function updateMessage($uid, $rid, $msg, $type, $pmid = null)
     global $wpdb;
     $messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "gwpm_messages";
     $user_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "users";
     if ($type == 'int' && $pmid == null) {
         $queryString = "SELECT msgtab.unread msgcount FROM " . $messages_table_name . " msgtab, " . $user_table_name . " usertab " . " WHERE msgtab.pmid=-1 AND msgtab.user_id=%d AND msgtab.recipient_id=%d AND";
         $preparedSql = $wpdb->prepare($queryString, $uid, $rid, $rid);
         $result = $wpdb->get_results($preparedSql);
         $obj = $result[0];
         $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $endVal = -1;
         if (isset($obj) && $obj != null && $obj->msgcount > 0) {
             if ($obj->msgcount < GWPM_MAX_USER_MESSAGES) {
                 $new_val = $obj->msgcount++;
                 appendLog("new value : " + $new_val);
                 $endVal = $wpdb->update($messages_table_name, array("unread" => $obj->msgcount++, "created" => $datetime), array("pmid" => '-1', "user_id" => $uid, "recipient_id" => $rid));
         } else {
             $wpdb->insert($messages_table_name, array("pmid" => '-1', "created" => $datetime, "user_id" => $uid, "recipient_id" => $rid, "user_message" => $msg, "folder" => 'sent', "unread" => '1'), array("%s", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%s", "%s", "%d"));
             $endVal = 0;
     return $endVal;
 function updateUser($userObj)
     global $gwpm_activity_model;
     $isGwpmUser = get_user_meta($userObj->userId, 'gwpm_user');
     if (isset($isGwpmUser) && sizeof($isGwpmUser) > 0) {
     } else {
         appendLog(add_user_meta($userObj->userId, 'gwpm_user', true, true));
     $processKeys = array_keys(get_class_vars(get_class($userObj)));
     $dynaKeys = getDynamicFieldKeys();
     foreach ($dynaKeys as $__keys) {
         array_push($processKeys, $__keys);
     foreach ($processKeys as $key) {
         if ($key == "gwpm_profile_photo") {
             $photoObj = $userObj->{$key};
             if ($photoObj["size"] != 0) {
                 $value = savePhotoToUploadFolder($userObj->{$key}, $userObj->userId);
                 $gwpm_activity_model->addActivityLog("profile", "Updated Profile Image", $userObj->userId);
             } else {
         } elseif (!is_array($userObj->{$key})) {
             $value = trim($userObj->{$key});
         } else {
             $value = $userObj->{$key};
         if ($key != 'userId' && $key != 'dynamicFields' && $key != 'dynamicFieldsValidation') {
             update_user_meta($userObj->userId, $key, $value);
     $gwpm_activity_model->addActivityLog("profile", "Updated Profile", $userObj->userId);
  * @param Payment $payment
  * @return float
 protected function sanitizeAmount(Payment $payment)
     if ($payment->currency === 'USD') {
         return (double) $payment->amount;
     try {
         $rate = CurrencyQuery::query($payment->currency);
         return $rate * $payment->amount;
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         appendLog(sprintf('currency[%s] rate fail: %s', $payment->currency, $e->getMessage()));
     return 0.0;
 function getUnreadMessages()
     global $wpdb;
     $userId = get_current_user_id();
     $messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "gwpm_messages";
     $queryString = "SELECT SUM(unread) counts " . "FROM " . $messages_table_name . " WHERE recipient_id =%d and unread > 0";
     $preparedSql = $wpdb->prepare($queryString, $userId);
     appendLog('Unread notification sql: ');
     $result = $wpdb->get_results($preparedSql);
     $resultVal = $result[0];
     return $resultVal->counts;
 function saveDynamicFields($gwpmFieldLabels, $gwpmFieldTypes, $gwpmFieldValue, $earlierCount)
     global $wpdb;
     $totalFields = get_option(GWPM_DYNA_FIELD_COUNT);
     appendLog(print_r($gwpmFieldLabels, true));
     $keys = array_keys($gwpmFieldLabels);
     // $deletedObjs = explode(',', $deletedItems) ;
