public static function write($id, $ref = array()) { switch ($id) { case 1: return _h('Gratulation, Du hast das Abzeichen "Populäre Frage" bekommen! Siehe <a href="#">dein Profil</a>.', $ref); default: return _h('Unbekannte Benachrichtigungsinformation'); } }
function program_courses_field($prog) { $field = '<div class="form-group">'; $field .= '<label class="col-md-3 control-label">' . _t('Courses') . ' <a href="' . url('/') . 'program/' . _h($prog[0]['acadProgID']) . '/crse/"><img src="' . url('/') . 'static/common/theme/images/cascade.png" /></a></label>'; $field .= '<div class="col-md-1">'; $field .= '<input class="form-control" type="text" disabled value="X" class="center" />'; $field .= '</div>'; $field .= '</div>'; echo $field; }
/** * Subject dropdown: shows general list of subjects and * if $subjectCode is not NULL, shows the subject attached * to a particular record. * * @deprecated since release 6.1.12 * @see table_dropdown * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $subjectCode * - optional * @return string Returns the record key if selected is true. */ function subject_code_dropdown($subjectCode = NULL) { _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '6.1.12', 'table_dropdown'); $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $subj = $app->db->subject()->select('subjectCode,subjectName')->where('subjectCode <> "NULL"'); $q = $subj->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); foreach ($q as $v) { echo '<option value="' . _h($v['subjectCode']) . '"' . selected($subjectCode, _h($v['subjectCode']), false) . '>' . _h($v['subjectCode']) . ' ' . _h($v['subjectName']) . '</option>' . "\n"; } }
public static function format_date($time = 0) { $d = time() - $time; if ($d < 100) { return _h("{0} seconds ago", array($d)); } if ($d < 3600) { return _h("{0} minutes ago", array(floor($d / 60))); } if ($d < 86400) { return _h("{0} hours ago", array(floor($d / 3600))); } if ($d < 500000) { return _h("{0} days ago", array(floor($d / 86400))); } return _h("on {0}", array(date(_h("M j 'y"), $time))); }
// The value/whats selected (if type is radio, select, etc) $entry_fields[$var]['choice'] = array(); if ($type == 'date') { $entry_fields[$var]['class'] = array('edit_entry_date'); } else { $entry_fields[$var]['class'] = array(); } // Multiple classes } } addField('entry_id', 'hidden', __('Entry ID')); $entry_fields['entry_id']['add'] = FALSE; addField('submit1', 'submit', __('Save entry')); addField('entry_title', 'text', __('Entry title'), __('What this is. Can be empty. Entryname is generated from the title and some other values.')); addField('entry_type_id', 'select', __('Entry type'), __('What type of entry this is.')); addField('resourcenum', 'text', _h('Resource number'), _h('Required number')); addAfterField('resourcenum', '<br />Må være <b><span id="resourcenum_count"></span> siffer</b>'); addField('empty', '', ''); addField('time_start', 'date', __('Start time'), __('When does this event start. Should be set in the calendar.')); addID('time_start', 'time_start'); addField('time_end', 'date', __('End time'), __('When is the event finished.')); addID('time_end', 'time_end'); addField('empty', '', ''); addField('area_id', 'select', __('Area')); addID('area_id', 'selected_area_id'); addField('room_id', 'checkbox', __('Room')); addField('empty', '', ''); addField('user_assigned', 'checkbox', __('Users assigned'), 'Brukere som skal være vert på arrangementet ' . 'eller skal være tilknyttet på en eller annen måte.'); addField('user_assigned2', 'text', __('Manuel user assigned'), __('If someone other than the normal users are assigned. Use this field to add his or her name.')); addField('empty', '', ''); addField('customer_name', 'text', __('Customer'), __('Type in parts for the customers name to search.'));
echo getUserValue(_h($v['addedBy']), 'uname'); ?> </span> <span class="glyphicons single regular calendar"><i></i> <?php echo date('D, M d, o', strtotime(_h($v['addDate']))); ?> </span> <div class="separator bottom"></div> <?php echo _escape(safe_truncate($v['news_content'], 125, ' . . .')); ?> <p class="margin-none strong"><a href="<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> news/<?php echo _h($v['news_slug']); ?> /"><?php echo _t('read more'); ?> </a></p> </div> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> <?php }
// is this a user, or a staff member. don't allow moving of staff members. (or maybe later we will) //$user_temp = module_user::get_user($ticket['user_id'],false); //if($user_temp['customer_id']<=0){ ?> <input type="button" name="new_customer" value="<?php _e('New'); ?> " onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo module_customer::link_open('new', false); ?> &move_user_id=<?php echo $ticket['user_id']; ?> ';" class="small_button"><?php _h('Create a new customer and move this "Assigned Contact" to this new customer.'); ?> <?php //} } ?> <!-- <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('#change_customer_id').change(function(){ // change our customer id. var new_customer_id = $(this).val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '<?php
