private function upload() { global $config, $upload; $a_1 = artist_check($this->object['ub'] . ' x1'); $a_2 = artist_check($this->object['ub'] . ' gallery'); $a_3 = artist_check($this->object['ub'] . ' thumbnails'); if (!$a_1 || !$a_2 || !$a_3) { return; } $filepath = $config['artists_path'] . $this->object['ub'] . '/'; $filepath_1 = $filepath . 'x1/'; $filepath_2 = $filepath . 'gallery/'; $filepath_3 = $filepath . 'thumbnails/'; $f = $upload->process($filepath_1, 'add_image', 'jpg'); if (!sizeof($upload->error) && $f !== false) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(image) AS total FROM _artists_images WHERE ub = ?'; $img = sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $this->object['ub']), 'total', 0); $a = 0; foreach ($f as $row) { $img++; $xa = $upload->resize($row, $filepath_1, $filepath_1, $img, array(600, 400), false, false, true); if ($xa === false) { continue; } $xb = $upload->resize($row, $filepath_1, $filepath_2, $img, array(300, 225), false, false); $xc = $upload->resize($row, $filepath_2, $filepath_3, $img, array(100, 75), false, false); $insert = array( 'ub' => (int) $this->object['ub'], 'image' => (int) $img, 'width' => $xa->width, 'height' => $xa->height ); sql_insert('artists_images', $insert); $a++; } if ($a) { $sql = 'UPDATE _artists SET images = images + ?? WHERE ub = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $a, $this->object['ub'])); } redirect(s_link('acp', array('artist_gallery', 'a' => $this->object['subdomain']))); } _style('error', array( 'MESSAGE' => parse_error($upload->error)) ); return; }
function artist_path($alias, $id, $build = true, $check = false) { global $config; $response = array($alias{0}, $alias{1}, $id); if ($check) { artist_check($response); } if ($build) { $response = $config['artists_path'] . artist_build($response) . '/'; } return $response; }
private function upload() { global $config, $user, $cache, $upload; $limit = set_time_limit(0); $filepath = $config['artists_path'] . $this->object['ub'] . '/'; $filepath_1 = $filepath . 'media/'; $f = (artist_check($this->object['ub'] . ' media') !== false) ? $upload->process($filepath_1, 'create', 'mp3') : false; if ($f === false) { return; } else if (!sizeof($upload->error)) { $a = sql_total('_dl'); foreach ($f as $i => $row) { if (!$i) { require_once(ROOT . 'interfase/getid3/getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } $filename = $upload->rename($row, $a); $tags = $getID3->analyze($filename); $a++; $mt = new stdClass(); foreach (w('title genre album year') as $w) { $mt->$w = (isset($tags['tags']['id3v1'][$w][0])) ? htmlencode($tags['tags']['id3v1'][$w][0]) : ''; } $sql_insert = array( 'ud' => 1, 'ub' => $this->object['ub'], 'alias' => friendly($mt->title), 'title' => $mt->title, 'views' => 0, 'downloads' => 0, 'votes' => 0, 'posts' => 0, 'date' => time(), 'filesize' => @filesize($filename), 'duration' => $tags['playtime_string'], 'genre' => $mt->genre, 'album' => $mt->album, 'year' => $mt->year ); $media_id = sql_insert('dl', $sql_insert); } $sql = 'UPDATE _artists SET um = um + ?? WHERE ub = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, count($f), $a_id)); $cache->delete('downloads_list'); redirect(s_link('acp', array('artist_media', 'a' => $this->object['subdomain'], 'id' => $media_id))); } else { _style('error', array( 'MESSAGE' => parse_error($upload->error)) ); } return; }
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache; if (!_button()) { return false; } $request = _request(array('name' => '', 'local' => 0, 'location' => '', 'genre' => '', 'email' => '', 'www' => '', 'mods' => '')); $request->subdomain = get_subdomain($request->name); if (!$request->name) { _pre('Ingresa el nombre del artista.', true); } $sql_insert = array( 'a_active' => 1, 'subdomain' => $request->subdomain, 'name' => $request->name, 'local' => (int) $request->local, 'datetime' => time(), 'location' => $request->location, 'genre' => $requeset->genre, 'email' => $request->email, 'www' => str_replace('http://', '', $request->www) ); $artist_id = sql_insert('artists', $sql_insert); // Cache $cache->delete('ub_list a_records ai_records a_recent'); set_config('max_artists', $config['max_artists'] + 1); // Create directories artist_check($artist_id); artist_check($artist_id . ' gallery'); artist_check($artist_id . ' media'); artist_check($artist_id . ' thumbnails'); artist_check($artist_id . ' x1'); // Mods if (!empty($request->mods)) { $usernames = w(); $a_mods = explode(nr(), $request->mods); foreach ($a_mods as $each) { $username_base = get_username_base($each); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _members WHERE username_base = ? AND user_type <> ? AND user_id <> ?'; if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username_base, USER_INACTIVE, 1))) { continue; } $sql_insert = array( 'ub' => $artist_id, 'user_id' => $userdata['user_id'] ); sql_insert('artists_auth', $sql_insert); // $update = array('user_type' => USER_ARTIST, 'user_auth_control' => 1); if (!$userdata['user_rank']) { $update['user_rank'] = (int) $config['default_a_rank']; } $sql = 'UPDATE _members SET ?? WHERE user_id = ? AND user_type NOT IN (??, ??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, sql_build('UPDATE', $update), $userdata['user_id'], USER_INACTIVE, USER_FOUNDER)); } redirect(s_link('a', $subdomain)); } }