public function qiantai() { sleep(2); $out_trade_no = $_GET['out_trade_no']; //商户订单号 $dingdaninfo = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_addmoney_record` where `code` = '{$out_trade_no}'"); if (!$dingdaninfo || $dingdaninfo['status'] == '未付款') { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($agent, "comFront") || strpos($agent, "iPhone") || strpos($agent, "MIDP-2.0") || strpos($agent, "Opera Mini") || strpos($agent, "UCWEB") || strpos($agent, "Android") || strpos($agent, "Windows CE") || strpos($agent, "SymbianOS")) { _messagemobile("支付失败!", WEB_PATH . "/member/mobile"); } else { _message("支付失败!", WEB_PATH . "/member/cart/paysuccess"); } } else { if (empty($dingdaninfo['scookies'])) { _message("充值成功!", WEB_PATH . "/member/home/userbalance"); } else { if ($dingdaninfo['scookies'] == '1') { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($agent, "comFront") || strpos($agent, "iPhone") || strpos($agent, "MIDP-2.0") || strpos($agent, "Opera Mini") || strpos($agent, "UCWEB") || strpos($agent, "Android") || strpos($agent, "Windows CE") || strpos($agent, "SymbianOS")) { _messagemobile("支付成功!", WEB_PATH . "/member/mobile"); } else { _message("支付成功!", WEB_PATH . "/member/cart/paysuccess"); } } else { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($agent, "comFront") || strpos($agent, "iPhone") || strpos($agent, "MIDP-2.0") || strpos($agent, "Opera Mini") || strpos($agent, "UCWEB") || strpos($agent, "Android") || strpos($agent, "Windows CE") || strpos($agent, "SymbianOS")) { _messagemobile("商品还未购买,请重新购买商品!", WEB_PATH . "/member/mobile"); } else { _message("商品还未购买,请重新购买商品!", WEB_PATH . "/member/cart/paysuccess"); } } } } }
private function return_meg($content = '', $title = '', $type = "") { if (_is_mobile()) { _messagemobile($content, $title, $type); } else { _message($content); } }
function wx_callback() { session_start(); if ($_GET["state"] != $_SESSION["wxState"]) { _messagemobile("登录验证失败!", "" . $wx_set['back'] . "/?/mobile/user/login"); } $this->db = System::load_sys_class('model'); $wx_set = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * from `@#_wxset` "); $code = $_GET["code"]; $procode = $this->segment(4); file_put_contents('t.txt', "\n\r\r\n-----procode:" . $procode, FILE_APPEND); $response = file_get_contents("" . $wx_set['appid'] . "&secret=" . $wx_set['secret'] . "&code={$code}&grant_type=authorization_code"); $jsondecode = json_decode($response, true); $wx_openid = $jsondecode["openid"]; if (empty($wx_openid)) { _messagemobile("绑定出错,请联系管理员。"); die; } $access_token = $jsondecode["access_token"]; $response = file_get_contents("{$access_token}&openid={$wx_openid}"); $jsondecode = json_decode($response, true); $nickname = $jsondecode["nickname"]; $go_user_info = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_band` where `b_code` = '{$wx_openid}' and `b_type` = 'weixin' LIMIT 1"); if (!$go_user_info) { $userpass = md5("123456"); $go_user_img = 'photo/member.jpg'; $go_user_time = time(); $q1 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member` (`username`,`password`,`img`,`band`,`time`,`money`,`first`,code) VALUES ('{$nickname}','{$userpass}','{$go_user_img}','weixin','{$go_user_time}',0,1,'{$procode}')"); $uid = $this->db->insert_id(); $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_band` (`b_uid`, `b_type`, `b_code`, `b_time`) VALUES ('{$uid}', 'weixin', '{$wx_openid}', '{$go_user_time}')"); $member = $this->db->GetOne("select uid,password,mobile,email from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); $se1 = _setcookie("uid", _encrypt($member['uid']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); $se2 = _setcookie("ushell", _encrypt(md5($member['uid'] . $member['password'] . $member['mobile'] . $member['email'])), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home/mobilebind"; header("Location:{$callback_url}"); } else { $uid = $go_user_info["b_uid"]; $member = $this->db->GetOne("select uid,password,mobile,email from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); $se1 = _setcookie("uid", _encrypt($member['uid']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); $se2 = _setcookie("ushell", _encrypt(md5($member['uid'] . $member['password'] . $member['mobile'] . $member['email'])), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); if (!