  * Resets roles to WordPress defaults.
  * @return void
 function backupToolReset()
     require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/schema.php';
     if (!function_exists('populate_roles')) {
         ak_admin_error(__('Needed function to create default roles not found!', 'capsman-enhanced'));
     $roles = array_keys(ak_get_roles(true));
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
     $msg = __('Roles and Capabilities reset to WordPress defaults', 'capsman-enhanced');
     if (function_exists('pp_populate_roles')) {
     } else {
         // force PP to repopulate roles
         $pp_ver = get_option('pp_c_version', true);
         if ($pp_ver && is_array($pp_ver)) {
             $pp_ver['version'] = preg_match("/dev|alpha|beta|rc/i", $pp_ver['version']) ? '0.1-beta' : 0.1;
         } else {
             $pp_ver = array('version' => '0.1', 'db_version' => '1.0');
         update_option('pp_c_version', $pp_ver);
  * Manages global settings admin.
  * @hook add_submenu_page
  * @return void
 function generalManager()
     if (!current_user_can('manage_capabilities') && !current_user_can('administrator')) {
         // TODO: Implement exceptions.
         wp_die('<strong>' . __('What do you think you\'re doing?!?', 'capsman-enhanced') . '</strong>');
     if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
         if (empty($_REQUEST['SaveRole']) && empty($_REQUEST['AddCap'])) {
         } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['SaveRole'])) {
             // moved update operation to earlier action to avoid UI refresh issues.  But outputting notification there breaks styling.
         } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['AddCap'])) {
     $roles = array_keys($this->roles);
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && 'delete' == $_GET['action']) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/handler.php';
         $capsman_modify = new CapsmanHandler($this);
     if (!in_array($this->current, $roles)) {
         // Current role has been deleted.
         $this->current = array_shift($roles);
     include AK_CMAN_LIB . '/admin.php';
  * Deletes a role.
  * The role comes from the $_GET['role'] var and the nonce has already been checked.
  * Default WordPress role cannot be deleted and if trying to do it, throws an error.
  * Users with the deleted role, are moved to the WordPress default role.
  * @return void
 function adminDeleteRole()
     global $wpdb, $wp_roles;
     check_admin_referer('delete-role_' . $_GET['role']);
     $this->cm->current = $_GET['role'];
     $default = get_option('default_role');
     if ($default == $this->cm->current) {
         ak_admin_error(sprintf(__('Cannot delete default role. You <a href="%s">have to change it first</a>.', $this->cm->ID), 'options-general.php'));
     $query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} INNER JOIN {$wpdb->users} " . "ON {$wpdb->usermeta}.user_id = {$wpdb->users}.ID " . "WHERE meta_key='{$wpdb->prefix}capabilities' AND meta_value LIKE '%{$this->cm->current}%';";
     $users = $wpdb->get_results($query);
     // Array of all roles except the one being deleted, for use below
     $role_names = array_diff_key(array_keys($wp_roles->role_names), array($this->cm->current => true));
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $skip_role_set = false;
         $user = new WP_User($u->ID);
         if ($user->has_cap($this->cm->current)) {
             // Check again the user has the deleting role
             // Role may have been assigned supplementally.  Don't move a user to default role if they still have one or more roles following the deletion.
             foreach ($role_names as $_role_name) {
                 if ($user->has_cap($_role_name)) {
                     $skip_role_set = true;
             if (!$skip_role_set) {
     if ($customized_roles = get_option('pp_customized_roles')) {
         if (isset($customized_roles[$this->cm->current])) {
             update_option('pp_customized_roles', $customized_roles);
     ak_admin_notify(sprintf(__('Role has been deleted. %1$d users moved to default role %2$s.', $this->cm->ID), $count, $this->cm->roles[$default]));
     $this->cm->current = $default;
  * Saves activity settings from admin page.
  * @return void
 private function saveAdminSettings()
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && 'update' == $_POST['action']) {
         $post = stripslashes_deep($_POST['settings']);
         $post = array_merge($this->defaultOptions(), $post);
         $settings = array('timeout' => intval($post['timeout']), 'list_items' => intval($post['list_items']), 'avatar_size' => intval($post['avatar_size']), 'global_wall' => intval($post['global_wall']), 'wall_template' => $post['wall_template'], 'user_template' => $post['user_template']);
     } else {
         // Missing action
         wp_die('Bad form received.', $this->PID);
  * Saves settings from admin form.
  * TODO: Check settings with intval.
  * @return void
 private function saveAdminSettings()
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && 'update' == $_POST['action']) {
         $options = stripslashes_deep($_POST['profiles']);
     } else {
         // Missing action
         ak_admin_error(__('Bad form received.', $this->PID));
  * Deletes a role.
  * The role comes from the $_GET['role'] var and the nonce has already been checked.
  * Default WordPress role cannot be deleted and if trying to do it, throws an error.
  * Users with the deleted role, are moved to the WordPress default role.
  * @return void
 function adminDeleteRole()
     global $wpdb;
     check_admin_referer('delete-role_' . $_GET['role']);
     $this->cm->current = $_GET['role'];
     $default = get_option('default_role');
     if ($default == $this->cm->current) {
         ak_admin_error(sprintf(__('Cannot delete default role. You <a href="%s">have to change it first</a>.', $this->cm->ID), 'options-general.php'));
     $query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} INNER JOIN {$wpdb->users} " . "ON {$wpdb->usermeta}.user_id = {$wpdb->users}.ID " . "WHERE meta_key='{$wpdb->prefix}capabilities' AND meta_value LIKE '%{$this->cm->current}%';";
     $users = $wpdb->get_results($query);
     $count = count($users);
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $user = new WP_User($u->ID);
         if ($user->has_cap($this->cm->current)) {
             // Check again the user has the deleting role
     if ($customized_roles = get_option('pp_customized_roles')) {
         if (isset($customized_roles[$this->cm->current])) {
             update_option('pp_customized_roles', $customized_roles);
     ak_admin_notify(sprintf(__('Role has been deleted. %1$d users moved to default role %2$s.', $this->cm->ID), $count, $this->cm->roles[$default]));
     $this->cm->current = $default;
  * Process the uploaded image in the settings form.
