if (!is_numeric($iduser) || $iduser <= 0) {
    $errored = 1;
    $txterror .= 'Error... ';
if ($errored == 1) {
    echo '0: ' . $txterror;
} else {
    $totalitems = $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_from) FROM chat WHERE id_to=' . $this->user->id);
    $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM chat, users WHERE id_to=' . $this->user->id . ' AND id_from = iduser ORDER BY thedate DESC) as itemchat GROUP BY id_from ORDER BY thedate DESC LIMIT ' . $numitems . ',' . $C->NUM_USERCHAT_PAGE);
    $numitemsnow = $this->db2->num_rows();
    $htmlResults = '';
    while ($obj = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) {
        $D->isThisUserVerified = $obj->validated == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $D->f_name = empty($obj->firstname) || empty($obj->lastname) ? stripslashes($obj->username) : stripslashes($obj->firstname) . ' ' . stripslashes($obj->lastname);
        $D->f_codeuser = $obj->code;
        $D->f_avatar = $obj->avatar;
        $D->f_lastmessage = analyzeMessageChat($obj->message);
        $D->f_date = $obj->thedate;
        $D->f_username = $obj->username;
        $htmlResults .= $this->load_template('__dashboard-one-userchat.php', FALSE);
    unset($r, $obj);
    if ($totalitems <= $numitemsnow + $numitems) {
        echo "2: " . $htmlResults;
    } else {
        echo "1: " . $htmlResults;

// We check in which language we will work
if (isset($_SESSION["DATAGLOBAL"][0]) && !empty($_SESSION["DATAGLOBAL"][0])) {
$r = $this->db2->query('SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM chat, users WHERE id_to=' . $this->user->id . ' AND id_from = iduser ORDER BY id DESC) as itemchat GROUP BY id_from ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . $C->NUM_NOTIFICATIONSMSG_ALERT);
$this->db2->query('UPDATE chat SET isread=1 WHERE id_to=' . $this->user->id . ' AND isread=0');
$txtResult = '';
while ($obj = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) {
    $D->username = $obj->username;
    $D->uname = empty($obj->firstname) || empty($obj->lastname) ? stripslashes($obj->username) : stripslashes($obj->firstname) . ' ' . stripslashes($obj->lastname);
    $D->avatar = $obj->avatar;
    $D->dateago = $obj->thedate;
    $D->message = analyzeMessageChat(str_cut($obj->message, 50));
$txtResult = ob_get_contents();
unset($r, $obj);
if (!empty($txtResult)) {
    echo '1: ' . $txtResult;
} else {
    echo '1: <div style="text-align:center; padding:10px 5px 10px">' . $this->lang('dashboard_mynotifications_nonotifications') . '</div>';
    $D->totalmsgchat = $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT count(chat.id) FROM users, chat WHERE (id_from=' . $this->user->id . ' AND id_to=' . $D->u->iduser . ' AND id_from=iduser) OR (id_from=' . $D->u->iduser . ' AND id_to=' . $this->user->id . ' AND id_from=iduser)');
    $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT * FROM users, chat WHERE (id_from=' . $this->user->id . ' AND id_to=' . $D->u->iduser . ' AND id_from=iduser) OR (id_from=' . $D->u->iduser . ' AND id_to=' . $this->user->id . ' AND id_from=iduser) ORDER BY chat.id DESC LIMIT 0,' . $C->CHAT_NUM_MSG_START);
    $D->nummsgchat = $this->db2->num_rows();
    $D->htmlChat = '';
    if ($r) {
        $this->db2->query('UPDATE chat SET isread=1 WHERE id_from=' . $D->u->iduser . ' AND id_to=' . $this->user->id . ' AND isread=0');
        $rowmsgs = array();
        while ($obj = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) {
            $rowmsgs[] = $obj;
        $rowmsgs = array_reverse($rowmsgs);
        foreach ($rowmsgs as $onemsg) {
            $D->idmsg = $onemsg->id;
            $D->iduser = $onemsg->iduser;
            $D->username = $onemsg->username;
            $D->uname = empty($onemsg->firstname) || empty($onemsg->lastname) ? stripslashes($onemsg->username) : stripslashes($onemsg->firstname) . ' ' . stripslashes($onemsg->lastname);
            $D->avatar = $onemsg->avatar;
            $D->dateago = $onemsg->thedate;
            $D->message = analyzeMessageChat($onemsg->message);
        $D->htmlChat = ob_get_contents();
        unset($r, $obj);
$D->page_title = $D->nameUser . ' - ' . $this->lang('profile_messages_title') . ' - ' . $C->SITE_TITLE;
$D->optionactive = 5;