function show_form() { $genders = $GLOBALS['config']['gender']; $name = _req('name'); $gender = _req('gender'); $description = _req('description'); render_view('master', compact('genders', 'name', 'gender', 'description')); }
function show_form() { $name = _req('name'); $teacher = _req('teacher'); $description = _req('description'); $teachers = Teacher::search()->find(Searcher::KEY_VALUE_PAIR); render_view('master', compact('teachers', 'name', 'teacher', 'description')); }
function login_end() { // if user is already logged in, // to index since we didn't provide such a link if ($GLOBALS['has_login']) { redirect(); // to index } $username = _req('username'); render_view('master', array('msg' => $GLOBALS['msg'], 'username' => $username)); }
/** * @author ryan <*****@*****.**> */ function init_var() { $req_uri = i($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], reset(explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); $arr = explode('/', trim($req_uri, '/')); // c is controller // a is action $GLOBALS['controller'] = i($arr[0]) ?: 'index'; $GLOBALS['action'] = _req('a') ?: _req('action'); $GLOBALS['target'] = i($arr[1]) ?: _req('target'); $GLOBALS['argument'] = i($arr[2]); // we should use function here $GLOBALS['by_ajax'] = i($_REQUEST['is_ajax']) || strtolower(i($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])) == strtolower('XMLHttpRequest'); $GLOBALS['by_post'] = strtolower(i($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) == 'post'; $GLOBALS['page'] = array('title' => $GLOBALS['config']['site']['name'], 'head' => array(), 'scripts' => array(), 'styles' => array(), 'append_divs' => array()); // 关于这个页面的变量 }
/** * @author ryan <*****@*****.**> */ function attitude($type) { if (!$GLOBALS['has_login']) { return; } $class = camel2under($type); $map = array('like' => 1, 'hate' => 0); $target = _req('target'); $action = _req('action'); $info = array($type => $target, 'user' => $GLOBALS['user'], '`like`' => $map[$action]); $at = Attitude::create($info); if ($at) { $info = array('user' => $GLOBALS['user'], 'action' => $action, 'object' => $target); $act = Activity::create($info); // inform author $comment = new $class($target); $info = array('user' => $comment->user, 'activity' => $act); Timeline::create($info); } $o = new $class($target); echo $o->{$action . 'Count'}(); }
} break; } if (is_numeric($target) && ($by_ajax || $by_post)) { $factory = new Factory($target); } if (is_numeric($target) && $by_ajax) { switch ($action) { case 'get_pay_div': $order_id = _req('order'); $order = new Order($order_id); $view_name = ''; include smart_view('append.div'); exit; case 'get_account_records_div': $order_id = _req('order'); $order = new Order($order_id); $records = $factory->accountRecords(array('order' => $order_id)); include smart_view('factory.account.record'); exit; case 'get_stone_recharge_div': $account = $factory->stAccount(); $view_name = 'factory.stone.recharge'; include smart_view('append.div'); exit; default: throw new Exception("ajax not good action: {$action}"); break; } } if (is_numeric($target) && $by_post) {
/** * include dependencies */ include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/common/require.php'; _load_class('cpanel'); _load_class('mysql', 'cpanel'); _load_class('user', 'cpanel'); _load_class('ftp', 'cpanel'); _load_class('fileman', 'cpanel'); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/backup.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/mail.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/wp.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/includes/svn.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/includes/ftp.php'; global $hooks, $DB; /*$luser = _post('luser'); $lpass = _post('lpass'); //check user login if(!login($luser, $lpass)) { exit('unAuthorize'); if($auth){ #$cpanel = authorize_cpanel($acc_id); } }*/ $task = _get('do'); $params = array('auth' => _get('auth'), 'task' => _get('do'), 'json_format' => _get('json')); //do ajax action $hooks->do_action(get_ajax_task_name($task), new HW_CPanel_Utilities(_req('acc', 8), $params));
