; echo '<label for="notonuserupdate"> <input type="radio" size="2" id="notonuserupdate" name="notonuserupdate" value="true"'; echo empty($amain['notonuserupdate']) ? '' : ' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; _e('Do NOT re-cache on user update', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; echo '</li><li>'; //echo '<br />'; echo '<label for="doonuserupdate"> <input type="radio" size="2" id="doonuserupdate" name="notonuserupdate" value="false"'; echo $amain['notonuserupdate'] ? '' : ' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; _e('Do re-cache on user update', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; echo '</li></ul>'; echo '</p><br />'; echo '<br />'; echo '<p><em><b>'; _e('If you have very frequent user updates consider only cacheing at regular intervals', 'amr-users'); echo '</b> '; _e('This will help prevent excessive database activity', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('EG: Are you tracking every page ? every login.. you do not want it recaching all the time?!', 'amr-users'); _e('Rather cache hourly only. A refresh can be requested.', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('Wordpress transients are also used to cache the html in public lists and front end', 'amr-users'); echo '</em></p>'; echo '<p><em><b>'; _e('To switch off all auto cacheing, select "Do not.." above AND "No..." below.', 'amr-users'); echo '</b><br />'; _e('Lists will then be re-generated on manual refresh request only.', 'amr-users'); echo '</em></p>'; foreach ($freq as $i => $f) { echo '<label><input type="radio" name="cache_frequency" value="' . $i . '" '; if ($i == $freqchosen) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '/>'; echo $f; echo '</label><br />'; } echo alist_update(); echo alist_rebuild(); } echo ausers_form_end(); }
function amr_check_for_upgrades() { // NB must be in order of the oldest changes first // called from ausers_get_option // should already have values then - and will not be new ? global $amain, $aopt; if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<div class="message">Debug mode: check doing upgrade check </div>'; // must be in admin and be admin if (!is_admin() or !current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } // handle a series of updates in order if (!isset($amain['version'])) { $amain['version'] = '0'; } // really old? if (version_compare($amain['version'], AUSERS_VERSION, '=')) { return; } // if same version, don't repeat check $prev = $amain['version']; echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="updated"><p>'; // closing div at end printf(__('Previous version was %s. ', 'amr-users'), $prev); _e('New version activated. ', 'amr-users'); _e('We may need to process some updates.... checking now... ', 'amr-users'); // do old changes first - user may not have updated for a while.... if (!isset($amain['version']) or version_compare($amain['version'], '3.1', '<')) { // convert old options from before 3.1 echo '<br />'; printf(__('Prev version less than %s', 'amr-users'), '3.1.'); if (!isset($amain['csv_text'])) { $amain['csv_text'] = '<img src="' . plugins_url('amr-users/images/file_export.png') . '" alt="' . __('Csv', 'amr-users') . '"/>'; } if (!isset($amain['refresh_text'])) { $amain['refresh_text'] = '<img src="' . plugins_url('amr-users/images/rebuild.png') . '" alt="' . __('Refresh user list cache', 'amr-users') . '"/>'; } ausers_update_option('amr-users-main', $amain); echo '<br />' . __('Image links updated.', 'amr-users'); echo '</p>'; } // if (!isset($amain['version']) or version_compare($amain['version'], '3.3.1', '<')) { // check for before 3.3.1 echo '<br />'; printf(__('Prev version less than %s', 'amr-users'), '3.3.1.'); $c = new adb_cache(); $c->deactivate(); if (!ameta_cache_enable() or !ameta_cachelogging_enable()) { echo '<h2>' . __('Problem creating amr user DB tables', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } echo '<br />'; _e('Cacheing tables recreated.', 'amr-users'); } // if (!isset($amain['version']) or version_compare($amain['version'], '3.3.6', '<')) { // check for before 3.3.6, echo '<br />'; printf(__('Prev version less than %s', 'amr-users'), '3.3.6. '); echo '</p>' . __('Minor sub option name change for avatar size', 'amr-users') . '</p>'; if (!empty($amain['avatar-size'])) { $amain['avatar_size'] = $amain['avatar-size']; } else { $amain['avatar_size'] = '16'; } unset($amain['avatar-size']); ausers_update_option('amr-users-main', $amain); } // 3.4.4 July 2012 if (!isset($amain['version']) or version_compare($amain['version'], '3.4.4', '<')) { // check for before 3.3., echo '<br />'; printf(__('Prev version less than %s', 'amr-users'), '3.4.4 '); echo '<p><b>' . __('New Pagination option default to yes for all lists.', 'amr-users') . '</b></p>'; if (!isset($amain['show_pagination'])) { foreach ($amain['names'] as $i => $n) { $amain['show_pagination'][$i] = true; } } } $amain['version'] = AUSERS_VERSION; ausers_update_option('amr-users-main', $amain); // was 'amr-users-no-lists' echo '<p>' . __('Finished Update Checks', 'amr-users') . ' '; echo ' <a href="">' . __('Please read the changelog', 'amr-users') . '</a>'; echo '</p>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<br />' . __('As a precaution we will now rebuild the nice names.', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />' . __('Relax .... you won\'t lose anything.', 'amr-users'); ameta_rebuildnicenames(); echo '</div><!-- end updated -->' . PHP_EOL; }
