Exemple #1

if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) {
//개별 페이지 접근 불가
// 추출하기
$list = apms_faq_rows($wset);
$list_cnt = count($list);
// 아이콘
$icon = isset($wset['icon']) && $wset['icon'] ? apms_fa($wset['icon']) : '';
// 리스트
for ($i = 0; $i < $list_cnt; $i++) {
		<a href="<?php 
    echo $list[$i]['href'];
" class="ellipsis">
    if ($icon) {
				<span class="icon"><?php 
        echo $icon;
    echo $list[$i]['subject'];
Exemple #2
    require_once G5_THEME_PATH . '/head.php';
// Page Iframe Modal
if (APMS_PIM) {
    include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php';
    @(include_once THEMA_PATH . '/head.sub.php');
//Change Mode
$as_href['pc_mobile'] = G5_DEVICE_BUTTON_DISPLAY ? get_device_change_url() : '';
// Head Sub
include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php';
include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/latest.lib.php';
$page_title = apms_fa($page_title);
$page_desc = apms_fa($page_desc);
$menu = apms_auto_menu();
$menu = apms_multi_menu($menu, $at['id'], $at['multi']);
if ($is_member) {
$stats = apms_stats();
if ($is_main && !$hid && !$gid) {
    $newwin_path = G5_IS_MOBILE ? G5_MOBILE_PATH : G5_BBS_PATH;
    @(include_once $newwin_path . '/newwin.inc.php');
    // 팝업레이어
if (IS_YC) {
    if (IS_SHOP) {
        if (file_exists(THEMA_PATH . '/shop.head.php')) {
Exemple #3
$list = apms_board_rows($wset);
$list_cnt = count($list);
// 링크 열기
$wset['modal'] = isset($wset['modal']) ? $wset['modal'] : '';
$is_modal_js = $is_link_target = '';
if ($wset['modal'] == "1") {
    $is_modal_js = apms_script('modal');
} else {
    if ($wset['modal'] == "2") {
        $is_link_target = ' target="_blank"';
// 아이콘
$icon = isset($wset['icon']) && $wset['icon'] ? '<span class="lightgray">' . apms_fa($wset['icon']) . '</span>' : '';
// 랭킹
$rank = apms_rank_offset($wset['rows'], $wset['page']);
// 날짜
$is_date = isset($wset['date']) && $wset['date'] ? true : false;
$is_dtype = isset($wset['dtype']) && $wset['dtype'] ? $wset['dtype'] : 'm.d';
$is_dtxt = isset($wset['dtxt']) && $wset['dtxt'] ? true : false;
// 새글
$is_new = isset($wset['new']) && $wset['new'] ? $wset['new'] : 'red';
// 댓글
$is_comment = isset($wset['comment']) && $wset['comment'] ? true : false;
// 강조글
$bold = array();
$strong = explode(",", $wset['strong']);
$is_strong = count($strong);
for ($i = 0; $i < $is_strong; $i++) {
Exemple #4
function apms_chk_auto_menu($s = '', $mobile = '', $type = '')
    global $g5, $xp;
    // Group
    $ca = array();
    $bo = array();
    $gr = array();
    $pg = array();
    $list = array();
    $mobile = $mobile ? 'mobile_' : '';
    // 모바일 접두어로 전환..ㅠㅠ
    $device = $mobile ? 'pc' : 'mobile';
    $stype = $type ? 3 : 2;
    $newpost = $g5['cache_newpost_time'] > 0 ? new_post($g5['cache_newpost_time']) : '';
    $sql_select = 'gr_id, as_icon, as_mobile_icon, as_menu_show, as_grade, as_equal, as_min, as_max, as_link, as_target';
    $n = 0;
    $gr_in = '';
    $result = sql_query(" select gr_subject, as_main, as_mobile_main, as_menu, as_multi, gr_order, {$sql_select} from {$g5['group_table']} where gr_device <> '{$device}' and (as_show = '1' or as_show = '{$stype}') order by gr_order ", false);
    for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
        if (!trim($row['gr_id'])) {
        $gr[$n] = $row;
        $gr_in .= $n > 0 ? "," . $row['gr_id'] : $row['gr_id'];
    $gr_cnt = count($gr);
    if ($gr_in) {
        $gr_in = "and find_in_set(gr_id,'{$gr_in}')";
    $n = 0;
    $result = sql_query("select bo_table, bo_subject, bo_mobile_subject, bo_use_category, bo_category_list, bo_count_write, bo_count_comment, as_order, as_menu, as_line, as_sp, {$sql_select} from {$g5['board_table']} where as_show = '1' and bo_device <> '{$device}' {$gr_in} ", false);
    for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
        if (!trim($row['bo_table'])) {
        $row['bo_category_list'] = $row['bo_use_category'] ? $row['bo_category_list'] : '';
        $pg[$row['gr_id']][$n] = $row;
