/** * Installs the specified module in the system. * * The install() method is called statically. * To call other methods of this class from this method, * the static call is used, for example, * Payment_Module_Paypal_CC::getTables() instead of $this->getTables(). */ function install() { global $application; $obj =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources', "payment-module-cod-messages", "AdminZone"); $tables = Payment_Module_Cod::getTables(); $query = new DB_Table_Create($tables); $table = 'pm_cod_settings'; // $columns = $tables[$table]['columns']; // $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(1, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_NAME", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen($obj->getMessage('MODULE_NAME')) . ':"' . $obj->getMessage('MODULE_NAME') . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(2, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("PER_ORDER_SHIPPING_FEE", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen("0.00") . ':"' . "0.00" . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); /* $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(2, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_DESCR", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:'._ml_strlen($obj->getMessage('MODULE_DESCR')).':"'.$obj->getMessage('MODULE_DESCR').'";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); */ }
/** * Installs the specified module in the system. * * The install() method is called statically. * To call other methods of this class from this method, * the static call is used, for example, * Payment_Module_Paypal_CC::getTables() instead of $this->getTables(). */ function install() { global $application; $obj =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources', "payment-module-wtp-messages", "AdminZone"); $tables = Payment_Module_Wtp_CC::getTables(); $query = new DB_Table_Create($tables); $table = 'pm_wtp_settings'; $columns = $tables[$table]['columns']; $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(1, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_NAME", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen($obj->getMessage('MODULE_NAME')) . ':"' . $obj->getMessage('MODULE_NAME') . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(2, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_METHOD_ID", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen("0") . ':"' . "0" . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(3, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_METHOD_PASS", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen("0") . ':"' . "0" . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(4, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_MODE", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen("0") . ':"' . "0" . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); }
/** Processes action. */ function onAction() { global $application; $request = $application->getInstance('Request'); $search_string = trim($request->getValueByKey('search_string')); $search_type = trim($request->getValueByKey('search_type')); $Result = []; $search_result = $search_string; if (_ml_strlen($search_string) < 1) { modApiFunc('Session', 'un_Set', 'search_result_menu'); $search_result = ''; return $search_result; } else { $Result = ''; if ($search_type == "systemPages") { $SystemPages = modApiFunc('CMS', 'getSystemPageList'); $i = 0; foreach ($SystemPages as $key => $value) { $occurerence = stripos($value, $search_string); if ($occurerence === false) { continue; } else { $Result[$i] = $value; $i++; } } } //systemPages if ($search_type == "staticArticle") { $Static_Pages = modApiFunc('CMS', 'getPageTree', 0); foreach ($Static_Pages as $key => $value) { $occurerence = stripos($value['name'], $search_string); if ($occurerence === false) { continue; } else { $Result[$value['page_id']] = $value['name']; } } } //static article if ($search_type == "categoryList") { $catalog_tree = modApiFunc("Catalog", "getSubcategoriesFullListWithParent", 1); foreach ($catalog_tree as $key => $cat) { $occurerence = stripos($cat['name'], $search_string); if ($occurerence === false) { continue; } else { $Result[$cat['id']] = $cat['name']; } } } // category list return json_encode($Result); } }
static function cut_uuid_suffix($text, $style) { // . CCInfo . // : getValidatedDataStructure PersonInfoVariantID, . $uuid_pattern = UUIDUtils::getRegexpPattern($style); $matches = array(); if (preg_match($uuid_pattern, $text, $matches)) { $text = _ml_substr($text, 0, _ml_strlen($text) - UUIDUtils::getLength($style)); } else { } return $text; }
/** * Installs the specified module in the system. * * The install() method is called statically. * To call other methods of this class from this method, * the static call is used, for example, * Payment_Module_AllInactive::getTables() instead of $this->getTables(). */ function install() { global $application; $obj =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources', "payment-module-all-inactive-messages", "AdminZone"); $tables = Payment_Module_All_Inactive::getTables(); $query = new DB_Table_Create($tables); $table = 'pm_all_inactive_settings'; # $columns = $tables[$table]['columns']; # $query = new DB_Insert($table); $query->addInsertValue(1, $columns['id']); $query->addInsertValue("MODULE_NAME", $columns['key']); $query->addInsertValue('s:' . _ml_strlen($obj->getMessage('MODULE_NAME')) . ':"' . $obj->getMessage('MODULE_NAME') . '";', $columns['value']); $application->db->getDB_Result($query); }
/** * general function * gets an unformatted zip * ----------------------- !!! CURRENTLY !!! * formats it as a US-postal code, 5 or 5+4 digits length * ----------------------- !!! CURRENTLY !!! * gets a tax rate from DB and zip set * returns it as a percent tax rate * or returns 0 if zip is illegal or rate not found * * @param char[] $zip * @return float */ function getTaxRateByZip($sid, $zip) { $zip = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $zip); $len = _ml_strlen($zip); if ($len != 5 && $len != 9) { return 0.0; } if ($len == 5) { $zip5 = intval($zip); return $this->getTaxRateByZip5($sid, $zip5); } else { $zip5 = intval(_ml_substr($zip, 0, 5)); $zip4 = intval(_ml_substr($zip, 5, 4)); $rlt = $this->getTaxRateByZip9($sid, $zip5, $zip4); if ($rlt !== FALSE) { return $rlt; } return $this->getTaxRateByZip5($sid, $zip5); } }
/** * Processes action. */ function onAction() { global $application; $request = $application->getInstance('Request'); $search_pattern = trim($request->getValueByKey('search_pattern')); if (_ml_strlen($search_pattern) == 0) { modApiFunc('Session', 'un_Set', 'search_result_id'); } else { $search_id = modApiFunc('CatalogSearch', 'prepareProductsSearch', $search_pattern); modApiFunc('CatalogSearch', 'deleteOldSearches'); modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'search_result_id', $search_id); } $request = new Request(); $request->setView(CURRENT_REQUEST_URL); $request->encodeURLs = false; if (!empty($search_pattern)) { $request->setKey('keyword', $search_pattern); } $application->redirect($request); }
/** * Outputs the parent page select box */ function outputParentSelectBox() { $result = '<option value="0"' . ($this->_Page_Data['parent_id'] == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . getMsg('CMS', 'CMS_ROOT') . '</option>' . "\n"; $page_tree = modApiFunc('CMS', 'getPageTree'); $subtree = false; $level = ''; foreach ($page_tree as $v) { if ($v['page_id'] == $this->_Page_Data['page_id']) { $subtree = true; $level = $v['level']; } if (_ml_strlen($v['level']) <= _ml_strlen($level) && $v['page_id'] != $this->_Page_Data['page_id']) { $level = ''; $subtree = false; } if ($v['page_id'] != $this->_Page_Data['page_id'] && !$subtree) { $result .= '<option value="' . $v['page_id'] . '"' . ($this->_Page_Data['parent_id'] == $v['page_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_replace(' ', ' ', $v['level']) . $v['name'] . '</option>' . "\n"; } } return $result; }
