function processSMSMessage($from, $messageText) { global $pluginName, $MESSAGE_QUEUE_PLUGIN_ENABLED; // logEntry("Adding message from: ".$from. ": ".$messageText. " to message queue"); if ($MESSAGE_QUEUE_PLUGIN_ENABLED) { addNewMessage($messageText, $pluginName, $from); } else { logEntry("MessageQueue plugin is not enabled/installed: Cannot add message: " . $messageText); } return; }
$right = substr($right, 1); } if (trim($right) != "") { $messageText .= " " . $SEPARATOR . " " . $right; } } } //there gets some ^ in the output.. erase them! $messageText = preg_replace('/\\^/', '', $messageText); $messageText = preg_replace('/\\s[a]t\\s/', ' @ ', $messageText); if (trim($messageText) == "") { $messageLine = $SPORTS_READ[$i] . " - No Scores Availble"; } else { $messageLine = $SPORTS_READ[$i] . " " . $messageText; } addNewMessage($messageLine, $pluginName, $pluginData = $SPORTS_READ[$i]); $messageText = ""; $messageLine = ""; } } function search_in_array($value, $arr) { $num = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr);) { if ($arr[$i][0] == $value) { $num++; } $i++; } return $num; }
print_r($json_output); } //Output Stock price array key. $stockValue = $json_output['l']; $stockChange = $json_output['c']; //echo "\nPrice: ".$stockValue; //echo "\nChange: ".$stockChange; if (count($quotesToGet) > 1 && $quoteIndex > 0) { $messageText .= " | "; } $messageText .= " " . $q . " " . $stockValue . " [" . $stockChange . "]"; $quoteIndex++; //if there is more than one stock ticker, then put a PIPE symbol on the string } if ($MESSAGE_QUEUE_PLUGIN_ENABLED) { addNewMessage($messageText, $pluginName, $QUOTES); } else { logEntry("MessageQueue plugin is not enabled/installed: Cannot add message: " . $messageText); } if ($IMMEDIATE_OUTPUT != "on" && $IMMEDIATE_OUTPUT != "1") { logEntry("NOT immediately outputting to matrix"); } else { logEntry("IMMEDIATE OUTPUT ENABLED"); logEntry("Matrix location: " . $MATRIX_LOCATION); logEntry("Matrix Exec page: " . $MATRIX_EXEC_PAGE_NAME); if ($MATRIX_LOCATION != "") { $remoteCMD = "/usr/bin/curl -s --basic 'http://" . $MATRIX_LOCATION . "/plugin.php?plugin=" . $MATRIX_MESSAGE_PLUGIN_NAME . "&page=" . $MATRIX_EXEC_PAGE_NAME . "&nopage=1' > /dev/null"; logEntry("REMOTE MATRIX TRIGGER: " . $remoteCMD); exec($remoteCMD); } else { $IMMEDIATE_CMD = $settings['pluginDirectory'] . "/" . $MATRIX_MESSAGE_PLUGIN_NAME . "/matrix.php";