function amr_get_alluserdata($list) { /* get all user data and attempt to extract out any object values into arrays for listing */ global $excluded_nicenames, $amain, $aopt, $orig_mk, $amr_current_list; $amr_current_list = $list; $main_fields = amr_get_usermasterfields(); // mainwpuser fields less any excluded in nice names // maybe use, but no major improvement for normal usage add_filter( 'pre_user_query', 'amr_add_where'); if (!($orig_mk = ausers_get_option('amr-users-original-keys'))) { $orig_mk = array(); } // // track_progress ('Meta fields we could use to improve selection: '.print_r($orig_mk, true)); $combofields = amr_get_combo_fields($list); $role = ''; $mkeys = array(); if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list]['included'])) { // if we have fields that are in main user table, we could add - but unliket as selection criteria - more in search foreach ($aopt['list'][$list]['included'] as $newk => $choose) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; } if ($newk == 'first_role') { if (is_array($choose)) { $role = array_pop($choose); } else { $role = $choose; } } if (isset($orig_mk[$newk]) and $newk == $orig_mk[$newk]) { // ie it is an original meta field if (is_array($choose)) { if (count($choose) == 1) { $choose = array_pop($choose); $compare = '='; } else { $compare = 'IN'; } } else { $compare = '='; } $meta_query[] = array('key' => $newk, 'value' => $choose, 'compare' => $compare); } } } // now try for exclusions if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list]['excluded'])) { foreach ($aopt['list'][$list]['excluded'] as $newk => $choose) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; // we need to fetch a meta value if ($newk == $orig_mk[$newk]) { // ie it is an original meta field 1 to 1 if (is_array($choose)) { if (count($choose) == 1) { $choose = array_pop($choose); $compare = '!='; } else { $compare = 'NOT IN'; } } else { $compare = '!='; } $meta_query[] = array('key' => $newk, 'value' => $choose, 'compare' => $compare); } } } // end for each } // now need to make sure we find all the meta keys we need foreach (array('selected', 'excludeifblank', 'includeonlyifblank', 'sortby') as $v) { if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list][$v])) { foreach ($aopt['list'][$list][$v] as $newk => $choose) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { // ie it is FROM an original meta field $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; } } } } if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list]['grouping'])) { foreach ($aopt['list'][$list]['grouping'] as $i => $newk) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { // ie it is FROM an original meta field $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; } } } $args = array(); $users = array(); // to handle in weird situation of no users - eg if db corrupt! if (!empty($role)) { $args['role'] = $role; } if (!empty($meta_query)) { $args['meta_query'] = $meta_query; } //if (!empty ($fields) ) $args['fields'] = $fields; //$args['fields'] = 'all_with_meta'; //might be too huge , but fast - DOES NOT GET META DATA ?? and/or only gets single values //track_progress ('Simple meta selections to pass to query: '.print_r($args, true)); if (is_network_admin() or amr_is_network_admin()) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>';if (is_network_admin()) echo 'network admin'; else echo 'NOT network admin but treating as is';} $args['blog_id'] = '0'; } if (isset($amain['use_wp_query'])) { //hmm always doing this $all = get_users($args); // later - add selection if possible here to reduce memory requirements //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Fetched with wordpress query. No. of records found: <b>'.count($all).'</b><br /> using args: '; var_dump($args); } } else { //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br/>if WP_DEBUG: Fetching with own query '; $all = amru_get_users($args); // later - add selection if possible here to reduce memory requirements //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Fetched with own query. No. of records found: <b>'.count($all).'</b><br /> using args: '; var_dump($args); } } //track_progress('after get wp users, we have '.count($all)); foreach ($all as $i => $userobj) { // build our user array and add any missing meta // save the main data, toss the rest foreach ($main_fields as $i2 => $v2) { //$users[$i][$v2] = $userobj->$v2; if (!empty($userobj->{$v2})) { $users[$userobj->ID][$v2] = $userobj->{$v2}; } //OBJECT_K does not always seem to key the array correctly } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // we just need to expand the meta data if (!empty($keys)) { // - the list of metadata keys. If we have some meta data requested, and most of the time we will foreach ($keys as $i2 => $v2) { //if (!isset($userobj->$i2)) { // in some versions the overloading does not work - only fetches 1 //$userobj->$i2 = get_user_meta($userobj->ID, $i2, false); //wordpress does some kind of overloading to fetch meta data BUT above only fetches single $test = get_user_meta($userobj->ID, $i2, false); // get as array in case there are multiple values if (!empty($test)) { //if (WP_DEBUG) echo 'i2='.$i2;var_dump($test); if (is_array($test)) { // because we are now checking for multiple values so it returns an array if (count($test) == 1) { // one record, single value returned $temp = current($test); // there is only one - get it without taking it out of array //$temp = array_pop($test); // get that one record //if (WP_DEBUG) {var_dump($temp);} // oh dear next code broke those nasty complex s2membercustom fields // but it's the way to deal with non associative arrays if (is_array($temp)) { // if that one record is an array - hope to hell that's the end of the nested arrays, but now it wont be if (!amr_is_assoc($temp)) { // if it is a numeric keyed array, cannot handle as per associative array // ideally no spaces here BUT if there is no custom formatting routine to explode and re-implode, then folks complain about lack of space between. NB Check impact on filter values. (explode with spaces perhaps?) //$temp = implode (',',$temp); // 20140305 space sinformatting only - not here $temp = implode(', ', $temp); // must be a list of values ? implode here or later? // or should we force it into a mulit meta array ? } // else leave as is for further processing //else var_dump($temp); } $userobj->{$i2} = $temp; // save it as our value //$userobj->$i2 = array_pop($test); // cannot indirectly update an overloaded value //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />save obj: ';var_dump($userobj->$i2);} } else { // we got multple meta