function adrotate_ad_output($id, $group = 0, $name, $bannercode, $tracker, $image, $responsive) { global $blog_id, $adrotate_debug, $adrotate_config; $banner_output = $bannercode; $banner_output = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($banner_output, ENT_QUOTES)); if ($adrotate_config['stats'] > 0) { if (empty($blog_id) or $blog_id == '') { $blog_id = 0; } if ($adrotate_config['stats'] == 1 and $tracker == "Y") { // Internal tracker preg_match_all('/<a[^>](?:.*?)>/i', $banner_output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($matches[0])) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a data-track="' . adrotate_hash($id, $group, $blog_id) . '" ', $banner_output); foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { if (preg_match('/<a[^>]+class=\\"(.+?)\\"[^>]*>/i', $value, $regs)) { $result = $regs[1] . " gofollow"; $banner_output = str_replace('class="' . $regs[1] . '"', 'class="' . $result . '"', $banner_output); } else { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="gofollow" ', $banner_output); } unset($value, $regs, $result); } } if ($adrotate_debug['timers'] == true) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a data-debug="1" ', $banner_output); } } } // Add Responsive classes preg_match_all('/<img[^>](?:.*?)>/i', $banner_output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($matches[0])) { foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { if (preg_match('/<img[^>]+class=\\"(.+?)\\"[^>]*>/i', $value, $regs)) { $result = $regs[1]; if ($responsive == 'Y') { $result .= " responsive"; } $result = trim($result); $banner_output = str_replace('class="' . $regs[1] . '"', 'class="' . $result . '"', $banner_output); } else { $result = ''; if ($responsive == 'Y') { $result .= " responsive"; } $result = trim($result); if (strlen($result) > 0) { $banner_output = str_replace('<img ', '<img class="' . $result . '" ', $banner_output); } } unset($value, $regs, $result); } } unset($matches); $banner_output = str_replace('%title%', $name, $banner_output); $banner_output = str_replace('%random%', rand(100000, 999999), $banner_output); $banner_output = str_replace('%image%', $image, $banner_output); $banner_output = str_replace('%id%', $id, $banner_output); $banner_output = do_shortcode($banner_output); return $banner_output; }
function adrotate_ad_output($id, $group = 0, $name, $bannercode, $tracker, $image, $responsive) { global $blog_id, $adrotate_debug, $adrotate_config; $banner_output = $bannercode; $banner_output = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($banner_output, ENT_QUOTES)); if ($adrotate_config['stats'] > 0) { if (empty($blog_id) or $blog_id == '') { $blog_id = 0; } $tracking_pixel = ""; if ($adrotate_config['stats'] == 1 and $tracker == "Y") { // Internal tracker preg_match_all('/<a[^>](?:.*?)>/i', $banner_output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($matches[0])) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a data-track="' . adrotate_hash($id, $group, $blog_id) . '" ', $banner_output); foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { if (preg_match('/<a[^>]+class=\\"(.+?)\\"[^>]*>/i', $value, $regs)) { $result = $regs[1] . " gofollow"; $banner_output = str_replace('class="' . $regs[1] . '"', 'class="' . $result . '"', $banner_output); } else { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="gofollow" ', $banner_output); } unset($value, $regs, $result); } } if ($adrotate_debug['timers'] == true) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a data-debug="1" ', $banner_output); } } if ($adrotate_config['stats'] == 2 and $tracker == "Y") { // Piwik Analytics if ($adrotate_config['enable_loggedin_clicks'] == 'Y' and is_user_logged_in() or !is_user_logged_in()) { preg_match_all('/<(?:a|img|object|embed|iframe)[^>](?:.*?)>/i', $banner_output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($matches[0])) { $click_event = "data-track-content data-content-name=\"{$name}\" "; $content_piece = !empty($image) ? basename($image) : $name; $impression_event = "data-content-piece=\"{$content_piece}\" "; // Image banner if (stripos($banner_output, '<a') !== false and stripos($banner_output, '<img') !== false) { if (!preg_match('/<a[^>]+data-track-content[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a ' . $click_event, $banner_output); } if (!preg_match('/<img[^>]+data-content-piece[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $img)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<img ', '<img ' . $impression_event, $banner_output); } } // Text banner (With tagged tracking pixel for impressions) if (stripos($banner_output, '<a') !