  * Order validation
 function _order_validate_delivery()
     $_POST['exp_date'] = $_POST['exp_date_mm'] . $_POST['exp_date_yy'];
     $force_ship_type = module('shop')->FORCE_GROUP_SHIP[module('shop')->USER_GROUP];
     if ($force_ship_type) {
         $_POST["ship_type"] = $force_ship_type;
     if (!strlen($_POST["ship_type"]) || !isset(module('shop')->_ship_types[$_POST["ship_type"]])) {
         _re("Shipping type required");
     foreach ((array) module('shop')->_b_fields as $_field) {
         if (!strlen($_POST[$_field]) && in_array($_field, module('shop')->_required_fields)) {
             _re(t(str_replace("b_", "Billing ", $_field)) . " " . t("is required"));
     if ($_POST["email"] != "" && !common()->email_verify($_POST["email"])) {
         _re("email not valid.");
     /* foreach ((array)module('shop')->_s_fields as $_field) {
     			if (!strlen($_POST[$_field]) && in_array($_field, module('shop')->_required_fields)) {
     				_re(t(str_replace("s_", "Shipping ", $_field))." ".t("is required"));
     		if (!common()->email_verify($_POST["s_email"])) {
     				_re("Shipping email not valid.");
     			} */
 function supplier_edit()
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
         return _e('Empty ID!');
     $supplier_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_suppliers') . ' WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']);
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (!$_POST['name']) {
             _re('Product name must be filled');
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $sql_array = ['name' => $_POST['name'], 'url' => $_POST['url'] ?: common()->_propose_url_from_name($_POST['name']), 'desc' => $_POST['desc'], 'meta_keywords' => $_POST['meta_keywords'], 'meta_desc' => $_POST['meta_desc'], 'sort_order' => intval($_POST['sort_order'])];
             module('manage_shop_revisions')->check_revision(__FUNCTION__, $_GET['id'], 'shop_suppliers');
             db()->update('shop_suppliers', db()->es($sql_array), 'id=' . $_GET['id']);
             module('manage_shop_revisions')->new_revision(__FUNCTION__, $_GET['id'], 'shop_suppliers');
             common()->admin_wall_add(['shop supplier updated: ' . $_POST['name'], $_GET['id']]);
             if (!empty($_FILES)) {
                 $man_id = $_GET['id'];
                 $this->_upload_image($man_id, $url);
         return js_redirect('./?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=suppliers');
     $thumb_path = module('manage_shop')->supplier_img_dir . $supplier_info['url'] . '_' . $supplier_info['id'] . module('manage_shop')->THUMB_SUFFIX . '.jpg';
     if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) {
         $thumb_path = '';
     } else {
         $thumb_path = module('manage_shop')->supplier_img_webdir . $supplier_info['url'] . '_' . $supplier_info['id'] . module('manage_shop')->THUMB_SUFFIX . '.jpg';
     $replace = ['name' => $supplier_info['name'], 'sort_order' => $supplier_info['sort_order'], 'desc' => $supplier_info['desc'], 'thumb_path' => $thumb_path, 'delete_image_url' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=delete_image&id=' . $supplier_info['id'], 'form_action' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=supplier_edit&id=' . $supplier_info['id'], 'back_url' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=suppliers'];
     return form($replace)->text('name')->textarea('desc', 'Description')->text('url')->text('meta_keywords')->text('meta_desc')->save_and_back();
 function coupon_edit()
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
         return _e('Empty ID!');
     $coupon_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_coupons') . ' WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']);
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (!$_POST['code']) {
             _re('Code must be entered');
         } else {
             $_POST['code'] = $this->_cleanup_code($_POST['code']);
             $cnt = db()->get_one("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `" . db('shop_coupons') . "` WHERE `code`='" . $_POST['code'] . "' AND `id`!=" . $_GET['id']);
             if ($cnt != 0) {
                 _re('Code already exists');
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $sql_array = ['code' => $this->_cleanup_code($_POST['code']), 'user_id' => intval($_POST['user_id']), 'sum' => intval($_POST['sum']), 'status' => intval($_POST['status']), 'cat_id' => intval($_POST['cat_id']), 'order_id' => intval($_POST['order_id']), 'time_start' => strtotime($_POST['time_start']), 'time_end' => strtotime($_POST['time_end'])];
             db()->update('shop_coupons', db()->es($sql_array), 'id=' . $_GET['id']);
             common()->admin_wall_add(['shop coupon updated: ' . $this->_cleanup_code($_POST['code']), $_GET['id']]);
             return js_redirect('./?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=coupons');
     $replace = ['code' => $coupon_info['code'], 'user_id' => $coupon_info['user_id'], 'sum' => $coupon_info['sum'], 'status' => $coupon_info['status'], 'cat_id' => $coupon_info['cat_id'], 'order_id' => $coupon_info['order_id'], 'time_start' => date('d.m.Y I:s', $coupon_info['time_start']), 'time_end' => date('d.m.Y I:s', $coupon_info['time_end']), 'form_action' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=coupon_edit&id=' . $coupon_info['id'], 'back_url' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=coupons'];
     return form($replace)->text('code')->integer('user_id')->integer('sum')->select_box('status', $this->_statuses)->select_box('cat_id', module('manage_shop')->_cats_for_select, ['desc' => 'Main category', 'edit_link' => './?object=category_editor&action=show_items&id=shop_cats', 'translate' => 0])->integer('order_id')->datetime_select('time_start', null, ['with_time' => 1])->datetime_select('time_end', null, ['with_time' => 1])->save_and_back();
  * Order step
 function _order_step_do_payment($FORCE_DISPLAY_FORM = false)
     $basket_contents = module('shop')->_basket_api()->get_all();
     if (module('shop')->FORCE_PAY_METHOD) {
         $_POST["pay_type"] = module('shop')->FORCE_PAY_METHOD;
     // Show previous form if needed
     if (common()->_error_exists() || empty($_POST)) {
         return module('shop')->_order_step_select_payment();
     $ORDER_ID = intval($_POST["order_id"] ? $_POST["order_id"] : module('shop')->_CUR_ORDER_ID);
     if (empty($ORDER_ID)) {
         _re("Missing order ID");
     // Get order info
     $order_info = db()->query_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . db('shop_orders') . " WHERE id=" . intval($ORDER_ID) . " AND user_id=" . intval(main()->USER_ID) . " AND status='pending'");
     if (empty($order_info["id"])) {
         _re("Missing order record");
     // Payment by courier, skip next step
     if (!common()->_error_exists() && $_POST["pay_type"] == 1 or $_POST["pay_type"] == 3 or $_POST["pay_type"] == 4) {
         return js_redirect("./?object=shop&action=" . $_GET["action"] . "&id=finish&page=" . intval($ORDER_ID));
     // Authorize.net payment type
     if ($_POST["pay_type"] == 2) {
         return module('shop')->_order_pay_authorize_net($order_info);
  * Order validation
 function _order_validate_select_payment()
     if (!$_POST["pay_type"] || !isset(module('shop')->_pay_types[$_POST["pay_type"]])) {
         _re("Wrong payment type");
  * Order validation
 function _order_validate_do_payment()
     if (empty($_POST["order_id"])) {
         _re("Missing order ID");
