function render_meta_box($post, $args) { // extract args extract($args); // all variables from the add_meta_box function extract($args); // all variables from the args argument // classes $class = 'acf-postbox ' . $field_group['style']; $toggle_class = 'acf-postbox-toggle'; // render fields, or render a replace-me div if ($visibility) { // load fields $fields = acf_get_fields($field_group); // render if ($field_group['label_placement'] == 'left') { ?> <table class="acf-table"> <tbody> <?php acf_render_fields($this->post_id, $fields, 'tr', $field_group['instruction_placement']); ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { acf_render_fields($this->post_id, $fields, 'div', $field_group['instruction_placement']); } } else { // update classes $class .= ' acf-hidden'; $toggle_class .= ' acf-hidden'; echo '<div class="acf-replace-with-fields"><div class="acf-loading"></div></div>'; } ?> <div class="acf-hidden"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { $('#<?php echo $id; ?> ').addClass('<?php echo $class; ?> '); $('#<?php echo $id; ?> ').children('.inside').addClass('acf-fields acf-cf'); $('#adv-settings label[for="<?php echo $id; ?> -hide"]').addClass('<?php echo $toggle_class; ?> '); <?php if ($field_group['ID'] && acf_current_user_can_admin()) { ?> $('#<?php echo $id; ?> ').children('.hndle').append('<a href="<?php echo admin_url('post.php?post=' . $field_group['ID'] . '&action=edit'); ?> " class="dashicons dashicons-admin-generic acf-hndle-cog acf-js-tooltip" title="<?php _e('Edit field group', 'acf'); ?> "></a>'); <?php } ?> })(jQuery); </script> </div> <?php }
function render_meta_box($post, $args) { // extract args extract($args); // all variables from the add_meta_box function extract($args); // all variables from the args argument // vars $o = array('id' => $id, 'key' => $field_group['key'], 'style' => $field_group['style'], 'edit_url' => '', 'edit_title' => __('Edit field group', 'acf'), 'visibility' => true); // vars $post_id = acf_get_valid_post_id('options'); // load fields $fields = acf_get_fields($field_group); // render if ($field_group['label_placement'] == 'left') { ?> <table class="acf-table"> <tbody> <?php acf_render_fields($post_id, $fields, 'tr', $field_group['instruction_placement']); ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { acf_render_fields($post_id, $fields, 'div', $field_group['instruction_placement']); } // edit_url if ($field_group['ID'] && acf_current_user_can_admin()) { $o['edit_url'] = admin_url('post.php?post=' . $field_group['ID'] . '&action=edit'); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if( typeof acf !== 'undefined' ) { acf.postbox.render(<?php echo json_encode($o); ?> ); } </script> <?php }
function render_meta_box($post, $args) { // extract args extract($args); // all variables from the add_meta_box function extract($args); // all variables from the args argument // vars $o = array('id' => $id, 'key' => $field_group['key'], 'style' => $field_group['style'], 'label' => $field_group['label_placement'], 'edit_url' => '', 'edit_title' => __('Edit field group', 'acf'), 'visibility' => $visibility); // edit_url if ($field_group['ID'] && acf_current_user_can_admin()) { $o['edit_url'] = admin_url('post.php?post=' . $field_group['ID'] . '&action=edit'); } // load and render fields if ($visibility) { // load fields $fields = acf_get_fields($field_group); // render acf_render_fields($this->post_id, $fields, 'div', $field_group['instruction_placement']); // render replace-me div } else { echo '<div class="acf-replace-with-fields"><div class="acf-loading"></div></div>'; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if( typeof acf !== 'undefined' ) { acf.postbox.render(<?php echo json_encode($o); ?> ); } </script> <?php }