/** * Validates the user input. It checks "New Product Type Description". */ function isValidTypeDescr($data) { $retval = is_string($data) && _ml_strlen(trim($data)) > 0 && _ml_strlen(trim($data)) < 513; return $retval; }
/** * Prepares data to output of possible mailing list. * * @return string - HTML code */ function outputSendSourceList($dirrection) { $retval = ""; $list = modApiFunc("Notifications", "getSendSourceList", $dirrection); $email_code_strlen = _ml_strlen($this->notificationInfo['Email_Code']); if ($this->notificationInfo['Email_Code'] == "EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR") { $selected_key = "EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR=" . $this->notificationInfo['Admin_ID']; } foreach ($list as $key => $address) { if ($dirrection == 'to') { if (!in_array($key, $this->usedSendToEmails)) { $retval .= "<option value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } } else { if ($this->currentNotificationId == 'Add') { $retval .= "<option value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } else { //"Edit" notification. if ($this->notificationInfo['Email_Code'] == "EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR") { if ($key == $selected_key) { $retval .= "<option selected value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } else { $retval .= "<option value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } } else { if ($this->notificationInfo['Email_Code'] != "EMAIL_CUSTOM") { if (_ml_substr($key, 0, $email_code_strlen) == $this->notificationInfo['Email_Code']) { $retval .= "<option selected value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } else { $retval .= "<option value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } } else { $retval .= "<option value='" . $key . "' >" . $address . "</option>"; } } } } } return $retval; }
function isFileFromDirectoryOrSubdirectories($dir_path, $file_path) { $d = realpath($dir_path); $f = realpath($file_path); return _ml_substr($f, 0, _ml_strlen($d)) == $d; }
/** * @ describe the function ProductList->getTag. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; $CatID = modApiFunc('CProductListFilter', 'getCurrentCategoryId'); switch ($tag) { case 'CurrentCategoryPath': $value = str_replace("/", " >> ", $this->_cats_paths[modApiFunc('CProductListFilter', 'getCurrentCategoryId')]); break; case 'Local_CategoriesBrowser_GoTo': $cb_obj = new CategoriesBrowser(); $this->cb_params['category_path_prefix'] = getMsg('CTL', 'PRFX_TARGET_CATEGORY'); $this->cb_params['buttons'] = array('go' => array('label' => 'BTN_GO', 'callback' => 'OnGoButtonClick(%CID%);', 'default_state' => 'disabled', 'enable_condition' => 'category_selected'), 'cancel' => array('label' => 'BTN_CANCEL', 'callback' => 'hideBlock(\'categories_browser_goto\');', 'default_state' => 'enabled')); $value = $cb_obj->output($this->cb_params); break; case 'Local_CategoriesBrowser_MoveTo': $cb_obj = new CategoriesBrowser(); $this->cb_params['category_path_prefix'] = getMsg('CTL', 'PRFX_TARGET_CATEGORY'); $this->cb_params['buttons'] = array('move' => array('label' => 'BTN_MOVE_PRD', 'callback' => 'OnMoveButtonClick(%CID%);', 'default_state' => 'disabled', 'enable_condition' => 'category_selected'), 'cancel' => array('label' => 'BTN_CANCEL', 'callback' => 'hideBlock(\'categories_browser_moveto\');', 'default_state' => 'enabled')); $value = $cb_obj->output($this->cb_params); break; case 'Local_CategoriesBrowser_CopyTo': $cb_obj = new CategoriesBrowser(); $this->cb_params['category_path_prefix'] = getMsg('CTL', 'PRFX_TARGET_CATEGORY'); $this->cb_params['buttons'] = array('move' => array('label' => 'BTN_COPY_PRD', 'callback' => 'OnCopyButtonClick(%CID%);', 'default_state' => 'disabled', 'enable_condition' => 'category_selected'), 'cancel' => array('label' => 'BTN_CANCEL', 'callback' => 'hideBlock(\'categories_browser_copyto\');', 'default_state' => 'enabled')); $value = $cb_obj->output($this->cb_params); break; case 'ProductListSubcategories': $value = $this->getSubcategoriesList(); break; case 'Breadcrumb': $value = modApiFunc("Breadcrumb", "output", true, "ProductList"); break; case 'Items': $value = $this->getProductList(); break; case 'CategoryName': $categoryInfo = new CCategoryInfo($CatID); $value = $categoryInfo->getCategoryTagValue('name'); break; case 'PaginatorLine': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output($this->paginator_name, "ProductList"); break; # override the PaginatorRows tag behavior # override the PaginatorRows tag behavior case 'PaginatorRows': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output($this->paginator_name, 'ProductList'); break; case 'Add_Product_Link': $request = new Request(); // $request->setView ( 'SelectProductType' ); $request->setView('Catalog_AddProduct'); $request->setKey('category_id', $CatID); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'Move_Products_Link': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('MoveProducts'); $request->setAction('SetEditableProducts'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'Copy_Products_Link': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('CopyProducts'); $request->setAction('SetEditableProducts'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'Edit_Product_Link': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('Catalog_EditProduct'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentProduct'); $request->setKey('prod_id', ''); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'Delete_Products_Link': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('DeleteProducts'); $request->setAction('SetEditableProducts'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'SortProdHref': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('SortProducts'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'ProductsInCatTotal': $value = $this->ProdNumInCat; break; case 'AlertMessage': $MessageResources =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources'); $err_mes = new ActionMessage(array('PRDLST_006')); $value = $MessageResources->getMessage($err_mes); break; case 'SortAlertMessage': if ($this->ProdNumInCat == 0) { $MessageResources =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources'); $err_mes = new ActionMessage(array('PRDLST_007')); $value = $MessageResources->getMessage($err_mes); } elseif ($this->ProdNumInCat == 1) { $MessageResources =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources'); $err_mes = new ActionMessage(array('PRDLST_008')); $value = $MessageResources->getMessage($err_mes); } else { $value = ''; } break; case 'ProductsNumber': $value = $this->_Cat_Info->getCategoryTagValue('productsnumber_non_recursively'); break; case 'ProductsNumberRecursively': $value = $this->_Cat_Info->getCategoryTagValue('productsnumberrecursively') - $this->_Cat_Info->getCategoryTagValue('productsnumber'); break; case 'SubcategoriesNumber': $value = $this->_Cat_Info->getCategoryTagValue('subcategoriesnumber'); break; case 'From': $value = $this->From; break; case 'To': $value = $this->To; break; case 'CategoryStatistics': $value = $this->outputCategoryStatistics(); break; case 'CurrensySign': $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencySign"); break; case 'ProductOfflineStatusReason': $prod_status_id = $this->_Current_Product->getProductTagValue('Available', PRODUCTINFO_NOT_LOCALIZED_DATA); $value = $prod_status_id == PRODUCT_STATUS_ONLINE ? getMsg('SYS', "PRODUCT_PARENT_STATUS_ONLINE") : ""; break; case 'ProductOfflineStatusColor': // Offline. // Online, , Offline - . $prod_status_id = $this->_Current_Product->getProductTagValue('Available', PRODUCTINFO_NOT_LOCALIZED_DATA); $value = $prod_status_id == PRODUCT_STATUS_ONLINE ? "rgb(175, 175, 175)" : "#FF0000"; break; case 'ProductCatsCount': $value = count($this->_Current_Product->getCategoriesIDs()); break; case 'ProductCatsList': $_ps = array(); $_cts = $this->_Current_Product->getCategoriesIDs(); foreach ($_cts as $cid) { $_ps[] = $this->_cats_paths[$cid]; } asort($_ps); $_ps = array_map("addslashes", array_map("_ml_htmlentities", $_ps)); $value = implode("<br>", $_ps); break; case 'ProductQuantityInStock': if ($this->_Current_Product->whichStockControlMethod() == PRODUCT_OPTIONS_INVENTORY_TRACKING) { $value = ""; $inv_qty = modApiFunc('Product_Options', 'getQuantityInStockByInventoryTable', 'product', $this->_Current_Product->getProductTagValue('ID')); if (Validator::isValidInt($inv_qty) == true) { $value = $inv_qty . ' ' . modApiFunc('Localization', 'getUnitTypeValue', 'item'); } } else { $value = $this->_Current_Product->getProductTagValue('QuantityInStock', PRODUCTINFO_NOT_LOCALIZED_DATA); if (Validator::isValidInt($value) == true) { $value = $this->_Current_Product->getProductTagValue('QuantityInStock', PRODUCTINFO_LOCALIZED_DATA); } } break; case 'HeaderData': if (empty($this->psf_filter)) { $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "catalog/prod_list/", "list-header-category-data.tpl.html", array()); } else { $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "catalog/prod_list/", "list-header-searchform-data.tpl.html", array()); } break; case 'SearchFilterData': $value = $this->getSearchFilterDataText(); break; case 'FooterData': if (empty($this->psf_filter)) { $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "catalog/prod_list/", "list-footer-category-data.tpl.html", array()); } else { $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "catalog/prod_list/", "list-footer-searchform-data.tpl.html", array()); } break; case 'IfSearchFormActive': $value = empty($this->psf_filter) ? '' : 'Y'; break; case 'ProductThumbnail': $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', 'catalog/prod_list/', 'list_item_image.tpl.html', array()); break; case 'Local_NoImageSrc': $value = $application->getAppIni('URL_IMAGES_DIR') . 'noimage.png'; break; case 'Local_SelectCategoriesProducts': $categorylist = modApiFunc("Catalog", "getSubcategoriesFullListWithParent", 1, false); foreach ($categorylist as $val => $data) { $catvalid = $data["id"]; if ($data['level'] == 2) { $value = '<option value="' . $catvalid . '" ' . ($CatID == $catvalid ? 'selected' : '') . '> ' . $data["name"] . '</option>'; } else { $value = '<option value="' . $catvalid . '" ' . ($CatID == $catvalid ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $data["name"] . '</option>'; } } break; default: if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'Local_SortBy') === 0) { $tag = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('Local_SortBy')); $value = $this->getSortLink($tag); break; } if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'Product') === 0) { $tag = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('Product')); } if (is_object($this->_Current_Product) && $this->_Current_Product->isTagExists($tag)) { $value = $this->_Current_Product->getProductTagValue($tag); } break; } return $value; }
function getCZSiteHTTPSURL($SiteURL) { global $application; // - HTTPS AVACTIS' . // - HTTP AVACTIS' . // SiteURL . SiteHTTPSURL. $AZ_AVACTIS_ROOT_HTTP_URL = $application->getAppIni("HTTP_URL_CONFIG.PHP"); $AZ_AVACTIS_ROOT_HTTPS_URL = $application->getAppIni("HTTPS_URL"); $url_cz = parse_url($SiteURL); $url_core = parse_url($AZ_AVACTIS_ROOT_HTTP_URL); $p_cz = explode("/", $url_cz['path']); $p_core = explode("/", $url_core['path']); foreach ($p_cz as $i => $p) { if (isset($p_core[$i]) && $p_cz[$i] == $p_core[$i] && !isset($p_cz[$i - 1])) { unset($p_cz[$i]); unset($p_core[$i]); } } $Path_CZ = implode("/", $p_cz); $Path_Core = implode("/", $p_core); $cz_https_url = preg_replace("/" . addcslashes($Path_Core, "/") . "/i", "", $AZ_AVACTIS_ROOT_HTTPS_URL); $cz_https_url .= $Path_CZ; if (_ml_strcasecmp("https://", _ml_substr($AZ_AVACTIS_ROOT_HTTPS_URL, 0, _ml_strlen("https://"))) !== 0) { return NULL; } else { return $cz_https_url; } }
/** * Outputs the parent page select box */ function outputParentSelectBox($id = -1, $selected = -1) { $result = ''; if ($id == -1) { $result = '<option value="">' . getMsg('CMS', 'CMS_ANY') . '</option>' . "\n"; } $result .= '<option value="0"' . ($selected == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . getMsg('CMS', 'CMS_ROOT') . '</option>' . "\n"; $subtree = false; $level = ''; foreach ($this->_page_tree as $v) { if ($v['page_id'] == $id) { $subtree = true; $level = $v['level']; } if (_ml_strlen($v['level']) <= _ml_strlen($level) && $v['page_id'] != $id) { $level = ''; $subtree = false; } if ($v['page_id'] != $id && !$subtree) { $result .= '<option value="' . $v['page_id'] . '"' . ($v['page_id'] == $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_replace(' ', ' ', $v['level']) . $v['name'] . '</option>' . "\n"; } } return $result; }
function __is_valid_string(&$string) { if (!is_string($string)) { return false; } if (_ml_strlen($string) > 256) { $string = _ml_substr($string, 0, 256); return true; } return true; }
function createXML($tagID, $parentXML = '') { // Creates XML string for a tag object // Specify parent XML to insert new string into parent XML $final = ''; // Get Reference to tag object $tag =& $this->xml_index[$tagID]; $name = $tag->name; $contents = $tag->contents; $attr_count = count($tag->attributes); $child_count = count($tag->tags); $empty_tag = $tag->contents == '' ? true : false; // Create intial tag if ($attr_count == 0) { // No attributes if ($empty_tag === true) { $final = "<{$name} />"; } else { $final = "<{$name}>{$contents}</{$name}>"; } } else { // Attributes present $attribs = ''; foreach ($tag->attributes as $key => $value) { $attribs .= ' ' . $key . "=\"{$value}\""; } if ($empty_tag === true) { $final = "<{$name}{$attribs} />"; } else { $final = "<{$name}{$attribs}>{$contents}</{$name}>"; } } // Search for children if ($child_count > 0) { foreach ($tag->tags as $childID) { $final = $this->createXML($childID, $final); } } if ($parentXML != '') { // Add tag XML to parent XML $stop1 = _ml_strrpos($parentXML, '</'); $stop2 = _ml_strrpos($parentXML, ' />'); if ($stop1 > $stop2) { // Parent already has children $begin_chunk = _ml_substr($parentXML, 0, $stop1); $end_chunk = _ml_substr($parentXML, $stop1, _ml_strlen($parentXML) - $stop1 + 1); $final = $begin_chunk . $final . $end_chunk; } elseif ($stop2 > $stop1) { // No previous children $spc = _ml_strpos($parentXML, ' ', 0); $parent_name = _ml_substr($parentXML, 1, $spc - 1); if ($spc != $stop2) { // Attributes present $parent_attribs = _ml_substr($parentXML, $spc, $stop2 - $spc); } else { // No attributes $parent_attribs = ''; } $final = "<{$parent_name}{$parent_attribs}>{$final}</{$parent_name}>"; } } return $final; }