     $save_options = null;
     if ($totalFields == false) {
         $totalFields = 0;
     appendLog($earlierCount . " - " . $totalFields);
     if ($earlierCount == $totalFields) {
         foreach ($keys as $mKey) {
             $save_options = null;
             appendLog("\nK: " . $mKey . "\n");
             $save_options['gwpm_dyna_field_label'] = $gwpmFieldLabels[$mKey];
             $save_options['gwpm_dyna_field_type'] = $gwpmFieldTypes[$mKey];
             if ($gwpmFieldTypes[$mKey] == "select") {
                 appendLog("Select Type");
                 $gwpm_field_values = $gwpmFieldValue[$mKey];
                 appendLog("zKey: " . $mKey . ' - ' . $gwpm_field_values);
                 $itr = 1;
                 $save_options_values = null;
                 foreach ($gwpm_field_values as $vKey) {
                     appendLog("vKey: " . $vKey . "<br />");
                     $save_options_values[$itr] = $vKey;
                 $save_options['gwpm_dyna_field_values'] = $save_options_values;
             } else {
                 if ($gwpmFieldTypes[$mKey] == 'yes_no') {
                     appendLog("Yes/No Type");
                 } else {
                     appendLog("Text Type");
             appendLog(print_r($save_options, true));
             $result = update_option(GWPM_DYNA_KEY_PREFIX . $totalFields, $save_options);
             if ($result == 1) {
                 update_option(GWPM_DYNA_FIELD_COUNT, $totalFields);
     } else {
         throw new GwpmCommonException("Invalid Request");
Exemple #6
  * @param array $groupedUidList
  * @return int
 public function updateES(array $groupedUidList)
     appendLog(sprintf('%s start with memory usage %s', __METHOD__, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
     $count = array_sum(array_map(function (array $list) {
         return count($list);
     }, $groupedUidList));
     if ($count === 0) {
         appendLog(sprintf('%s: have 0 user to sync', __METHOD__));
         return 0;
     $start = microtime(true);
     $groupedDetail = $this->dataProvider->generate($groupedUidList);
     $delta = microtime(true) - $start;
     $totalUidCount = array_sum(array_map(function (array $uidList) {
         return count($uidList);
     }, $groupedUidList));
     appendLog(sprintf('Total %d uids, read detail cost %s', $totalUidCount, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($delta)));
     $bufferSyncAction = function (array $users) {
         $count = count($users);
         appendLog(sprintf('ES updater have %d user to sync', $count));
         $deltaList = $this->indexer->batchUpdate($users, function ($userCount, $delta) {
             appendLog(sprintf('on ES batch update of %d users cost %s', $userCount, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($delta)));
         $totalDelta = array_sum($deltaList);
         appendLog(sprintf('Sync %d users to ES cost %s with average cost %s', $count, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($totalDelta), PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($totalDelta / $count)));
     $buffer = new WriteBuffer($bufferSyncAction, 500);
     foreach ($groupedDetail as $payload) {
         $shardId = $payload['shardId'];
         $shardUserList = $payload['dataSet'];
         $count = count($shardUserList);
         if ($count === 0) {
         appendLog(sprintf('%s have %d user to sync', $shardId, $count));
         foreach ($shardUserList as $userInfo) {
Exemple #7

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Jiang Yu
 * Date: 2015/07/07
 * Time: 11:29 AM
require __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap.php';
$options = getopt('', ['gv:']);
$gameVersion = isset($options['gv']) ? $options['gv'] : 'tw';
appendLog('game version: ' . $gameVersion);
$shardList = \Environment\PlatformFactory::make($gameVersion)->getMySQLShards();
foreach ($shardList as $shard) {
$stepGenerator = WorkRoundGenerator::generate($now, $quitTimestamp, $interval, false);
foreach ($stepGenerator as $timestamp) {