    $result = sql_query("select id, html_id, bo_subject, bo_mobile_subject, as_file, as_html, as_order, as_line, as_menu, as_sp, {$sql_select} from {$g5['apms_page']} where gr_id <> '' and as_show = '1' and as_html <> '3' and bo_subject <> '' and html_id <> '' and bo_device <> '{$device}' {$gr_in} ", false);
    for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
        $pg[$row['gr_id']][$n] = $row;
    //첫번째 배열(0번)은 전체통계로 사용
    $z = 1;
    $count_write = 0;
    $count_comment = 0;
    $cnt_new = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $gr_cnt; $i++) {
        $gr_new = 0;
        $gr_count_write = 0;
        $gr_count_comment = 0;
        //row로 변경
        $row = $gr[$i];
        $list[$z]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
        $list[$z]['show'] = $row['as_menu_show'];
        $list[$z]['grade'] = $row['as_grade'];
        $list[$z]['equal'] = $row['as_equal'];
        $list[$z]['min'] = $row['as_min'];
        $list[$z]['max'] = $row['as_max'];
        $list[$z]['order'] = $row['gr_order'];
        $list[$z]['sg'] = 1;
        //게시판과 문서 정리
        $bo = $pg[$row['gr_id']];
        $bo_cnt = count($bo);
        if ($bo_cnt > 0) {
            $bo = apms_sort($bo, 'as_order');
        $n = 0;
        $is_on = false;
        for ($k = 0; $k < $bo_cnt; $k++) {
            $bo[$k]['html_id'] = isset($bo[$k]['html_id']) ? $bo[$k]['html_id'] : '';
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['show'] = $bo[$k]['as_menu_show'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['grade'] = $bo[$k]['as_grade'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['equal'] = $bo[$k]['as_equal'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['min'] = $bo[$k]['as_min'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['max'] = $bo[$k]['as_max'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
            //그룹 아이디
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['bo_table'] = $bo[$k]['bo_table'];
            //게시판 아이디
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['hid'] = $bo[$k]['html_id'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['icon'] = $bo[$k]['as_' . $mobile . 'icon'] ? apms_fa($bo[$k]['as_' . $mobile . 'icon']) : '';
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['menu'] = $bo[$k]['bo_' . $mobile . 'subject'] ? $bo[$k]['bo_' . $mobile . 'subject'] : $bo[$k]['bo_subject'];
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['target'] = $bo[$k]['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $bo[$k]['as_target'] . '"' : '';
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['line'] = $bo[$k]['as_line'] ? apms_fa($bo[$k]['as_line']) : '';
            $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sp'] = $bo[$k]['as_sp'];
            if ($bo[$k]['html_id']) {
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['is_page'] = true;
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['count'] = 0;
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['comment'] = 0;
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['new'] = 'old';
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['hid'] = $bo[$k]['html_id'];
                if ($bo[$k]['as_link']) {
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['href'] = $bo[$k]['as_link'];
                } else {
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['href'] = $bo[$k]['as_html'] ? G5_BBS_URL . '/page.php?hid=' . urlencode($bo[$k]['html_id']) : G5_URL . '/' . $bo[$k]['as_file'];
                if ($bo[$k]['as_menu']) {
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['is_sub'] = true;
                    $sql1 = "select * from {$g5['apms_page']} where as_code = '{$bo[$k]['id']}' and as_html = '3' and html_id <> '' and bo_subject <> '' and as_show = '1' order by as_order";
                    $result1 = sql_query($sql1);
                    for ($j = 0; $row1 = sql_fetch_array($result1); $j++) {
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['hid'] = $row1['html_id'];
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['icon'] = $row1['as_' . $mobile . 'icon'] ? apms_fa($row1['as_' . $mobile . 'icon']) : '';
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['menu'] = $row1['bo_' . $mobile . 'subject'] ? $row1['bo_' . $mobile . 'subject'] : $row1['bo_subject'];