records - ASSUME for now it is a good implementation and the values are 'simple' // otherwise they really should create their meta data a better way. Can't solve everyones problems. $userobj->{$i2} = implode(', ', $test); } } else { $userobj->{$i2} = $test; } $temp = maybe_unserialize($userobj->{$i2}); // in case anyone done anything weird //gravity forms has weird serialised nested array - argghh $temp = objectToArray($temp); /* must do all so can cope with incomplete objects eg: if the creating plugin has been uninstalled*/ $key = str_replace(' ', '_', $i2); /* html does not like spaces in the names*/ if (is_array($temp)) { if (count($temp) == 1) { // one record, single value returned - will fix that annoying gravity form emergency contact thing // oh dear but broke the single capability thing if (!current($temp) == true and !current($temp) == '1') { // ie not a capability thing $temp = array_pop($temp); } // its a usable value and } } if (is_array($temp)) { // if it is still an array inside //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Got an array'; var_dump($temp);} foreach ($temp as $i3 => $v3) { $key = $i2 . '-' . str_replace(' ', '_', $i3); /* html does not like spaces in the names*/ //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Got an array - key'; var_dump($key);} if (is_array($v3)) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Got an nested array'; } // code just in case another plugin nests deeper, until we know tehre is one, let us be more efficient if (amr_is_assoc($v3)) { // does not yet handle, just dump values for now // really shouldn't be nested this deep associativey - bad $users[$i][$key] = implode(", ", $v3); //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Got associative array:'.$i2.' '.$i3; var_dump($users[$i][$key]);} } else { // is numeric array eg s2member custom multi choice $users[$userobj->ID][$key] = implode(", ", $v3); } } else { $users[$userobj->ID][$key] = $v3; } } } else { $users[$userobj->ID][$key] = $temp; //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Not an array'; var_dump($temp);} } unset($temp); // we could add some include / exclude checking here? //if (WP_DEBUG) var_dump($users[$userobj->ID]); } } /// end for each keys } // unset($all[$i]); } // end for each all unset($all); $users = apply_filters('amr_get_users', $users); // allow addition or removal of normal wp users who will have userid, and /or any other data //track_progress('after get users meta check '.(count($users))); $post_types = get_post_types(); /* get the extra count data */ if (amr_need_the_field($list, 'comment_count')) { $c = get_commentnumbers_by_author(); } else { $c = array(); } //track_progress('after get comments check'); if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $iu => $u) { // do the comments if (isset($u['ID']) and isset($c[$u['ID']])) { $users[$iu]['comment_count'] = $c[$u['ID']]++; /*** would like to cope with situation of no userid, but awkward here */ } // do the post counts foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { if (amr_need_the_field($list, $post_type . '_count')) { $users[$iu][$post_type . '_count'] = amr_count_user_posts($u['ID'], $post_type); // if ()WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />**'.$post_type.' '.$list[$iu][$post_type.'_count']; // $list[$iu]['post_count'] = get_usernumposts($u['ID']); /* wordpress function */ if ($users[$iu][$post_type . '_count'] == 0) { unset($users[$iu][$post_type . '_count']); } } } if (amr_need_the_field($list, 'first_role')) { $user_object = new WP_User($u['ID']); if (!empty($user_object->roles)) { $users[$iu]['first_role'] = amr_which_role($user_object); } if (empty($users[$iu]['first_role'])) { unset($users[$iu]['first_role']); } } } } //track_progress('after post types and roles:'.count($users)); unset($c); $users = apply_filters('amr_get_users_with_meta', $users); // allow addition of users from other tables with own meta data //track_progress('after user filter, have'.count($users)); if (empty($users)) { return false; } return $users; }
function ameta_list_excluded_keys() { global $wpdb; //we need to allow manual exclusion of metakeys becuase of s2members strange time keys on access_cap_limits and who knows there might be others. if (!($excluded_meta_keys = ausers_get_option('amr-users-excluded-meta-keys'))) { $excluded_meta_keys = amr_default_excluded_metakeys(); } // check if we have any new keys since last time, no need to fetch $q = "SELECT meta_key, COUNT(umeta_id) AS Count FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} GROUP BY meta_key"; $allkeys = $wpdb->get_results($q, ARRAY_A); $num_keys = count($allkeys); $exc_keys = 0; foreach ($allkeys as $i => $row) { if (!isset($excluded_meta_keys[$row['meta_key']])) { $excluded_meta_keys[$row['meta_key']] = false; //echo '<br />'.__('Added meta to report DB: ','amr-users').$row['meta_key']; } if ($excluded_meta_keys[$row['meta_key']]) { $exc_keys = $exc_keys + 1; } $totals[$row['meta_key']] = $allkeys[$i]['Count']; } ksort($excluded_meta_keys); echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear"> </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<div><!-- excluded keys list-->'; echo '<h2>' . __('User meta keys in this site today', 'amr-users') . ' (' . $num_keys . ') - ' . sprintf(__('%s excluded', 'amr-users'), $exc_keys) . '</h2>'; echo '<ul>' . '<li>' . __('Extracts the current distinct user meta keys used', 'amr-users') . ' - <strong>' . __('Sample data MUST exist!', 'amr-users') . '</strong>' . '</li>' . '</ul>'; echo ameta_keys_update_buttons(); // the buttons echo '<table class="widefat">'; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Meta Key', 'amr-users') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Exclude?', 'amr-users') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Delete meta records?', 'amr-users') . '</th>' . '</tr>'; foreach ($excluded_meta_keys as $i => $v) { if (empty($totals[$i])) { continue; } //ie it has not been deleted since we saved echo "\n\t" . '<tr>' . '<td>' . $i . '</td><td>'; if ($i === 'ID') { echo ' '; } else { echo '<input type="checkbox" id="mex' . $i . '" name="mex[' . $i . ']"'; if (!empty($excluded_meta_keys[$i])) { echo ' value=true checked="checked" '; } echo ' />'; } echo '</td><td>'; if ($i === 'ID') { echo ' '; } else { echo '<input type="checkbox" id="del' . $i . '" name="del[' . $i . ']"'; echo ' />'; echo ' (' . $totals[$i] . ')'; } echo '</td></tr>'; } echo "\n\t" . '</table>' . PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- excluded keys list-->' . PHP_EOL; return; }