    $msg = $myself . ': ' . date('c', $timestamp) . ' run with ts ' . date('c', $timestamp);
    $date = $specifiedDate ? $specifiedDate : date('Y-m-d');
    $groupedUidList = $installUidProvider->generate($date, function ($shardId, $userCount, $delta) {
        if ($userCount === 0) {
        appendLog(sprintf('%s install(%d) cost %s', $shardId, $userCount, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($delta)));
    $deltaList = $installUidProvider->getDeltaList();
    $totalCount = 0;
    foreach ($groupedUidList as $shardId => $shardUidList) {
        $shardCount = count($shardUidList);
        if ($shardCount === 0) {
        $totalCount += $shardCount;
    appendLog(sprintf('%s: %s found %d install user, cost %s', $myself, date('c'), $totalCount, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString(array_sum($deltaList))));
    $logFile = call_user_func($logFileGetter, $gameVersion, $date);
    file_put_contents($logFile, date('c') . ' have ' . $totalCount . PHP_EOL . print_r($groupedUidList, true));
    if ($specifiedDate) {
        dump($myself . ': quit');
  * @param Platform              $platform
  * @param DeAuthorizedUserQuery $query
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 protected function findDeAuthorizedUser(Platform $platform, DeAuthorizedUserQuery $query)
     $resultSet = [];
     $shardList = $platform->getMySQLShards();
     foreach ($shardList as $shardConfig) {
         $dbName = $shardConfig['database'];
         appendLog('on database ' . $dbName);
         $snsidList = $this->onShard($shardConfig, $query);
         $delta = PHP_Timer::stop();
         appendLog('cost on database ' . $dbName . ': ' . PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($delta));
         dump(sprintf('Memory: %4.2fMb', memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1048576));
         $resultSet = array_merge($resultSet, $snsidList);
     return $resultSet;
Exemple #10
$options = getopt('v', ['gv:', 'es:', 'bs:', 'interval:', 'round:', 'repeatTimes:', 'waitTime:']);
$verbose = isset($options['v']);
$gameVersion = null;
if (defined('GAME_VERSION')) {
    $gameVersion = GAME_VERSION;
} else {
    assert(isset($options['gv']), 'game version not defined');
    $gameVersion = trim($options['gv']);
$esHost = isset($options['es']) ? $options['es'] : '';
$backStep = isset($options['bs']) ? $options['bs'] : 1;
$interval = isset($options['interval']) ? $options['interval'] : 20;
$round = isset($options['round']) ? $options['round'] : 100;
$maxRepeatTimes = isset($options['repeatTimes']) ? $options['repeatTimes'] : 100;
$longestWaitTime = isset($options['waitTime']) ? $options['waitTime'] : 10 * 60;
$lastActiveTimestamp = time() - $backStep;
$quitTimestamp = time() + $round * $interval;
if ($verbose) {
    $msg = sprintf('game version: %s, ES host: %s, backStep=%d, interval=%d, round=%d, start at: %s, quit at: %s', $gameVersion, $esHost, $backStep, $interval, $round, date('H:i:s', $lastActiveTimestamp), date('H:i:s', $quitTimestamp));
    dump(sprintf('max repeat times: %d, max wait time: %d', $maxRepeatTimes, $longestWaitTime));
$myself = basename(__FILE__);
$stepGenerator = WorkRoundGenerator::generate($lastActiveTimestamp, $quitTimestamp, $interval, $verbose);
foreach ($stepGenerator as $timestamp) {
    $msg = $myself . ': ' . date('c', $timestamp) . ' run with ts ' . $timestamp;
    (new SyncMachine($gameVersion, $esHost))->run($maxRepeatTimes, $longestWaitTime);
    $newInstallCount = array_sum($distribution);
    appendLog(sprintf('Total %d new install on %s', $newInstallCount, $calendarDay));
    $loginDistribution[$calendarDay] = $newInstallCount;
    $start = microtime(true);
    $groupedDetail = $userDetailProvider->generate($groupedUidList);
    $delta = microtime(true) - $start;
    appendLog(sprintf('Total %d new install on %s, read detail cost %s', $newInstallCount, $calendarDay, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($delta)));
    $esUpdateQueue = [];
