Exemple #1
  *  Adds options to the select box control
  *  <b>If the "multiple" attribute is not set, the first option will be always considered as the "nothing is selected"
  *  state of the control!</b>
  *  @param  array   $options    An associative array of options where the key is the value of the option and the
  *                              value is the actual text to be displayed for the option.
  *                              <b>Option groups</b> can be set by giving an array of associative arrays as argument:
  *                              <code>
  *                                  // add as groups:
  *                                  $obj->add_options(array(
  *                                      'group' => array('option 1', 'option 2')
  *                                  ));
  *                              </code>
  *  @param  boolean $overwrite  (Optional) By default, succesive calls of this method will appended the options
  *                              given as arguments to the already existing options.
  *                              Setting this argument to TRUE will instead overwrite the previously existing options.
  *                              Default is FALSE
  *  @return void
 function add_options($options, $overwrite = false)
     // continue only if parameter is an array
     if (is_array($options)) {
         // get some properties of the select control
         $attributes = $this->get_attributes(array('options', 'multiple'));
         // if there are no options so far AND
         // we're not overwriting existing options AND
         // the "multiple" attribute is not set
         if (empty($attributes['options']) && $overwrite === false && !isset($attributes['multiple'])) {
             // add the default value
             // we'll replace the value with the appropriate language
             $options = array('' => $this->form_properties['language']['select']) + $options;
         // set the options attribute of the control
         $this->set_attributes(array('options' => $overwrite ? $options : $attributes['options'] + $options));
         // if options are not specified as an array
     } else {
         // trigger an error message
             Selectable values for the <strong>' . $this->attributes['id'] . '</strong> control must be specified as
             an array
  *  Generates a CSRF token, unique to the current form.
  *  Note that this will generate a new CSRF token only when the form is generated and not also when the form is
  *  submitted - unless the <b>$force</b> argument is set to TRUE.
  *  @param  boolean $force                  (Optional) Instructs the method to forcefully generate a new CSRF token.
  *                                          This parameter will be TRUE when the method is called after an unsuccessful
  *                                          CSRF token validation or after a successful form validation.
  *                                          By default, this method will generate a new CSRF token *only* if the form
  *                                          is not being currently submitted (form information is not available in the $_POST
  *                                          superglobal).
  *                                          Default is FALSE.
  *  @return void
  *  @access private
 function _csrf_generate_token($force = false)
     // if CSRF protection is enabled (is not boolean FALSE) and CSRF token was not already generated
     if ($this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] !== false) {
         // reference to the form submission method
         global ${'_' . $this->form_properties['method']};
         $method =& ${'_' . $this->form_properties['method']};
         // if
         if (isset($method[$this->form_properties['identifier']]) && $force === false && $this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] == 'session' && isset($_SESSION[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']]) && is_array($_SESSION[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']]) && count($_SESSION[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']]) == 2) {
             $this->form_properties['csrf_token'] = $_SESSION[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']][0];
         } elseif (isset($method[$this->form_properties['identifier']]) && $force === false && $this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] == 'cookie' && isset($_COOKIE[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']])) {
             $this->form_properties['csrf_token'] = $_COOKIE[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']];
         } elseif (!isset($method[$this->form_properties['identifier']]) || $force === true) {
             // generate a random token
             $this->form_properties['csrf_token'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
             // compute token expiry timestamp
             $csrf_token_expiry = $this->form_properties['csrf_token_lifetime'] == 0 ? 0 : time() + $this->form_properties['csrf_token_lifetime'];
             // if storage method is "session"
             if ($this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] == 'session') {
                 // if no session is started, trigger an error message
                 if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
                     _myzebra_form_show_error('You have chosen to enable protection against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks and to use sessions for storing the CSRF token, but a session is not started! Start a session prior to calling the "csrf()" method', E_USER_ERROR);
                 // if sessions are on, store the CSRF token and the expiration data in session
                 $_SESSION[$this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name']] = array($this->form_properties['csrf_token'], $csrf_token_expiry);
                 // if storage method is "cookie"
             } else {
                 // store the CSRF token in a cookie
                 setcookie($this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_name'], $this->form_properties['csrf_token'], $csrf_token_expiry, $this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_config']['path'], $this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_config']['domain'], $this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_config']['secure'], $this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_config']['httponly']);
Exemple #3
 function doActions()
     // if there are any actions to be performed when the form is valid
     // (file upload, resize, convert)
     $form_is_valid = true;
     if (isset($this->actions) && !empty($this->actions) && !$this->form->preview) {
         // iterate through the actions
         foreach ($this->actions as $actions) {
             // if the respective action (method) exists
             if (method_exists($this, $actions[0])) {
                 // if the method was erroneous
                 if (!call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $actions[0]), array_slice($actions, 1))) {
                     // add error message to indicated error block
                     //$this->form->add_error($actions['block'], $actions['message']);
                     $this->form->add_error($this->attributes['id'], $actions['message']);
                     // set the form as not being valid
                     $form_is_valid = false;
                 // if the task (method) could not be found, trigger an error message
             } else {
                 _myzebra_form_show_error('Method ' . $actions[0] . ' does not exist!', E_USER_ERROR);
     return $form_is_valid;
Exemple #4
  *  Generates the control's HTML code.
  *  <i>This method is automatically called by the {@link MyZebra_Form::render() render()} method!</i>
  *  @return string  The control's HTML code
 function _toHTML()
     // all file upload controls must have the "upload" rule set or we trigger an error
     if (!isset($this->rules['upload'])) {
         _myzebra_form_show_error('The control named <strong>"' . $this->attributes['name'] . '"</strong> in form <strong>"' . $this->form_properties['name'] . '"</strong> must have the <em>"upload"</em> rule set', E_USER_ERROR);
     // show the file upload control
     $output = '<input ' . $this->_render_attributes() . ($this->form_properties['doctype'] == 'xhtml' ? '/' : '') . '>';
     if (isset($this->attributes['display_featured_html']) && !empty($this->attributes['display_featured_html'])) {
         $output .= '<div class="myzebra-featured-container">';
         $output .= $this->attributes['display_featured_html'];
         $output .= '</div>';
     // return the generated output
     return $output;