function attach_create_attachment($attach_secure_str, $cur_posting) { global $forum_db, $forum_user, $forum_config, $errors, $uploaded_list, $lang_attach; if ($forum_user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $cur_posting['g_pun_attachment_allow_upload'] == 1) { if ($forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && count($uploaded_list) + 1 > $cur_posting['g_pun_attachment_files_per_post']) { $errors[] = sprintf($lang_attach['Attach limit error'], $cur_posting['g_pun_attachment_files_per_post']); } else { // Load the profile.php language file require FORUM_ROOT . 'lang/' . $forum_user['language'] . '/profile.php'; if (!isset($_FILES['attach_file'])) { $errors[] = $lang_profile['No file']; } else { $uploaded_file = $_FILES['attach_file']; } // Make sure the upload went smooth if (isset($uploaded_file['error']) && empty($errors)) { switch ($uploaded_file['error']) { case 1: // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE case 2: // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE $errors[] = $lang_profile['Too large ini']; break; case 3: // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL $errors[] = $lang_profile['Partial upload']; break; case 4: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE $errors[] = $lang_profile['No file']; break; case 6: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR $errors[] = $lang_profile['No tmp directory']; break; default: // No error occured, but was something actually uploaded? if ($uploaded_file['size'] == 0) { $errors[] = $lang_profile['No file']; } break; } } if (empty($errors)) { $file_ext = attach_get_extension($uploaded_file['name']); if (!in_array($file_ext, explode(',', $cur_posting['g_pun_attachment_disallowed_extensions'])) && in_array($file_ext, explode(',', $forum_config['attach_always_deny']))) { $errors[] = sprintf($lang_attach['Ext error'], $file_ext); } if ($forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && $uploaded_file['size'] > $cur_posting['g_pun_attachment_upload_max_size']) { $errors[] = sprintf($lang_attach['Filesize error'], $cur_posting['g_pun_attachment_upload_max_size']); } if (utf8_strlen($uploaded_file['name']) > 255) { $errors[] = $lang_attach['File len err']; } if (utf8_strlen($file_ext) > 64) { $errors[] = $lang_attach['Ext len err']; } } } } else { $errors[] = $lang_attach['Up perm error']; } if (empty($errors)) { if (is_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'])) { $attach_name = attach_generate_filename(); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'], $forum_config['attach_basefolder'] . $forum_config['attach_subfolder'] . '/' . $attach_name)) { $errors[] = sprintf($lang_profile['Move failed'], '<a href="mailto:' . forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']) . '">' . forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']) . '</a>'); } if (empty($errors)) { $attach_record = array('owner_id' => 0, 'post_id' => 0, 'topic_id' => 0, 'filename' => '\'' . $forum_db->escape($uploaded_file['name']) . '\'', 'file_ext' => '\'' . $forum_db->escape($file_ext) . '\'', 'file_mime_type' => '\'' . attach_create_mime($file_ext) . '\'', 'file_path' => '\'' . $forum_db->escape($forum_config['attach_subfolder'] . '/' . $attach_name) . '\'', 'size' => $uploaded_file['size'], 'download_counter' => 0, 'uploaded_at' => time(), 'secure_str' => '\'' . $forum_db->escape($attach_secure_str) . '\''); if (empty($errors)) { $attach_query = array('INSERT' => implode(',', array_keys($attach_record)), 'INTO' => 'attach_files', 'VALUES' => implode(',', array_values($attach_record))); $forum_db->query_build($attach_query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $attach_record['id'] = $forum_db->insert_id(); $attach_record['filename'] = $forum_db->escape($uploaded_file['name']); $attach_record['file_ext'] = $forum_db->escape($file_ext); $attach_record['secure_str'] = $attach_secure_str; $attach_record['file_path'] = $forum_db->escape($forum_config['attach_subfolder'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attach_name); $uploaded_list[] = $attach_record; } } } } }
function attach_update_attachment($attach_id, $attach_owner, $attach_post_id, $attach_filename, $attach_extension, $attach_size, $attach_downloads, $attach_mime, $attach_data) { global $db, $pun_user, $pun_config; // fetch an unique name for the file $unique_name = attach_generate_filename($pun_config['attach_basefolder'] . '/' . $pun_config['attach_subfolder'] . '/', 0, $attach_size); // create a new file on disk and fill it with data... $newfile = fopen($pun_config['attach_basefolder'] . '/' . $pun_config['attach_subfolder'] . '/' . $unique_name, 'wb'); //wb = write, reset file to 0 bytes if existing, and b is just for windows, to tell it's binary ignored on other OS:es if (!$newfile) { error('Error creating filepointer for file, for attachment with id: "' . $attach_id . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } // write the data into the file ... if (fwrite($newfile, $attach_data) === FALSE) { error('Error filling empty file with data, attachment with id: "' . $attach_id . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } fclose($newfile); // and close the file ... if (strlen($attach_mime) == 0) { $attach_mime = attach_create_mime(attach_find_extention($attach_filename)); } // update the database with this info $result = $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix . 'attach_2_files (id,owner,post_id,filename,extension,mime,location,size,downloads) VALUES (\'' . $attach_id . '\',\'' . $attach_owner . '\',\'' . $attach_post_id . '\',\'' . $db->escape($attach_filename) . '\',\'' . $attach_extension . '\',\'' . $db->escape($attach_mime) . '\',\'' . $db->escape($pun_config['attach_subfolder'] . '/' . $unique_name) . '\',\'' . $attach_size . '\',\'' . $attach_downloads . '\')') or error('Unable to insert attachment record into database.', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); return true; }
function attach_generate_filename($storagepath, $messagelength = 0, $size = 0) { // Login keys are one time use only. Use this as salt too. global $panther_user; $newfile = md5($messagelength . $size . $panther_user['login_key'] . random_key(18)) . '.attach'; if (!is_file($storagepath . $newfile)) { return $newfile; } else { return attach_generate_filename($storagepath, $messagelength, $size); } }