  * AJAX entry point to create the controller form for an IPE.
 function ajax_save_form($break = NULL)
     if ($this->ipe_test_lock('save-form', $break)) {
     // Reset the $_POST['ajax_html_ids'] values to preserve
     // proper IDs on form elements when they are rebuilt
     // by the Panels IPE without refreshing the page
     $_POST['ajax_html_ids'] = array();
     $form_state = array('display' => &$this->display, 'content_types' => $this->cache->content_types, 'rerender' => FALSE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'layout' => $this->plugins['layout']);
     $output = drupal_build_form('panels_ipe_edit_control_form', $form_state);
     if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
         // At this point, we want to save the cache to ensure that we have a lock.
         $this->cache->ipe_locked = TRUE;
         $this->commands[] = array('command' => 'initIPE', 'key' => $this->clean_key, 'data' => drupal_render($output), 'lockPath' => $this->get_url('unlock_ipe'));
     // Check to see if we have a lock that was broken. If so we need to
     // inform the user and abort.
     if (empty($this->cache->ipe_locked)) {
         $this->commands[] = ajax_command_alert(t('A lock you had has been externally broken, and all your changes have been reverted.'));
         $this->commands[] = array('command' => 'cancelIPE', 'key' => $this->clean_key);
     // Otherwise it was submitted.
     if (!empty($form_state['clicked_button']['#save-display'])) {
         // Saved. Save the cache.
         // A rerender should fix IDs on added panes as well as ensure style changes are
         // rendered.
         $this->meta_location = 'inline';
         $this->commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#panels-ipe-display-{$this->clean_key}", panels_render_display($this->display, $this));
     } else {
         // Cancelled. Clear the cache.
     $this->commands[] = array('command' => 'endIPE', 'key' => $this->clean_key);
 * Allows modules to add arbitrary AJAX commands to the array returned from the
 * customer profile copy checkbox refresh.
 * When a customer checks or unchecks a box to copy the relevant information
 * from one customer profile to another, the associated checkout pane gets an
 * AJAX refresh. The form will be rebuilt using the new form state and the AJAX
 * callback of the element that was clicked will be called. For this checkbox it
 * is commerce_customer_profile_copy_refresh().
 * Instead of just returning the checkout pane to be rendered, this AJAX refresh
 * function returns an array of AJAX commands that includes the necessary form
 * element replacement. However, other modules may want to interact with the
 * refreshed form. They can use this hook to add additional items to the
 * commands array, which is passed to the hook by reference. Note that the form
 * array and form state cannot be altered, just the array of commands.
 * @param &$commands
 *   The array of AJAX commands used to refresh the customer profile checkout
 *   pane with updated form elements.
 * @param $form
 *   The rebuilt form array.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The form state array from the form.
 * @see commerce_customer_profile_copy_refresh()
function hook_commerce_customer_profile_copy_refresh_alter(&$commands, $form, $form_state)
    // Display an alert message.
    $commands[] = ajax_command_alert(t('The customer profile checkout pane has been updated.'));
 * Allows modules to add arbitrary AJAX commands to the array returned from the
 * standard address field widget refresh.
 * @param &$commands
 *   The array of AJAX commands used to refresh the address field widget.
 * @param $form
 *   The rebuilt form array.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The form state array from the form.
 * @see addressfield_standard_widget_refresh()
function hook_addressfield_standard_widget_refresh_alter(&$commands, $form, $form_state)
    // Display an alert message.
    $commands[] = ajax_command_alert(t('The address field widget has been updated.'));
 * Allows modules to add arbitrary AJAX commands to the array returned from the
 * Add to Cart form attributes refresh.
 * When a product selection widget's value is changed, whether it is a product
 * select list or a product attribute field widget, the Add to Cart form gets
 * an AJAX refresh. The form will be rebuilt using the new form state and the
 * AJAX callback of the element that was changed will be called. For this form
 * it is commerce_cart_add_to_cart_form_attributes_refresh().
 * The cart form's particular AJAX refresh function returns an array of AJAX
 * commands that perform HTML replacement on the page. However, other modules
 * may want to interact with the refreshed form. They can use this hook to
 * add additional items to the commands array, which is passed to the hook by
 * reference. Note that the form array and form state cannot be altered, just
 * the array of commands.
 * @param &$commands
 *   The array of AJAX commands used to refresh the cart form with updated form
 *   elements and to replace product fields rendered on the page to match the
 *   currently selected product.
 * @param $form
 *   The rebuilt form array.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The form state array from the form.
 * @see commerce_cart_add_to_cart_form_attributes_refresh()
function hook_commerce_cart_attributes_refresh_alter(&$commands, $form, $form_state)
    // Display an alert message showing the new default product ID.
    $commands[] = ajax_command_alert(t('Now defaulted to product @product_id.', array('@product_id' => $form['product_id']['#value'])));
 * Allows modules to alter the AJAX commands when selecting another customer
 * profile.
 * During checkout the user selects the "address on file" from a dropdown list
 * of customer profiles. The response (prefilled fields) is handled using AJAX.
 * By altering the array of AJAX commands, a module can add additional commands
 * to the response.
 * @param array $commands
 *   An array of AJAX commands.
 * @param type $form
 *   Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
 * @param type $form_state
 *   A keyed array containing the current state of the form.
function hook_commerce_addressbook_callback_alter(&$commands, $form, $form_state)
    // Example.
    $commands[] = ajax_command_alert('It works!');
Exemple #6
 * Alter the commands, form and formstate at the point where the coupon module
 * is about return from its checkout pane ajax handler.
 * @param array $commands
 *  Any commands that have been set
 * @param array $form
 *  The checkout form
 * @param array $form_state
 *  The checkout form state
function hook_commerce_coupon_add_coupon_ajax_alter($commands, &$form, &$form_state)
    // Set a JS alert when the coupon checkout pane form is rebuilt via ajax.
    $commands[] = ajax_command_alert(t('Thank you for redeeming a coupon'));