function add_amr_stylesheet() { global $amain; if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } if (isset($amain['do_not_use_css']) and $amain['do_not_use_css']) { return; } if (!empty($amain['use_css_on_pages'])) { $do_css = false; $csspages = explode(',', $amain['use_css_on_pages']); foreach ($csspages as $csspage) { if ($do_css = is_page($csspage)) { break; } } if (!$do_css) { return; } } $myStyleUrl = AUSERS_URL . 'css/amrusersfront.css'; $myStyleFile = AUSERS_DIR . 'css/amrusersfront.css'; if (file_exists($myStyleFile)) { wp_register_style('amrusers', $myStyleUrl); wp_enqueue_style('amrusers'); } }
function amrmeta_listfields($listindex = 1) { global $aopt; global $amain; global $amr_nicenames, $excluded_nicenames, $ausersadminurl; $linktypes = amr_linktypes(); /* check if we have some options already in Database. - use their names, if not, use default, else overwrite .*/ if (!($checkifusingdefault = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames')) or empty($amr_nicenames)) { //$text = __('Possible fields not configured! default list being used. Please build complete nicenames list.','amr-users'); amrmeta_check_find_fields(); exit; } $config =& $aopt['list'][$listindex]; $sel =& $config['selected']; /* sort our controlling index by the selected display order for ease of viewing */ foreach ($amr_nicenames as $i => $n) { if (isset($config['selected'][$i]) or isset($config['sortby'][$i]) or isset($config['included'][$i]) or isset($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i]) or isset($config['excluded'][$i]) or isset($config['excludeifblank'][$i]) or isset($config['sortdir'][$i])) { $keyfields[$i] = $i; } } if (isset($keyfields)) { $nicenames = auser_sortbyother($amr_nicenames, $keyfields); } else { $nicenames = $amr_nicenames; } if (count($sel) > 0) { uasort($sel, 'amr_usort'); $nicenames = auser_sortbyother($nicenames, $sel); /* sort for display with the selected fields first */ } echo '<br /><p class="clear"><input id="submit" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="updateoverview" value="'; _e('Update overview settings', 'amr-users'); echo '" />' . ' <a href="' . wp_nonce_url($ausersadminurl . '?page=ameta-admin-general.php&tab=overview', 'amr-meta') . '" title="' . __('Go to overview of all lists', 'amr-users') . '" >' . __('Manage lists', 'amr-users') . '</a>' . ' | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url($ausersadminurl . '?page=ameta-admin-general.php&tab=fields', 'amr-meta') . '" title="' . __('Find Fields (must have sample data in them)', 'amr-users') . '" >' . __('Find Fields', 'amr-users') . '</a>' . '</p>'; amr_meta_overview_onelist_headings(); amr_meta_overview_onelist_headings_middle(); amr_meta_overview_onelist_settings($listindex); amr_meta_overview_onelist_headings_end(); echo '<br /><br />'; echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="wrap">' . PHP_EOL . '<input id="submit" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update" value="'; _e('Update field settings', 'amr-users'); echo '" /> '; amr_userlist_submenu($listindex); echo '<br />'; echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear userlistfields">'; echo '<table class="widefat" style="padding-right: 2px;"><thead style="text-align:center;"><tr>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="text-align:right;">' . __('Field name', 'amr-users') . '</th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:1em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('Blank to hide, Enter a number to select and specify column order. Eg: 1 2 6 8', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Display order', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Html to appear before if there is a value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Before:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Html to appear after if there is a value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('After:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:2em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('Type of link to be generated on the field value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Link Type:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Eg: value1,value2', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Include:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Tick to include a user ONLY if there is no value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Include ONLY if Blank:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Eg: value1,value2.', 'amr-users') . ' ' . __('Display the field to set up the exclusion, then you can undisplay it afterwards.', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('But Exclude:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Tick to exclude a user if there is no value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Exclude if Blank:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:1em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('Enter integers, need not be contiguous', 'amr-users') . ' ' . __('Maximum 2 sort level. Can switch off display.', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Sort Order:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:2em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('For sort order. Default is ascending', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Sort Descending:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '</tr></thead><tbody>'; foreach ($nicenames as $i => $f) { /* list through all the possible fields*/ echo PHP_EOL . '<tr>'; $l = 'l' . $listindex . '-' . $i; if ($i === 'comment_count') { $f .