$member['mobile']) { $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home/mobilebind"; header("Location:{$callback_url}"); } else { $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/mobile/activity/"; header("Location:{$callback_url}"); } } }
public function payinfo() { $msg = $this->segment(4); if ($msg == "cancel") { $msg = '交易取消!'; } else { if ($msg == "fail") { $msg = '交易失败!'; } else { if ($msg == "nowechat") { $msg = '请关注微信公众号在微信中登录后进行支付操作!'; } else { $msg = '交易错误:' . urldecode($msg); } } } _messagemobile($msg); }
private function qiantai() { sleep(2); $out_trade_no = $this->out_trade_no; $dingdaninfo = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_addmoney_record` where `code` = '{$out_trade_no}'"); $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $uachar = "/(nokia|sony|ericsson|mot|samsung|sgh|lg|philips|panasonic|alcatel|lenovo|cldc|midp|mobile)/i"; if (($ua == '' || preg_match($uachar, $ua)) && !strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 'wap')) { if (!$dingdaninfo || $dingdaninfo['status'] == '未付款') { _messagemobile("支付失败"); } else { if (empty($dingdaninfo['scookies'])) { _messagemobile("充值成功!<a href=" . WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home/userbalance>查看账户明细</a>"); } else { if ($dingdaninfo['scookies'] == '1') { header("location: " . WEB_PATH . "/mobile/cart/paysuccess"); } else { _messagemobile("商品还未购买,请!<a href=" . WEB_PATH . "/member/cart/cartlist>返回购物车</a>重新购买商品"); } } } } else { if (!$dingdaninfo || $dingdaninfo['status'] == '未付款') { _message("支付失败"); } else { if (empty($dingdaninfo['scookies'])) { _message("充值成功!", WEB_PATH . "/member/home/userbalance"); } else { if ($dingdaninfo['scookies'] == '1') { _message("支付成功!", WEB_PATH . "/member/cart/paysuccess"); } else { _message("商品还未购买,请重新购买商品!", WEB_PATH . "/member/cart/cartlist"); } } } } }
public function goodspost_jf() { $webname = $this->_cfg['web_name']; $key = "晒单评论"; $itemid = intval($this->segment(4)); $shoplist = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_jf_shoplist` where `sid`='{$itemid}'"); if (!$shoplist) { _messagemobile('页面错误!'); } $shop = ''; foreach ($shoplist as $list) { $shop .= $list['id'] . ','; } $id = trim($shop, ','); if ($id) { $shaidan = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_shopid` IN ({$id}) order by `sd_id` DESC"); $sum = 0; foreach ($shaidan as $sd) { $shaidan_hueifu = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan_hueifu` where `sdhf_id`='{$sd['sd_id']}'"); $sum = $sum + count($shaidan_hueifu); } } else { $shaidan = 0; $sum = 0; } include templates("mobile/index", "goodspost"); }
function x__message($a, $b = null, $c = 2) { _messagemobile($a, $b, $c); }
public function addmoney() { parent::__construct(); $webname = $this->_cfg['web_name']; $money = $this->segment(4); // 获取充值金额 $pay_id = $this->segment(5); // 获取选择的支付方式 if (!$this->userinfo) { header("location: " . WEB_PATH . "/mobile/user/login"); exit; } $payment = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_pay` where `pay_id` = " . $pay_id); if (!$payment) { _messagemobile("对不起,没有您所选择的支付方式!"); } if (!empty($payment)) { $pay_type_bank = $payment['pay_class']; } $pay_type_id = $pay_id; // $pay_type_bank=isset($_POST['pay_bank']) ? $_POST['pay_bank'] : false; // $pay_type_id=isset($_POST['account']) ? $_POST['account'] : false; // $money=intval($_POST['money']); $uid = $this->userinfo['uid']; $pay = System::load_app_class('pay', 'pay'); $pay->pay_type_bank = $pay_type_bank; $ok = $pay->init($uid, $pay_type_id, 'addmoney_record', $money); if ($ok === 'not_pay') { _messagemobile("未选择支付平台"); } }
