function api_getJourno_invoke($params) { /* input can be a journo or list of journos */ $j = $params['journo']; if (is_null($j)) { api_error("missing required parameter: 'journo'"); return; } $idents = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $j); $journo_ids = resolve_ids($idents); // TODO: impose a max number of journos here... // fetch cached versions $cache_ids = array(); $qs = array(); foreach ($journo_ids as $id) { $cache_ids[] = "json_{$id}"; $qs[] = '?'; } $q = db_query("SELECT content FROM htmlcache WHERE name in (" . implode(',', $qs) . ")", $cache_ids); // cook up the results! $temp_results = array(); foreach ($journo_ids as $id) { $temp_results[$id] = null; } $basic_fields = array('id', 'ref', 'prettyname', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'oneliner'); while ($row = db_fetch_array($q)) { $cached_json = $row['content']; $raw = json_decode($cached_json, true); if ($raw['status'] != 'a') { //continue; } // the basics: $journo = array_cherrypick($raw, $basic_fields); // pick out contact details $known_emails = array(); if ($raw['known_email']) { $known_emails[] = $raw['known_email']['email']; } $guessed_emails = array(); if ($raw['guessed']) { $guessed_emails = $raw['guessed']['emails']; } $contact = array('known_emails' => $known_emails, 'guessed_emails' => $guessed_emails, 'twitter_id' => $raw['twitter_id'], 'phone_number' => $raw['phone_number']); $journo['contact'] = $contact; // tags if (!$raw['quick_n_nasty']) { $journo['tags'] = $raw['tags']; } else { $journo['tags'] = array(); } $id = intval($journo['id']); $temp_results[$id] =& $journo; } // reorder the results to match input params $results = array(); foreach ($journo_ids as $id) { $results[] = $temp_results[$id]; } $output = array('results' => $results); api_output($output); }
function api_getArticles_invoke($params) { $article_ids = array(); if ($params['id36']) { $id36s = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $params['id36']); foreach ($id36s as $id36) { $article_ids[] = article_id36_to_id($id36); } } if ($params['url']) { // look up article by its original url $url = $params['url']; $art_id = article_find($url); if (is_null($art_id)) { api_error("couldn't find article with url: '" . $url . "'"); return; } $article_ids[] = $art_id; } if (!$article_ids) { api_error("No articles specified - use 'id36' and/or 'url'"); return; } #$brief = $params['brief'] ? TRUE : FALSE; $fields = array('title', 'id36', 'srcorgname', 'iso_pubdate', 'permalink', 'journos', 'description'); $results = array(); foreach ($article_ids as $id) { $raw = article_collect($id); $art = array_cherrypick($raw, $fields); $results[] = $art; } $output = array('status' => 0, 'results' => $results); api_output($output); }
} $sql = <<<EOT SELECT, a.srcid, a.title, c.content, a.pubdate, c.scraped as content_scraped, a.permalink, a.srcorg, o.shortname, o.prettyname, o.home_url FROM ((article a INNER JOIN article_content c ON INNER JOIN organisation o ON WHERE c.scraped<? AND a.srcorg IN (SELECT pub_id FROM (pub_set_map m INNER JOIN pub_set s ON WHERE name='national_uk') ORDER BY c.scraped DESC LIMIT ?; EOT; $r = db_query($sql, $before_dt->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uO'), $limit); } $fields = array('id', 'srcid', 'title', 'content', 'pubdate', 'content_scraped', 'permalink'); $time_fields = array('pubdate', 'content_scraped'); while ($row = db_fetch_array($r)) { $out = array_cherrypick($row, $fields); // add source publication info $source = array('id' => $row['srcorg'], 'shortname' => $row['shortname'], 'prettyname' => $row['prettyname'], 'home_url' => $row['home_url']); $out['source'] = $source; // sanitize the timestamps foreach ($time_fields as $tf) { $dt = new DateTime($out[$tf]); $out[$tf] = $dt->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uO'); } $results[] = $out; } // go through and add in id36 and journo data to articles foreach ($results as &$art) { $art['id36'] = article_id_to_id36($art['id']); $sql = <<<EOT SELECT j.prettyname, j.ref