public function view($id = -1) { if ($id === -1) { alertMsg("게시물이 없습니다.", "/main/lists/"); return; } $data = array("id" => $id, "views" => $this->todo_m->get_view($id)); $this->load->layout('list_v', $data); }
function checkLogin() { if (!isset($_SESSION['login'])) { alertMsg('请先登录', 'login.php'); return false; } else { return true; } }
/** * 检测是否登陆. */ function checkLogin() { if (!(isset($_SESSION['uid']) && isset($_SESSION['name']))) { alertMsg('请先登录', 'login.php'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function authorised($print = true) { global $password; if (isset($_SESSION["authorised"]) && $_SESSION["authorised"] == sha1($password)) { return true; } else { if ($print) { alertMsg("danger", "You must be logged in!"); } session_destroy(); return false; } }
<?php include "functions.php"; html_start("home"); if (isset($_POST["logout"])) { $_SESSION["authorised"] = false; } if (isset($_POST["login"])) { if ($_POST["password"] == $password) { $_SESSION["authorised"] = sha1($_POST["password"]); } else { alertMsg("danger", "Incorrect password!"); } } if (authorised(false)) { ?> <h4 class="heading">Welcome</h4> <p>You can now proceed to <a href="submit.php">submit new task</a>, or to <a href="results.php">view results</a> of your previous tasks.</p> <br /> <form method="post" action="index.php"> <button type="submit" name="logout" type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Log out</button> </form> <?php } else { ?> <h4 class="heading">Log in</h4> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="index.php"> <fieldset> <div class="form-group"> <label for="password" class="col-lg-2 col-xs-2 control-label">Password:</label> <div class="col-lg-4 col-xs-6">
/** * 检查是否已经登录 */ function checkLogined() { if (!isset($_SESSION["adminId"]) && !isset($_COOKIE["adminId"])) { alertMsg("请先登录", "login.php"); } }
* Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 16-1-19 * Time: 下午10:49 */ require_once '../include.php'; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $autoFlag = $_POST['autoFlag']; $checkCode = $_POST['checkCode']; $checkCode2 = $_SESSION['checkCode']; echo "checkCode: " . $checkCode . "<br>"; echo "checkCode in session: " . $checkCode2; if ($checkCode != $checkCode2) { alertMsg("登录失败,验证码有误!", "login.php"); } else { $password = md5($password); $sql = "select * from admin where username='******' and password='******'"; $result = checkAdmin($sql); if ($result) { if ($autoFlag) { setcookie("adminId", $result["id"], time() + 7 * 24 * 3600); setcookie("adminName", $result["username"], time() + 7 * 24 * 3600); } $_SESSION["adminId"] = $result["id"]; $_SESSION["adminName"] = $result["username"]; alertMsg("登录成功", "index.php"); } else { alertMsg("登录失败,用户名或密码有误!", "login.php"); } }
$dis = $_REQUEST['disFile']; $msg = copyFolder($srcFile, 'file' . "/" . $dis); alertMsg($msg, $urlt); } elseif ($mode == 'cutFolder') { $str = "\n <form action='index.php?mode=doCutFolder' method='post'>\n <input type='hidden' name='filename' value='{$filename}' />\n <input type='hidden' name='path' value='{$path}' />\n <label>前切:</label>\n <input type='text' name='disFile' placeholder='前切到'>\n <input type='submit' value='确定'/>\n </form>"; echo $str; } else { if ($mode == 'doCutFolder') { $dirpath = $filename; $distpath = $_REQUEST['disFile']; $msg = cutFolder($dirpath, $path . "/" . $distpath); alertMsg($msg, $url); } else { if ($mode == 'deleteFolder') { $msg = deleteFolder($filename); alertMsg($msg, $url); } } } } } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>文件管理系统</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="resource/css/cikonss.css">
<?php include "functions.php"; html_start("results"); if (authorised()) { ?> <a href="#" class="scroll-down"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span></a> <h4 class="heading">Task status</h4> <?php if (!isset($_GET["task"]) || !file_exists($tasksDir . "/" . $_GET["task"])) { alertMsg("danger", "Invalid task ID!"); } else { $dir = $tasksDir . "/" . $_GET["task"]; $infoFile = fopen("{$dir}/inputInfo.txt", "r"); $taskName = fgets($infoFile); $startTime = fgets($infoFile); fgets($infoFile); // Skip task directory $inputFile = fgets($infoFile); fclose($infoFile); echo "<p><b>Task name:</b> {$taskName}</p>\n"; echo "<p><b>Submit time:</b> {$startTime}</p>\n"; echo "<p><b>Input file:</b> {$inputFile}</p><br />\n"; echo "<p><b>Status:</b></p>\n"; echo "<pre>\n"; $statusFilePath = "{$dir}/sysout.txt"; if (!file_exists($statusFilePath)) { echo "Error: status file not found."; } else { $statusFile = fopen($statusFilePath, "r"); while (!feof($statusFile)) {
public function doVote() { $id = I('id', 0, 'intval'); //$sql = 'UPDATE think_vote SET count=count+1 WHERE id='.$id;M()->execute($sql) if (M('vote')->where(array('id' => $id))->setInc('count')) { alertMsg('投票成功'); } else { alertMsg('投票失败'); } }
