Exemple #1
        $options[$t->name] = get_string('type' . $t->name, $section);
if ($USER->get('admin')) {
    $options['adminmessages'] = get_string('typeadminmessages', 'activity');
$type = param_variable('type', 'all');
if ($type == '') {
    $type = 'all';
if (!isset($options[$type])) {
    // Comma-separated list; filter out anything that's not an installed type
    $type = join(',', array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $type), create_function('$a', 'global $installedtypes; return isset($installedtypes[$a]);'))));
require_once 'activity.php';
$activitylist = activitylist_html($type);
$strread = json_encode(get_string('read', 'activity'));
$javascript = <<<JAVASCRIPT

$deleteall = pieform(array('name' => 'delete_all_notifications', 'method' => 'post', 'plugintype' => 'core', 'pluginname' => 'account', 'elements' => array('type' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $type), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn-primary', 'value' => get_string('deleteallnotifications', 'activity'), 'confirm' => get_string('reallydeleteallnotifications', 'activity')))));
function delete_all_notifications_submit()
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    $userid = $USER->get('id');
    $type = param_variable('type', 'all');
    $typesql = '';
    if ($type != 'all') {
        // Treat as comma-separated list of activity type names
        $types = explode(',', preg_replace('/[^a-z,]+/', '', $type));
    if ($ids) {
        set_field_select('notification_internal_activity', 'read', 1, 'id IN (' . join(',', $ids) . ') AND usr = ?', array($USER->get('id')));
    $message = get_string('markedasread', 'activity');
} else {
    if ($delete) {
        $ids = array();
        foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
            if (preg_match('/^delete\\-(\\d+)$/', $k, $m)) {
                $ids[] = $m[1];
        if ($ids) {
            $strids = join(',', $ids);
            $userid = $USER->get('id');
            // Remove parent pointers to messages we're about to delete
            // Use temp table in subselect for Mysql compat.
            execute_sql("\n            UPDATE {notification_internal_activity}\n            SET parent = NULL\n            WHERE parent IN (\n                SELECT id\n                FROM (\n                   SELECT id FROM {notification_internal_activity} WHERE id IN ({$strids}) AND usr = ?\n                ) AS temp\n            )", array($userid));
            delete_records_select('notification_internal_activity', "id IN ({$strids}) AND usr = ?", array($userid));
        $message = get_string('deletednotifications', 'activity', count($ids));
$newhtml = activitylist_html($type, $limit, $offset);
if ($message) {
    safe_require('notification', 'internal');
    $newhtml['newunreadcount'] = call_static_method(generate_class_name('notification', 'internal'), 'unread_count', $USER->get('id'));
json_reply(false, (object) array('message' => $message, 'data' => $newhtml));