     if (empty($_POST["total_sum"])) {
         _re("Missing total sum");
  * validate order data for view order
 function _order_validate_data()
     if (empty($_POST["order_id"])) {
         _re("Order empty");
     $order_info = db()->query_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . db('shop_orders') . " WHERE id=" . intval($_POST["order_id"]));
     if (empty($order_info)) {
         _re("No such order");
     if (empty($_POST["email"])) {
         _re("e-mail empty");
     } elseif (!common()->email_verify($_POST["email"])) {
         _re("email not valid.");
     } elseif ($order_info["email"] != $_POST["email"]) {
         _re("The order has been issued on other name");
 function attribute_edit()
     if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
         return _e('no id');
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     $A = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM `' . db('shop_productparams') . '` WHERE `id`=' . $_GET['id']);
     $options = db()->get_2d('SELECT `id`,`title` FROM ' . db('shop_productparams_options') . ' WHERE `productparams_id`=' . $_GET['id'] . ' ORDER BY `title`');
     $A['value_list'] = implode("\n", $options);
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (empty($_POST['title'])) {
             _re('Title is required');
         if (empty($_POST['value_list'])) {
             _re('Values list is required');
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $value_list = [];
             foreach ((array) explode("\n", $_POST['value_list']) as $val) {
                 $v = trim($val);
                 if ($v != '') {
                     $value_list[$v] = $v;
             $options_list = array_flip($options);
             foreach ($value_list as $val) {
                 if (!empty($options_list[$val])) {
                     // same option - leave as is
                 } else {
                     // insert new
                     db()->INSERT('shop_productparams_options', ['productparams_id' => $_GET['id'], 'title' => $val]);
             if (count($options_list != 0)) {
                 // options not found - delete these
                 db()->query('DELETE FROM `' . db('shop_productparams_options') . '` WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(',', $options_list) . ') AND `productparams_id`=' . $_GET['id']);
             db()->UPDATE('shop_productparams', db()->es(['title' => $_POST['title']]), 'id=' . $_GET['id']);
             common()->admin_wall_add(['shop product attribute updated: ' . $_POST['title'], $_GET['id']]);
             return js_redirect('./?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=attributes');
     $replace = ['form_action' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=' . $_GET['action'] . '&id=' . $A['id'], 'error' => _e(), 'title' => $A['title'], 'value_list' => $A['value_list'], 'back_url' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=attributes', 'active' => 1];
     return form($replace)->text('title')->textarea('value_list')->save_and_back();
Exemple #9
 function edit()
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     $a = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('comments') . ' WHERE id=' . intval($_GET['id']));
     if (empty($a)) {
         return _e('No such record');
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (empty($_POST['text'])) {
             _re('Comment text required');
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             db()->update_safe('comments', ['text' => $_POST['text']], 'id=' . intval($a['id']));
             return js_redirect('');
     return form($a + ['back_link' => './?object=' . $_GET['object']])->info_date('add_date', 'full')->info('object_name')->info('object_id')->user_info('user_id')->textarea('text')->save_and_back();
Exemple #10
 function show()
     conf('_login_form_displayed', true);
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         if (empty($_POST['login']) && empty($_POST['email'])) {
             _re('Login or Email required');
         // Check if user with such login exists
         if (!empty($_POST['login'])) {
             $A = db()->query_fetch('SELECT id,name,login,password,email,nick FROM ' . db('user') . ' WHERE login="******"');
             if (empty($A['id'])) {
                 _re('Login was not found', 'login');
             if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
                 $result = $this->_send_info_to_user($A);
                 if (!$result) {
                     _re('Server mail error');
             // Check if user with such email exists
         } elseif (!empty($_POST['email'])) {
             $Q = db()->query('SELECT id,name,login,password,email,nick FROM ' . db('user') . ' WHERE email="' . _es($_POST['email']) . '"');
             if (!db()->num_rows($Q)) {
                 _re('Email was not found', 'email');
             // Check if errors exists and send all found accounts
             if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
                 while ($A = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
                     $result = $this->_send_info_to_user($A);
                     if (!$result) {
                         _re('Server mail error');
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $success_msg = t('Password has been sent to your email address. It should arrive in a couple of minutes.');
     $replace = ['form_action' => './?object=' . $_GET['object']];
     $login_form = form($replace, ['legend' => 'Enter your login', 'class' => 'form-vertical'])->validate(['login' => 'trim|required'])->text('login', 'Enter your login')->submit('', 'Get Password', ['class' => 'btn btn-small']);
     $email_form = form($replace, ['legend' => 'Enter your email', 'class' => 'form-vertical'])->validate(['email' => 'trim|required'])->email('email', 'Enter your email')->submit('', 'Get Password', ['class' => 'btn btn-small']);
     return tpl()->parse(__CLASS__ . '/main', ['error' => _e(), 'success' => !empty($success_msg) ? $success_msg : '', 'login_form' => $login_form, 'email_form' => $email_form]);
  * Order step
 function _order_step_select_payment($FORCE_DISPLAY_FORM = false)
     // Show previous form if needed
     if (common()->_error_exists() || empty($_POST)) {
         return module('shop')->_order_step_delivery();
     if (module('shop')->FORCE_PAY_METHOD) {
         $_POST["pay_type"] = module('shop')->FORCE_PAY_METHOD;
         $FORCE_DISPLAY_FORM = false;
     if (main()->is_post() && !$FORCE_DISPLAY_FORM) {
         // Verify products
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $ORDER_ID = module('shop')->_order_create();
             $ORDER_ID = intval($ORDER_ID);
         // Order id is required to continue, check it again
         if (empty($ORDER_ID) && !common()->_error_exists()) {
             _re("SHOP: Error while creating `order`, please <a href='" . process_url("./?object=support") . "'>contact</a> site admin");
         // Display next form if we have no errors
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             module('shop')->_CUR_ORDER_ID = $ORDER_ID;
             return module('shop')->_order_step_do_payment(true);
     $DATA = $_POST;
     if (!isset($DATA["pay_type"])) {
         $DATA["pay_type"] = key(module('shop')->_pay_types);
     $hidden_fields = "";
     $hidden_fields .= module('shop')->_hidden_field("ship_type", $_POST["ship_type"]);
     foreach ((array) module('shop')->_b_fields as $_field) {