= '<a title="' . __('Explanation of comment total functionality', 'amr-users') . '" href="">**</a>'; } echo '<td style="text-align:right;">' . $f . '</td>'; echo '<td><input type="text" size="1" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][selected][' . $i . ']"' . ' value="'; if (isset($sel[$i]) or !empty($config['included'][$i]) or !empty($config['excluded'][$i]) or !empty($config['excludeifblank'][$i]) or !empty($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i]) or !empty($config['sortby'][$i]) or !empty($config['sortdir'][$i])) { if (isset($sel[$i])) { echo $sel[$i]; } echo '" /></td>'; if (!empty($sel[$i])) { /* don't need label - use previous lable*/ echo '<td><input type="text" size="10" name="list[' . $listindex . '][before][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['before'][$i])) { echo ' value="' . stripslashes($config['before'][$i]) . '"'; } //handle slashes returned by quotes echo ' /></td>'; // do not use htmlentities2 here - break foreigh chars echo '<td><input type="text" size="10" name="list[' . $listindex . '][after][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['after'][$i])) { echo ' value="' . stripslashes($config['after'][$i]) . '"'; } echo ' /></td>'; } else { echo '<td>-</td><td>-</td>'; } if (isset($sel[$i]) and !strpos($sel[$i], '.')) { // if not a partial cell, then can have link type //if (isset($sel[$i]) and !strpos($sel[$i],'.')) { echo '<td><select id="links' . $l . '" ' . ' name="list[' . $listindex . '][links][' . $i . ']" >'; foreach ($linktypes as $lti => $linktype) { echo ' <option value="' . $lti . '" '; if (!empty($config['links'][$i]) and $config['links'][$i] === $lti) { echo ' selected = "selected" '; } echo ' >' . $linktype . '</option>'; } echo '</select></td>'; } else { echo '<td>-</td>'; } // echo '<td><select name="list['.$listindex.'][included]['.$i.']"'; // echo amr_users_dropdown ($choices, $config['included'][$i]); // echo '</select>'; echo '<td><input type="text" size="20" name="list[' . $listindex . '][included][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['included'][$i])) { echo ' value="' . implode(',', $config['included'][$i]) . '"'; } echo ' /></td>'; $l = 'c' . $listindex . '-' . $i; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="list[' . $listindex . '][includeonlyifblank][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i])) { echo ' checked="checked" />'; if (isset($config['excludeifblank'][$i])) { /* check for inconsistency and flag */ echo '<span style="color:#D54E21; font-size:larger;">*</span>'; } } else { echo '/>'; } echo '</td>'; $l = 'x' . $listindex . '-' . $i; echo '<td><input type="text" size="20" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][excluded][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['excluded'][$i])) { if (is_array($config['excluded'][$i])) { $val = implode(',', $config['excluded'][$i]); } else { $val = $config['excluded'][$i]; } echo ' value="' . $val . '"'; } echo ' /></td>'; $l = 'b' . $listindex . '-' . $i; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][excludeifblank][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['excludeifblank'][$i])) { echo ' checked="checked" />'; if (isset($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i])) { /* check for inconsistency and flag */ echo '<span style="color:#D54E21; font-size:larger;">*</span>'; } } else { echo '/>'; } echo '</td>'; $l = 's' . $listindex . '-' . $i; echo '<td>' . '<input type="text" size="2" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][sortby][' . $i . ']"'; if (isset($config['sortby'][$i])) { echo ' value="' . $config['sortby'][$i] . '"'; } echo ' /></td>' . '<td><input type="checkbox" id="sd' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][sortdir][' . $i . ']"'; echo ' value="SORT_DESC"'; if (isset($config['sortdir'][$i])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo ' />' . '</td>'; } else { echo '" /></td>'; echo '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>' . '<td> - </td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo PHP_EOL . '</tbody></table>'; echo PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end userlistfield -->'; echo PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end wrap -->'; return; }
function ameta_rebuildnicenames() { global $wpdb, $amr_nicenames; /* */ // amr_users_message (__('Rebuilding List of possible fields. This could take a while - I have to query evey meta record, of which there can be multiple for each main record. Please be patient...', 'amr-users')); /* check if we have some options already in Database. - use their names, if not, use default, else overwrite .*/ flush(); /* try does not always work */ $oldnn = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames'); $nn = ameta_defaultnicenames(); /* get the default list names required */ /* Add any new fields in */ unset($list); $list = amr_get_alluserkeys(); /* maybe only do this if a refresh is required ? No only happens on admin anyway ? */ echo '<h3>' . __('Try to make some nicer names.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; /**** wp has changed - need to alllow for prefix now on fields. Actually due to wpmu - keep the prefix, let the user remove it! */ foreach ($list as $i => $v) { if (empty($nn[$v])) { /* set a reasonable default nice name */ if (!empty($oldnn[$v])) { $nn[$v] = $oldnn[$v]; //echo '<br />'. sprintf(__('Use existing name %s for %s', 'amr-users'),$nn[$v],$v); } else { // take the last part of the field only - no not nice too unpredictable //$lastdash = strripos($v,'-'); //$nn[$v] = substr($v, $lastdash); $nn[$v] = str_replace('s2member_custom_fields', 's2m', $v); // if it is a s2member field - reduce length of name $nn[$v] = str_replace('s2member', 's2m', $nn[$v]); $nn[$v] = str_replace('capabilities', 'Cap', $nn[$v]); $nn[$v] = str_replace('-', ' ', $nn[$v]); // if (isset ($wpdb->prefix)) {$nn[$v] = str_replace ($wpdb->prefix, '', $nn[$v]);} /* Note prefix has underscore*/ $nn[$v] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $nn[$v])); if (function_exists('amr_check_ym_custom_nicenames')) { // look and fix ym custom fields $nn[$v] = amr_check_ym_custom_nicenames($v); } echo '<br />' . sprintf(__('Created name %s for %s', 'amr-users'), $nn[$v], $v); } } } unset($list); amr_check_for_table_prefixes($nn); ausers_update_option('amr-users-nicenames', $nn); $amr_nicenames = $nn; return $nn; }