/** * Prepares and returns necessary data, passed to the payment gateway. * * @ not all data is defined */ function getConfirmationData($orderId) { global $application; loadCoreFile('aal.class.php'); $request = new Request(); $request->setView(CURRENT_REQUEST_URL); $request->setAction("UpdatePaymentStatus"); $request->setKey("asc_oid", $orderId); $self_link = $request->getURL("", true); $currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "whichCurrencySendOrderToPaymentShippingGatewayIn", $orderId, $this->getUid()); $currency = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyCodeById", $currency_id); $ocntr = modApiFunc("Location", "getCountryCode", modApiFunc("Configuration", "getValue", SYSCONFIG_STORE_OWNER_COUNTRY)); $bn_code = "PentasoftCorp_Cart_WPS_" . $ocntr; $orderInfo = modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderInfo", $orderId, $currency_id); $discount = $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "DiscountsSum", $currency_id)); $gc = $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalPrepaidByGC", $currency_id)); $amount = $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "Subtotal", $currency_id) - $discount - $gc); if ($amount < 0) { $amount = 0; } $this->getSettings(); $confirmationData = array("FormMethod" => "POST", "DataFields" => array("cmd" => "_xclick", "rm" => "2", "business" => $this->Settings["MODULE_EMAIL"], "item_name" => modApiFunc("Configuration", "getValue", SYSCONFIG_STORE_OWNER_NAME), "amount" => number_format($amount, 2, '.', ''), "shipping" => number_format($this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalShippingAndHandlingCost", $currency_id)), 2, '.', ''), "tax" => number_format($this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "NotIncludedTax", $currency_id)), 2, '.', ''), "currency_code" => $currency, "bn" => $bn_code, "return" => $self_link . "&status=return", "notify_url" => $self_link . "&status=notify", "cancel_return" => $self_link . "&status=cancel")); if ($this->Settings['MODULE_CART'] == 1 && $discount == 0) { $items = array(); $n = 1; foreach ($orderInfo["Products"] as $productInfo) { $items["item_name_" . $n] = prepareHTMLDisplay($productInfo["name"]); $items["amount_" . $n] = number_format($productInfo["SalePrice"], 2); $items["quantity_" . $n] = $productInfo["qty"]; foreach ($productInfo["options"] as $i => $option) { if ($i > 1) { $items["os1_" . $n] .= ", " . $option["option_name"] . ": " . $option["option_value"]; if (_ml_strlen($items["os1_" . $n]) >= 200) { $items["os1_" . $n] = _ml_substr($items["os1_" . $n], 0, 197) . "..."; } } else { $items["on" . $i . "_" . $n] = $option["option_name"]; $items["os" . $i . "_" . $n] = $option["option_value"]; } } $n++; } $confirmationData["DataFields"] = array_merge($confirmationData["DataFields"], $items); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["cmd"] = "_cart"; $confirmationData["DataFields"]["upload"] = "1"; $confirmationData["DataFields"]["handling_cart"] = $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "TotalShippingAndHandlingCost", $currency_id)); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["tax_cart"] = $this->export_PRICE_N_A(modApiFunc("Checkout", "getOrderPrice", "NotIncludedTax", $currency_id)); unset($confirmationData["DataFields"]["shipping"]); unset($confirmationData["DataFields"]["tax"]); } if ($this->Settings['MODULE_BILLING_INFO'] == 1) { $billingInfo = new ArrayAccessLayer($orderInfo); $billingInfo->setAccessMask("Billing", "attr", AAL_CUSTOM_PARAM, "value"); if ($confirmationData["DataFields"]["cmd"] == "_xclick") { $confirmationData["DataFields"]["cmd"] = "_ext-enter"; $confirmationData["DataFields"]["redirect_cmd"] = "_xclick"; } $confirmationData["DataFields"]["first_name"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('Firstname'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["last_name"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('Lastname'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["address1"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('Streetline1'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["address2"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('Streetline2'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["city"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('City'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["state"] = modApiFunc("Location", "getStateCodeByStateName", $billingInfo->getByMask('State')); if (!$confirmationData["DataFields"]["state"]) { $confirmationData["DataFields"]["state"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('State'); } $confirmationData["DataFields"]["zip"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('Postcode'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["country"] = modApiFunc("Location", "getCountryCodeByCountryName", $billingInfo->getByMask('Country')); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["email"] = $billingInfo->getByMask('Email'); if ($billingInfo->getByMask('Phone')) { $phone = $billingInfo->getByMask('Phone'); $phone = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $phone); if (isset($confirmationData["DataFields"]["country"]) && $confirmationData["DataFields"]["country"] == "US") { if (_ml_strlen($phone) == 10) { $confirmationData["DataFields"]["night_phone_c"] = _ml_substr($phone, -4); $phone = _ml_substr($phone, 0, -4); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["night_phone_b"] = _ml_substr($phone, -3); $phone = _ml_substr($phone, 0, -3); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["night_phone_a"] = _ml_substr($phone, -3); } } } } if ($this->Settings['MODULE_ADDRESS_OVERRIDE'] == 1) { $shippingInfo = new ArrayAccessLayer($orderInfo); $shippingInfo->setAccessMask("Shipping", "attr", AAL_CUSTOM_PARAM, "value"); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["address_override"] = "1"; $confirmationData["DataFields"]["first_name"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Firstname'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["last_name"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Lastname'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["address1"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Streetline1'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["address2"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Streetline2'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["city"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('City'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["state"] = modApiFunc("Location", "getStateCodeByStateName", $shippingInfo->getByMask('State')); if (!$confirmationData["DataFields"]["state"]) { $confirmationData["DataFields"]["state"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('State'); } $confirmationData["DataFields"]["zip"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Postcode'); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["country"] = modApiFunc("Location", "getCountryCodeByCountryName", $shippingInfo->getByMask('Country')); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["email"] = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Email'); if ($shippingInfo->getByMask('Phone')) { $phone = $shippingInfo->getByMask('Phone'); $phone = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $phone); if (isset($confirmationData["DataFields"]["country"]) && $confirmationData["DataFields"]["country"] == "US") { if (_ml_strlen($phone) == 10) { $confirmationData["DataFields"]["night_phone_c"] = _ml_substr($phone, -4); $phone = _ml_substr($phone, 0, -4); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["night_phone_b"] = _ml_substr($phone, -3); $phone = _ml_substr($phone, 0, -3); $confirmationData["DataFields"]["night_phone_a"] = _ml_substr($phone, -3); } } } } $confirmationData['FormAction'] = $this->Settings['MODULE_MODE'] == 1 ? PAYPAL_URL_TEST : PAYPAL_URL; //=========================== logging request ======================== $msgObj = $application->getInstance("MessageResources", "payment-module-paypal-messages", "AdminZone"); $title = $msgObj->getMessage("MODULE_PAYMENT_TIMELINE_HEADER_CONFIRMATION_DATA"); $title = str_replace('{ORDER_ID}', $orderId, $title); $this->addRequestLog("LOG_PM_INPUT", "Payment Module Logs", $title, prepareArrayDisplay($confirmationData)); //=========================== logging request ======================== return $confirmationData; }
