<!--@author : Ignatius Alriana H.M / 13513051--> <html> <head> <title>Submit Question - Simple StackExchange</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SiteStyle.css"> </head> <body> <?php include 'dbact.php'; if (!(isset($_POST['id_q']) && isset($_POST['Name']) && isset($_POST['Email']) && isset($_POST['Content']))) { echo '<h2>Error</h2>'; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); } exit; } $id = addAnswer($_POST['id_q'], $_POST['Name'], $_POST['Email'], $_POST['Content']); echo "Berhasil oom"; header("Location: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); /* Redirect browser */ ?> </body> </html>
dateRequest(); break; case 'loadMessage': loadMessage(); break; case 'loadMessageByUser': loadMessageByUser(); break; case 'shout': shout(); break; case 'addQuestion': addQuestion(); break; case 'addAnswer': addAnswer(); break; case 'addShop': addShop(); break; case 'idUpload': idUpload(); break; case 'updateForm': updateForm(); break; case 'updateUserImage': updateUserImage(); break; default: login();
$quesName = $row['adescription']; $quesNameShrt = $quesName; $quesId = $row['aid']; $ansId = $row['ansId']; //echo "have question###-------- ".$quesId." -----ANSWER ID--------- ".$ansId."<br>"; $quesNameShrt = str_replace(' ', '', $quesNameShrt); $value = $_POST["{$quesId}"]; $value = str_replace('a', '', $value); //echo "the value:".$value."<br />"; //prevent repeating and diffferent data being fed if ($quesIdCheck != $quesId) { $quesIdCheck = $quesId; $noRepeat = false; } if ($value != '0' && $noRepeat == false) { addAnswer($quesId, $value, $uvid); $noRepeat = true; } //$quesIdCheck = $quesId; if ($value == '0') { //echo "----------------didn't answer question------------------"; $returnIndex = false; } // function to do work } } } if ($returnIndex == true) { echo "<script>window.location.href = \"index.php\";</script>"; } else { //return to last User Survey(currently characterisitcs)
if ($res[0] == 1) { header("location:index.php"); } else { exit($res[1]); } } } else { if ($ac == 'detail') { $qid = intval($_GET['id']); $qestion = getOneQuestion($qid); include 'tpl/detail.php'; } else { if ($ac == 'doAnswer') { $qid = intval($_POST['qid']); $answer = trim($_POST['answer']); $qestion = addAnswer($qid, $answer); header("location:index.php?ac=detail&id=" . $qid); } else { if ($ac == 'doMessage') { $messageAuthor = intval($_POST['messageAuthor']); $content = trim($_POST['content']); $message = addMessage($messageAuthor, $content); header("location:index.php?ac=userinfo"); } else { if ($ac == 'search') { $type = !empty($_GET['type']) ? intval($_GET['key']) : 1; if ($type == 1) { $key = !empty($_GET['key']) ? trim($_GET['key']) : null; $memberid = !empty($_GET['memberid']) ? intval($_GET['memberid']) : null; $title = $memberid ? '我的问题' : ''; $questions = getQuestionList($memberid, $key);
return $data; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($_POST['type'] == 'question') { $question['name'] = test_input($_POST['name']); $question['email'] = test_input($_POST['email']); $question['topic'] = test_input($_POST['topic']); $question['content'] = test_input($_POST['content']); $question['q_id'] = $_POST['q_id']; updateQuestion($question); } else { $answer['q_id'] = $_GET['q_id']; $answer['name'] = test_input($_POST['name']); $answer['email'] = test_input($_POST['email']); $answer['content'] = test_input($_POST['content']); addAnswer($answer); } } ?> <?php $q_id = $_GET['q_id']; $question = getQuestion($q_id); $tabAnswer = getAnswers($q_id); $nAnswer = mysqli_num_rows($tabAnswer); ?> <div class="view"> <h1>Simple Stack Exchange</h1><br> <h2 id="title"><?php echo $question['topic']; ?>
/** * This shows the form to add a new question * * @return string The form to add a question */ function addQuestion() { global $id; global $questionID; global $question; // { Question Tab $returnString = '<h2>'; if (isset($_GET['questionid'])) { $questionID = addslashes($_GET['questionid']); $returnString = $returnString . 'Edit Question'; $question = dbAll("select * from quiz_questions where id='{$questionID}'"); } else { $returnString = $returnString . 'New Question'; } $returnString = $returnString . '</h2>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="hidden" name="quiz_id" value="'; $returnString = $returnString . htmlspecialchars($id) . '"/>'; if (isset($questionID)) { $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="hidden"'; $returnString = $returnString . 