public function resetpassword() { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $key = $_POST["hidKey"]; $password = md5($_POST["userpassword"]); $checkcode = explode("|", _encrypt($key, "DECODE")); if (count($checkcode) != 3) { _messagemobile("未知错误", NULL, 3); } $emailurl = explode("@", $checkcode[0]); if ($emailurl[1]) { $sql = "select * from `@#_member` where `email`='{$checkcode['0']}' AND `passcode`= '{$checkcode['1']}|{$checkcode['2']}' LIMIT 1"; } else { $sql = "select * from `@#_member` where `mobile`='{$checkcode['0']}' AND `passcode`= '{$checkcode['1']}|{$checkcode['2']}' LIMIT 1"; } $member = $this->DB()->GetOne($sql); if (!$member) { _messagemobile("未知错误!"); } $this->DB()->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `password`='{$password}',`passcode`='-1' where `uid`='{$member['uid']}'"); _messagemobile("密码重置成功", WEB_PATH . "/mobile/user/login"); } }
private function qq_set_member($uid = null, $type = 'bind_add_login') { $member_db = System::load_app_class('base', 'member'); $memberone = $member_db->get_user_info(); if ($memberone) { _messagemobile("该QQ号已经被其他用户所绑定!", WEB_PATH . '/login'); } $member = $this->db->GetOne("select uid,password,mobile,email from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); $_COOKIE['uid'] = null; $_COOKIE['ushell'] = null; $_COOKIE['UID'] = null; $_COOKIE['USHELL'] = null; $time = time(); $user_ip = _get_ip_dizhi(); $this->db->GetOne("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `user_ip` = '{$user_ip}',`login_time` = '{$time}' where `uid` = '{$uid}'"); $s1 = _setcookie("uid", _encrypt($member['uid']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); $s2 = _setcookie("ushell", _encrypt(md5($member['uid'] . $member['password'] . $member['mobile'] . $member['email'])), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); $domain = System::load_sys_config('domain'); if (isset($domain[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']])) { if ($domain[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']]['m'] == 'mobile') { $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home"; } else { $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/member/home"; } } else { $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/member/home"; } if ($s1 && $s2) { if (!$member['email'] || !$member['mobile']) { _messagemobile("登录成功,请绑定邮箱或手机号和及时修改默认密码!", $callback_url); } _messagemobile("登录成功!", $callback_url); } else { _messagemobile("登录失败请检查cookie!", G_WEB_PATH); } }
public function addmoney() { parent::__construct(); $webname = $this->_cfg['web_name']; $money = $this->segment(4); //获取充值金额 $banktype = $this->segment(5); //获取选择的银行 CMBCHINA ICBC CCB if (!$this->userinfo) { header("location: " . WEB_PATH . "/mobile/user/login"); exit; } $zhifutype = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_pay` where `pay_class` = 'yeepay'"); if (!$zhifutype) { _messagemobile("手机支付只支持易宝,请联系站长开通!"); } if (!empty($zhifutype)) { $pay_type_bank = $zhifutype['pay_class']; } $pay_type_id = $banktype; //$pay_type_bank=isset($_POST['pay_bank']) ? $_POST['pay_bank'] : false; //$pay_type_id=isset($_POST['account']) ? $_POST['account'] : false; //$money=intval($_POST['money']); $uid = $this->userinfo['uid']; $pay = System::load_app_class('pay', 'pay'); $pay->pay_type_bank = $pay_type_bank; $pay->init($uid, $pay_type_id, 'addmoney_record', $money); }