function amr_meta_general_page_display() { global $amain; //amr_mimic_meta_box('related', 'Related plugins','amru_related', true); if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } if (empty($amain['csv_text'])) { $amain['csv_text'] = '<img src="' . plugins_url('amr-users/images/file_export.png') . '" alt="' . __('Csv', 'amr-users') . '"/>'; } if (empty($amain['refresh_text'])) { $amain['refresh_text'] = '<img src="' . plugins_url('amr-users/images/rebuild.png') . '" alt="' . __('Refresh user list cache', 'amr-users') . '"/>'; } if (empty($amain['noaccess_text'])) { $amain['noaccess_text'] = __('You do not have access to this list, or are not logged in.', 'amr-users'); } if (!isset($amain['checkedpublic'])) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="checkedpublic" value="true"/>'; } if (isset($amain['do_not_use_css']) and $amain['do_not_use_css']) { $do_not_use_css = ' checked="checked" '; } else { $do_not_use_css = ''; } echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear wrap">'; amr_users_say_thanks_opportunity_form(); echo '<br />'; echo '<h3>'; _e('How to fetch data?', 'amr-users'); echo '</h3><input type="radio" name="use_wp_query" value="1" '; if (!empty($amain['use_wp_query'])) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '> '; _e('Fetch user data with wp_query? ', 'amr-users'); echo ' <em>'; _e('WordPress does some extra work which requires more memory', 'amr-users'); echo '</em>'; echo '<br />'; // echo '</label>'; // echo '<label for="use_wp_query">'; echo '<input type="radio" name="use_wp_query" value="0" '; if (empty($amain['use_wp_query'])) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '> '; _e('Fetch user data directly? ', 'amr-users'); echo ' <em>'; _e('This seems to use less memory, better for very large databases.', 'amr-users'); echo '</em>'; echo '<br /><br />'; //echo '</label>'; echo '<h3 id="general">' . __('General & Styling', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; echo '<label for="do_not_use_css">'; _e('No css ', 'amr-users'); echo '</label> <input type="checkbox" size="2" id="do_not_use_css" name="do_not_use_css" '; echo empty($amain['do_not_use_css']) ? '' : ' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; echo '<em> '; _e('Do not use css provided, my theme css is good enough', 'amr-users'); echo '</em>'; echo '<br /><br />'; if (!empty($amain['do_not_use_css'])) { $disabled = ' disabled="disabled" '; } else { $disabled = ''; } echo '<label for="use_css_on_pages">'; _e('Use css on these pages only ', 'amr-users'); echo ' <em>'; _e('(Else all if using css)', 'amr-users'); _e('(comma separated integers)', 'amr-users'); echo ' </em>'; echo '</label><br /> <input ' . ' type="text" size="130" id="use_css_on_pages" name="use_css_on_pages" '; echo empty($amain['use_css_on_pages']) ? '' : ' value="' . $amain['use_css_on_pages'] . '" '; echo '/><br /><br />'; echo PHP_EOL . '<label for="csv_text">'; _e('Text for csv link', 'amr-users'); echo ' <em>'; _e('(May be plain text or an icon link)', 'amr-users'); echo ' </em>'; echo '</label><br />' . PHP_EOL . '<input type="text" size="130" id="csv_text" name="csv_text" value="'; echo esc_attr($amain['csv_text']); echo '"/>' . ' ' . __('Preview:', 'amr-users') . ' ' . '<a href="#" title="' . __('This will be a link', 'amr-users') . '" >' . $amain['csv_text'] . '</a>'; echo '<br /><br />' . PHP_EOL . '<label for="refresh_text">'; _e('Text for cache refresh link', 'amr-users'); echo '</label><br />' . PHP_EOL . '<input type="text" size="130" id="refresh_text" name="refresh_text" value="'; echo esc_attr($amain['refresh_text']); echo '"/>' . ' ' . __('Preview:', 'amr-users') . ' ' . '<a href="#" title="' . __('This will be a link', 'amr-users') . '" >' . $amain['refresh_text'] . '</a>'; echo '<br /><br />' . PHP_EOL . '<label for="noaccess_text">'; _e('Message when user does not have access or not logged in.', 'amr-users'); echo '</label><br />'; echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="130" id="noaccess_text" name="noaccess_text" />'; echo esc_attr($amain['noaccess_text']); echo '</textarea>'; echo '<br /><br /> <label for="rows_per_page">'; _e('Default rows per page:', 'amr-users'); echo '</label><br /> <input type="text" size="2" id="rows_per_page" name="rows_per_page" value="'; echo empty($amain['rows_per_page']) ? 50 : $amain['rows_per_page']; echo '"/><br /><br /> <label for="avatar_size">'; _e('Avatar size:', 'amr-users'); echo ' 20,40, 80, 160, 200 </label>' . '<a title="gravatar size info" href="">' . __('Info', 'amr-users') . '</a>' . '<br /> <input type="text" size="2" id="avatar_size" name="avatar_size" value="'; echo empty($amain['avatar_size']) ? '' : $amain['avatar_size']; // because it is new and I hate notices echo '"/>'; echo ausers_submit(); echo '<br />' . PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end of clear wrap --> ' . PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear"> </div>' . PHP_EOL; }
