break; case 'remove': $winner = ChallengeWinner::getChallengeWinner($winner_id); $winner->doRemove("Deleted challenge winner successfully."); break; case 'claim': $team = Session::currentTeam(); $challenge = Challenge::getChallengeByCode($code); if (!$team) { add_notification('You cannot claim a challenge if you have no team.'); } else { if (!$challenge) { add_notification('No challenge with this code found. If you think you received this message in error, bring your code to a coordinator in person.'); } else { if ($challenge->getWinners()) { add_notification('Someone else has already claimed the code you entered.'); } else { $winner = new ChallengeWinner(array('team' => $team->getID(), 'challenge' => $challenge->getID())); $winner->doAdd("Claimed code successfully."); } } } } // VIEW $page = new UIPage(); function challenge_claim_form() { return <<<EOT <form method="POST" action="challenges.php"> Enter Claim Code: <input type="text" name="code" /> <input type="submit" name="claim" value="Claim!" />
protected function handleException(DBException $ex) { // for now, print it. Maybe later, log it. add_notification($ex->getMessage()); }
$clue->doRemove('Deleted clue successfully.'); break; case 'answer': $team = Session::currentTeam(); if ($team) { if ($latitude && $longitude) { $clue = Clue::getClue($clue_id); if ($clue) { CheckIn::doCheckIn($team, $latitude, $longitude, $guess); $team->doGuessAnswer($clue, $guess); } } else { add_notification('You must have location turned on to submit clue answers.'); } } else { add_notification('You must have a team to submit clue answers.'); } } // VIEW $page = new UIPage(); $position = Session::defaultPosition(); function answerForm($clueID, $clueSalt, $hashedAnswers, $serialized) { return <<<EOT <form id="answerform" method="POST" action="clues.php"> <input type="text" name="guess" size=30 id="g{$clueID}" /> <input type="submit" name="answer" value="Submit" /> <br /> <span id="feedback" style="font-size: 12px; color: #FF0000;"></span> <input type="hidden" id="clueID" name="id" value="{$clueID}" /> <input type="hidden" id="latitude" name="latitude" />
if ($mutual) { $mutual2 = 1; } //在关注表出入数据 $follow_data = array("uid" => $fuid, "username" => $fromusername, "followuid" => $tuid, "fusername" => $tousername, "bkname" => "", "status" => 0, "mutual" => $mutual2, "dateline" => $now); $flag = $db->AutoExecute("disc_home_follow", $follow_data, "INSERT"); $in_id = $db->Affected_Rows(); if ($in_id) { //关注者人数增加 $sql2 = "update disc_common_member_count set following=following+1 where uid='{$fuid}'"; $db->Execute($sql2); //被关注者人数增加 $sql3 = "update disc_common_member_count set follower=follower+1, newfollower=newfollower+1 where uid='{$tuid}'"; $db->Execute($sql3); $note = "<a href='home.php?mod=space&uid={$fuid}'>{$fromusername}</a> 收听了您。<a href='home.php?mod=follow&do=follower'>点击查看</a>"; $flag = add_notification($tuid, "follower", 1, $fuid, $fromusername, $note, $now, $fuid, "following", 2, 6); $data = array("status" => "ok", "info" => "关注成功"); } else { $error = $db->ErrorMsg(); $data = array("status" => "error", "info" => "关注失败: {$error}"); } } else { $data = array("status" => "error", "info" => "重复的关注"); } } else { if ($act == "unfollow") { //取消关注 $fuid = htmlspecialchars($_GET['fromuid']); $tuid = htmlspecialchars($_GET['touid']); //follow表关系删除 $sql1 = "delete from disc_home_follow where uid='{$tuid}' and followuid='{$fuid}'";
return '"' . $product_title . '"'; }, $overhead_quantity_products); add_notification('Для товаров ' . implode(', ', $overhead_quantity_products) . ' недостаточен остаток.'); browser_redirect('cart'); exit; } $order = array(':user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']); db_query('INSERT INTO `orders` (`user_id`) VALUES (:user_id);', $order); $order_id = db_select('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();'); $order_id = reset($order_id); $order_id = reset($order_id); $order_id = (int) $order_id; $sql_add_product_to_order = <<<SQL INSERT INTO `products_at_orders` (`product_id`, `order_id`, `quantity`) VALUES (:product_id, :order_id, :quantity) SQL; $sql_decrease_product_quantity = <<<SQL UPDATE `products` SET `quantity` = :new_quantity WHERE `id` = :product_id SQL; foreach ($products as $product) { db_query($sql_add_product_to_order, array(':product_id' => $product['id'], ':order_id' => $order_id, ':quantity' => $product['quantity_at_cart'])); db_query($sql_decrease_product_quantity, array(':product_id' => $product['id'], ':new_quantity' => $product['quantity'] - $product['quantity_at_cart'])); } $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); add_notification('Заказ успешно создан!'); browser_redirect('order', array('order_id' => $order_id)); exit;