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['href'] = $row1['as_link'] ? $row1['as_link'] : G5_BBS_URL . '/page.php?hid=' . urlencode($row1['html_id']);
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['target'] = $row1['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $row1['as_target'] . '"' : '';
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['new'] = 'old';
                } else {
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['is_sub'] = false;
            } else {
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['is_page'] = false;
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['hid'] = $bo[$k]['bo_table'];
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['count'] = $bo[$k]['bo_count_write'];
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['comment'] = $bo[$k]['bo_count_comment'];
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['href'] = $bo[$k]['as_link'] ? $bo[$k]['as_link'] : G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $bo[$k]['bo_table'];
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['new'] = new_menu($bo[$k]['bo_table'], $newpost);
                if ($list[$z]['sub'][$k]['new'] == 'new') {
                //새글이 있는지 체크
                $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['is_sub'] = false;
                $is_submenu = !$bo[$k]['as_menu'] || !$mobile && $bo[$k]['as_menu'] == "2" ? true : false;
                // 분류출력
                if ($is_submenu && $bo[$k]['bo_category_list']) {
                    $cate = explode("|", $bo[$k]['bo_category_list']);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < count($cate); $j++) {
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['menu'] = $cate[$j];
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $bo[$k]['bo_table'] . '&sca=' . urlencode($cate[$j]);
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['target'] = '';
                        // 타켓
                        $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'][$j]['new'] = 'old';
                    $ca[$z]['sub'][$k] = $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['sub'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['cnt'] = $j;
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$k]['is_sub'] = $j > 0 ? true : false;
            $gr_count_write = $gr_count_write + $bo[$k]['bo_count_write'];
            $gr_count_comment = $gr_count_comment + $bo[$k]['bo_count_comment'];
        $list[$z]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
        //그룹 아이디
        $list[$z]['count'] = $gr_count_write;
        $list[$z]['comment'] = $gr_count_comment;
        $list[$z]['cnt'] = $n;
        //게시판 갯수
        if ($list[$z]['cnt'] == 1 && $row['as_menu']) {
            //게시판이 하나뿐일 때
            $list[$z]['icon'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['icon'];
            $list[$z]['menu'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['menu'];
            $list[$z]['href'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['href'];
            $list[$z]['new'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['new'];
            $list[$z]['target'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['target'];
            // 타켓
            $list[$z]['cnt'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['cnt'];
            $list[$z]['sub'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['sub'];
            $list[$z]['one'] = 1;
        } else {
            $list[$z]['cnt'] = $list[$z]['cnt'] == 1 ? 2 : $list[$z]['cnt'];
            $list[$z]['icon'] = $row['as_' . $mobile . 'icon'] ? apms_fa($row['as_' . $mobile . 'icon']) : '';
            $list[$z]['menu'] = $row['gr_subject'];
            if ($row['as_link']) {
                $list[$z]['href'] = $row['as_link'];
                $list[$z]['target'] = $row['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $row['as_target'] . '"' : '';
                // 타켓
            } else {
                if ($row['as_' . $mobile . 'main']) {