         $hidden_fields .= module('shop')->_hidden_field($_field, $_POST[$_field]);
     /* foreach ((array)module('shop')->_s_fields as $_field) {
     			$hidden_fields .= module('shop')->_hidden_field($_field, $_POST[$_field]);
     		} */
     $hidden_fields .= module('shop')->_hidden_field('card_num', $_POST['card_num']);
     $hidden_fields .= module('shop')->_hidden_field('exp_date', $_POST['exp_date']);
     $replace = ["form_action" => "./?object=shop&action=" . $_GET["action"] . "&id=" . $SELF_METHOD_ID, "error_message" => _e(), "pay_type_box" => module('shop')->_box("pay_type", $DATA["pay_type"]), "hidden_fields" => $hidden_fields, "back_link" => "./?object=shop&action=order&id=delivery", "cats_block" => module('shop')->_categories_show()];
     return tpl()->parse("shop/order_select_payment", $replace);
 function unit_edit()
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
         return _e('Empty ID!');
     $unit_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_product_units') . ' WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']);
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (!$_POST['title']) {
             _re('Unit title must be filled');
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $sql_array = ['title' => $_POST['title'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'step' => intval($_POST['step']), 'k' => tofloat($_POST['k'])];
             db()->update('shop_product_units', _es($sql_array), 'id=' . $_GET['id']);
             common()->admin_wall_add(['shop product unit updated: ' . $_POST['title'], $_GET['id']]);
         return js_redirect('./?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=units');
     $replace = ['title' => $unit_info['title'], 'description' => $unit_info['description'], 'step' => $unit_info['step'], 'k' => $unit_info['k'], 'form_action' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=unit_edit&id=' . $unit_info['id'], 'back_url' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=units'];
     return form($replace)->text('title')->textarea('description', 'Description')->text('step')->text('k')->save_and_back();
 function edit()
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     // Do save data
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         // Position could not be empty
         if (empty($_POST['ad'])) {
             _re('Place is empty');
         // Content html could not be empty
         if (empty($_POST['html'])) {
             _re('Html is empty');
         if (!_ee()) {
             return $this->save();
     $info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('advertising') . ' WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']);
     $editor = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('sys_admin') . ' WHERE id=' . $info['edit_user_id']);
     $replace = ['form_action' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=' . $_GET['action'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'], 'ad' => $info['ad'], 'editor' => $editor['first_name'] . ' ' . $editor['last_name'], 'edit_date' => date('d/m/Y', $info['edit_date']), 'customer' => $info['customer'], 'date_start' => $info['date_start'] ? $info['date_start'] : time(), 'date_end' => $info['date_end'] ? $info['date_end'] : time(), 'cur_date' => time(), 'html' => stripslashes($info['html']), 'active' => $info['active'], 'error_message' => _e(), 'back_link' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=listing'];
     return form2($replace)->info('ad', 'Placeholder')->info('editor', 'Last editor')->info('edit_date', 'Edit date')->text('customer', 'Customer')->text('ad', 'Placeholder')->textarea('html', 'Content')->date_box('date_start', '', ['desc' => 'Date start'])->date_box('date_end', '', ['desc' => 'Date end'])->active_box()->save_and_back();
Exemple #14
  * Do upload archive to server
 function go($new_file_path, $name_in_form = 'archive')
     if (empty($new_file_path)) {
         trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': New file path id required', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     if (empty($name_in_form)) {
         $name_in_form = 'archive';
     $ARCHIVE = is_array($name_in_form) ? $name_in_form : $_FILES[$name_in_form];
     if ($ARCHIVE['type'] && !isset($this->ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES[$ARCHIVE['type']])) {
         _re('Invalid file mime type');
     if (common()->_error_exists()) {
         return false;
     $ARCHIVE_DIR = dirname($new_file_path);
     if (!file_exists($ARCHIVE_DIR)) {
         mkdir($ARCHIVE_DIR, 0777, true);
     $ARCHIVE_PATH = $new_file_path;
     if ($is_local) {
         $move_result = false;
         if (!file_exists($ARCHIVE_PATH) && file_exists($ARCHIVE['tmp_name'])) {
             file_put_contents($ARCHIVE_PATH, file_get_contents($ARCHIVE['tmp_name']));
             $move_result = true;
     } else {
         $move_result = move_uploaded_file($ARCHIVE['tmp_name'], $ARCHIVE_PATH);
     if (!$move_result || !file_exists($ARCHIVE_PATH) || !filesize($ARCHIVE_PATH) || !is_readable($ARCHIVE_PATH)) {
         trigger_error('Moving uploaded archive error', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #15
  * Email given text to a friend
 function go($text = "")
     $cur_page_md5 = md5($_GET["object"] . "%%" . $_GET["action"] . "%%" . $_GET["id"]);
     // Verify and send email
     if (!empty($_POST["go"])) {
         // Check if email is already registered for someone
         if (!common()->email_verify($_POST["email"])) {
             _re("Invalid e-mail, please check your spelling!");
         if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
             _re("Friend name required!");
         if (empty($_POST["message"])) {
             _re("Message text required!");
         // Check for flood
         if (!empty($_SESSION[$this->SESSION_TTL_NAME][$cur_page_md5]) && $_SESSION[$this->SESSION_TTL_NAME][$cur_page_md5] > time() - $this->TTL) {
             _re("You are not allowed to send current page more than once in future " . ($_SESSION[$this->SESSION_TTL_NAME][$cur_page_md5] + $this->TTL - time()) . " seconds!");
         // Try to send email
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $subject = "Your friend " . $_POST["name"] . " sent to you from " . SITE_NAME;
             $text_to_send = (!empty($_POST["comment"]) ? $_POST["comment"] . "<br />\r\n<br />\r\n" : "") . $_POST["message"];
             $send_result = common()->quick_send_mail($_POST["email"], $subject, $text_to_send);
             // Anti-flooder
             $_SESSION[$this->SESSION_TTL_NAME][$cur_page_md5] = time();
             $replace2 = ["result" => intval((bool) $send_result)];
             return tpl()->parse("system/common/email_page_result", $replace2);
     // Show form
     if (empty($_POST["go"]) || common()->_error_exists()) {
         $replace = ["error_message" => _e(), "form_action" => "./?object=" . $_GET["object"] . "&action=" . $_GET["action"] . "&id=" . $_GET["id"], "name" => _prepare_html(isset($_POST["name"]) ? $_POST["name"] : (!empty($this->_user_info["display_name"]) ? $this->_user_info["display_name"] : $this->_user_info["name"])), "email" => _prepare_html(isset($_POST["email"]) ? $_POST["email"] : $this->_user_info["email"]), "message" => _prepare_html(isset($_POST["message"]) ? $_POST["message"] : $text), "comment" => _prepare_html($_POST["comment"]), "page_preview" => isset($_POST["message"]) ? $_POST["message"] : $text];