function admin_head() { if (!acf_current_user_can_admin()) { return; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var $append = ''; // most fields $append = ''; $append += '<span class="acf-field-details">'; $append += '<span class="show-field-details dashicons dashicons-info" data-action="show-field-details" onclick="show_field_details(this);"></span>'; $append += '<span class="acf-field-details-block" style="clear: both; display:none"></span>'; $append += '</span>'; $('.acf-field .acf-label label').append($append); // repeater table $append = ''; $append += '<span class="acf-field-details">'; $append += '<span class="show-field-details dashicons dashicons-info" data-action="show-field-details" onclick="show_field_details_repeater(this);"></span>'; $append += '<span class="acf-field-details-block" style="clear: both; display:none"></span>'; $append += '</span>'; $('.acf-field-repeater th.acf-th').append($append); }); function show_field_details(e) { //alert(e); var $visible =; var $details = e.nextSibling; //alert($details); if (!$visible) { = 'visible'; $ = 'block'; var $html = $details.innerHTML; if (!$html) { var $container = e.closest('.acf-field'); var $key = $container.getAttribute('data-key'); var $name = $container.getAttribute('data-name'); $html += '<span>'+$key+'</span>'; $html += '<span>'+$name+'</span>'; $details.innerHTML = $html; } } else { = ''; $ = 'none'; } } function show_field_details_repeater(e) { var $visible =; var $details = e.nextSibling; if (!$visible) { = 'visible'; $ = 'block'; var $html = $details.innerHTML; if (!$html) { var $container = e.closest('.acf-th'); var $key = $container.getAttribute('data-key'); var $inputs = jQuery('tr>td[data-key="'+$key+'"]'); var $input = $inputs[0]; var $name = $input.getAttribute('data-name'); $html += '<span>'+$key+'</span>'; $html += '<span>'+$name+'</span>'; $details.innerHTML = $html; } } else { = ''; $ = 'none'; } } </script> <style type="text/css"> .show-field-details { font-weight: normal; float: right; visibility: hidden; color: #AAA; } .acf-field .acf-label label:hover .show-field-details, .acf-field-repeater th.acf-th:hover .show-field-details { visibility: visible; } .acf-field-details-block { font-weight: normal; } .acf-field-details-block>span { display: block; text-align: right; } </style> <?php }
function edit_comment($comment) { // vars $post_id = "comment_{$comment->comment_ID}"; // get field groups $field_groups = acf_get_field_groups(array('comment' => get_post_type($comment->comment_post_ID))); // render if (!empty($field_groups)) { // render post data acf_form_data(array('post_id' => $post_id, 'nonce' => 'comment')); foreach ($field_groups as $field_group) { // load fields $fields = acf_get_fields($field_group); // vars $o = array('id' => 'acf-' . $field_group['ID'], 'key' => $field_group['key'], 'label' => $field_group['label_placement'], 'edit_url' => '', 'edit_title' => __('Edit field group', 'acf')); // edit_url if ($field_group['ID'] && acf_current_user_can_admin()) { $o['edit_url'] = admin_url('post.php?post=' . $field_group['ID'] . '&action=edit'); } ?> <div id="acf-<?php echo $field_group['ID']; ?> " class="stuffbox"> <h3 class="hndle"><?php echo $field_group['title']; ?> </h3> <div class="inside"> <?php acf_render_fields($post_id, $fields, 'div', $field_group['instruction_placement']); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if( typeof acf !== 'undefined' ) { acf.postbox.render(<?php echo json_encode($o); ?> ); } </script> </div> </div> <?php } } }
function postbox_acf($post, $args) { // extract args extract($args); // all variables from the add_meta_box function extract($args); // all variables from the args argument // vars $o = array('id' => $id, 'key' => $field_group['key'], 'style' => $field_group['style'], 'label' => $field_group['label_placement'], 'edit_url' => '', 'edit_title' => __('Edit field group', 'acf'), 'visibility' => true); // get post_id (allow lang modification) $post_id = acf_get_valid_post_id($this->page['post_id']); // edit_url if ($field_group['ID'] && acf_current_user_can_admin()) { $o['edit_url'] = admin_url('post.php?post=' . $field_group['ID'] . '&action=edit'); } // load fields $fields = acf_get_fields($field_group); // render acf_render_fields($post_id, $fields, 'div', $field_group['instruction_placement']); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if( typeof acf !== 'undefined' ) { acf.postbox.render(<?php echo json_encode($o); ?> ); } </script> <?php }