                    $list[$z]['href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/main.php?gid=' . $row['gr_id'];
                    $list[$z]['target'] = $row['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $row['as_target'] . '"' : '';
                    // 타켓
                } else {
                    $list[$z]['href'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['href'];
                    // 링크가 없으면 첫번째 게시판 링크로 이동
                    $list[$z]['target'] = $list[$z]['sub'][0]['target'];
                    // 타켓
            $list[$z]['new'] = $gr_new > 0 ? 'new' : 'old';
            //새글이 있는지 체크
            $list[$z]['multi'] = $row['as_multi'];
        $list[$z]['is_sub'] = $list[$z]['cnt'] > 1 ? true : false;
        if ($list[$z]['new'] == "new") {
        $count_write = $count_write + $gr_count_write;
        $count_comment = $count_comment + $gr_count_comment;
    // Shop
    if (IS_YC) {
        $new = array();
        $new = apms_chk_new_item();
        $sql_select = 'ca_id, ca_name, as_icon, as_mobile_icon, as_menu, as_menu_show, as_grade, as_equal, as_min, as_max, as_link, as_target, as_line, as_sp, as_multi, as_order';
        // 1단계 분류 판매 가능한 것만
        $result = sql_query(" select {$sql_select} from {$g5['g5_shop_category_table']} where length(ca_id) = '2' and ca_use = '1' and (as_show = '1' or as_show = '{$stype}') order by ca_order, ca_id ", false);
        $cnt_new = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
            $list[$z]['show'] = $row['as_menu_show'];
            $list[$z]['grade'] = $row['as_grade'];
            $list[$z]['equal'] = $row['as_equal'];
            $list[$z]['min'] = $row['as_min'];
            $list[$z]['max'] = $row['as_max'];
            $list[$z]['multi'] = $row['as_multi'];
            $list[$z]['order'] = $row['as_order'];
            $is_on = false;
            // 2단계 분류 판매 가능한 것만
            $j = 0;
            $is_submenu = !$row['as_menu'] || !$mobile && $row['as_menu'] == "2" ? true : false;
            // 2차 출력
            if ($is_submenu) {
                $result2 = sql_query(" select {$sql_select} from {$g5['g5_shop_category_table']} where LENGTH(ca_id) = '4' and SUBSTRING(ca_id,1,2) = '{$row['ca_id']}' and ca_use = '1' and as_show <> '0' order by ca_order, ca_id ", false);
                for ($j = 0; $row2 = sql_fetch_array($result2); $j++) {
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['show'] = $row2['as_menu_show'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['grade'] = $row2['as_grade'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['equal'] = $row2['as_equal'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['min'] = $row2['as_min'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['max'] = $row2['as_max'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['gr_id'] = $row['ca_id'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['hid'] = $row2['ca_id'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['icon'] = $row2['as_' . $mobile . 'icon'] ? apms_fa($row2['as_' . $mobile . 'icon']) : '';
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['menu'] = $row2['ca_name'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['target'] = $row2['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $row2['as_target'] . '"' : '';
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['line'] = $row2['as_line'] ? apms_fa($row2['as_line']) : '';
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sp'] = $row2['as_sp'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['is_page'] = false;
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['href'] = $row2['as_link'] ? $row2['as_link'] : G5_SHOP_URL . '/list.php?ca_id=' . $row2['ca_id'];
                    $c = $row2['ca_id'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['new'] = isset($new[$c]) && $new[$c] ? 'new' : 'old';
                    $count2 = sql_fetch(" select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} where (ca_id like '{$c}%' or ca_id2 like '{$c}%' or ca_id3 like '{$c}%') and it_use = '1' ");
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['count'] = $count2['cnt'];