         return tpl()->parse("system/common/email_page_form", $replace);
Exemple #16
  * Check user login
 public function _check_login()
     // TODO: rewrite me
     if ($_POST['login'] == '') {
         _re('Login required');
         // TODO: convert into query buidler
     } elseif ($this->db->query_num_rows('SELECT id FROM ' . $this->db->_real_name('user') . ' WHERE login="******"') >= 1) {
         _re('This login ' . $_POST['login'] . ' has already been registered with us!');
Exemple #17
 function edit_var()
     $_GET['id'] = trim($_GET['id']);
     // Try to find numeric id for the given string var
     if (!empty($_GET['id']) && !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
         $_GET['id'] = urldecode($_GET['id']);
         $var_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('locale_vars') . ' WHERE LOWER(REPLACE(CONVERT(value USING utf8), " ", "_")) = "' . _es($_GET['id']) . '"');
         if ($var_info) {
             $_GET['id'] = $var_info['id'];
         } else {
             db()->insert_safe('locale_vars', ['value' => $_GET['id']]);
             $_GET['id'] = db()->INSERT_ID();
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     $var_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('locale_vars') . ' WHERE id=' . intval($_GET['id']));
     if (empty($var_info['id'])) {
         _re('No such var!', 'id');
         return _e();
     $Q = db()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . db('locale_translate') . ' WHERE var_id=' . intval($var_info['id']));
     while ($A = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
         $var_tr[$A['locale']] = $A['value'];
     if (is_post()) {
         if (!_ee()) {
             foreach ((array) $this->_cur_langs_array as $lang_id => $lang_info) {
                 if (!isset($_POST[$lang_info['locale']])) {
                 $sql_data = ['var_id' => intval($var_info['id']), 'value' => _es($_POST[$lang_info['locale']]), 'locale' => _es($lang_info['locale'])];
                 if (isset($var_tr[$lang_info['locale']])) {
                     db()->UPDATE('locale_translate', $sql_data, 'var_id=' . intval($var_info['id']) . " AND locale='" . _es($lang_info["locale"]) . "'");
                 } else {
                     db()->INSERT('locale_translate', $sql_data);
                 cache_del('locale_translate_' . $lang_info['locale']);
             common()->admin_wall_add(['locale var updated: ' . $var_info['value'], $_GET['id']]);
             return js_redirect('/@object/show_vars');
     foreach ((array) $this->_cur_langs_array as $lang_id => $lang_info) {
         // Paste default value for the english locale (if translation is absent)
         $tr_value = !isset($var_tr[$lang_info['locale']]) && $lang_info['locale'] == 'en' ? $var_info['value'] : $var_tr[$lang_info['locale']];
         $langs[$lang_info['locale']] = ['locale' => $lang_info['locale'], 'name' => _prepare_html($lang_info['name']), 'tr_value' => _prepare_html(trim($tr_value))];
     $replace = ['form_action' => url('/@object/@action/@id'), 'back_link' => url('/@object/show_vars'), 'error_message' => _e(), 'langs' => $langs, 'var_value' => _prepare_html($var_info['value']), 'location' => $this->DISPLAY_VARS_LOCATIONS ? $this->_prepare_locations($var_info['location']) : ''];
     return tpl()->parse('@object/edit_var', $replace);
Exemple #18
    function render_comment($comment, $args, $depth)
        $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
        $commentBoxIndentStyle = ' avatar-indent';
        <li <?php 
		   	<div id="comment-<?php 
" class="comment-div-wrapper">
		      <div class="comment-author vcard" style="line-height: 50px;">
		         <div class="comment_gravatar_wrapper">
        echo get_avatar($comment, $size = 50);
		         <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
        printf(_r('<cite class="fn">%s</cite>'), get_comment_author_link());
		         	<div class="comment-meta-time">
		      	 		<a href="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID));
        printf(_r('%1$s at %2$s'), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time());
        edit_comment_link(_r('(Edit)'), '  ', '');
		         <div class="clr"></div>
        if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') {
		         <span class="attention"><?php 
            _re('Your comment is awaiting moderation.');
		      <div class="reply">
        comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array('depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'])));
		      <div class="clr"></div>
        echo ob_get_clean();
Exemple #19
 function active($params = [])
     if (is_string($params)) {
         $params = ['table' => $params];
     if (!is_array($params)) {
         $params = [];
     $params += (array) $this->params;
     $db = is_object($params['db']) ? $params['db'] : db();
     $table = $db->_fix_table_name($params['table']);
     if (!$table) {
         _re('Wrong table name');
         return false;
     $fields = $params['fields'];
     $primary_field = $params['id'] ? $params['id'] : 'id';
     $id = isset($params['input_' . $primary_field]) ? $params['input_' . $primary_field] : $_GET['id'];
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $info = $db->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . $db->es($table) . ' WHERE `' . $db->es($primary_field) . '`="' . $db->es($id) . '" LIMIT 1');
     if ($info) {
         if (is_callable($params['on_before_update'])) {
         if ($params['revisions']) {
             $n = $info;
             $n['active'] = (int) (!$info['active']);
             module_safe('manage_revisions')->add(['object_name' => $params['table'], 'object_id' => $id, 'old' => $info, 'new' => $n, 'action' => 'active']);
         $db->update_safe($table, ['active' => (int) (!$info['active'])], $db->es($primary_field) . '="' . $db->es($id) . '"');
         common()->admin_wall_add([$_GET['object'] . ': item in table ' . $table . ' ' . ($info['active'] ? 'inactivated' : 'activated'), $id]);
         if (is_callable($params['on_after_update'])) {
     if (conf('IS_AJAX')) {
         echo $info['active'] ? 0 : 1;
     } else {
         return js_redirect(url('/@object/' . _add_get() . $params['links_add']));
Exemple #20
 function confirm()
     // Send registration confirmation email
     if (!$this->CONFIRM_REGISTER) {
         return tpl()->parse('@object/confirm_messages', ['msg' => 'confirm_not_needed']);
     // Check confirmation code
     if (!strlen($_GET['id'])) {
         return _e('Confirmation ID is required!');
     // Decode confirmation number
     list($user_id, $member_date) = explode('wvcn', trim(base64_decode($_GET['id'])));
     $user_id = intval($user_id);
     $member_date = intval($member_date);
     // Get target user info
     if (!empty($user_id)) {
         $target_user_info = user($user_id);
     // User id is required
     if (empty($target_user_info['id'])) {
         return _e('Wrong user ID');
     // Check if user already confirmed
     if ($target_user_info['active']) {
         return tpl()->parse('@object/confirm_messages', ['msg' => 'already_confirmed']);
     // Check if code is expired
     if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
         if (!empty($member_date) && time() - $member_date > $this->CONFIRM_TTL) {
             _re('Confirmation code has expired.');
     if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
         if ($_GET['id'] != $target_user_info['verify_code']) {