== false and stripos($banner_output, '<img') === false) { if (!preg_match('/<a[^>]+data-track-content[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a ' . $click_event, $banner_output); } $banner_output .= '<img width="0" height="0" src="' . $tracking_pixel . '" ' . $impression_event . '/>'; } // HTML5/iFrame advert (Only supports impressions) if (stripos($banner_output, '<iframe') !== false) { if (preg_match('/<iframe[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<iframe ', '<iframe ' . $click_event, $banner_output); } } // Flash advert if (stripos($banner_output, '<object') !== false and stripos($banner_output, '<embed') !== false) { if (!preg_match('/<object[^>]+data-track-content[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<object ', '<object ' . $click_event, $banner_output); } if (!preg_match('/<embed[^>]+data-content-piece[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $img)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<embed ', '<embed ' . $impression_event, $banner_output); } } unset($content_piece, $url, $img); } } } if ($adrotate_config['stats'] == 3 and $tracker == "Y") { // Google Analytics if ($adrotate_config['enable_loggedin_clicks'] == 'Y' and is_user_logged_in() or !is_user_logged_in()) { preg_match_all('/<(?:a|img|object|iframe)[^>](?:.*?)>/i', $banner_output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($matches[0])) { $click_event = "'send','event','banner','click','{$name}',1,{'nonInteraction':1}"; $impression_event = "'send','event','banner','impression','{$name}',2,{'nonInteraction':1}"; // Image banner if (stripos($banner_output, '<a') !== false and stripos($banner_output, '<img') !== false) { if (!preg_match('/<a[^>]+onClick[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a onClick="ga(' . $click_event . ');" ', $banner_output); } if (!preg_match('/<img[^>]+onload[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $img)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<img ', '<img onload="ga(' . $impression_event . ');" ', $banner_output); } } // Text banner (With tagged tracking pixel for impressions) if (stripos($banner_output, '<a') !== false and stripos($banner_output, '<img') === false) { if (!preg_match('/<a[^>]+onClick[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<a ', '<a onClick="ga(' . $click_event . ');" ', $banner_output); } $banner_output .= '<img width="0" height="0" src="' . $tracking_pixel . '" onload="ga(' . $impression_event . ');" />'; } // HTML5/iFrame advert (Only supports impressions) if (stripos($banner_output, '<iframe') !== false) { if (!preg_match('/<iframe[^>]+onload[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<iframe ', '<iframe onload="ga(' . $impression_event . ');" ', $banner_output); } } // Flash advert (With tagged tracking pixel for impressions) if (stripos($banner_output, '<object') !== false) { if (!preg_match('/<object[^>]+onClick[^>]*>/i', $banner_output, $url)) { $banner_output = str_replace('<object ', '<object onClick="ga(' . $click_event . ');" ', $banner_output); $banner_output .= '<img width="0" height="0" src="' . $tracking_pixel . '" onload="ga(' . $impression_event . ');" />'; } } unset($url, $img, $click_event, $impression_event); } } } unset($matches); } // Add Adblock and Responsive classes preg_match_all('/<img[^>](?:.*?)>/i', $banner_output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($matches[0])) { foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { if (preg_match('/<img[^>]+class=\\"(.+?)\\"[^>]*>/i', $value, $regs)) { $result = $regs[1]; if ($adrotate_config['adblock'] == 'Y') { $result .= " adblock"; } if ($responsive == 'Y') { $result .= " responsive"; } $result = trim($result); $banner_output = str_replace('class="' . $regs[1] . '"', 'class="' . $result . '"', $banner_output); } else { $result = ''; if ($adrotate_config['adblock'] == 'Y') { $result .= "adblock"; } if ($responsive == 'Y') { $result .= " responsive"; } $result = trim($result); if (strlen($result) > 0) { $banner_output = str_replace('<img ', '<img class="' . $result . '" ', $banner_output); } } unset($value, $regs, $result); } unset($matches); } $banner_output = str_replace('%title%', $name, $banner_output); $banner_output = str_replace('%random%', rand(100000, 999999), $banner_output); $banner_output = str_replace('%image%', $image, $banner_output); $banner_output = str_replace('%id%', $id, $banner_output); $banner_output = do_shortcode($banner_output); return $banner_output; }