function amr_meta_nice_names_page() { /* may be able to work generically */ global $amr_nicenames; global $ausersadminurl; //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Find fields, make nice names' ); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc if (isset($_POST['action']) and !($_POST['action'] === "save")) { return; } echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear" style="clear:both;"> </div>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($_POST['update']) and $_POST['update'] === "Update") { /* Validate the input and save */ if (amrmeta_validate_nicenames()) { // updates inside the function now } else { echo '<h2>' . __('Validation failed', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } } if (isset($_POST['resetnice'])) { if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-nicenames')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all nice name settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-nicenames-excluded')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all nice name exclusion settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-original-keys')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting original keys mapping in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } } if (isset($_POST['rebuild']) or isset($_POST['resetnice'])) { /* Rebuild the nicenames - could take a while */ $amr_nicenames = ameta_rebuildnicenames(); echo '<h3>' . __('Rebuild Complete.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; return; } else { amrmeta_check_find_fields(); } $amr_nicenames = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames'); ameta_list_nicenames_for_input($amr_nicenames); }
function amr_get_alluserdata($list) { /* get all user data and attempt to extract out any object values into arrays for listing */ global $excluded_nicenames, $amain, $aopt, $orig_mk, $amr_current_list; $amr_current_list = $list; $main_fields = amr_get_usermasterfields(); // mainwpuser fields less any excluded in nice names // maybe use, but no major improvement for normal usage add_filter( 'pre_user_query', 'amr_add_where'); if (!($orig_mk = ausers_get_option('amr-users-original-keys'))) { $orig_mk = array(); } // // track_progress ('Meta fields we could use to improve selection: '.print_r($orig_mk, true)); $combofields = amr_get_combo_fields($list); $role = ''; $mkeys = array(); if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list]['included'])) { // if we have fields that are in main user table, we could add - but unliket as selection criateria - more in search foreach ($aopt['list'][$list]['included'] as $newk => $choose) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; } if ($newk == 'first_role') { if (is_array($choose)) { $role = array_pop($choose); } else { $role = $choose; } } if (isset($orig_mk[$newk]) and $newk == $orig_mk[$newk]) { // ie it is an original meta field if (is_array($choose)) { if (count($choose) == 1) { $choose = array_pop($choose); $compare = '='; } else { $compare = 'IN'; } } else { $compare = '='; } $meta_query[] = array('key' => $newk, 'value' => $choose, 'compare' => $compare); } } } // now try for exclusions if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list]['excluded'])) { foreach ($aopt['list'][$list]['excluded'] as $newk => $choose) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; // we need to fetch a meta value if ($newk == $orig_mk[$newk]) { // ie it is an original meta field 1 to 1 if (is_array($choose)) { if (count($choose) == 1) { $choose = array_pop($choose); $compare = '!='; } else { $compare = 'NOT IN'; } } else { $compare = '!='; } $meta_query[] = array('key' => $newk, 'value' => $choose, 'compare' => $compare); } } } // end for each } // now need to make sure we find all the meta keys we need foreach (array('selected', 'excludeifblank', 'includeifblank', 'sortby') as $v) { if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list][$v])) { foreach ($aopt['list'][$list][$v] as $newk => $choose) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { // ie it is FROM an original meta field $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; } } } } if (!empty($aopt['list'][$list]['grouping'])) { foreach ($aopt['list'][$list]['grouping'] as $i => $newk) { if (isset($orig_mk[$newk])) { // ie it is FROM an original meta field $keys[$orig_mk[$newk]] = true; } } } $args = array(); if (!empty($role)) { $args['role'] = $role; } if (!empty($meta_query)) { $args['meta_query'] = $meta_query; } //if (!empty ($fields) ) $args['fields'] = $fields; //$args['fields'] = 'all_with_meta'; //might be too huge , but fast - DOES NOT GET META DATA ?? and/or only gets single values //track_progress ('Simple meta selections to pass to query: '.print_r($args, true)); if (is_network_admin() or amr_is_network_admin()) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>';if (is_network_admin()) echo 'network admin'; else echo 'NOT network admin but treating as is';} $args['blog_id'] = '0'; } if (isset($amain['use_wp_query'])) { $all = get_users($args); // later - add selection if possible here to reduce memory requirements if (WP_DEBUG) { echo '<br/>Fetched with wordpress query '; } } else { if (WP_DEBUG) { echo '<br/>if WP_DEBUG: Fetching with own query '; } $all = amru_get_users($args); // later - add selection if possible here to reduce memory requirements } //track_progress('after get wp users, we have '.count($all)); foreach ($all as $i => $userobj) { // build our user array and add any missing meta // save the main data, toss the rest foreach ($main_fields as $i2 => $v2) { //$users[$i][$v2] = $userobj->$v2; if (!empty($userobj->{$v2})) { $users[$userobj->ID][$v2] = $userobj->{$v2}; } //OBJECT_K does not always seem to key the array correctly } // we just need to expand the meta data if (!empty($keys)) { // if some meta request foreach ($keys as $i2 => $v2) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br /> Key:'.$i2;} //if (!isset($userobj->$i2)) { // in some versions the overloading does not work - only fetches 1 //$userobj->$i2 = get_user_meta($userobj->ID, $i2, false); //wordpress does some kind of overloading to fetch meta data BUT above only fetches single // $userobj->$i2 = get_user_meta($userobj->ID, $i2, false); // get as array in case there are multiple values $test = get_user_meta($userobj->ID, $i2, false); // get as array in case there are multiple values if (!empty($test)) { if (is_array($test)) { if (count($test) == 1) { // single value returned $userobj->{$i2} = array_pop($test); // cannot indirectly update an overloaded value //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br /> convert array to 1 value '.