             _re('Wrong confirmation code');
     if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
         db()->update('user', ['active' => 1], $user_id);
         return tpl()->parse('@object/confirm_messages', ['msg' => 'confirm_success']);
     $body .= _e();
     $body .= tpl()->parse('@object/enter_code', $replace3);
     $body .= tpl()->parse('@object/resend_code', $replace4);
     return $body;
Exemple #21
  * Export SQL
 function table_export($params = [])
     $SINGLE_TABLE = !empty($_GET['table']) ? DB_PREFIX . $_GET['table'] : '';
     if ($SINGLE_TABLE) {
         $A = db()->query_fetch('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "' . $SINGLE_TABLE . '"');
         $_single_table_info = ['name' => $A['Name'], 'engine' => $A['Engine'], 'rows' => $A['Rows'], 'data_size' => $A['Data_length'], 'collation' => $A['Collation']];
     if (!isset($this->_tables_names)) {
         foreach ((array) db()->meta_tables() as $cur_table_name) {
             $this->_tables_names[$cur_table_name] = $cur_table_name;
     $SILENT_MODE = $params['silent_mode'];
     $USE_TEMP_FILE = false;
     if (!$SINGLE_TABLE || $_single_table_info['rows'] >= 10000 || $_single_table_info['size'] >= 1000000) {
         $USE_TEMP_FILE = true;
     if (!empty($params['where'])) {
         $USE_TEMP_FILE = false;
     if (!empty($_POST['go']) || $SILENT_MODE) {
         if ($params['single_table']) {
             $SINGLE_TABLE = $params['single_table'];
         $TABLES = $_POST['tables'];
         if ($params['tables']) {
             $TABLES = $params['tables'];
         $INSERT_FULL = $_POST['full_inserts'];
         if ($params['full_inserts']) {
             $INSERT_FULL = $params['full_inserts'];
         $INSERT_EXTENDED = $_POST['ext_inserts'];
         if ($params['ext_inserts']) {
             $INSERT_EXTENDED = $params['ext_inserts'];
         $EXPORT_TYPE = $_POST['export_type'];
         if ($params['export_type']) {
             $EXPORT_TYPE = $params['export_type'];
         $EXPORTED_SQL = '';
         $tables_to_export = [];
         if (!empty($SINGLE_TABLE)) {
             $tables_to_export[$SINGLE_TABLE] = $params['where'][$SINGLE_TABLE];
         } elseif (!empty($TABLES)) {
             foreach ((array) $TABLES as $cur_table_name) {
                 if (!isset($this->_tables_names[$cur_table_name])) {
                 $tables_to_export[$cur_table_name] = $params['where'][$cur_table_name];
         } else {
             foreach ((array) $this->_tables_names as $v) {
                 $tables_to_export[$v] = $params['where'][$v];
         if (empty($tables_to_export)) {
             _re('No tables to export!');
         if (!isset($this->_export_types[$EXPORT_TYPE])) {
             _re('Wrong export type!');
         // checking
         if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
             $_temp_file_path = $this->_quick_export_with_mysqldump($tables_to_export);
             if ($_temp_file_path && file_exists($_temp_file_path) && filesize($_temp_file_path) > 2) {
                 $QUICK_DUMPED = true;
         // TODO
         //				$tables_infos $this->_get_tables_infos();
         if (!common()->_error_exists() && !$QUICK_DUMPED) {
             if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
                 $_temp_file_name = 'db_export' . ($SINGLE_TABLE ? '__' . $SINGLE_TABLE : '') . '_' . date('YmdHis', time()) . '.sql';
                 $_temp_file_path = INCLUDE_PATH . 'uploads/tmp/' . $_temp_file_name;
                 if (file_exists(dirname($_temp_file_path))) {
                     $fh = fopen($_temp_file_path, 'w');
                     $_temp_file_name2 = $_temp_file_name . '.tmp';
                     $_temp_file_path2 = $_temp_file_path . '.tmp';
                 } else {
                     $USE_TEMP_FILE = false;
             if ($params['add_create_table']) {
                 $_add_create_table = PHP_EOL . '/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;' . PHP_EOL;
                 if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
                     fwrite($fh, $_add_create_table);
                 } else {
                     $EXPORTED_SQL = $_add_create_table;
             foreach ((array) $tables_to_export as $cur_table_name => $WHERE_COND) {
                 $sql_1 = $sql_2 = $sql_3 = $sql_4 = '';
                 $cols_names_array = [];
                 $counter = 0;
                 if ($params['add_create_table']) {
                     $A = db()->query_fetch('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . db()->escape_key($cur_table_name));
                     $_table_sql_header = PHP_EOL . 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . db()->escape_key($cur_table_name) . ';\\n';
                     $_table_sql_header .= str_replace('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS', $A['Create Table']) . ';\\n\\n';
                     if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
                         fwrite($fh, $_table_sql_header);
                     } else {
                         $EXPORTED_SQL .= $_table_sql_header;
                 $meta_columns = db()->meta_columns($cur_table_name);
                 foreach ((array) $meta_columns as $cur_col_name => $cur_col_info) {
                     $cols_names_array[$cur_col_name] = db()->escape_key($cur_col_name);
                 $sql_1 = ($EXPORT_TYPE == 'insert' ? 'INSERT' : 'REPLACE') . ' INTO ' . db()->escape_key($cur_table_name) . ' ';
                 $sql_2 = $INSERT_FULL ? '(' . implode(', ', $cols_names_array) . ') ' : '';
                 $sql_3 = 'VALUES \\n';
                 $Q = db()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . db()->escape_key(_es($cur_table_name)) . ($WHERE_COND ? ' WHERE ' . $WHERE_COND : ''));
                 if (!db()->num_rows($Q)) {
                 if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
                     $fh2 = fopen($_temp_file_path2, 'w');
                     if ($INSERT_EXTENDED) {
                         fwrite($fh2, $sql_1 . $sql_2 . $sql_3);
                 while ($A = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
                     $cols_values_array = [];
                     foreach ((array) $meta_columns as $cur_col_name => $cur_col_info) {
                         $cols_values_array[$cur_col_name] = db()->escape_val(_es(stripslashes($A[$cur_col_name])));
                     $need_break = $INSERT_EXTENDED && $counter >= $this->EXPORT_EXTENDED_PER_BLOCK;
                     if ($need_break && strlen($sql_4)) {
                         $sql_4 = substr($sql_4, 0, -2) . ';';
                         if ($USE_TEMP_FILE && $fh2) {
                             fseek($fh2, -2, SEEK_CUR);
                             fwrite($fh2, ';');
                     $sql_4_tmp = '';
                     $sql_4_tmp .= !$INSERT_EXTENDED || $need_break ? PHP_EOL . '' . $sql_1 . $sql_2 . $sql_3 : '';
                     $sql_4_tmp .= '(' . implode(', ', $cols_values_array) . ')';
                     $sql_4_tmp .= $INSERT_EXTENDED ? ',' : ';';
                     $sql_4_tmp .= PHP_EOL . '';
                     if ($need_break) {
                         $counter = 0;
                     } else {
                     if ($USE_TEMP_FILE && $fh2) {
                         fwrite($fh2, $sql_4_tmp);
                     } else {
                         $sql_4 .= $sql_4_tmp;
                 if ($INSERT_EXTENDED) {