    foreach ($groupedDetail as $payload) {
        $shardId = $payload['shardId'];
        $shardUserList = $payload['dataSet'];
        //        error_log(print_r($shardUserList, true), 3, CONFIG_DIR.'/aaa');
        $count = count($shardUserList);
        if ($count === 0) {
        appendLog(sprintf('%s have %d user to sync', $shardId, $count));
        $esUpdateQueue = array_merge($esUpdateQueue, $shardUserList);
        $queueLength = count($esUpdateQueue);
        if ($queueLength >= $magicNumber) {
            appendLog(sprintf('%s: flush ES update queue: %d user on date %s to sync %s', date('c'), $queueLength, $calendarDay, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
            call_user_func($esUpdateHandler, $indexer, $esUpdateQueue);
            $esUpdateQueue = [];
    call_user_func($esUpdateHandler, $indexer, $esUpdateQueue);
appendLog(sprintf('%s Total %d user processed, cost %s', date('c'), $loginDistribution, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
sleep(3600 * 10);

$deletedItems = "";
$formSubmitted = $_POST['formSubmitted'];
if ($formSubmitted != null) {
    $deletedItems = $_POST['deletedItems'];
    $gwpmFieldLabels = $_POST['gwpm_dyna_field_label'];
    $gwpmFieldTypes = $_POST['gwpm_dyna_field_type'];
    $gwpmFieldValue = $_POST['gwpm_dyna_field_value'];
    $earlierCount = $_POST['earlierCount'];
    if (isset($gwpmFieldLabels) && $gwpmFieldLabels != null) {
        appendLog(print_r($gwpmFieldLabels, true));
        appendLog(print_r($gwpmFieldTypes, true));
        appendLog(print_r($gwpmFieldValue, true));
        $adminModel = new GwpmAdminModel();
        $adminModel->saveDynamicFields($gwpmFieldLabels, $gwpmFieldTypes, $gwpmFieldValue, $earlierCount);
$existingRecords = get_option(GWPM_DYNA_FIELD_COUNT);
if (!isset($existingRecords) || $existingRecords == null || $existingRecords == false) {
    $existingRecords = 0;
<br />
<div id="gwpm_resultBox" class="gwpm_message_box" ></div>
<form method="post" >
	<div id="oldDynamicFieldHolder">
$totalFields = $existingRecords;
$displayText = "";
$alternateClass = "";
Exemple #13
  * @param string $dsn
  * @param array  $options
  * @return false|PDO
 private function connect($dsn, array $options)
     try {
         $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $options['username'], $options['password'], [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 1, PDO::ATTR_CASE => PDO::CASE_NATURAL]);
         $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         return $pdo;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         appendLog(sprintf('Error on dsn[%s]: %s', $dsn, $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
function getGravatarImageForUser($userid, $isExplicit = null)
    $profileImgName = get_user_meta($userid, "gwpm_profile_photo", true);
    appendLog("profileImgName: " . print_r($profileImgName, true));
    if (isset($profileImgName['thumb_name'])) {
        $imageName = $profileImgName['thumb_name'];
        $imageURL = GWPM_GALLERY_URL . URL_S . $userid . URL_S . $imageName;
        appendLog("image url : " . $imageURL);
    } else {
        $imageURL = GWPM_PUBLIC_IMG_URL . URL_S . 'gwpm_icon.png';
    if (isset($isExplicit)) {
        return '<img width="48" height="48" class="avatar avatar-48 photo" src="' . $imageURL . '" alt="Profile PIC">';
    } else {
        return $imageURL;
$elasticaHelper = new ElasticaHelper($gameVersion, ELASTIC_SEARCH_INDEX, $magicNumber);
$localeCount = 0;
$processedCount = 0;
$userDetailProvider = new \DataProvider\User\UserDetailProvider($gameVersion, $pdoPool);
$shardIdList = $pdoPool->listShardId();
foreach ($shardIdList as $shardId) {
    $pdo = $pdoPool->getByShardId($shardId);
    $queryHelper = QueryHelperFactory::make($pdo);
    $uidLocalePairs = $queryHelper->listLocale();
    $localeCount += count($uidLocalePairs);
    appendLog(sprintf('%s have %d locale users cost %s', $shardId, count($uidLocalePairs), PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString(PHP_Timer::stop())));
