function atBlockLoad($location = "", $title = "") { if (!defined('BLOCK_FILE')) { define('BLOCK_FILE', true); } $runningconfig = atGetRunningConfig(); $blocklist = $runningconfig['blocklist']; if ($location) { foreach ($blocklist as $block) { if ($block['position'] == $location && $block['active'] == 1) { $blocks[] = $block; } } } elseif ($title) { if ($blocklist[$title]['active'] == 1) { $blocks[] = $blocklist[$title]; } } if (is_array($blocks)) { foreach ($blocks as $theblock) { atRunningSetVar("block", $theblock); extract($theblock); if ($bkey == "admin") { adminblock(); } elseif ($bkey == "userbox") { userblock(); } elseif ($bkey == "") { $displaythis = 0; if ($view == 0) { $displaythis = 1; } elseif ($view == 1 && atIsLoggedIn() || atIsAdminUser()) { $displaythis = 1; } elseif ($view == 2 && atIsAdminUser()) { $displaythis = 1; } elseif ($view == 3 && !atIsLoggedIn() || atIsAdminUser()) { $displaythis = 1; } if ($displaythis) { if ($url == "") { if ($blockfile == "") { themesidebox($title, $content); } else { blockfileinc($title, $blockfile); } } else { headlines($bid); } } } } } }
function block_show($bid) { global $prefix, $db, $admin_file; include "header.php"; GraphicAdmin(); title("" . _BLOCKSADMIN . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<br><center>"; $bid = intval($bid); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("select bid, bkey, title, content, url, active, bposition, blockfile from " . $prefix . "_blocks where bid='{$bid}'")); $bid = intval($row['bid']); $bkey = filter($row['bkey'], "nohtml"); $title = filter($row['title'], "nohtml"); $content = filter($row['content']); $url = filter($row['url'], "nohtml"); $active = intval($row['active']); $bposition = filter($row['bposition'], "nohtml"); $blockfile = filter($row['blockfile'], "nohtml"); if ($bkey == "main") { mainblock(); } elseif ($bkey == "admin") { adminblock(); } elseif ($bkey == "modules") { modules_block(); } elseif ($bkey == "category") { category(); } elseif ($bkey == "userbox") { userblock(); } elseif (empty($bkey)) { if (empty($url)) { if (empty($blockfile)) { if ($bposition == "c") { themecenterbox($title, $content); } else { themesidebox($title, $content); } } else { if ($bposition == "c") { blockfileinc($title, $blockfile, 1); } else { blockfileinc($title, $blockfile); } } } else { headlines($bid); } } echo "</center>"; CloseTable(); echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); if ($active == 1) { $act_chg = _DEACTIVATE; } elseif ($active == 0) { $act_chg = _ACTIVATE; } echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _BLOCKSADMIN . ": " . _FUNCTIONS . "</b></font><br><br>" . "[ <a href=\"" . $admin_file . ".php?op=ChangeStatus&bid={$bid}\">{$act_chg}</a> | <a href=\"" . $admin_file . ".php?op=BlocksEdit&bid={$bid}\">" . _EDIT . "</a> | "; if (empty($bkey)) { echo "<a href=\"" . $admin_file . ".php?op=BlocksDelete&bid={$bid}\">" . _DELETE . "</a> | "; } else { echo "" . _DELETE . " | "; } echo "<a href=\"" . $admin_file . ".php?op=BlocksAdmin\">" . _BLOCKSADMIN . "</a> ]</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
function blocks($side) { global $blocks; //switch(strtolower(substr($side,0,1))) switch (strtolower(substr($side, 0, 1))) { case 'l': case 'r': case 'c': $side = strtolower(substr($side, 0, 1)); break; default: echo "<h1>something wierd</h1>"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($blocks); $i++) { if ($side == $blocks[$i]['position']) { $bid = $i; $bkey = $blocks[$i]['bkey']; $title = $blocks[$i]['title']; $content = $blocks[$i]['content']; $url = $blocks[$i]['url']; $blockfile = $blocks[$i]['blockfile']; $view = $blocks[$i]['view']; if ($bkey == 'admin') { adminblock(); } elseif ($bkey == 'userbox') { userblock(); } elseif ($bkey == '') { if ($view == 0) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } elseif ($view == 1 && is_user()) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } elseif ($view == 2 && is_admin()) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } elseif ($view == 3 && !is_user()) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } } } } }
