* * Shared by: page.php, single.php, 404.php, search.php * Shared by: page_archives.php, page_faq.php, page_toc.php * * v0.7 - Added to ashford code in v0.7 * v0.7 - Added php comments * v0.7 - Internationalized * v0.7 - Refactored meta sections * v0.7 - Removed logic check for if page(); * * @author Tim Bednar * @version v1.0 * @todo place hooks so it is easy to move meta sections: cat/tag list, author box, share icons and related posts. */ ?> <div id="sidebar" class="grid_5 suffix_1 omega sidebar_right region"> <div id="sidebar_inner"> <?php if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')) { if (is_sidebar_active('sidebar_standard')) { dynamic_sidebar('sidebar_standard'); } else { ashford_hint('div', 'sidebar', __('Activate the Standard Sidebar by adding a widget.', 'ashford')); } } ?> </div><!-- /#sidebar_inner --> <?php ashford_outline_region(get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-admin/widgets.php', 'Sidebar(s)', 'Activate this region by adding widgets to the sidebars.'); ?> </div><!-- /#sidebar -->
/** * Adds footer sidebar to #bottom (NOT MOBI) * * @author Tim Bednar * @version v2.0 * @since v1.0 */ function ashford_display_bottom() { global $ashfordtheme; $ashford_display_bottom = $ashfordtheme->option['display_footer']; if ($ashford_display_bottom != 'footeroff' && function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && IS_MOBI == 'false') { if (is_sidebar_active('footer')) { echo '<div id="bottom" class="region"><div id="bottom_inner">'; dynamic_sidebar('footer'); echo '</div><!-- /#bottom-inner-->'; ashford_outline_region(get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-admin/widgets.php', 'Bottom (footer)', __('Activate the footer by adding a widget.', 'ashford')); echo '</div><!-- /#bottom-->'; } else { echo '<div id="bottom" class="region"><div id="bottom_inner">'; ashford_hint('div', 'widget region', __('Activate the footer by adding a widget.', 'ashford')); echo '</div><!-- /#bottom-inner-->'; ashford_outline_region(get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-admin/widgets.php', 'Bottom (footer)', __('Activate the footer by adding a widget.', 'ashford')); echo '</div><!-- /#bottom-->'; } } }
* v2.0 - Remove sidebar for mobi * * @author Tim Bednar * @version v1.0 * @todo n/a */ get_header(); ?> <div id="content" class="grid_9 prefix_1 alpha"> <?php if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')) { if (is_sidebar_active('404')) { echo '<div id="404" class="region">'; dynamic_sidebar('404'); ashford_outline_region(get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-admin/widgets.php', '404', __('Replace the default 404 error message by adding a widget to the sidebar_404.', 'ashford')); echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div id="404" class="region">'; //ashford_hint('div','sidebar','Replace the default 404 error message by adding a widget to the 404.'); include TEMPLATEPATH . '/errormessage.php'; ashford_outline_region(get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-admin/widgets.php', '404', __('Replace the default 404 error message by adding a widget to the sidebar_404.', 'ashford')); echo '</div>'; } } ?> </div><!-- /#content --> <?php if (IS_MOBI == 'false') { get_sidebar(); } get_footer();