/** * Deletes tax rate by zip set. */ function onAction() { global $application; $SessionPost = array(); $SessionPost = $_POST; $Errors = array(); $Results = array(); $sets = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getSetsList"); if (isset($SessionPost["item_n"])) { $sid = $SessionPost["item_n"]; } else { // errors } if (isset($SessionPost["ViewState"]["FormSubmitValue"])) { switch ($SessionPost["ViewState"]["FormSubmitValue"]) { case "deleteSet": // check if set is used in tax rates if (modApiFunc("Taxes", "checkIfSetIsUsed", $sid)) { $Errors[] = str_replace("%1%", $sets[$sid], getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "SETS_LIST_CANNOT_DELETE_SET_IN_USE")); break; } else { modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "deleteSetFromDB", $sid); } break; case "checkRate": $sid = $SessionPost['CheckRate_sid']; $zip = $SessionPost['CheckRate_zip']; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $sets[$sid], getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_GOT_ARCHIVE")); $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", prepareHTMLDisplay($zip), getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_GOT_ZIP")); modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'CheckRateByZip', array("sid" => $sid, "zip" => $zip)); $zip = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $zip); $len = _ml_strlen($zip); if ($len != 5 && $len != 9) { $Results[] = getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_NOT_5_9_ZIP_ERROR"); break; } if ($len == 5) { $zip5 = intval($zip); $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $zip5, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_GOT_ZIP5")); $Results[] = getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_NO_ZIP4"); $rlt5 = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip5Strict", $sid, $zip5); $rlt5 = $rlt5 === FALSE ? 0.0 : $rlt5; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_STRICT_RLT")); $rlt5i = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip5Interval", $sid, $zip5); $rlt5i = $rlt5i === FALSE ? 0.0 : $rlt5i; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5i, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_INTERVAL_RLT")); $rlt5m = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip5Mask", $sid, $zip5); $rlt5m = $rlt5m === FALSE ? 0.0 : $rlt5m; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5m, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_MASK_RLT")); } else { $zip5 = intval(_ml_substr($zip, 0, 5)); $zip4 = intval(_ml_substr($zip, 5, 4)); $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $zip5, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_GOT_ZIP5")); $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $zip4, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_GOT_ZIP4")); $rlt5 = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip9Strict", $sid, $zip5, $zip4); $rlt5 = $rlt5 === FALSE ? 0.0 : $rlt5; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_STRICT_RLT")); $rlt5i = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip9Interval", $sid, $zip5, $zip4); $rlt5i = $rlt5i === FALSE ? 0.0 : $rlt5i; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5i, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_INTERVAL_RLT")); $rlt5m = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip9Mask", $sid, $zip5, $zip4); $rlt5m = $rlt5m === FALSE ? 0.0 : $rlt5m; $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5m, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_MASK_RLT")); // if (!$rlt5 && !$rlt5i && !$rlt5m) // { // $Results[] = getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_COULDNT_FIND_RATE_WITH_ZIP4"); // // $rlt5 = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip5Strict", $sid, $zip5); // $rlt5 = ($rlt5 === FALSE) ? 0.0 : $rlt5; // $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_STRICT_RLT")); // // $rlt5i = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip5Interval", $sid, $zip5); // $rlt5i = ($rlt5i === FALSE) ? 0.0 : $rlt5i; // $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5i, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_INTERVAL_RLT")); // // $rlt5m = modApiFunc("TaxRateByZip", "getTaxRateByZip5Mask", $sid, $zip5); // $rlt5m = ($rlt5m === FALSE) ? 0.0 : $rlt5m; // $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5m, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_MASK_RLT")); // } } if ($rlt5) { $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_STRICT_RLT_USED")); } else { if ($rlt5i) { $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5i, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_INTERVAL_RLT_USED")); } else { if ($rlt5m) { $Results[] = str_replace("%1%", $rlt5m, getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_MASK_RLT_USED")); } else { $Results[] = getMsg("TAX_ZIP", "CHECK_RATES_NO_RLT"); } } } break; default: _fatal(array("CODE" => "CORE_051"), __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $SessionPost["ViewState"]["FormSubmitValue"]); break; } } else { _fatal(array("CODE" => "CORE_051"), __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $SessionPost["ViewState"]["FormSubmitValue"]); } if (!empty($Errors)) { modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'Errors', $Errors); } if (!empty($Results)) { modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'Results', $Results); } // modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'SessionPost', $SessionPost); $request = new Request(); $request->setView('TaxRateByZip_Sets'); $application->redirect($request); }
function genThumbnail($product_id, $original_image_path, $thumb_side = null, $subfolder = '') { if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { return null; } $img_info = getimagesize($original_image_path); if (!(imagetypes() & $this->__imageTypeToBit($img_info[2]))) { return null; } $oimage = $this->getImageRes($original_image_path); if ($oimage == null) { return null; } $sets = $this->getSettings(); if ($thumb_side == null || intval($thumb_side) <= 0) { $thumb_side = $sets['THUMB_SIDE']; } else { $thum_side = intval($thumb_side); } list($dst_x, $dst_y) = $this->convertSizes($img_info[0], $img_info[1], $thumb_side); $dst_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_x, $dst_y); imagecolortransparent($dst_image, imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_image, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($dst_image, false); imagesavealpha($dst_image, true); imagecopyresampled($dst_image, $oimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_x, $dst_y, $img_info[0], $img_info[1]); global $application; $large_image_path_parts = pathinfo($original_image_path); $large_image_basename = $large_image_path_parts['basename']; $large_image_ext = $large_image_path_parts['extension']; $large_image_basename_without_ext = _ml_substr($large_image_basename, 0, -1 * _ml_strlen("." . $large_image_ext)); $thumb_basename = "thumb_" . $large_image_basename_without_ext . "." . $large_image_ext; $new_image_path = $application->getUploadImageName($thumb_basename, $subfolder); if ($large_image_ext == 'png' && imagepng($dst_image, $new_image_path)) { return $new_image_path; } if (imagejpeg($dst_image, $new_image_path, $application->getAppIni('JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY'))) { return $new_image_path; } else { return null; } }
function getCategoryName() { if ($this->_Current_Category == null) { return null; } $value = $this->_Current_Category['name']; if (_ml_strlen($value) > 27) { $value = preg_replace('/^(\\S+)\\s.*\\s(\\S+)$/', '\\1 ... \\2', $value); if (_ml_strlen($value) > 27) { $value = _ml_substr($value, 0, 12) . '...'; } } return $value; }
