Exemple #1
<li>Speech interfaces and translation for low-resource languages</li>
<li>Computer vision challenges and opportunities in development</li>
<li>Understanding social networks and digital media in developing regions</li>

	In addition, we welcome posters outside of the above topics that address the DEV focus on computing innovations supporting social and economic development. The poster should be submitted using the <a href="http://posters.acmdev.org/">submission website</a>.

	The accepted posters will be published in the companion conference proceedings.

<h2 class="hcls">Important dates</h2>

<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" class="datetbl">
add_dateitem('September 30, 2015', 'Submission Deadline (23:59 UTC)');
add_dateitem('October 10, 2015', 'Author Notification');
add_dateitem('October 17, 2015', 'Camera-Ready Deadline');

Poster chair: Veljko Pejovic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
<a href="mailto:Veljko.Pejovic@fri.uni-lj.si" data-role="button" class="button">Contact the Post Chair</a>

include "include/footer.php";
Exemple #2
<a href="mailto:medcomm12-chair@cs.umass.edu" data-role="button" class="button">Email the Organizers</a>

<h2 class="hcls">Important Dates</h2>

<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" class="datetbl">
add_dateitem("Paper Registration", "<span class='linethrough'>March 16, 2012</span>");
add_dateitem("Submissions Due", "<span class='linethrough'>March 23, 2012</span>");
add_dateitem("Notification of Acceptance", "<span class='linethrough'>May 1, 2012</span>");
add_dateitem("Workshop Date", "August 13, 2012");

<h2 class="hcls">Organization</h2>

<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" data-content-theme="d">

	<li data-role="list-divider">Program Committee Chair</li>
add_listitem("Kevin Fu", "University of Massachusetts Amherst", "http://www.cs.umass.edu/~kevinfu/");

	<li data-role="list-divider">Program Committee Members</li>
Exemple #3
  including their date, venue, topics and number of participants
  and the motivation for the new proposal</li>

<li>requirements for the tutorial room (please note that our
  capabilities in fulfilling unusual requests are limited)</li>

<li>requirements for the attendants (e.g., must bring own laptop or other
  hardware, familiarity with certain technologies or topics, etc.)</li>

<li>any limitations (e.g., number of participants)</li>


<h2 class="hcls">Important tutorial dates</h2>
<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" class="datetbl">
add_dateitem("February 15, 2012", "Tutorial proposals due");
add_dateitem("March 31, 2012", "Notification of Acceptance");


Tutorials will be held in parallel to the workshops, i.e., Monday and/or
Friday of the SIGCOMM week.

include "include/footer.php";
Exemple #4
<h2 class="hcls">Additional important workshops dates</h2>

<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" class="datetbl">
add_dateitem("Before beginning of April, 2012", "Paper submissions deadline");
add_dateitem("Before mid-May, 2012", "Paper accept notifications");
add_dateitem("Before the beginning of June, 2012", "Camera-ready due");
add_dateitem("Before mid-June, 2012", "Program available online");
add_dateitem("Before mid-June, 2012", "List of organization details");

In order for the workshops to be synchronized with preparations for the main conference and with travel grants, the dates above must be followed strictly by all workshops. For questions, send email to 
<!-- <a href="mailto:sigcomm2012workshops@acm.org" >sigcomm2012workshops@acm.org</a> -->
<a href="mailto:dina@csail.mit.edu" >dina@csail.mit.edu</a>

include "include/footer.php";
Exemple #5

<h2 class="hcls">What and Where to Submit</h2>

Please submit two-page abstracts for posters and demos via the <a href="http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/sigcomm2012/" >submission system</a> following the format guidelines listed above. Submissions are single blind, so please include the authors' names and affiliation. 

<h2 class="hcls">Important dates</h2>

<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" class="datetbl">
add_dateitem('<span class="linethrough">May 11, 2012</span>', 'Submission Deadline (23:59 PDT)');
add_dateitem('<span class="linethrough">May 31, 2012</span>', 'Acceptance Notification');
add_dateitem('<span class="linethrough">June 13, 2012</span>', 'Camera-Ready Deadline');

<h2 class="hcls">Poster/Demo Co-Chairs</h2>

<p>Colin Perkins (University of Glasgow)</p>
<p>Kevin Almeroth (UC-Santa Barbara)</p>

<h2 class="hcls">Poster/Demo Committee</h2>

<p>Aditya Akella (University of Wisconsin-Madison)</p>
<p>Fabian Bustamante (Northwestern University)</p>
<p>Nick Feamster (University of Maryland)</p>
<p>Timur Friedman (LIP6)</p>