                    $k = 0;
                    $is_submenu2 = !$row2['as_menu'] || !$mobile && $row2['as_menu'] == "2" ? true : false;
                    // 3차 출력
                    if ($is_submenu2) {
                        // 3단계 분류 판매 가능한 것만
                        $result3 = sql_query(" select {$sql_select} from {$g5['g5_shop_category_table']} where LENGTH(ca_id) = '6' and SUBSTRING(ca_id,1,4) = '{$row2['ca_id']}' and ca_use = '1' and as_show <> '0' order by ca_order, ca_id ", false);
                        for ($k = 0; $row3 = sql_fetch_array($result3); $k++) {
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['show'] = $row3['as_menu_show'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['grade'] = $row3['as_grade'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['equal'] = $row3['as_equal'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['min'] = $row3['as_min'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['max'] = $row3['as_max'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['ca_id'] = $row3['ca_id'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['icon'] = $row3['as_' . $mobile . 'icon'] ? apms_fa($row3['as_' . $mobile . 'icon']) : '';
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['menu'] = $row3['ca_name'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['href'] = $row3['as_link'] ? $row3['as_link'] : G5_SHOP_URL . '/list.php?ca_id=' . $row3['ca_id'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['target'] = $row3['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $row3['as_target'] . '"' : '';
                            // 타켓
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['line'] = $row3['as_line'] ? apms_fa($row3['as_line']) : '';
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['sp'] = $row3['as_sp'];
                            $c = $row3['ca_id'];
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['new'] = isset($new[$c]) && $new[$c] ? 'new' : 'old';
                            $count3 = sql_fetch(" select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} where (ca_id like '{$c}%' or ca_id2 like '{$c}%' or ca_id3 like '{$c}%') and it_use = '1' ");
                            $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['sub'][$k]['count'] = $count3['cnt'];
                    $list[$z]['sub'][$j]['is_sub'] = $k > 0 ? true : false;
            // 1단계 분류
            $list[$z]['gr_id'] = $row['ca_id'];
            //그룹 아이디
            $list[$z]['is_sub'] = $j > 0 ? true : false;
            $c = $row['ca_id'];
            $list[$z]['new'] = isset($new[$c]) && $new[$c] ? 'new' : 'old';
            $list[$z]['icon'] = $row['as_' . $mobile . 'icon'] ? apms_fa($row['as_' . $mobile . 'icon']) : '';
            $list[$z]['menu'] = $row['ca_name'];
            $list[$z]['href'] = $row['as_link'] ? $row['as_link'] : G5_SHOP_URL . '/list.php?ca_id=' . $row['ca_id'];
            $list[$z]['target'] = $row['as_target'] ? ' target="' . $row['as_target'] . '"' : '';
            // 타켓
            $count1 = sql_fetch(" select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} where it_use = '1' and (ca_id like '{$c}%' or ca_id2 like '{$c}%' or ca_id3 like '{$c}%') ");
            $list[$z]['count'] = $count1['cnt'];
            if ($list[$z]['new'] == "new") {
    $m = array();
    $m = apms_sort($list, 'order');
    //전체 통계
    $tot = array();
    $tot['count_write'] = $count_write;
    $tot['count_comment'] = $count_comment;
    @array_unshift($m, $tot);
    if ($s) {
        $m = serialize($m);
    return $m;
Exemple #5
			<div class="col-sm-3">
				<a class="btn <?php 
echo $btn;
 pull-right" href="<?php 
echo isset($wset['href']) && $wset['href'] ? $wset['href'] : G5_URL;
echo isset($wset['target']) && $wset['target'] ? ' target="' . $wset['target'] . '"' : '';
echo isset($wset['btn']) && $wset['btn'] ? apms_fa($wset['btn']) : '<i class="fa fa-leaf"></i> MISO THEMA';
if (!$wset['bs'] && $wset['shadow']) {
    // 그림자
		<div class="bar-shadow">
    echo apms_shadow($wset['shadow']);
Exemple #6
if ($is_checkbox) {
		<th scope="col">
			<label for="chkall" class="sound_only">현재 페이지 게시물 전체</label>