function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; //$CatID = $this->_Current_Category->getCategoryTagValue('ID'); switch ($tag) { case 'CategoryProducts': $value = $this->_Current_Category->getCategoryTagValue('productsnumber_non_recursively'); break; case 'CategoryProductsRec': $value = $this->_Current_Category->getCategoryTagValue('productsnumberrecursively_all_product_links'); break; case 'FeaturedProducts': $value = $this->outputFeaturedProducts(); break; case 'BestsellersProducts': $value = $this->outputBestsellersProducts(); break; default: if (is_object($this->_Current_Category) && $this->_Current_Category->isTagExists($tag)) { $value = $this->_Current_Category->getCategoryTagValue($tag); } else { if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'Category') === 0) { $tag = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('Category')); if (is_object($this->_Current_Category) && $this->_Current_Category->isTagExists($tag)) { $value = $this->_Current_Category->getCategoryTagValue($tag); } } } break; } return $value; }
/** * */ function outputCCTypes() { global $application; $cc_types = modApiFunc("Configuration", "getCreditCardSettings", false); $retval = ""; $name_input_id = 1; foreach ($cc_types as $type) { $this->_CCType = array("id" => $type["id"], "name" => $type["name"], "name_input_id" => $name_input_id, "tag" => $type["tag"], "visible" => $type["visible"], "type" => _ml_substr($type["tag"], _ml_strlen("common_cc_type")) == "common_cc_type" ? "common" : $type["tag"], "StatusVisible" => $type["visible"] == DB_TRUE ? "SELECTED" : "", "StatusInvisible" => $type["visible"] == DB_TRUE ? "" : "SELECTED"); $name_input_id++; if (_ml_strpos($this->_CCType["tag"], "without_validation") === 0) { $this->_CCType["tag"] = getMsg('SYS', 'CREDIT_CARDS_TAG_COMMON_TYPE'); } $application->registerAttributes($this->_CCType); $retval .= $this->mTmplFiller->fill("configuration/credit_card_settings/", "credit_cards_list_item.tpl.html", array()); } return $retval; }
/** * @ describe the function ProductList->getTag. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; $CatID = modApiFunc('CProductListFilter', 'getCurrentCategoryId'); $moveto_category_full_path = modApiFunc("Catalog", "getCategoryFullPath", modApiFunc("Catalog", "getMoveToCategoryID")); switch ($tag) { case 'HiddenArrayViewState': $value = $this->outputViewState(); break; case 'asc_action': $value = $this->outputAction(); break; case 'Items': $value = $this->outputSubcategoriesList(modApiFunc("Catalog", "getMoveToCategoryID")); break; case 'New_Path': $value = $this->outputLocationBreadcrumb($moveto_category_full_path, true); break; case 'New_Path_Breadcrumb': $value = $this->outputNewLocation($moveto_category_full_path); break; case 'Move_Href': $value = $this->outputMoveHref(); break; case 'Move_Object': $value = $this->outputMoveObject(); break; case 'Move_Subject': $value = $this->outputMoveSubject(); break; case 'Breadcrumb': $obj =& $application->getInstance('Breadcrumb'); $value = $obj->output(false); break; case 'Button': $value = $this->outputButton(); break; default: if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'Category') === 0) { $tag = _ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('Category')); } if ($this->_Current_Category->isTagExists($tag)) { $value = $this->_Current_Category->getCategoryTagValue($tag); } break; } return $value; }
function __getBottomHeight() { // x $len = 0; $xlabels = $this->bar_chart->get_xlabels(); if (!empty($xlabels)) { foreach ($xlabels as $label) { $len = max($len, _ml_strlen($label['text'])); } } // 4 35 return max(round($len / 4 * 28), 35); }
/** * Checks, whether the password length is valid. * * @param string $new_password - a new admin password * @return boolean true, if the length is from 8 to 32, false, otherwise */ function isValidNewPasswordLength($new_password) { $retval = true; $lenght = _ml_strlen($new_password); if ($lenght < 8 || $lenght > 32) { $retval = false; } return $retval; }
/** 2.1 Mask account numbers when displayed (the first six and last four digits are the maximum number of digits to be displayed). CVV . Visa U.S.A. Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) Payment Application Best Practices */ function cvv2public($cvv) { $len = _ml_strlen($cvv); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $cvv[$i] = "*"; } return $cvv; }
/** * @ describe the function ManageOrders->. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'CountByStatus0': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 0); break; case 'CountByStatus1': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 1); break; case 'CountByStatus2': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 2); break; case 'CountByStatus3': $value = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderCount', 3); break; case 'SearchStatusSelector': $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); $status_array = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderStatusList'); if (isset($this->_filter['status_id']) && $this->_filter['status_id'] != "") { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['status_id']; } foreach ($status_array as $status) { $sel = 0; if (isset($this->_filter['order_statuses']) && is_array($this->_filter['order_statuses']) && isset($this->_filter['order_statuses'][$status['id']])) { $sel = 1; } $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $status['id'], 'name' => $status['name'], 'selected' => $sel); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-status-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchPaymentStatusSelector': $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); if (isset($this->_filter['payment_status_id']) && $this->_filter['payment_status_id'] != "") { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['payment_status_id']; } $status_array = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderPaymentStatusList'); foreach ($status_array as $status) { $sel = 0; if (isset($this->_filter['payment_statuses']) && is_array($this->_filter['payment_statuses']) && isset($this->_filter['payment_statuses'][$status['id']])) { $sel = 1; } $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $status['id'], 'name' => $status['name'], 'selected' => $sel); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-payment-status-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchFromDaySelector': $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['from_day']; $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-from-day-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchFromMonthSelector': $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['from_month']; $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $this->MessageResources->getMessage("GENERAL_MONTH_" . $num)); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-from-month-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchFromYearSelector': $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['from_year']; $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); $curr_year_4digits = date('Y'); $start_year = (int) modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_START_YEAR'); $offset_to = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_YEAR_OFFSET'); for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $curr_year_4digits + $offset_to; $i++) { $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $i, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-from-year-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchToDaySelector': if (empty($this->_filter['to_day']) == false) { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['to_day']; } else { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = date("j"); } $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-to-day-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchToMonthSelector': if (empty($this->_filter['to_month']) == false) { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['to_month']; } else { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = date("m"); } $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $num = sprintf("%02d", $i); $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $num, 'name' => $this->MessageResources->getMessage("GENERAL_MONTH_" . $num)); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-to-month-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchToYearSelector': if (empty($this->_filter['to_year']) == false) { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = $this->_filter['to_year']; } else { $this->_simple_selector['selected'] = date("Y"); } $this->_simple_selector['options'] = array(); $curr_year_4digits = date('Y'); $start_year = (int) modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_START_YEAR'); $offset_to = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'VISUAL_INTERFACE', 'SEARCH_YEAR_OFFSET'); for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $curr_year_4digits + $offset_to; $i++) { $this->_simple_selector['options'][] = array('value' => $i, 'name' => $i); } $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search-to-year-selector.