    file_put_contents(call_user_func($logFileGetter, $gameVersion, $shardId), print_r($uidLocalePairs, true));
    $userDetailGenerator = $userDetailProvider->generate([$shardId => array_keys($uidLocalePairs)]);
    foreach ($userDetailGenerator as $payload) {
        $userInfoList = $payload['dataSet'];
        $syncCount = count($userInfoList);
        $processedCount += $syncCount;
        appendLog(sprintf('read user info get %d users cost %s', $syncCount, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
        $elasticaHelper->update($userInfoList, function ($snsidList) {
            appendLog(sprintf('Total %d user sync failed', count($snsidList)));
            appendLog('failed snsid: ' . implode(',', $snsidList));
        appendLog(sprintf('Sync %d users to ES cost %s, %s', $syncCount, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString(PHP_Timer::stop()), PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
appendLog(sprintf('Total %d locale, %d user processed, cost %s', $localeCount, $processedCount, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
 function GwpmCommonException($message = '')
     echo '<b> GwpmCommonException: </b>' . $message;
     // throw new Exception($message) ;
 * @param string $esHost
 * @param string $gameVersion
 * @param int    $lastActiveTimestamp
function main($esHost, $gameVersion, $lastActiveTimestamp)
    $dsnList = mysqlDsnGenerator($gameVersion);
    $totalUserCount = 0;
    foreach ($dsnList as $mysqlOptions) {
        $userList = onShard($mysqlOptions, $lastActiveTimestamp);
        if (count($userList) === 0) {
        $totalUserCount += count($userList);
        batchUpdateES($esHost, $gameVersion, $userList);
        appendLog('ES update[' . count($userList) . '] cost: ' . PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString(PHP_Timer::stop()));
    appendLog(sprintf('%s total user count [%d], from %s', PHP_Timer::resourceUsage(), $totalUserCount, date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $lastActiveTimestamp)));
 private function getUserIds($filters, $args, $userList, $wpdb)
     $resultList = array();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->usermeta}.user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE " . $filters;
     appendLog(print_r($userList, true));
     if ($userList != null) {
         if (sizeof($userList) > 0) {
             $userList = esc_sql($userList);
             $userList = implode(', ', $userList);
             $query .= "OR " . user_id . " IN ( {$userList} ) ";
         } else {
             // $query .= "AND " . user_id . " IN ( ) ";
     appendLog(print_r($args, true));
     $preparedSql = $wpdb->prepare($query, $args);
     $result = $wpdb->get_results($preparedSql);
     $fetchedList = array();
     foreach ($result as $obj) {
         $tempObj = $obj->user_id;
         if (isset($tempObj) && $tempObj != null) {
             array_push($fetchedList, $tempObj);
     return $fetchedList;
  * @param int[]  $uidList
  * @param int[]  $uninstalledUidList [uid => value, uid => value]
  * @param string $columns
  * @return array[]
 public function readUserInfo(array $uidList, array $uninstalledUidList, $columns = '*')
     $pdo = $this->pdo;
     $placeHolderList = array_pad([], count($uidList), '?');
     $sql = sprintf('/* %s */SELECT %s FROM tbl_user WHERE uid IN (%s)', __METHOD__, $columns, implode(',', $placeHolderList));
     $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
     if ($statement === false) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(json_encode($pdo->errorInfo()));
     $allRows = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $resultSet = [];
     foreach ($allRows as $row) {
         $uid = (int) $row['uid'];
         if (array_key_exists($uid, $uninstalledUidList)) {
             $activeLoginTime = (int) $row['logintime'];
             $uninstallTime = $uninstalledUidList[$uid]['uninstallTime'];
             if ($activeLoginTime <= $uninstallTime) {