$i2.' ='; var_dump($userobj->$i2);} } else { // we got multple meta records - ASSUME for now it is a good implementation and the values are 'simple' $userobj->{$i2} = implode(',', $test); //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br /> convert array to strings for display '.$i2.' ='; var_dump($userobj->$i2);} } } else { $userobj->{$i2} = $test; } $temp = maybe_unserialize($userobj->{$i2}); // in case anyone done anything weird $temp = objectToArray($temp); /* must do all so can cope with incomplete objects eg: if creatingplugin has been uninstalled*/ $key = str_replace(' ', '_', $i2); /* html does not like spaces in the names*/ if (is_array($temp)) { //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br/>It is an array now - maybe was object'; foreach ($temp as $i3 => $v3) { $key = $i2 . '-' . str_replace(' ', '_', $i3); /* html does not like spaces in the names*/ if (is_array($v3)) { // code just in case another plugin nests deeper, until we know tehre is one, let us be more efficient // if (amr_is_assoc($v3)) { // does not yet handle, just dump values for now // $users[$i][$key] = implode(", ", $v3); // } // else { // is numeric array eg s2member custom multi choice $users[$userobj->ID][$key] = implode(", ", $v3); // } } else { $users[$userobj->ID][$key] = $v3; } } } else { $users[$userobj->ID][$key] = $temp; //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br/>Not an array'; var_dump($temp);} } unset($temp); // we could add some include / exclude checking here? } } /// end for each keys } // unset($all[$i]); } // end for each all unset($all); $users = apply_filters('amr_get_users', $users); // allow addition or removal of normal wp users who will have userid, and /or any other data //track_progress('after get users meta check '.(count($users))); $post_types = get_post_types(); /* get the extra count data */ if (amr_need_the_field($list, 'comment_count')) { $c = get_commentnumbers_by_author(); } else { $c = array(); } //track_progress('after get comments check'); if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $iu => $u) { // do the comments //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />user='******'ID']])) { $users[$iu]['comment_count'] = $c[$u['ID']]; /*** would like to cope with situation of no userid */ } // do the post counts foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { if (amr_need_the_field($list, $post_type . '_count')) { $users[$iu][$post_type . '_count'] = amr_count_user_posts($u['ID'], $post_type); // if ()WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />**'.$post_type.' '.$list[$iu][$post_type.'_count']; // $list[$iu]['post_count'] = get_usernumposts($u['ID']); /* wordpress function */ if ($users[$iu][$post_type . '_count'] == 0) { unset($users[$iu][$post_type . '_count']); } } } if (amr_need_the_field($list, 'first_role')) { $user_object = new WP_User($u['ID']); if (!empty($user_object->roles)) { $users[$iu]['first_role'] = amr_which_role($user_object); } if (empty($users[$iu]['first_role'])) { unset($users[$iu]['first_role']); } } } } //track_progress('after post types and roles:'.count($users)); unset($c); $users = apply_filters('amr_get_users_with_meta', $users); // allow addition of users from other tables with own meta data //track_progress('after user filter, have'.count($users)); if (empty($users)) { return false; } return $users; }
function amr_get_href_link($field, $v, $u, $linktype) { switch ($linktype) { case 'none': return ''; case 'mailto': if (!empty($u->user_email)) { return 'mailto:' . $u->user_email; } else { return ''; } case 'postsbyauthor': // figure out which post type ? if (empty($v) or !current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) { return ''; } else { $href = network_admin_url('edit.php?author=' . $u->ID); if (stristr($field, '_count')) { // it is a item count thing, but not a post count if (is_object($u) and isset($u->ID)) { $ctype = str_replace('_count', '', $field); $href = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => $ctype), $href); } // end if } // end if stristr return $href; } return ''; case 'edituser': if (current_user_can('edit_users') and is_object($u) and isset($u->ID)) { return network_admin_url('user-edit.php?user_id=' . $u->ID); } else { return ''; } case 'authorarchive': // should do on a post count only if (is_object($u) and isset($u->ID)) { return add_query_arg('author', $u->ID, home_url()); } else { return ''; } case 'commentsbyauthor': if (empty($v) or !($stats_url = ausers_get_option('stats_url'))) { return ''; } else { return add_query_arg('stats_author', $u->user_login, $stats_url); } case 'url': if (!empty($u->user_url)) { return $u->user_url; } case 'wplist': // for multisite if (current_user_can('edit_users') and is_object($u) and isset($u->user_login)) { return network_admin_url('users.php?s=' . $u->user_login); } case 'bbpressprofile': $slug = get_option('_bbp_user_slug'); $forums = get_option('_bbp_root_slug'); return home_url('/' . __($forums, 'bbpress') . '/' . __($slug, 'bbpress') . '/' . $u->user_login); default: return apply_filters('amr-users-linktype-function', $linktype, $u, $field); // all the user values } }
function ameta_options() { // set up all the options global $aopt, $amain, $amr_nicenames, $amr_your_prefixes, $excluded_nicenames, $ausersadminurl, $wpdb; if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } $amr_your_prefixes = ausers_get_option('amr-users-prefixes-in-use'); $amr_nicenames = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames'); $excluded_nicenames = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames-excluded'); foreach ($excluded_nicenames as $i => $v) { if ($v) { unset($amr_nicenames[$i]); } } $aopt = ausers_get_option('amr-users'); return; }
function amr_users_get_column_headings($ulist, $cols, $icols) { global $amr_users_column_headings; if ($amr_users_column_headings = ausers_get_option('amr-users-custom-headings')) { if (!empty($amr_users_column_headings[$ulist])) { $customcols = $amr_users_column_headings[$ulist]; foreach ($icols as $ic => $cv) { if (isset($customcols[$cv])) { $cols[$ic] = $customcols[$cv]; } } return $cols; } } return $cols; }