function indexscreen($url, $reindex) { global $db_con, $mysql_table_prefix, $real_log, $debug, $conv_puny, $cyrillic, $curl, $include_dir; /* if ($conv_puny && strstr($url, "xn--")) { require_once "$include_dir/idna_converter.php"; // Initialize the converter class $IDN = new idna_convert(array('idn_version' => 2008)); // Decode it to its readable presentation $url = $IDN->decode($url); } */ $url = urldecode($url); // get it readable if ($cyrillic) { $url = to_utf8($url); // because of the bug in PHP function urldecode() we need special processing for CP1252 charset } $compurl = parse_url("" . $url); // we will need all details of the URL // https scheme requires cURL extension if (!$curl && $compurl['scheme'] == "https") { $message = "<p class='msg cntr'><br /><br /><span class='warnadmin'>Sorry, but in order to index URLs containing the https scheme,<br />you need to install the cURL extension on your server.</span><br /><br /><br /></p>"; echo "{$message}"; addsiteform(); exit; } $check = ""; $levelchecked = 'checked="checked"'; $spider_depth = 2; if ($url == "") { $url = "http://"; $url_crypt = ""; } else { // prepare the URL for multiple & and + as part of the URL $url_crypt = str_replace("&", "-_-", $url); // crypt the & character $url_crypt = str_replace("+", "_-_", $url_crypt); // crypt the + character $url_crypt = htmlentities($url_crypt, ENT_QUOTES); $url_ent = htmlentities($url, ENT_QUOTES); $advurl = $url; $sql_query = "SELECT spider_depth, required, disallowed, can_leave_domain, use_prefcharset from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites " . "where url='{$url_ent}'"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($result->num_rows) { $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); $spider_depth = $row[0]; if ($spider_depth == -1) { $fullchecked = 'checked="checked"'; $spider_depth = ""; $levelchecked = ""; } $must = $row[1]; $mustnot = $row[2]; $canleave = $row[3]; $use_pref = $row[4]; } } echo "<br />\n "; if ($must != "" || $mustnot != "" || $canleave == 1 || $use_pref) { $_SESSION['index_advanced'] = 1; } if ($_SESSION['index_advanced'] == 1) { echo "<form class='cntr sml' action='admin.php' method='post'>\n <input type='hidden' name='f' value='index' />\n <input type='hidden' name='adv' value='0' />\n <input type='hidden' name='url' value='{$url_crypt}' />\n <input class='cntr sbmt' type='submit' id='submit' value=' Hide advanced options ' title='Click to hide the advanced options in this menue' />\n </form>\n "; } else { echo "<form class='cntr sml' action='admin.php' method='post'>\n <input type='hidden' name='f' value='index' />\n <input type='hidden' name='adv' value='1' />\n <input type='hidden' name='url' value='{$url_crypt}' />\n <input class='cntr sbmt' type='submit' id='submit' value=' Show advanced options ' title='Click to show all the advanced options in this menue' />\n </form>\n "; } echo "<br />\n <div class='panel w75'>\n <form class='txt' action='spider.php' method='post'>\n <fieldset><legend>[ Basic Indexing Options ]</legend>\n <label class='em' for='url'>Address:</label>\n <input type='text' name='url' id='url' size='68' maxlength='1024' title='Enter new URL' value='{$url_crypt}' />\n <label class='em' for='soption'>Spidering options:</label>\n <input type='radio' name='soption' id='soption' title='Check box for Full indexing' value='full' {$fullchecked} /> Full<br />\n <input type='radio' name='soption' value='level' title='Check box to limit indexing depth' {$levelchecked} />\n Index depth:\n <input type='text' name='maxlevel' size='2' title='Enter indexing depth level' value='{$spider_depth}' />\n "; if ($reindex == 1) { $check = 'checked="checked"'; } echo "<label class='em' for='reindex'>Re-index</label>\n <input type='checkbox' name='reindex' id='reindex' title='Check box to Re-index' value='1' {$check} /> Check to Re-index\n </fieldset>\n "; if ($_SESSION['index_advanced'] == 1) { if ($canleave == 1) { $checkcan = 'checked="checked"'; } if ($use_pref == 1) { $use_pref = 'checked="checked"'; } echo "<fieldset><legend>[ Advanced Indexing Options ]</legend>\n <label class='em' for='can_leave'>Spider can leave domain?</label>\n <input type='checkbox' name='can_leave' id='can_leave' value='1' title='Check box if Sphider can leave above domain' {$checkcan} /> Check for Yes\n <label class='em' for='use_pref'>Use preferred charset for indexing?</label>\n <input type='checkbox' name='use_pref' id=use_pref'' value='1' title='Check box if Sphider should use the preferred charset as defined in \"Settings\"' {$use_pref} /> Check for Yes\n <label class='em' for='reindex'>robots.txt</label>\n <input type='hidden' name='not_use_robot' value='0' />\n <input type='checkbox' name='not_use_robot' value='1' {$not_use_robot} /> Temporary ignore 'robots.txt'\n <label class='em' for='nofollow'>'nofollow' tags</label>\n <input type='hidden' name='not_use_nofollow' value='0' />\n <input type='checkbox' name='not_use_nofollow' value='1' {$not_use_nofollow} /> Temporary ignore 'nofollow' directive\n </fieldset>\n <fieldset><legend>[ Include/Exclude Options ]</legend>\n <label class='em' for='in'>URL Must include:</label>\n <textarea name='in' id='in' cols='35' rows='5' title='Enter URLs that Must be included, one per line'>{$must}</textarea>\n <label class='em' for='out'>URL must Not include:</label>\n <textarea name='out' id='out' cols='35' rows='5' title='Enter URLs that must Not be included, one per line'>{$mustnot}</textarea></fieldset>\n "; } echo "<fieldset><legend>[ Start Indexing ]</legend>\n "; if ($real_log == '1') { echo "\n <input class='cntr sbmt' type='submit' id='submit' value=' Start ' title='Click to start indexing process' onclick=\"'real_log.php')\" />\n "; } else { echo "\n <input class='cntr sbmt' type='submit' id='submit' value=' Start ' title='Click to start indexing process' />\n "; } echo "\n </fieldset>\n </form>\n </div>\n "; }
list_cats(0, 0, "white"); break; case index: if (!isset($url)) { $url = ""; } if (!isset($reindex)) { $reindex = ""; } if (isset($adv)) { $_SESSION['index_advanced'] = $adv; } indexscreen($url, $reindex); break; case add_site: addsiteform(); break; case clean: cleanForm(); break; case 15: cleanKeywords(); break; case 16: cleanLinks(); break; case 17: cleanTemp(); break; case statistics: if (!isset($type)) {