$roleACL = new ACL(_h((int) $this->role[0]['userID'])); $role = $roleACL->getAllRoles('full'); foreach ($role as $k => $v) { echo '<tr><td>' . _h($v['Name']) . '</td>'; echo "<td class=\"center\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"role_" . _h($v['ID']) . "\" id=\"role_" . _h($v['ID']) . "_1\" value=\"1\""; if ($roleACL->userHasRole(_h($v['ID']))) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /></td>"; echo "<td class=\"center\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"role_" . _h($v['ID']) . "\" id=\"role_" . _h($v['ID']) . "_0\" value=\"0\""; if (!$roleACL->userHasRole(_h($v['ID']))) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /></td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> <!-- // Table body END --> </table> <!-- // Table END --> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="saveRoles" /> <input type="hidden" name="userID" value="<?php echo _h($this->role[0]['userID']); ?> " /> <button type="submit" name="Submit" class="btn btn-icon btn-primary glyphicons circle_ok"><i></i><?php echo _t('Save'); ?> </button> </form>
echo _t('Actions'); ?> </button> <button data-toggle="dropdown" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button"> <span class="caret"></span> <span class="sr-only"><?php echo _t('Toggle Dropdown'); ?> </span> </button> <ul role="menu" class="dropdown-menu dropup-text pull-right"> <li><a href="<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> form/specialization/<?php echo _h($value['specID']); ?> /<?php echo bm(); ?> "><?php echo _t('View'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } }
<hr class="separator" /> <!-- Form actions --> <div class="form-actions"> <button type="submit"<?php echo csids(); ?> class="btn btn-icon btn-primary glyphicons circle_ok"><i></i><?php echo _t('Save'); ?> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-icon btn-primary glyphicons circle_minus" onclick="window.location='<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> sect/<?php echo _h($sect->courseSecID); ?> /<?php echo bm(); ?> '"><i></i><?php echo _t('Cancel'); ?> </button> </div> <!-- // Form actions END --> </div> </div> <!-- // Widget END -->
$table .= '<th><b>' . _t('Days') . '</b></th>'; $table .= '<th><b>' . _t('Time') . '</b></th>'; $table .= '<th><b>' . _t('Location') . '</b></th>'; $table .= '<th><b>' . _t('Building') . '</b></th>'; $table .= '<th><b>' . _t('Room') . '</b></th>'; $table .= '</tr></thead>'; $table .= '<tbody>'; foreach ($catalog as $k => $v) { $table .= '<tr>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['courseSecCode']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td style="width:125px;">' . _h($v['secShortTitle']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . get_initials(_h($v['facID']), 1) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['minCredit']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['dotw']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['startTime']) . ' ' . _h($v['endTime']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['locationCode']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['buildingCode']) . '</td>'; $table .= '<td>' . _h($v['roomCode']) . '</td>'; $table .= '</tr>'; } $table .= '</tbody>'; $table .= '</table>'; $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->writeHTML($table, true, 0); // --------------------------------------------------------- // close and output PDF document $pdf->Output('catalog-' . $catalog[0]['termCode'], 'I'); //============================================================+ // END OF FILE //============================================================+ $app->view->stop();
} ?> </tbody> <!-- // Table body END --> </table> <!-- // Table END --> <hr class="separator" /> <!-- Form actions --> <div<?php echo isRegistrationOpen(); ?> class="form-actions"> <input type="hidden" name="regTerm" value="<?php echo _h(get_option('registration_term')); ?> " /> <?php if (student_can_register()) { ?> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-icon btn-primary glyphicons circle_plus"><i></i><?php echo _t('Add to Cart'); ?> </button> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- // Form actions END --> </div>
<input type="button" name="i" id="insert_saved" value="<?php _e('Insert'); ?> " class="small_button task_defaults"> <input type="hidden" name="default_tasks_action" id="default_tasks_action" value="0"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('#insert_saved').click(function(){ // set a flag and submit our form. $('#default_tasks_action').val('insert_default'); $('#job_form')[0].submit(); }); }); </script> <?php _h('Here you can insert a previously saved set of default tasks.'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php $fieldset_data = array('heading' => array('title' => _l('Advanced'), 'type' => 'h3'), 'elements_before' => ob_get_clean());
?> stu/add-prog/<?php echo _h($stu->stuID); ?> /<?php echo bm(); ?> '"><i></i><?php echo _t('Add'); ?> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-icon btn-primary glyphicons circle_minus" onclick="window.location='<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> stu/<?php echo _h($stu->stuID); ?> /<?php echo bm(); ?> '"><i></i><?php echo _t('Cancel'); ?> </button> </div> <!-- // Form actions END --> </div> </div> <!-- Modal -->