function blocks($side) { global $storynum, $prefix, $multilingual, $currentlang, $db, $admin, $user; if ($multilingual == 1) { $querylang = "AND (blanguage='{$currentlang}' OR blanguage='')"; } else { $querylang = ""; } if (strtolower($side[0]) == "l") { $pos = "l"; } elseif (strtolower($side[0]) == "r") { $pos = "r"; } elseif (strtolower($side[0]) == "c") { $pos = "c"; } elseif (strtolower($side[0]) == "d") { $pos = "d"; } $side = $pos; $sql = "SELECT bid, bkey, title, content, url, blockfile, view, expire, action, subscription FROM " . $prefix . "_blocks WHERE bposition='{$pos}' AND active='1' {$querylang} ORDER BY weight ASC"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $bid = intval($row['bid']); $title = filter($row['title'], "nohtml"); $content = stripslashes($row['content']); $url = filter($row['url'], "nohtml"); $blockfile = filter($row['blockfile'], "nohtml"); $view = intval($row['view']); $expire = intval($row['expire']); $action = filter($row['action'], "nohtml"); $action = substr($action, 0, 1); $now = time(); $sub = intval($row['subscription']); if ($sub == 0 or $sub == 1 and !paid()) { if ($expire != 0 and $expire <= $now) { if ($action == "d") { $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_blocks SET active='0', expire='0' WHERE bid='{$bid}'"); return; } elseif ($action == "r") { $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM " . $prefix . "_blocks WHERE bid='{$bid}'"); return; } } if ($row['bkey'] == "admin") { adminblock(); } elseif ($row['bkey'] == "userbox") { userblock(); } elseif (empty($row['bkey'])) { if ($view == 0) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } elseif ($view == 1 and is_user($user) || is_admin($admin)) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } elseif ($view == 2 and is_admin($admin)) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } elseif ($view == 3 and !is_user($user) || is_admin($admin)) { render_blocks($side, $blockfile, $title, $content, $bid, $url); } } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); }
function block_show($bid) { global $prefix, $db; include "header.php"; GraphicAdmin(); title("" . _BLOCKSADMIN . ""); OpenTable2(); $bid = intval($bid); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("select bid, bkey, title, content, url, bposition, blockfile from " . $prefix . "_blocks where bid='{$bid}'")); $bid = intval($row['bid']); $bkey = $row['bkey']; $title = $row['title']; $content = $row['content']; $url = $row['url']; $bposition = $row['bposition']; $blockfile = $row['blockfile']; if ($bkey == main) { mainblock(); } elseif ($bkey == admin) { adminblock(); } elseif ($bkey == modules) { modules_block(); } elseif ($bkey == category) { category(); } elseif ($bkey == userbox) { userblock(); } elseif ($bkey == "") { if ($url == "") { if ($blockfile == "") { if ($bposition == "c") { themecenterbox($title, $content); } else { themesidebox($title, $content); } } else { if ($bposition == "c") { blockfileinc($title, $blockfile, 1); } else { blockfileinc($title, $blockfile); } } } else { headlines($bid); } } CloseTable2(); echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _BLOCKSADMIN . ": " . _FUNCTIONS . "</b></font><br><br>" . "[ <a href=\"admin.php?op=ChangeStatus&bid={$bid}\">" . _ACTIVATE . "</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?op=BlocksEdit&bid={$bid}\">" . _EDIT . "</a> | "; if ($bkey == "") { echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=BlocksDelete&bid={$bid}\">" . _DELETE . "</a> | "; } else { echo "" . _DELETE . " | "; } echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=BlocksAdmin\">" . _BLOCKSADMIN . "</a> ]</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
public function display($side) { if (!$this->{$side}) { return; } if ($this->start) { $this->blocks = array_merge_recursive($this->custom, $this->blocks); $this->custom = array(); } require_once CORE_PATH . 'nbbcode.php'; foreach ($this->blocks[$side] as $block) { $block['title'] = defined($block['title']) ? constant($block['title']) : $block['title']; switch ($block['bkey']) { case 'admin': if (can_admin()) { if ($content = adminblock($block['bid'], $block['title'], $block['content'])) { $this->assign($side, $content); } } break; case 'userbox': global $userinfo; if (is_user() && $userinfo['ublockon']) { $block['title'] = _MENUFOR . " {$userinfo['username']}"; $block['content'] = decode_bbcode($userinfo['ublock'], 1, true); $this->assign($side, $block); } break; case 'rss': $this->rss($side, $block); break; case 'custom': $block['content'] = decode_bbcode($block['content'], 1, true); $this->assign($side, $block); break; case 'file': $this->blockfile($side, $block); break; default: trigger_error('Undefined bkey for ' . $block['title'], E_USER_WARNING); } } $this->blocks[$side] = array(); }