'name="question_id"'; $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; $returnString = $returnString . htmlspecialchars($questionID) . '"'; $returnString = $returnString . '"/>'; } $returnString = $returnString . '<br/>'; $returnString = $returnString . 'Question'; $returnString = $returnString . pad(); $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="text" name="question"'; if (isset($_POST['question']) && isset($_POST['questionErrors'])) { $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; $returnString = $returnString . htmlspecialchars($_POST['question']) . '"'; } if (isset($questionID)) { $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; foreach ($question as $q) { $returnString = $returnString . htmlspecialchars($q['question']) . '"'; } } $returnString = $returnString . '/>'; $returnString = $returnString . pad(); $returnString = $returnString . 'Topic'; $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="text" name="topic"'; if (isset($_POST['topic']) && isset($_POST['questionErrors'])) { $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; $returnString = $returnString . htmlspecialchars($_POST['topic']) . '"'; } if (isset($questionID)) { $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; foreach ($question as $q) { $returnString = $returnString . $q['topic']; } $returnString = $returnString . '"'; } $returnString = $returnString . '/>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</div>'; // } // { Answers Tab $returnString = $returnString . '<h2>'; if (isset($questionID)) { $returnString = $returnString . 'Edit Answers'; } else { $returnString = $returnString . 'New Answers'; } $returnString = $returnString . '</h2>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<table>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<thead>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<tr>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<th>'; $returnString = $returnString . 'Possible Answers'; $returnString = $returnString . '</th>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<th>'; $returnString = $returnString . 'Correct Answer'; $returnString = $returnString . '</th>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</tr>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</thead>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<tbody>'; for ($i = 0; $i < '4'; $i++) { $num = $i + 1; $returnString = $returnString . '<tr>'; $returnString = $returnString . addAnswer($num); $returnString = $returnString . '</tr>'; } $returnString = $returnString . '</tbody>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</table>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</div>'; // } $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="hidden" name="questionErrors">'; $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="submit"'; $returnString = $returnString . 'name="questionAction"'; $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; if (isset($questionID)) { $returnString = $returnString . 'Edit'; } else { $returnString = $returnString . 'Add'; } $returnString = $returnString . ' Question"/>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</div>'; //Ends the tabs div*/ return $returnString; }
function addAnswers($answer) { $questionId = getLastId(); foreach ($answer as $a) { addAnswer($a, $questionId); } }
<?php include_once 'database/polls_add.php'; include_once 'database/polls_fetch.php'; include 'templates/header.php'; include 'user.php'; $user = getUserIDbyUsername($_SESSION['username']); $groupid = $_POST['groupid']; //echo "$groupid"; $polls = getPollsFromGroup($groupid); //echo '<br>'.count($polls).'<br>'; foreach ($polls as $poll) { if (isset($_POST[$poll['id']])) { //echo '<br>'.$_POST[$poll['id']].'<br>'; } else { echo '<br>nao veio esta<br>'; header("Location:polls_answer.php?err=notallanswered"); exit; } } foreach ($polls as $poll) { $answer_title = $_POST[$poll['id']]; $poll_id = $poll['id']; //echo "id"; echo $poll_id; $poll_option = getPollOption($poll_id, $answer_title)['id']; // echo "poll_option"; echo $poll_option; addAnswer($poll_id, $poll_option, $user); //echo 'fim'; } header("Location:polls_answer.php"); include 'templates/footer.php';