require 'core/init.php'; $topic = new Topic(); $user = new User(); $template = new Template("templates/topic.php"); $topic_id = isset($_GET['topic']) ? $_GET['topic'] : null; $template->topicSel = $topic->getTopicById($topic_id); $template->replies = $topic->getRepliesBytopic($topic_id); $template->title = $topic->getTopicById($topic_id)->title; $template->totUsers = totUsers(); $template->totTopics = topicsCount("all"); if (isLoggedIn()) { $template->user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $template->username = $_SESSION['username']; $template->email = $_SESSION['email']; $template->last_activity = $_SESSION['last_activity']; $template->avatar = $_SESSION['avatar']; $template->details = $_SESSION['details']; if (!empty($_POST['reply']) && isset($_POST['reply']) && $_POST['reply'] != '<br>') { $data['topic_id'] = $_GET['topic']; $data['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; $data['body'] = $_POST['reply']; $redirect = "topic.php?topic=" . urlFormat($_GET['topic']); if ($user->reply($data)) { add_notification($_SESSION['user_id'], " added an answer to a topic ", $_GET['topic'], $_POST['newAns'], followers_id($_SESSION['user_id'])); } redirect($redirect); } } else { redirect("home.php"); } echo $template;
$user->doUpdate("Added user {$sunetid} successfully."); } else { add_notification("No user with SUNetID {$sunetid} exists!"); } break; case 'remove': $user = Person::getPersonBySUNetID($sunetid); if ($user) { if ($user->getTeam()->getID() == $team_id) { $user->makeChanges(array('team' => null)); $user->doUpdate("Removed user {$sunetid} successfully."); } else { add_notification("User {$sunetid} is not on this team!"); } } else { add_notification("No user with SUNetID {$sunetid} exists!"); } break; case 'rename': $team = Team::getTeam($team_id); $team->makeChanges(array('name' => $team_name)); $team->doUpdate("Changed name to {$team_name} successfully."); break; } // VIEW $page = new UIPage(); // condition on whether user is admin function team_summary($position, Team $team) { switch ($position) { case POSITION_NONE:
public function doGuessAnswer(Clue $clue, $guess) { $clueState = $clue->getClueState($this); $currentState = $clue->calculateClueState($this); if ($currentState >= STATE_ANSWERED) { add_notification('This clue has already been answered.'); return false; } else { if ($currentState < STATE_ANSWERABLE) { add_notification('This clue cannot be answered yet. Try waiting or changing your location as indicated.'); return false; } } if ($clue->isGuessCorrect($guess)) { add_notification('Correct answer!'); if ($clueState == null) { $clueState = new ClueState(array('team' => $this->id, 'clue' => $clue->getID())); $clueState->doAdd(); $clue->setClueState($this, $clueState); } $clueState->makeChanges(array('state' => STATE_ANSWERED, 'answer' => $guess)); $clueState->doUpdate(); return true; } else { add_notification('Incorrect guess!'); return false; } }
$db = new Database(); $db->query("INSERT INTO categories VALUES ('',:name,:description)"); $db->bind(":name", strip_tags($_POST['newCat'], '')); $db->bind(":description", $b); $db->execute(); $db->query("SELECT id FROM categories ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $result = $db->single(); $data['category_id'] = $result->id; } else { $data['category_id'] = strip_tags($_POST['category'], ''); } $data['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; $data['last_activity'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data['body'] = strip_tags($_POST['body'], '<iframe><br>'); $required = array("title", "category_id"); if (requiredFields($required, $data)) { if ($user->createTopic($data)) { add_notification($_SESSION['user_id'], "asked a question", getlastid('topics'), 0, followers_id($_SESSION['user_id'])); echo '<div class="al alert alert-success" style="text-align:center">Successfully posted your query</div> <script>reload();</script>'; } else { echo '<div class="al alert alert-danger" style="text-align:center">Couldn\'t Upload. Please try after some time </div>'; } } else { echo '<div class="al alert alert-warning" style="text-align:center">Please fill all the required fields</div>'; } } echo $template; } else { redirect("index.php"); }
if ($result->count == 0) { $db->query("INSERT INTO upvotes VALUES ('',:t_id,:r_id,:u_id,:v_f,'1',:date)"); } else { $db->query("UPDATE upvotes SET vote='1',last_activity=:date WHERE u_id=:u_id AND t_id=:t_id AND r_id=:r_id AND v_for=:v_f"); } $db->bind("u_id", $user_id); $db->bind("r_id", $r_id); $db->bind("t_id", $t_id); $db->bind("v_f", $s->user_id); $db->bind("date", date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); if ($db->execute()) { if ($r_id != 0) { add_notification($user_id, "upvoted for an answer to the question", $t_id, $r_id, followers_id($user_id)); } else { if ($_id == 0) { add_notification($user_id, "upvoted for a question", $t_id, $r_id, followers_id($user_id)); } } } break; case "downvote": $db->query("UPDATE upvotes SET vote='0',last_activity=:date WHERE u_id=:u_id AND t_id=:t_id AND r_id=:r_id"); $db->bind("u_id", $user_id); $db->bind("r_id", $r_id); $db->bind("t_id", $t_id); $db->bind("date", date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); if ($db->execute()) { } } } else { redirect("home.php");