  * @return void
 private function uploadLogo()
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && 'upload' == $_POST['action']) {
         // Process uploaded file
         require_once AK_VENDOR . '/upload/class.upload.php';
         $handle = new akUpload($_FILES['login_image'], $this->PID);
         if ($handle->uploaded) {
             $handle->image_resize = true;
             $handle->image_ratio_y = true;
             $handle->image_x = 326;
             $handle->file_overwrite = true;
             $handle->file_auto_rename = false;
             $handle->file_new_name_body = 'login';
             $handle->image_convert = 'png';
             $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
             $folder = trailingslashit($uploads['basedir']) . 'alkivia';
             if ($handle->processed) {
                 ak_admin_notify(__('File uploaded.', $this->PID));
             } else {
                 ak_admin_error(__('Error', $this->PID) . ': ' . $handle->error);
         } else {
             ak_admin_error(__('No file received.', $this->PID));
     } else {
         // Missing action
         ak_admin_error(__('Bad form received.', $this->PID));
  * Uploads a user image to gallery.
  * @uses do_action() Calls 'aoc_gallery_first_upload' action hook on user ID.
  * @param object $user	User Object to manage.
  * @return void
 private function uploadUserImage($user)
     $gallery = $this->getUserGallery($user->ID);
     $notices = '';
     $errors = '';
     $cur_num = 0;
     foreach ($_FILES as $user_picture) {
         $up_name = trim($user->user_nicename) . ($gallery['lastID'] + 1);
         $handle = new aocGalleryUpload($user_picture, $this->PID);
         if ($handle->uploaded) {
             // Upload big size.
             if ($handle->uploadImage($up_name)) {
                 // Success upload.
                 if (!empty($notices)) {
                     $notices .= '<br />';
                 if (!empty($errors)) {
                     $errors .= '<br />';
                 $notices .= sprintf(__('File %d uploaded.', $this->PID), $cur_num) . ' ';
                 $generated_name = $handle->file_dst_name_body;
                 // Create Thumbnail.
                 if ($handle->createThumb()) {
                     $notices .= sprintf(__('Thumbnail %d created.', $this->PID), $cur_num) . ' ';
                 } else {
                     $errors .= sprintf(__('Thumbnail %d error', $this->PID), $cur_num) . ': ' . $handle->error . ' ';
                 // Create AVATAR
                 if ($handle->createAvatar()) {
                     $notices .= sprintf(__('Avatar %d created.', $this->PID), $cur_num) . ' ';
                 } else {
                     $errors .= sprintf(__('Avatar %d error', $this->PID), $cur_num) . ': ' . $handle->error . ' ';
                 // Save the image name to user meta.
                 if (0 == count($gallery['images'])) {
                     // Loading first file
                     $gallery['main'] = $gallery['lastID'];
                     $gallery['avatar'] = $gallery['lastID'];
                 $approved = current_user_can('aoc_unmoderated') || current_user_can('aoc_manage_galleries') ? 1 : 0;
                 $gallery['images'][$gallery['lastID']] = array('approved' => $approved, 'caption' => '', 'name' => $generated_name);
                 update_usermeta($user->ID, $this->ID, $gallery);
                 if ($approved) {
                     // Set the last update time. Since 0.5.3
                     if (1 == $this->countApprovedImages($gallery)) {
                         // Just uploaded first picture
                         do_action('aoc_gallery_first_upload', $user->ID);
                     update_usermeta($user->ID, $this->ID . '_update', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                     // Record activity log
                     $activity = array('owner_id' => $user->ID, 'object_type' => 'gallery', 'object_action' => 'upload', 'object_id' => $user->ID, 'event_hook' => 'aoc_wall_gallery');
                     do_action('aoc_generic_event', $activity);
                 } else {
                     $hostname = preg_replace('#^www\\.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
                     $mail_headers = 'From: ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' <' . 'wordpress@' . $hostname . ">\n";
                     $mail_subject = get_bloginfo('name') . ' ' . __('Please moderate user gallery', $this->PID);
                     $mail_body = sprintf(__('A new image has been uploaded to the gallery for %s', $this->PID), $user->user_login) . "\n\n";
                     $mail_body .= __('Please, moderate it at', $this->PID) . ' ' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-admin/users.php?user_id={$user->ID}&page={$this->slug}-my-gallery";
                     wp_mail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_headers);
             } else {
                 $errors .= sprintf(__('Image %d error', $this->PID), $cur_num) . ': ' . $handle->error . ' ';
     if (!empty($notices)) {
     if (!empty($errors)) {
  * Includes global settings admin.
  * @hook add_submenu_page
  * @return void
 function settingsAdmin()
     if (!current_user_can('aoc_manage_settings')) {
         // Verify user permissions.
         wp_die('<strong>' . __('What do you think you\'re doing?!?', $this->ID) . '</strong>');
     global $wp_rewrite;
     // Force save rules.
     if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
     require AOC_PATH . '/includes/admin.php';
  * Resets roles to WordPress defaults.
  * @return void
 private function backupToolReset()
     require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/schema.php';
     if (!function_exists('populate_roles')) {
         ak_admin_error(__('Needed function to create default roles not found!', $this->ID));
     $roles = array_keys($this->roles);
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
     ak_admin_notify(__('Roles and Capabilities reset to WordPress defaults', $this->ID));