/** * Preprocesses template variables. * @param vars variables for the template */ function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $vars['tabs2'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks(); if (module_exists('color')) { _color_page_alter($vars); } if (module_exists('mobileplugin')) { $vars['styles'] = _mobileplugin_filter_css($vars['css']); $vars['scripts'] = _mobileplugin_filter_js(); $vars['bodyclasses'] = 'mobile' . _mobileplugin_add_class(); $scaled_logo = _mobileplugin_image_scaled($vars['logo'], 30, 30); if (!is_array($scaled_logo)) { $vars['logo'] = $scaled_logo; } } }
/** * Preprocesses template variables. * @param vars variables for the template */ function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $vars['tabs2'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks(); if (module_exists('color')) { _color_page_alter($vars); } /* echo "<pre>\n"; print_r($vars); echo "</pre>\n"; die(); */ // here there used to be a check for the existence of the mobileplugin. Moved down. // everything should be indented back of two spaces // Make sure we have set the proper Nokia group IF the theme settings say so if (arg(0) != 'admin') { _nokia_mobile_force_nokia_group(); } // add my styles - move to a function? $css_path = _nokia_mobile_get_css_path(); $js_path = _nokia_mobile_get_js_path(); $style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/' . $css_path . 'reset.css'; // dynamic based on device group $new_styles_order[$style_path] = 1; $theme_styles = $vars['css']['all']['theme']; $new_styles_order = array_merge($new_styles_order, $theme_styles); // Apply the Nokia style last. NO COLORS should be applied here unless really want to force $style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/' . $css_path . 'baseStyles.css'; // dynamic based on device group $new_styles_order[$style_path] = 1; $theme_image_color_css_filename = nokia_mobile_settings_css_filename() . '.css'; $style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/' . $css_path . $theme_image_color_css_filename; // dynamic based on color picked by admin $new_styles_order[$style_path] = 1; $vars['css']['all']['theme'] = $new_styles_order; $vars['header_text_color'] = '#ffffff'; // make sure we are using color if (module_exists('color')) { $header_text_color = theme_get_setting('theme_header_text_color'); $vars['header_text_color'] = $header_text_color; } $vars['doctype'] = _nokia_mobile_get_doctype(); /* $vars['left'] = str_replace('user-login', 'my-user-login', $vars['left']); $vars['left'] = str_replace('user_login', 'my_user_login', $vars['left']); */ // Add Javscript if (is_file(drupal_get_path('theme', 'nokia_mobile') . '/scripts/' . $js_path . 'nokia_mobile.js')) { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'nokia_mobile') . '/scripts/' . $js_path . 'nokia_mobile.js', 'theme'); // dynamic based on device group } $vars['inline_scripts'] = ''; // High-end device specifics if (_nokia_mobile_device_detection() == NOKIAMOBILE_THEME_HIGHEND_GROUP || _nokia_mobile_device_detection() == NOKIAMOBILE_THEME_HIGHEND_TOUCH_GROUP) { if (!empty($vars['tabs'])) { // trick to get the closing vertical bar $vars['tabs'] .= "<li><a/></li>\n"; } global $user; if (is_object($user)) { $user_uid = $user->uid; } else { $user_uid = ''; } $tweaks_path = '/' . path_to_theme() . '/css/' . $css_path . 'tweaks/'; // dynamic based on device group $inline_script = $vars['inline_scripts'] = ' function init() { var myAccordionList = new AccordionList("accordion"); var myStyleTweaks = new StyleTweaker(); myStyleTweaks.add("Series60/5.0", "' . $tweaks_path . 'S605th.css"); myStyleTweaks.add("Series60/3.2", "' . $tweaks_path . 'S603rdFP2.css"); myStyleTweaks.add("AppleWebKit/420+", "' . $tweaks_path . 'S406th.css"); myStyleTweaks.add("N900", "' . $tweaks_path . 'maemo.css"); myStyleTweaks.add("Firefox/3.0a1 Tablet browser 0.3.7", "' . $tweaks_path . 'maemo.css"); myStyleTweaks.add("Opera Mini/4", "' . $tweaks_path . 'operamini.css"); myStyleTweaks.tweak(); } addEvent("onload",init); '; drupal_add_js($inline_script, 'inline', 'header'); } // Theme the breadcrumb /* if (!empty($vars['breadcrumb'])) { $vars['breadcrumb'] = phptemplate_breadcrumb(drupal_get_breadcrumb()); } */ if (module_exists('mobileplugin')) { // clean CSS, JS and get scaled logo using mobileplugin's (private) functions $vars['styles'] = _mobileplugin_filter_css($vars['css']); $vars['scripts'] = _mobileplugin_filter_js(); $vars['bodyclasses'] = 'mobile' . _mobileplugin_add_class(); $scaled_logo = _mobileplugin_image_scaled($vars['logo'], 30, 30); if (!is_array($scaled_logo)) { $vars['logo'] = $scaled_logo; } } else { // clean CSS, JS $js = drupal_add_js(); $vars['scripts'] = _nokia_mobile_filter_js($js); $css = $vars['css']; $css['handheld']['theme']['/this_is_a_test.css'] = 1; $vars['styles'] = _nokia_mobile_filter_css($css); // Scale logo? } }