                     $sql_4 = substr($sql_4, 0, -2) . ';';
                     if ($USE_TEMP_FILE && $fh2) {
                         fseek($fh2, -2, SEEK_CUR);
                         fwrite($fh2, ';');
                 if ($USE_TEMP_FILE && $fh2) {
                 // Glue all SQL parts togetther with options
                 if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
                     fwrite($fh, file_get_contents($_temp_file_path2));
                 } else {
                     $EXPORTED_SQL .= ($INSERT_EXTENDED ? $sql_1 . $sql_2 . $sql_3 : '') . $sql_4 . PHP_EOL . '';
             if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
         $EXPORTED_SQL = trim($EXPORTED_SQL);
         // Compress SQL and throw as file
         if ($_POST['compress']) {
             $_exported_name = 'export' . ($SINGLE_TABLE ? '__' . $SINGLE_TABLE : '') . '.sql';
             if ($USE_TEMP_FILE) {
                 $_exported_file_path = $_temp_file_path;
             } else {
                 $_exported_file_path = INCLUDE_PATH . 'uploads/tmp/' . $_exported_name;
                 if (file_exists(dirname($_exported_file_path))) {
                     file_put_contents($_exported_file_path, $EXPORTED_SQL);
         // Compress, stage 2
         if ($_POST['compress'] && file_exists($_exported_file_path) && filesize($_exported_file_path) > 2) {
             // Free some memory
             $EXPORTED_SQL = null;
             // Try to Gzip result (degrade gracefully if could not gzip)
             $gzip_path = defined('OS_WINDOWS') && OS_WINDOWS ? 'd:\\' : '';
             exec($gzip_path . 'gzip -fq9 ' . $_exported_file_path);
             if (file_exists($_exported_file_path . '.gz') && filesize($_exported_file_path . '.gz') > 2) {
                 if (file_exists($_exported_file_path)) {
                 $_exported_name .= '.gz';
                 $_exported_file_path .= '.gz';
                 // Manual method
             } elseif (function_exists('gzwrite')) {
                 $gz = gzopen($_exported_file_path . '.gz', 'w1');
                 gzwrite($gz, file_get_contents($_exported_file_path));
                 if (file_exists($_exported_file_path . '.gz') && filesize($_exported_file_path . '.gz') > 2) {
                     $_exported_name .= '.gz';
                     $_exported_file_path .= '.gz';
             header('Content-Type: application/force-download; name=\'' . $_exported_name . '\'');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\'' . $_exported_name . '\'');
             header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
             header('Content-Length: ' . intval(filesize($_exported_file_path)));
             return false;
             // Not needed with exit(), but leave it here :-)
         if ($USE_TEMP_FILE && file_exists($_temp_file_path)) {
             $EXPORTED_SQL = file_get_contents($_temp_file_path);
         if ($SILENT_MODE) {
             return $EXPORTED_SQL;
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             $replace2 = ['sql_text' => _prepare_html($EXPORTED_SQL, 0), 'back_link' => url('/@object')];
             return tpl()->parse('@object/export_text_result', $replace2);
     $replace = ['form_action' => url('/@object/@action'), 'error_message' => _e(), 'back_link' => url('/@object'), 'single_table' => _prepare_html($SINGLE_TABLE), 'table_num_rows' => intval($_single_table_info['rows']), 'table_size' => common()->format_file_size($_single_table_info['data_size'])];
     return tpl()->parse('@object/export', $replace);
Exemple #22
					<div class="clear"></div>
			<!-- End Post -->
} else {
			<h1 class="rt-pagetitle">
    _re('Sorry, no pages matched your criteria.');

Exemple #23
  * Email Page
 function email_page()
     $a = $this->_get_page_from_db();
     // Show error message
     if (empty($a)) {
         _re('No such page!');
         $body = _e();
     } else {
         $body = common()->email_page($a['text']);
     return $body;
Exemple #24
				<div class="clear"></div>
			</div><br />
			<!-- End Navigation -->
} else {
			<h1 class="rt-pagetitle">
    _re("No posts found. Try a different search?");
Exemple #25
  * Do upload image to server
 function go($new_file_path, $name_in_form = 'image', $max_image_size = 0, $is_local = false)
     // We do not want to user break our operation
     // New name is required
     if (empty($new_file_path)) {
         trigger_error('UPLOAD_IMAGE: New file path id required', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     // Default name in form
     if (empty($name_in_form)) {
         $name_in_form = 'image';
     // Prepare params
     // If $name_in_form is an array - then we think that it is $_FILES array with cur image info
     // (useful when uploading several images at once)
     $PHOTO = is_array($name_in_form) ? $name_in_form : $_FILES[$name_in_form];
     $MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = $max_image_size;
     // Check image size (first attempt)
     if (empty($PHOTO['size']) || !empty($MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) && $PHOTO['size'] > $MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) {
         _re('Invalid image size');
     // First mime type check (quick and simple)
     if (!$PHOTO['type'] || !isset($this->ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES[$PHOTO['type']])) {
         _re('Invalid image type');
     // Check for errors and stop if exists
     if (common()->_error_exists()) {
         return false;
     // Create folder if not exists
     $photo_dir = dirname($new_file_path);
     if (!file_exists($photo_dir)) {
         _class('dir')->mkdir_m($photo_dir, 0777, 1);
     // Upload original photo
     $photo_path = $new_file_path;
     if ($is_local) {
         $move_result = false;
         if (!file_exists($photo_path) && file_exists($PHOTO['tmp_name'])) {
             file_put_contents($photo_path, file_get_contents($PHOTO['tmp_name']));
             $move_result = true;
     } else {
         $move_result = move_uploaded_file($PHOTO['tmp_name'], $photo_path);
     // Check if file uploaded successfully
     if (!$move_result || !file_exists($photo_path) || !filesize($photo_path) || !is_readable($photo_path)) {
         _re('Uploading image error #001. Please <a href="' . process_url('./?object=help&action=email_form') . '">contact</a> site admin.');
         trigger_error('Moving uploaded image error', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     // Second image type check (using GD)
     $real_image_info = @getimagesize($photo_path);
     if (empty($real_image_info) || !$real_image_info['mime'] || !isset($this->ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES[$real_image_info['mime']])) {
         _re('Invalid image type');
         trigger_error('Invalid image type', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     $_image_type_short = $this->ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES[$real_image_info['mime']];
     // Check for wrong photos that crashed GD (only if we do not have NETPBM)
     if ((!defined('NETPBM_PATH') || NETPBM_PATH == '') && (!defined('IMAGICK_PATH') || IMAGICK_PATH == '')) {
         if ($_image_type_short == 'jpeg') {
             $c_func = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
         } elseif ($_image_type_short == 'png') {
             $c_func = 'imagecreatefrompng';
         } elseif ($_image_type_short == 'gif') {
             $c_func = 'imagecreatefromgif';