                 $row['status'] = 0;
                 if ($this->verbose) {
                     appendLog(sprintf('%s(%d) => uninstalled', $row['snsid'], $uid));
         $resultSet[$uid] = $row;
     return $resultSet;
 function gwpm_get_avatar($avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default)
     global $wpdb;
     if (strpos($default, GWPM_AVATAR) !== false) {
         $imageURL = GWPM_PUBLIC_IMG_URL . URL_S . 'gwpm_icon.png';
         appendLog("isAdmin: " . is_admin());
         if (!is_admin()) {
             appendLog("Not Admin page");
             if (is_object($id_or_email)) {
                 if ($id_or_email->ID) {
                     $id_or_email = $id_or_email->ID;
                 } else {
                     if ($id_or_email->user_id) {
                         $id_or_email = $id_or_email->user_id;
                     } else {
                         if ($id_or_email->comment_author_email) {
                             $id_or_email = $id_or_email->comment_author_email;
             if (is_numeric($id_or_email)) {
                 $userid = (int) $id_or_email;
             } else {
                 if (is_string($id_or_email)) {
                     $userid = (int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE user_email = '" . mysql_escape_string($id_or_email) . "'");
             $imageURL = getGravatarImageForUser($userid);
         appendLog("imageURL: " . $imageURL);
         $doc = new DOMDocument();
         $imageTags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
         foreach ($imageTags as $tag) {
             $imgSrc = $tag->getAttribute('src');
             $tag->setAttribute("src", $imageURL);
             $avatar = $tag->ownerDocument->saveXML($tag);
             appendLog("altered avatar: ");
     return $avatar;
    $totalUser += $newInstallCount;
    $start = microtime(true);
    $groupedDetail = $userDetailProvider->generate($groupedUidList);
    $delta = microtime(true) - $start;
    appendLog(sprintf('Total %d new install on %s, read detail cost %s', $newInstallCount, $calendarDay, PHP_Timer::secondsToTimeString($delta)));
    $esUpdateQueue = [];
    foreach ($groupedDetail as $payload) {
        $shardId = $payload['shardId'];
        $shardUserList = $payload['dataSet'];
        $count = count($shardUserList);
        if ($count === 0) {
        appendLog(sprintf('%s have %d user to sync', $shardId, $count));
        $esUpdateQueue = array_merge($esUpdateQueue, $shardUserList);
        $queueLength = count($esUpdateQueue);
        if ($queueLength >= $magicNumber) {
            appendLog(sprintf('%s: flush ES update queue: %d user on date %s to sync %s', date('c'), $queueLength, $calendarDay, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
            call_user_func($esUpdateHandler, $indexer, $esUpdateQueue);
            $esUpdateQueue = [];
    call_user_func($esUpdateHandler, $indexer, $esUpdateQueue);
    appendLog(sprintf('Total %d user processed, cost %s', $totalUser, PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
    if ($processedRound >= $safeRound) {
        appendLog(sprintf('Safe round finished, cost %s', PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()));
  * @param array $groupedUidList
  * @param int   $repeatTimes
  * @param int   $waitTime
  * @return array
 private function aggregate(array $groupedUidList, $repeatTimes, $waitTime)
     $now = time();
     $beforeTs = $now - $waitTime;
     appendLog(sprintf('%s: on time %s(%d) with repeat>=%d or waitTime>=%d(%s)', __METHOD__, date('c', $now), $now, $repeatTimes, $waitTime, date('c', $beforeTs)));
     array_walk($groupedUidList, function (array $uidList, $shardId) use($now) {
         $this->aggregator->add($shardId, $uidList, $now);
     $rawData = $this->aggregator->filter($repeatTimes, $beforeTs);
     $groupedUidList = [];
     array_walk($rawData, function (array $uidList, $shardId) use(&$groupedUidList) {
         $groupedUidList[$shardId] = array_keys($uidList);
     return $groupedUidList;