function exec_sql() { global $db; $sql = _req('sql'); $errorInfo = null; if ($sql) { try { $count = $db->exec($sql); } catch (PdoException $e) { $errorInfo = $e->errorInfo; } } render(__DIR__ . '/view/exec.html', compact('sql', 'count', 'errorInfo'), LAYOUT); }
} /** * echo json encode data * @copy /cpanel/includes/common.php * @param $data */ function ajax_output($data, $break_line = false) { if (is_array($data)) { echo json_encode($data); } else { print_r($data); } if ($break_line) { echo '<hr/>'; } } #------------------------------------ $task = _req('do'); /** * decode hash string */ if ($task == 'decpass') { echo decrypt(_req('str')); } elseif ($task == 'dec_svn_pass') { $t = explode(PHP_EOL, _req('str')); #if failt try "\r\n" if (count($t) && trim($t[0]) == 'svn_pass') { echo decrypt(trim($t[1])); } }
<?php ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', __DIR__ . '/php_errors.log'); include 'xiaochi-db/src/DB.php'; include 'lib.php'; include 'actions.php'; include 'logic.php'; date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $app_begin_time = microtime(true); $config = get_config(); $dbname = _req('dbname'); if (empty($dbname)) { $dbname = key($config['dbnames']); } $conf = $config['dbnames'][$dbname]; $db = new xiaochi\DB($conf['dsn'], $conf['username'], $conf['password']); $vk = plant_vk(); define('LAYOUT', __DIR__ . '/view/layout.html'); list($router, $args) = get_router(); run($router, $args);
/** * decode hash string * @param $cp */ function decpass($cp) { echo decrypt(_req('str')); }
function reqs($name) { return _req($name) . ''; }
if ($user_type !== 'Customer') { exit('no permission'); } if ($by_ajax) { switch ($action) { case 'add': $id = _req('id'); $material = _req('material'); $size = _req('size'); $carve_text = _req('carveText'); $customer->addProductToCart(new Product($id), compact('material', 'size', 'carve_text')); $cart = $customer->cart(); echo $cart->count(); exit; case 'del': $id = _req('id'); $customer->delProductFromCart(new Order($id)); echo $customer->cart()->count(); exit; default: throw new Exception("nuknow action: {$action}"); break; } } else { $cart = $customer->cart(); $orders = $cart->orders(); $orders_count = count($orders); $addresses = $customer->addresses(); if ($orders_count > 0) { $labor_expense = Setting::get('labor_expense'); $wear_tear = Setting::get('wear_tear');
/** * svn decode pass from * @param $cp */ function dec_svn_pass($cp) { $t = explode("\r\n", _req('str')); if (count($t) && $t[0] == 'svn_pass') { echo decrypt($t[1]); } }
} list($username, $password, $repassword, $realname, $phone, $email) = _post('username', 'password', 'repassword', 'realname', 'phone', 'email'); $msg = ''; if ($by_post) { $ERROR_INFO = $config['error']['info']; if (empty($password)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['PASSWORD_EMPTY']; } elseif (empty($repassword)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['REPASSWORD_EMPTY']; } elseif ($password !== $repassword) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['PASSWORD_NOT_SAME']; } elseif (empty($username)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['USERNAME_EMPTY']; } elseif (User::find($username)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['USER_ALREADY_EXISTS']; } elseif (empty($realname)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['REALNAME_EMPTY']; } elseif (empty($phone)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['PHONE_EMPTY']; } elseif (empty($email)) { $msg = $ERROR_INFO['EMAIL_EMPTY']; } else { $customer = Customer::register(compact('username', 'password', 'realname', 'phone', 'email')); $user = $customer->user(); $user->login(); $back_url = _req('back_url') ?: DEFAULT_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL; redirect($back_url); } } $view .= '?master'; $page['scripts'][] = 'jquery.validate.min';
/** * del cron * @param $data */ function delcron($data) { $cpanel_file = $data->get_instance('fileman1'); //new HW_CPanel_Fileman($data->host, $data->cpaneluser, $data->cpaneluser_pass); $cpanel_file->delcron(_req('id')); }