         if ($c_func && false === @$c_func($photo_path)) {
             _re('Uploading image error #002. Please <a href="' . process_url('./?object=help&action=email_form') . '">contact</a> site admin.');
             trigger_error('Image that crashes GD found', E_USER_WARNING);
             return false;
     // Second image size checking (from the real file)
     if (!empty($MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) && filesize($photo_path) > $MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) {
         _re('Invalid image size');
         trigger_error('Image size hacking attempt', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     // Third image size checking (force resize it if needed)
     if (defined('FORCE_RESIZE_IMAGE_SIZE') && filesize($photo_path) > FORCE_RESIZE_IMAGE_SIZE || defined('FORCE_RESIZE_WIDTH') && $real_image_info[0] > FORCE_RESIZE_WIDTH || defined('FORCE_RESIZE_HEIGHT') && $real_image_info[1] > FORCE_RESIZE_HEIGHT) {
         return common()->make_thumb($photo_path, $photo_path, $LIMIT_X, $LIMIT_Y);
     return true;
Exemple #26
				<div class="clear"></div>
			</div><br />
			<!-- End Navigation -->
} else {
			<h1 class="rt-pagetitle">
    _re("Sorry, but there aren't any posts matching your query.");
 function product_image_search()
     $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
     if ($_GET['id']) {
         $product = module('manage_shop')->_product_get_info($_GET['id']);
     if (!$product['id']) {
         return _e('No such product!');
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_products') . ' WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'];
     $product_info = db()->query_fetch($sql);
     if (empty($product_info)) {
         return js_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, 'wrong product ID');
     if (!empty($_POST['src'])) {
         $tmp_file = '/tmp/search_image_' . $_GET['id'];
         exec('wget ' . $_POST['src'] . ' -O ' . $tmp_file);
         if (!filesize($tmp_file)) {
             _re("Error. Bad image.");
         } else {
             $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'][] = $tmp_file;
             if (!empty($_POST['w']) && !empty($_POST['h'])) {
                 common()->crop_image($tmp_file, $tmp_file, $_POST['w'], $_POST['h'], $_POST['x'], $_POST['y']);
     // Image upload
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         //Delete temprary file
         if (!empty($tmp_file)) {
     $images = common()->shop_get_images($product_info['id']);
     $base_url = WEB_PATH;
     $media_host = defined('MEDIA_HOST') ? MEDIA_HOST : false;
     if (!empty($media_host)) {
         $base_url = '//' . $media_host . '/';
     foreach ((array) $images as $A) {
         $product_image_delete_url = './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=product_image_delete&id=' . $product_info['id'] . '&key=' . $A['id'];
         $replace2 = ['img_path' => $base_url . $A['big'], 'thumb_path' => $base_url . $A['thumb'], 'del_url' => $product_image_delete_url, 'image_key' => $A['id']];
         $items .= tpl()->parse('manage_shop/image_items', $replace2);
     $search_url = 'http://yandex.com/images/search?text=' . urlencode($product_info['name']);
     $cache_key = 'external_images_' . $_GET['id'];
     $search_results = cache_get($cache_key);
     if (empty($search_results)) {
         $search_results = file_get_contents($search_url);
         preg_match_all('/<a class="serp-item__link".*?c.hit\\((.*?)\\)/umis', $search_results, $search_results);
         $search_results = $search_results[1];
         foreach ($search_results as $key => $item) {
             $item = json_decode('[' . html_entity_decode($item) . ']', true);
             $search_results[$key] = $item[1]['href'];
         cache_set($cache_key, $search_results);
     $replace = ['form_action' => './?object=manage_shop&action=product_image_search&id=' . $product_info['id'], 'search_url' => $search_url, 'search_results' => json_encode($search_results), 'product_info' => $product_info, 'image' => $items, 'product_url' => './?object=' . main()->_get('object') . '&action=product_edit&id=' . $product_info['id']];
     return tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/product_image_search', $replace);
  * Export vars
 function export_vars()
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (empty($_POST['file_format']) || !isset($this->_file_formats[$_POST['file_format']])) {
             _re('Please select file format');
         $IS_TEMPLATE = intval((bool) $_POST['is_template']);
         if (empty($_POST['lang_code']) && !$IS_TEMPLATE) {
             _re('Please select language to export');
         $cur_locale = !empty($_POST['lang_code']) ? $_POST['lang_code'] : 'en';
         $cur_lang_info = ['locale' => $cur_locale, 'name' => $this->_cur_langs[$cur_locale]];
         if (!$IS_TEMPLATE) {
             $Q = db()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . db('locale_translate') . ' WHERE locale = "' . _es($cur_locale) . '"');
             while ($A = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
                 $tr_vars[$A['var_id']] = $A['value'];
         $Q = db()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . db('locale_vars') . ' ORDER BY value ASC');
         while ($A = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
             $source = $A['value'];
             $translation = $IS_TEMPLATE ? $A['value'] : $tr_vars[$A['id']];
             // Skip not translated vars
             if (!$IS_TEMPLATE && empty($translation)) {
             // Export only for specified location
             if (!$IS_TEMPLATE && !empty($_POST['location']) && false === strpos($A['location'], $_POST['location'])) {
             // Export only for specified module
             if (!empty($_POST['module'])) {
                 $is_admin_module = false;
                 if (substr($_POST['module'], 0, strlen('admin:')) == 'admin:') {
                     $_POST['module'] = substr($_POST['module'], strlen('admin:'));
                     $is_admin_module = true;
                 if (false === strpos($A['location'], ($is_admin_module ? ADMIN_MODULES_DIR : USER_MODULES_DIR) . $_POST['module'] . '.class.php') && (false === strpos($A['location'], '/' . $_POST['module'] . '/') || false === strpos($A['location'], '.stpl'))) {
             $tr_array[$A['id']] = ['source' => trim($source), 'translation' => trim($translation)];
         // Check for errors
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             // Get vars to export
             if ($_POST['file_format'] == 'csv') {
                 $body .= "source;translation" . PHP_EOL;
                 // Process vars
                 foreach ((array) $tr_array as $info) {
                     $body .= "\"" . str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $info["source"]) . "\";\"" . str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $info["translation"]) . "\"" . PHP_EOL;
                 // Generate result file_name
                 $file_name = $cur_lang_info["locale"] . "_translation.csv";
             } elseif ($_POST["file_format"] == "xml") {
                 // Generate XML string
                 $body .= "<!DOCTYPE tr><tr>" . PHP_EOL;
                 $body .= "\t<info>" . PHP_EOL;
                 $body .= "\t\t<locale>" . _prepare_html($cur_lang_info["locale"]) . "</locale>" . PHP_EOL;
                 $body .= "\t\t<lang_name>" . _prepare_html($cur_lang_info["name"]) . "</lang_name>" . PHP_EOL;