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SimpleSelectorOption': $selected = $this->_simple_selector['selected']; $value = ""; foreach ($this->_simple_selector['options'] as $option) { $sel = $option['value'] == $selected ? " selected" : ""; $value .= "<OPTION value=\"" . $option['value'] . "\"" . $sel . ">" . $option['name'] . "</OPTION>\n"; } break; case 'SimpleCheckBoxGroup_Orders': $selected = $this->_simple_selector['selected']; $value = ""; $items_per_col = 2; // number of items per column $idx = 0; $flag = 0; foreach ($this->_simple_selector['options'] as $option) { if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0) { $value .= "<TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $sel = ""; $highlight = ""; if ($option['selected'] == 1) { $sel = "checked"; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == "date") { $highlight = "style='color: black;'"; } } $name = "order_" . preg_replace("/ /", "", $option['name']); $value .= "<TD {$highlight}><INPUT class='form-control input-inline input-sm' id='" . $name . "' name='order_status[" . $option['value'] . "]' type='checkbox' " . $sel . "> " . $option['name'] . "</TD>\n"; if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0 && $flag == 1) { $value .= "</TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $flag = 1; $idx++; } break; case 'SimpleCheckBoxGroup_Payments': $selected = $this->_simple_selector['selected']; $value = ""; $items_per_col = 1; // number of items per column $idx = 0; $flag = 0; foreach ($this->_simple_selector['options'] as $option) { if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0) { $value .= "<TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $sel = ""; $highlight = ""; if ($option['selected'] == 1) { $sel = "checked"; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == "date") { $highlight = "color: black;"; } } $name = "payment_" . preg_replace("/ /", "", $option['name']); $value .= "<TD style='margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;" . $highlight . "'><INPUT class='form-control input-inline input-sm' id='" . $name . "' name='payment_status[" . $option['value'] . "]' type='checkbox' " . $sel . "> " . $option['name'] . "</TD>\n"; if ($idx % $items_per_col == 0 && $flag == 1) { $value .= "</TR>\n"; $flag = 0; } $flag = 1; $idx++; } break; case 'ResultCount': $from = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorOffset") + 1; $to = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorOffset") + modApiFunc("Paginator", "getPaginatorRowsPerPage", "Checkout_Orders"); $total = modApiFunc("Paginator", "getCurrentPaginatorTotalRows"); if ($to > $total) { $to = $total; } if ($total <= modApiFunc("Paginator", "getPaginatorRowsPerPage", "Checkout_Orders")) { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage(new ActionMessage(array("ORDERS_RESULTS_LESS_THEN_ROWS_PER_PAGE_FOUND", $total))); } else { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage(new ActionMessage(array("ORDERS_RESULTS_MORE_THEN_ROWS_PER_PAGE_FOUND", $from, $to, $total))); } break; case 'ResultDateRange': $count = count($this->_orders); if ($count == 0) { $value = ""; break; } elseif ($count == 1) { $orderInfo = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_orders[0]]; $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $orderInfo['order_date']); break; } $first_in_list_order_info = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_orders[0]]; $last_in_list_order_info = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_orders[$count - 1]]; $value = $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $last_in_list_order_info['order_date']) . " - " . modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $first_in_list_order_info['order_date']); break; case 'ResultAmount': if (count($this->_orders) == 0) { $value = 0; break; } $amount = 0; $all_orders_are_in_main_currency = true; $main_store_currency = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyCodeById", modApiFunc("Localization", "getMainStoreCurrency")); foreach ($this->_orders as $order_id) { // order_total main_store_currency . // order' , default ( . . // main_store_currency ). // default currency main_store_currency, // , . order_total // . $order_default_currency = modApiFunc("Localization", "getOrderMainCurrency", $order_id, $this->_fetched_orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list']); $order_total_in_order_default_currency = $this->_fetched_orders[$order_id]['price_total'][$order_default_currency]['order_total']; if ($order_default_currency == $main_store_currency) { //var_dump($order); $amount += $order_total_in_order_default_currency; } else { $all_orders_are_in_main_currency = false; $total = modApiFunc('Currency_Converter', 'convert', $order_total_in_order_default_currency, $order_default_currency, $main_store_currency); $amount += $total; } } $main_store_currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getMainStoreCurrency"); modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $main_store_currency_id, $main_store_currency_id); $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", $amount); modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency"); if ($all_orders_are_in_main_currency == false) { $value = "~" . $value; } break; case 'ResultTaxTotal': break; case 'ResultFullTaxExempt': break; case 'ResultTaxTotalMinusFullTaxExempt': $tax_summary = $this->__getTaxSummary(); $value = $tax_summary[$tag]; break; case 'Items': $value = $this->getOrders(); break; case 'OrderStatusSelector': $value = '<select class="form-control input-sm input-small" name="status_id[' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ']" onchange="onStatusChanged(' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ')">'; if (!isset($this->OrderStatusList)) { $this->OrderStatusList = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderStatusList'); } foreach ($this->OrderStatusList as $status) { $value .= '<option value="' . $status['id'] . '" ' . ($status['id'] == $this->_order['StatusId'] ? " selected" : "") . '>' . $status['name'] . '</option>'; } $value .= '</select>'; break; case 'OrderIdLinkTitle': $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_RESULTS_ORDER_ID_LINK_TITLE'); break; case 'OrderCustomerNameLinkTitle': $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_RESULTS_ORDER_CUSTOMER_NAME_LINK_TITLE'); break; case 'OrderPaymentStatusSelector': $value = '<select class="form-control input-sm input-small" name="payment_status_id[' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ']" onchange="onStatusChanged(' . $this->_order['IdInt'] . ')">\\n'; if (!isset($this->OrderPaymentStatusList)) { $this->OrderPaymentStatusList = modApiFunc('Checkout', 'getOrderPaymentStatusList'); } foreach ($this->OrderPaymentStatusList as $status) { $this->_payment_status = $status; $value .= '<option value="' . $status['id'] . '" ' . ($status['id'] == $this->_order['PaymentStatusId'] ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $status['name'] . '</option>'; } $value .