</option> <option value="0" <?php if ($bSVinURI == 0) { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php echo gettext("No"); ?> </option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn"<?php addToolTip(gettext("Do you want to make this menu item available?")); ?> ><?php echo gettext("Active?"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumnWithBottomBorder"> <select name="Active"> <option value="1" <?php if ($bActive == 1) { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php echo gettext("Yes"); ?>
</tr> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn"><?php echo gettext("Meeting description"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumn"><input type="text" name="Description" id="Description" value="<?php echo $tDescription; ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn"><?php addToolTip("Format: YYYY-MM-DD<br>or enter the date by clicking on the calendar icon to the right."); echo gettext("Date"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumn"><input type="text" name="Date" value="<?php echo $dDate; ?> " maxlength="10" id="sel1" size="11"> <input type="image" onclick="return showCalendar('sel1', 'y-mm-dd');" src="Images/calendar.gif"> <span class="SmallText"><?php echo gettext("[format: YYYY-MM-DD]"); ?> </span><font color="red"><?php echo $sDateError; ?> </font></td> </tr>
<td width="50%" valign="top" align="left"> <table cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn"><?php echo gettext("Number:"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumn"><input type="text" name="Num" id="Num" value="<?php echo $iNum; ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn"><?php addToolTip("Select the buyer from the list."); echo gettext("Buyer:"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumn"> <select name="PerID"> <option value="0" selected><?php echo gettext("Unassigned"); ?> </option> <?php $rsPeople = RunQuery($sPeopleSQL); while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsPeople)) { extract($aRow); echo "<option value=\"" . $per_ID . "\""; if ($iPerID == $per_ID) {
<tr> <td class="LabelColumn"><?php addToolTip("Number of extra rows for write-in students"); echo gettext("Extra Students:"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumn"><input type="text" name="ExtraStudents" value="<?php echo $iExtraStudents; ?> " id="ExtraStudents" size="11"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn"><?php addToolTip("Number of extra rows for write-in teachers"); echo gettext("Extra Teachers:"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumn"><input type="text" name="ExtraTeachers" value="<?php echo $iExtraTeachers; ?> " id="ExtraTeachers" size="11"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="submit" class="icButton" name="SubmitClassList" <?php echo 'value="' . gettext("Create Class List") . '"'; ?> ></td> <td><input type="submit" class="icButton" name="SubmitClassAttendance" <?php
</td> <td class="TextColumn"><input type="text" name="MembershipDate" value="<?php echo $dMembershipDate; ?> " maxlength="10" id="sel1" size="11"> <input type="image" onclick="return showCalendar('sel1', 'y-mm-dd');" src="Images/calendar.gif"> <span class="SmallText"><?php echo gettext("[format: YYYY-MM-DD]"); ?> </span><font color="red"><?php echo $sMembershipDateError; ?> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="LabelColumn" <?php addToolTip("Select the appropriate classification. These can be set using the classification manager in admin."); ?> ><?php echo gettext("Classification:"); ?> </td> <td class="TextColumnWithBottomBorder"> <select name="Classification"> <option value="0"><?php echo gettext("Unassigned"); ?> </option> <option value="0">-----------------------</option> <?php while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsClassifications)) {