			<input type="checkbox" id="chkall" onclick="if (this.checked) all_checked(true); else all_checked(false);">
		<th scope="col">번호</th>
if ($boset['img']) {
    $icon = apms_fa($boset['icon']);
    //포토용 아이콘
			<th scope="col">포토</th>
if ($is_category) {
			<th scope="col">분류</th>
		<th scope="col">제목</th>
		<th scope="col">글쓴이</th>
Exemple #7
							<img draggable="false" src="<?php 
    echo $wset['img' . $i];
" alt=""<?php 
    echo $wset['mm' . $i] > 0 ? ' style="margin-top:-' . $wset['mm' . $i] . '%;"' : '';
    if ($wset['title' . $i]) {
        // 타이틀
								<h2 class="slide-title font-18 ellipsis" style="max-width:100%;">
									<span class="white"><?php 
        echo apms_fa($wset['title' . $i]);
Exemple #8
// 랜덤아이디
$widget_id = apms_id();
$list = array();
$k = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $wset['slider']; $i++) {
    if (!isset($wset['use' . $i]) || !$wset['use' . $i]) {
    // 사용하지 않으면 건너뜀
    $list[$k]['label'] = $wset['label' . $i];
    $list[$k]['txt'] = apms_fa($wset['txt' . $i]);
    $list[$k]['href'] = $wset['link' . $i] ? ' href="' . $wset['link' . $i] . '"' : '';
    $list[$k]['target'] = $list[$k]['href'] && isset($wset['win' . $i]) && $wset['win' . $i] ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
    $list[$k]['img'] = $wset['img' . $i];
    $list[$k]['margin'] = $wset['mm' . $i] > 0 ? ' style="margin-top:-' . $wset['mm' . $i] . '%;"' : '';
    $list[$k]['title'] = apms_fa($wset['title' . $i]);
    if ($list[$k]['title']) {
        $list[$k]['bg'] = isset($wset['bg' . $i]) && $wset['bg' . $i] ? $wset['bg' . $i] : 'black';
        $list[$k]['bg'] = isset($wset['trans' . $i]) && $wset['trans' . $i] ? ' trans-bg-' . $list[$k]['bg'] : ' bg-' . $list[$k]['bg'];
    } else {
        $list[$k]['bg'] = '';
$list_cnt = count($list);
<div class="img-wrap img-fix" style="padding-bottom:<?php 
echo $wset['slider_h'];
	<div class="img-item img-fix">
Exemple #9

if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) {
//개별 페이지 접근 불가
// 썸네일
$wset['thumb_w'] = $wset['thumb_h'] = 80;
// 추출하기
$list = apms_board_rows($wset);
$list_cnt = count($list);
// 아이콘
$icon = isset($wset['icon']) && $wset['icon'] ? apms_fa($wset['icon']) : '<i class="fa fa-user"></i>';
// 랭킹
$rank = apms_rank_offset($wset['rows'], $wset['page']);
// 라벨
$labels = array();
$label_cnt = 0;
if (isset($wset['label']) && $wset['label']) {
    $labels = apms_label_list($wset);
    $label_cnt = count($labels);
    $wset['label_color'] = isset($wset['label_color']) && $wset['label_color'] ? $wset['label_color'] : 'gray';
// 링크
$is_link = isset($wset['link']) && $wset['link'] ? true : false;
// 리스트
for ($i = 0; $i < $list_cnt; $i++) {
    // 아이콘
    $wr_icon = '';
    if ($list[$i]['img']['src']) {
        $wr_icon = '<img src="' . $list[$i]['img']['src'] . '" alt="' . $list[$i]['img']['alt'] . '">';
Exemple #10
// 추출하기
$list = apms_board_rows($wset);
$list_cnt = count($list);
// 아이콘
$icon = $wset['icon'] ? apms_fa($wset['icon']) : '<i class="fa fa-user"></i>';
// 랭킹
$rank = apms_rank_offset($wset['rows'], $wset['page']);
// 리스트
for ($i = 0; $i < $list_cnt; $i++) {
    // 아이콘
    $wr_icon = '';
    if ($list[$i]['img']['src']) {
        $wr_icon = '<img src="' . $list[$i]['img']['src'] . '" alt="' . $list[$i]['img']['alt'] . '">';
    } else {
        if ($list[$i]['as_icon']) {
            $wr_icon = apms_fa(apms_emo($list[$i]['as_icon']));
        } else {
            if ($list[$i]['mb_id']) {
                $wr_icon = apms_photo_url($list[$i]['mb_id']);
                $wr_icon = $wr_icon ? '<img src="' . $wr_icon . '">' : '';
    $wr_icon = $wr_icon ? $wr_icon : $icon;
    // 상태
    $is_choice = false;
    $choice_limit = (int) $list[$i]['wr_1'];
    // 여분필드 1
    $choice_limit = $choice_limit > 0 ? $choice_limit : 1;
    // 여분필드 1
    if ($list[$i]['as_choice_cnt'] >= $choice_limit) {
Exemple #11
								<div class="img-item">
									<img <?php 
    echo $img_src;
    if ($is_caption && $caption && $wset['caption' . $i]) {
										<div class="owl-caption">
        echo apms_fa($wset['caption' . $i]);
    if ($wset['link' . $i]) {