public function action() { $path = I('path'); $act = I('act'); $filename = I('file'); if ($act == 'showContent') { $content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($filename)); if (strlen($content)) { $str = <<<EOF \t\t\t\t\t<textarea style="width:98.5%;height:550px;padding:10px;color:#333;background:#dee5de" name="content">{$content}</textarea> EOF; echo $str; } else { echo '没有内容'; } } if ($act == 'editContent') { $content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($filename)); $url = U('Theme/action', array('act' => 'doEdit')); if (strlen($content)) { $str = <<<EOF \t\t\t\t<form action="{$url}" method="post"> \t\t\t\t\t<textarea style="width:98.5%;padding:10px;color:#333;background:#dee5de;overflow:auto;height:550px" name="content">{$content}</textarea><br/> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$path}" /> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="file" value="{$filename}" /> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="submit" value="修改文件内容" class="submit" /> \t\t\t\t</form> EOF; echo $str; } } if ($_GET['act'] == 'doEdit') { $content = I('content'); if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) { $this->success('编辑成功'); } else { $this->error('编辑失败'); } } if ($act == 'download') { header('content-disposition:attachment;filename=' . basename($filename)); header('content-length:' . filesize($filename)); readfile($filename); } if ($act == 'rename') { $url = U('Theme/action', array('act' => 'doRename')); $str = <<<EOF \t\t\t<form action="{$url}" method="post"> \t\t\t\t请输入新名称:<input type="text" name="newname" placeholder="重命名" class="input"/> \t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$path}" class="input"/> \t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="file" value="{$filename}" class="input"/> \t\t\t\t<input type="submit" value="重命名" class="btn2"/> \t\t\t</form> \t\t\t EOF; echo $str; } if ($_GET['act'] == 'doRename') { $newname = I('newname'); if (empty($newname)) { alertMsg('新文件名不能为空'); die; } if (!file_exists(dirname($filename) . '/' . $newname)) { if (rename($filename, dirname($filename) . '/' . $newname)) { $this->success('重命名成功'); } else { $this->error('重命名失败'); } } else { $this->error('已存在同名文件'); } } if ($act == 'delFile') { if (is_file($filename)) { if (unlink($filename)) { echo 1; } else { echo 0; } } } if ($act == 'delFile') { if (is_dir($filename)) { if (deldir($filename, 1)) { echo 1; } else { echo 0; } } } if ($_GET['act'] == 'upFile') { $fileInfo = $_FILES['upFile']; $msg = uploadFile($fileInfo, $path); $this->success('上传成功'); } }
if (!in_array($extension, $supported_extensions)) { alertMsg("danger", "File upload failed! Unsupported file format."); $status = false; } else { if (!file_exists($thisTaskDir)) { mkdir($thisTaskDir, 0777); } $destination = "{$thisTaskDir}/{$basename}"; $temp_name = $_FILES["inputFile"]["tmp_name"]; $move = move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $destination); if (!$move || $_FILES["inputFile"]["error"] > 0) { alertMsg("danger", "File upload failed! Upload error: " . $_FILES["inputFile"]["error"] . ", file move error: " . (!$move ? "yes" : "no")); $status = false; } else { chmod($destination, 0777); } } } if ($status && $destination) { $text = $_POST["taskName"] . "\n" . "{$startTimeText}\n" . "{$thisTaskDir}\n" . "{$basename}\n" . "# Parameters\n" . "min-pattern-size: " . $_POST["min-pattern-size"] . "\n" . "threads:" . $_POST["threads"] . "\n" . "comparing-method: " . $_POST["comparing-method"] . "\n" . "editdistance-early-stopping: " . $_POST["editdistance-early-stopping"] . "\n" . "qgram-size: " . $_POST["qgram-size"] . "\n" . "clustering-method: " . $_POST["clustering-method"] . "\n" . "clustering-threshold: " . $_POST["clustering-threshold"] . "\n"; $inputInfoPath = "{$newTaskDir}/{$timestamp}-inputInfo.txt"; $inputInfoFile = fopen($inputInfoPath, "w"); fwrite($inputInfoFile, $text); fclose($inputInfoFile); chmod($inputInfoPath, 0777); alertMsg("success", "Task successfully submited!"); } umask($oldmask); usleep(1000000); // Sleep for 1 second - wait until deamon creates info file }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 16-1-20 * Time: 上午1:26 */ require_once '../include.php'; $id = $_REQUEST["id"]; $row = fetchOne("select * from admin where id={$id}"); if (!$row) { alertMsg("管理员不存在,adminId={$id}", "listAdmin.php"); } ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>编辑管理员</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/global.css"> </head> <body> <form action="doAdminAction.php?act=editAdmin" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?> "> <table>