echo '<tr><td width="300">Comment&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="tip"><small>Some HTML is OK.</small></span></td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><td width="500" colspan="2"><textarea class="ml" rows="10" name="bec_body"></textarea></td></tr>';
            if (!$User->vxIsLogin()) {
                echo '<tr><td width="500" colspan="2" align="left"><span class="info">';
                if ($_default['remember']) {
                    echo '<input checked="checked" class="cb" type="checkbox" name="remember" />';
                } else {
                    echo '<input class="cb" type="checkbox" name="remember" />';
                echo ' <small>Remember me on this computer.</info></td></tr>';
            } else {
                echo '<input type="hidden" name="remember" value="on" />';
            echo '<tr><td width="500" colspan="2" align="left">';
            _v_btn_f('Post', 'form_blog_comment');
            echo '</td></tr>';
            echo '</form>';
            echo '</table>';
            echo '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div class="form"><span class="info">';
        if ($error_friend) {
            echo ' Comment for this entry is only available to the author\'s friends on <a href="http://' . BABEL_DNS_NAME . '/" target="_blank">' . Vocabulary::site_name . '</a>.</span></div>';
        } else {
            echo ' Comment for this entry is closed.</span></div>';
echo '</body></html>';
 public static function vxAddAbout()
     /* Start: About Add */
     echo ' 关于 ADD <span class="tip_i"><small>alpha</small></span>';
     echo '<br /><br />';
     echo '<span class="tip">';
     echo 'ADD 是一个帮助你收藏和整理网址的工具。';
     echo '<span class="tip"><small>Keep your useful links</small> | 同类优质服务&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="tip_i"><img src="/img/favicons/delicious.png" align="absmiddle" /><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/ext.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> </a></span></span>';
     echo '</span>';
     /* End: About Add */
				<td align="left" width="100" height="25"><input type="text" class="sl" /></td>
				<td align="right" width="60" height="25"></td>
				<td align="left" width="100" height="25">
				<input type="button" value="发送邀请" />
<div id="main">
	<div id="timeline">
		<div class="top_right"><?php 
 <a href="#;">通过 RSS 订阅</a></div>
		<div class="sub"><span class="tip"><small>Timeline of the latest topics and ING updates of mine and my friends.</small></span>
		<div class="toolbar">
echo ' <a href="#;">发布新消息</a>';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo ' <a href="#;">创建新事件</a>';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo ' <a href="#;" onclick="location.reload();">刷新</a>';
 public function vxShop()
     require_once 'core/ApplicationManagerCore.php';
     $_applications = ApplicationManager::getApplications();
     echo ' <a href="/">' . Vocabulary::site_name . '</a> &gt; ' . $this->lang->shop();
     // Introduction
     echo ' 你可以在 ' . Vocabulary::SITE_NAME . ' Shop 买到各种有用的在线应用程序和资料,一切都在持续更新中。';
     // Shop
     echo '<span class="text_large">Buy</span>';
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($_applications as $application) {
         echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="700">';
         echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td width="150" height="130" align="left" valign="middle">';
         echo '<img src="/' . ApplicationManager::APPLICATION_REPOSITORY . '/' . $application . '/icon.png" />';
         echo '</td>';
         echo '<td width="400" align="left" valign="top">';
         echo '<span style="color: #999; font-size: 18px;">';
         eval('echo app_' . $application . '::name;');
         echo '</span>';
         echo '<span class="tip">';
         echo '<br /><br />';
         eval('echo app_' . $application . '::description;');
         echo '</span>';
         echo '<br /><br />';
         echo '<span class="tip_i">售价</span> <strong>';
         eval('echo app_' . $application . '::price;');
         echo ' 铜币</strong> &nbsp; <span class="tip_i">类型</span> <strong>应用</strong>';
         echo '</td>';
         echo '<td width="150" align="center">';
         _v_btn_l('购买', '/buy');
         echo '</td>';
         echo '</tr>';
         echo '</table>';
     // Information for Developers
     echo ' 如果你熟悉程序开发,希望开发能够被放到 ' . Vocabulary::SITE_NAME . ' Shop 中进行出售的物品,请参考 Project Babel 的 SimpleStorage 实现。';
<div class="blank">
if ($_ing) {
    include BABEL_PREFIX . '/res/ing_sources.php';
    echo '<span style="font-size: 14px;">';
    echo '<img src="' . $_ing['img_p'] . '" align="absmiddle" class="portrait" />';
    echo ' ' . format_ubb($_ing['ing_doing']) . '</span>';
    echo '<div align="right"><span class="tip_i">by <a href="/u/' . $_ing['usr_nick_url'] . '" class="t">' . $_ing['usr_nick_plain'] . '</a> at <small class="fade">' . date('Y-n-j G:i:s T', $_ing['ing_created']) . '</small><small> from ' . $_sources[$_ing['ing_source']] . ' | Powered by <a href="/ing">' . Vocabulary::site_name . '::ING</a></small></span></div>';
} else {
    echo '<span class="tip_i">';
    echo ' 指定的 <a href="/ing" class="t">' . Vocabulary::site_name . '::ING</a> 项目不存在 | ';
    echo ' <a href="/" class="t">返回首页</a> | ';
    echo ' <a href="/signup.html" class="t">注册</a> | ';
    echo ' <a href="/login" class="t">登录</a></span>';
<td width="200" height="60%"></td>
<td height="20%" colspan="3"></td>