Exemple #1
function queens_under_attack($board)
    global $attacked;
    // for display outside of this function
    if (!is_array($board)) {
        return 'ERROR';
    if (sizeof($board) <= 1) {
        return '0';
        // 1 or 0 pieces? no worry
    $boardx = $board;
    // 2nd compare array
    $attacked = array();
    while (list($position, ) = each($board)) {
        if (in_array($position, $attacked)) {
            // already found attack
        while (list($xposition, ) = each($boardx)) {
            if (in_array($xposition, $attacked)) {
                // already found attack
            if ($xposition == $position) {
                // ignore self
            $col = $position[0];
            $row = $position[1];
            $xcol = $xposition[0];
            $xrow = $xposition[1];
            if ($col == $xcol || $row == $xrow) {
                // check attacks on rows and columns
                $attacked[] = $position;
                $attacked[] = $xposition;
                $attacked = array_unique($attacked);
            if (abs(alpha2num($col) - alpha2num($xcol)) == abs($row - $xrow)) {
                // check diagonals
                $attacked[] = $position;
                $attacked[] = $xposition;
                $attacked = array_unique($attacked);
    return sizeof($attacked);
Exemple #2
 * Take the generator string specification produced by parseGeneratorString and
 *  return a list of strings where the patterns are instantiated.
 * @param array $patSpecs
 * @param int $count
 * @return array
function generatePatterns($patSpecs, $count)
    $patternList = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $str = '';
        foreach ($patSpecs as $pat) {
            if ($pat) {
                if ($pat[0] == 'String') {
                    $str .= $pat[1][0];
                } elseif ($pat[0] == 'Pattern') {
                    if ($pat[1][0] == 'numeric') {
                        $str .= (int) ($pat[1][1] + $i * $pat[1][2]);
                    } elseif ($pat[1][0] == 'alpha') {
                        $charIntVal = ord($pat[1][1]);
                        if ($charIntVal >= 65 and $charIntVal <= 90) {
                            $offset = 0x40;
                            $charIntVal = alpha2num($pat[1][1]);
                        } else {
                            $offset = 0x60;
                            $charIntVal = alpha2num($pat[1][1], $offset);
                        $str .= num2alpha($charIntVal + $i * $pat[1][2], $offset);
        $patternList[] = $str;
    return $patternList;
Exemple #3
#php.ini => date.timezone = "Europe/Whatever"
Rem($ndate, UcFirst(strftime("%A %d %B %Y %T")), date("Y m d H:i:s"));
#pat(PHP_OS,,strftime("%A %d %B %Y %T"));
#Vendredi 27 Septembre 2013 16:49:36
$D = array('ndate' => "<a id=ndate>" . $ndate . "</a>", 'deblockurl' => '!*%$%M', 'vit' => LOGS . 'Vitale.db', 'starter' => $starter, 'logs' => $a['logs'], 'tmp' => $a['tmp'], 'rt' => $a['rt']);
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    redef($k, $v, 1);
e(RU . H . U . $a['args']);
#note surl is obselete
$D = array('bots' => isbot(), 'mu' => mu(H . U), 'u2' => Preg_Replace("~(\\?|&).*~", '', U), 'ipf' => IPSTORE . IP . ".db", 'fkeyword' => TMP . 'keyw/' . IP, 'u3' => BadQ(U));
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    redef($k, $v, 1);
$D = array('hu3' => H . '/' . U3, 'hu4' => '//' . H . '/' . U3, 'seed' => alpha2num(u2), 'su2' => SR . U2, 'CACHEPATH' => TMP . 'cache/' . MU . '.ca');
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    redef($k, $v, 1);
$_ENV['c']['cachetime'] = 3600 * 100;
#100h par seconde de calcul-1h pour 10ms
$D = array('lasttime' => 0, 'lastmemusage' => 0, 'lastkey' => 0, 'maxop' => 4000, 'mu' => MU, 'script' => $a['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'Mem' => array(), 'dbt' => array(), 'yt' => array('host' => RH, 'ip' => IP, 'dlp' => SU, 'u' => SU, 'r' => REFE, 'ref' => REFE));
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    $_ENV[$k] = $v;
$pi = pathinfo(SU);
$pi['extension'] = extension(SU);
#pour la suite, extensions mauvaises etc..
#identification utilisateurs ou serveurs de prod;||in_Array(ip,array('')