                 $body .= "\t</info>" . PHP_EOL;
                 // Process vars
                 foreach ((array) $tr_array as $info) {
                     $body .= "\t<message>" . PHP_EOL;
                     $body .= "\t\t<source>" . _prepare_html($info["source"]) . "</source>" . PHP_EOL;
                     $body .= "\t\t<translation>" . _prepare_html($info["translation"]) . "</translation>" . PHP_EOL;
                     $body .= "\t</message>" . PHP_EOL;
                 $body .= "</tr>";
                 // Generate result file_name
                 $file_name = $cur_lang_info["locale"] . "_translation.xml";
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             if (empty($body)) {
                 _re("Error while exporting data");
         if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
             main()->NO_GRAPHICS = true;
             header("Content-Type: application/force-download; name=\"" . $file_name . "\"");
             header("Content-Type: text/" . $_POST["file_format"] . ";charset=utf-8");
             header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
             header("Content-Length: " . strlen($body));
             header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $file_name . "\"");
             echo $body;
     $this->_used_locations[''] = t('-- ALL --');
     foreach ((array) $this->_get_all_vars_locations() as $cur_location => $num_vars) {
         if (empty($num_vars)) {
         $this->_used_locations[$cur_location] = $cur_location . ' (' . intval($num_vars) . ')';
     $replace = ['form_action' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=' . $_GET['action'], 'back_link' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'], 'error_message' => _e(), 'langs_box' => $this->_box('cur_langs', -1), 'file_formats_box' => $this->_box('file_format', 'csv'), 'location_box' => $this->_box('location', -1), 'modules_box' => $this->_box('module', -1)];
     return tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/export_vars', $replace);
  * chmod
 function edit_chmod()
     $_SELECTED_FILES = [];
     if ($this->GET_PATH) {
         $this->GET_PATH = $this->_urldecode($this->GET_PATH);
         $_SELECTED_FILES[] = $this->_prepare_path($this->GET_PATH);
     } elseif (!empty($_POST["selected"])) {
         foreach ((array) $_POST["selected"] as $path) {
             $path = $this->_urldecode($path);
             $_SELECTED_FILES[] = $this->_prepare_path($path);
     } else {
         _re("File path missing");
     if (common()->_error_exists()) {
         return js_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
     // Check that given path is not a root folder or path
     foreach ((array) $_SELECTED_FILES as $path) {
         $tmp_dir_name = rtrim($path, "/");
         if (substr_count($tmp_dir_name, "/") < 1) {
             return js_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
     if ($this->ALLOW_CHANGE_OWNER) {
         // Init server commands class
         $this->SERVER_OBJ =& _class("server_commands");
         // Find all users
         $system_users_array = $this->SERVER_OBJ->get_system_users($this->_server_info);
         foreach ((array) $system_users_array as $v) {
             $users_array[$v["user_name"]] = $v["user_name"];
         // Find all groups
         $system_groups_array = $this->SERVER_OBJ->get_system_groups($this->_server_info);
         foreach ((array) $system_groups_array as $v) {
             $groups_array[$v["group_name"]] = $v["group_name"];
     if (count($_SELECTED_FILES) == 1) {
         // Find file info
         $file_info = $this->SSH_OBJ->file_info($this->_server_info, $path);
         $perms = substr($file_info["perms"], 1);
     } else {
         $perms = "rwxrwxrwx";
     $perms_array = [[t("read"), $perms[0]], [t("write"), $perms[1]], [t("execute"), $perms[2]], [t("read"), $perms[3]], [t("write"), $perms[4]], [t("execute"), $perms[5]], [t("read"), $perms[6]], [t("write"), $perms[7]], [t("execute"), $perms[8]]];
     //		if (!empty($_POST["user"]) || !empty($_POST["group"])) {
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         // Save data
         if ($_POST["mass_selected"]) {
             $_POST["mass_selected"] = unserialize($_POST["mass_selected"]);
         $_POST["perms_octal"] = intval($_POST["perms_octal"]);
         $recurs = $_POST["change_recurs"] ? 1 : 0;
         if (!empty($_POST["perms_octal"])) {
             // Convert octal form to string form
             if (strlen($_POST["perms_octal"]) != 3) {
                 _re(t("Wrong permission") . "!");
             $octal_array = str_split($_POST["perms_octal"]);
             foreach ((array) $octal_array as $octal) {
                 if (intval($octal) > 7) {
                     _re(t("Wrong permission") . "!");
             if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
                 foreach ((array) $_POST["mass_selected"] as $path) {
                     // Change chmod
                     $this->SSH_OBJ->chmod($this->_server_info, $path, $_POST["perms_octal"], $recurs);
         } elseif (!empty($_POST["perms"])) {
             foreach (range(0, 7) as $v) {
                 if (!isset($_POST["perms"][$v])) {
                     $_POST["perms"][$v] = "-";
             $perm_string = implode("", $_POST["perms"]);
             $octal = $this->_perm_str2num($perm_string);
             if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
                 foreach ((array) $_POST["mass_selected"] as $path) {
                     // Change chmod
                     $this->SSH_OBJ->chmod($this->_server_info, $path, $octal, $recurs);
         if ($this->ALLOW_CHANGE_OWNER) {
             // Change group and (or) owner
             if (!common()->_error_exists()) {
                 foreach ((array) $_POST["mass_selected"] as $path) {
                     $this->SSH_OBJ->chown($this->_server_info, $path, $_POST["user"], $_POST["group"], $recurs);
         return js_redirect("./?object=" . $_GET["object"] . "&action=show&id=" . ($this->SERVER_ID ? $this->SERVER_ID . "&page=" : "") . $this->_urlencode(dirname($path)));
     $replace = ["filepath" => _prepare_html($path), "group_box" => $this->ALLOW_CHANGE_OWNER ? common()->select_box("group", $groups_array, count($_SELECTED_FILES) == 1 ? $file_info["group"] : "root") : "", "user_box" => $this->ALLOW_CHANGE_OWNER ? common()->select_box("user", $users_array, count($_SELECTED_FILES) == 1 ? $file_info["user"] : "******") : "", "perms" => $perms_array, "form_action" => "./?object=" . $_GET["object"] . "&action=edit_chmod&id=" . ($this->SERVER_ID ? $this->SERVER_ID . "&page=" : "") . $this->_urlencode($path), "error_message" => _e(), "is_folder" => $file_info["type"] == "d" ? 1 : 0, "back_url" => "./?object=" . $_GET["object"] . "&action=show&id=" . ($this->SERVER_ID ? $this->SERVER_ID . "&page=" : "") . $this->_urlencode(dirname($path)), "mass_selected" => _prepare_html(serialize($_SELECTED_FILES))];
     return tpl()->parse($_GET["object"] . "/chmod_form", $replace);
Exemple #30
  * Check spam
 function _spam_check($text)
     preg_match_all(module('comments')->HTML_LINK_REGEX, $text, $result);
     preg_match_all(module('comments')->BBCODE_LINK_REGEX, $text, $result2);
     $count_links = count($result[1]) + count($result2[1]);
     if (empty(main()->USER_ID)) {
         if ($count_links > 1) {
             _re('Too many links');
     } else {
         if ($count_links > 3) {
             _re('Too many links');