= '</select>'; break; case 'SearchOrders': $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "search.tpl.html", array()); break; case 'SearchBy': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status') { $msg = ""; switch ($this->_filter['filter_status_id']) { case 0: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_ALL'); break; case 1: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_NEW_ORDERS'); break; case 2: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_IN_PROGRESS'); break; case 3: $msg = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_READY_TO_SHIP'); break; } $value = $msg; } elseif ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date') { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_FILTER'); } elseif ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'id') { $value = $this->MessageResources->getMessage('ORDERS_SEARCH_ORDER_ID'); } break; case 'SearchResults': if (count($this->_orders) == 0) { $value = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "checkout/orders/", "empty.tpl.html", array()); } else { $value = $this->TemplateFiller->fill("checkout/orders/", "results.tpl.html", array()); } break; case 'HighLightAll': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 0) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightNewOrders': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 1) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightInProgress': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 2) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightReadyToShip': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'status' && $this->_filter['filter_status_id'] == 3) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightDate': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date') { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightDateOrderStatus': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date' && isset($this->_filter['order_statuses'])) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightDateOrderPaymentStatus': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date' && isset($this->_filter['payment_statuses'])) { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightOrderId': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'id') { $value = "color: blue;"; } break; case 'HighLightAffiliateId': if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'date' && !empty($this->_filter['affiliate_id'])) { $value = "style='color: blue;font-weight:bold;'"; } break; case 'SearchingOrderId': $value = ""; if ($this->_filter['search_by'] == 'id' && !empty($this->_filter['order_id'])) { $value = $this->_filter['order_id']; } break; case 'DeleteOrdersLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('DeleteOrders'); $request->setAction('SetOrdersForDeleteAction'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'PaginatorLine': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output("Checkout_Orders", "Orders"); break; # PaginatorRows # PaginatorRows case 'PaginatorRows': $obj =& $application->getInstance($tag); $value = $obj->output("Checkout_Orders", 'Orders', 'PGNTR_ORD_ITEMS'); break; case 'ResultMessageRow': $value = $this->outputResultMessage(); break; case 'ResultMessage': $value = $this->_Template_Contents['ResultMessage']; break; case 'PackingSlipLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('OrderPackingSlip'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentOrder'); $request->setKey('order_id', $this->_order['IdInt']); // uncomment the following link to force printing // $request -> setKey('do_print', 'Y'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'InvoiceLink': $request = new Request(); $request->setView('OrderInvoice'); $request->setAction('SetCurrentOrder'); $request->setKey('order_id', $this->_order['IdInt']); // uncomment the following link to force printing // $request -> setKey('do_print', 'Y'); $value = $request->getURL(); break; case 'AffiliateIDSearch': $v = isset($this->_filter['affiliate_id']) ? $this->_filter['affiliate_id'] : ""; $value = "<input type='text' name='affiliate_id' size='28' class='form-control form-filter input-sm' value='" . $v . "' />"; break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'order') { if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'price') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('price'))); if ($tag == 'total') { $value = $this->_order['Total']; if ($this->_order['TotalInMainStoreCurrency'] !== NULL) { $value = $this->_order['TotalInMainStoreCurrency'] . ' (' . $value . ')'; } } elseif ($tag == 'subtotal') { $value = $this->_order['Subtotal']; } else { if ($tag == 'taxes') { $full_tax_exempt_orders = $this->__getFullTaxExemptOrders(); $code = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_order['IdInt']]["order_currencies_list"]["CURRENCY_TYPE_MAIN_STORE_CURRENCY"]["currency_code"]; $value = $this->_fetched_orders[$this->_order['IdInt']]["price_total"][$code]["order_tax_total"]; $crcy_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyIdByCode", $code); modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $crcy_id, $crcy_id); $value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", $value); $null_value = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", "0.0000"); modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency"); if (array_key_exists($this->_order['IdInt'], $full_tax_exempt_orders)) { $value = $null_value . " (ex. {$value})"; } } else { $prices = getKeyIgnoreCase('price', $this->_order); $value = $prices[$tag]; } } } elseif (_ml_strpos($tag, 'customer') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('customer'))); switch ($tag) { case 'name': $value = $this->_order['PersonName']; break; case 'id': $value = $this->_order['PersonId']; break; case 'infoname': $value = $this->_order['PersonInfoName']; break; } } else { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_order); } } break; } return $value; }
function isValidStringMinLength($value, $len) { return Validator::isNotEmpty($value) and _ml_strlen($value) >= $len; }
/** * @ describe the function OrderInfo->. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'CustomerInfo': $value = $this->getCustomerInfo(); break; case 'BillingInfo': $value = $this->getBillingInfo(); break; case 'ShippingInfo': $value = $this->getShippingInfo(); break; case 'CreditCardInfo': $value = $this->getCreditCardInfo(); break; case 'Orders': $value = $this->getOrders(); break; case 'LastOrderId': $value = $this->_customer['ID']; break; case 'CHECKOUT_ORDER_INFO_REMOVE_ENCRYPTED_PERSON_INFO_MSG': case 'CHECKOUT_ORDER_INFO_REMOVE_ENCRYPTED_PERSON_INFO_CONFIRM_MSG': $value = $this->_msg[$tag]; break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'group') { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_group); } elseif ($entity == 'attribute') { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_attr); } elseif ($entity == 'order') { if (_ml_strpos($tag, 'price') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('price'))); if ($tag == 'total') { $value = $this->_order['Total']; } elseif ($tag == 'subtotal') { $value = $this->_order['Subtotal']; } else { $prices = getKeyIgnoreCase('price', $this->_order); $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $prices); } } elseif (_ml_strpos($tag, 'customer') === 0) { $tag = _ml_strtolower(_ml_substr($tag, _ml_strlen('customer'))); $customer = getKeyIgnoreCase('customer', $this->_order); $value = $customer['attr'][$tag]['value']; } else { $value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_order); } } break; } return $value; }
/** * Validates the user input. It check "Meta Keywords" and "Meta Description". */ function isValidMetaField($data) { $retval = _ml_strlen(trim($data)) <= 1024; return $retval; }