</th> </tr> </thead> <!-- // Table heading END --> <!-- Table body --> <tbody> <?php $listPerms = $perms->getAllPerms('full'); if ($listPerms != '') { foreach ($listPerms as $k => $v) { echo '<tr class="gradeX">'; echo '<td>' . _h($v['ID']) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . _h($v['Key']) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . _h($v['Name']) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="text-center"><a href="' . get_base_url() . 'permission/' . _h($v['ID']) . '/" title="Edit Permission" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a></td>'; echo '</tr>' . "\n"; } } ?> </tbody> <!-- // Table body END --> </table> <!-- // Table END --> </div> </div> <div class="separator bottom"></div> <!-- // Widget END -->
/** * Change of Address Email * * Function used to send change of address to * appropriate staff member. * * @since 6.2.11 */ function etsis_nodeq_change_address() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $email = _etsis_email(); $host = $app->req->server['HTTP_HOST']; $site = _t('myeduTrac :: ') . _h(get_option('institution_name')); // Creates node's schema if does not exist. Node::dispense('change_address'); try { $sql = Node::table('change_address')->where('sent', '=', 0)->findAll(); if ($sql->count() == 0) { Node::table('change_address')->delete(); } $numItems = $sql->count(); $i = 0; if ($sql->count() > 0) { foreach ($sql as $r) { $message = _escape(get_option('coa_form_text')); $message = str_replace('#uname#', _h($r->uname), $message); $message = str_replace('#fname#', _h($r->fname), $message); $message = str_replace('#lname#', _h($r->lname), $message); $message = str_replace('#name#', get_name(_h($r->personid)), $message); $message = str_replace('#id#', _h($r->personid), $message); $message = str_replace('#address1#', _h($r->address1), $message); $message = str_replace('#address2#', _h($r->address2), $message); $message = str_replace('#city#', _h($r->city), $message); $message = str_replace('#state#', _h($r->state), $message); $message = str_replace('#zip#', _h($r->zip), $message); $message = str_replace('#country#', _h($r->country), $message); $message = str_replace('#phone#', _h($r->phone), $message); $message = str_replace('#email#', _h($r->email), $message); $message = str_replace('#adminemail#', _h(get_option('system_email')), $message); $message = str_replace('#url#', get_base_url(), $message); $message = str_replace('#helpdesk#', _h(get_option('help_desk')), $message); $message = str_replace('#currentterm#', _h(get_option('current_term_code')), $message); $message = str_replace('#instname#', _h(get_option('institution_name')), $message); $message = str_replace('#mailaddr#', _h(get_option('mailing_address')), $message); $headers = "From: {$site} <auto-reply@{$host}>\r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; $email->etsis_mail(_h(get_option('contact_email')), _t('Change of Address Request'), $message, $headers); $upd = Node::table('change_address')->find(_h($r->id)); $upd->sent = 1; $upd->save(); if (++$i === $numItems) { //If we reach the last item, send user a desktop notification. etsis_push_notify('Change of Address', 'Request has been submitted.'); } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { return new \app\src\Core\Exception\Exception($e->getMessage(), 'NodeQ'); } }
<div class="col-md-8"> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="weekly_hours" id="weekly_hours" value="<?php echo _h($v['weekly_hours']); ?> " /> </div> </div> <!-- // Group END --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- // Modal body END --> <!-- Modal footer --> <div class="modal-footer"> <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<?php echo _h($v['ID']); ?> " /> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><?php echo _t('Update'); ?> </button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"><?php echo _t('Cancel'); ?> </a> </div> <!-- // Modal footer END --> </div> </div> </form>
</label> <div class="col-md-8"> <select name="status"<?php echo sio(); ?> class="selectpicker form-control" data-style="btn-info" data-size="10" data-live-search="true" required> <option value=""> </option> <option value="A"<?php echo selected('A', _h($stu->stuStatus), false); ?> ><?php echo _t('Active'); ?> </option> <option value="I"<?php echo selected('I', _h($stu->stuStatus), false); ?> ><?php echo _t('Inactive'); ?> </option> </select> </div> </div> <!-- // Group END --> </div> <!-- // Column END --> <hr class="separator" />
echo _t('Actions'); ?> </button> <button data-toggle="dropdown" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button"> <span class="caret"></span> <span class="sr-only"><?php echo _t('Toggle Dropdown'); ?> </span> </button> <ul role="menu" class="dropdown-menu dropup-text pull-right"> <li><a href="<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> form/department/<?php echo _h($value['deptID']); ?> /<?php echo bm(); ?> "><?php echo _t('View'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } }
function p($var, $value = pNULL, $color = '#FFFF00', $level = 0) { ob_start(); debug_print_backtrace(); $bt = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $bt = explode("\n#", $bt); if (isset($bt[$level])) { $bt1 = explode('[', $bt[$level]); } else { $bt1 = array(''); } if (isset($bt[$level + 1])) { $bt2 = explode('[', $bt[$level + 1]); } else { $bt2 = array(''); } $c = ''; if ($value !== pNULL) { $c .= '<font color="#FFFFFF">' . $var . ' : </font>'; $var = $value; } $c .= '<font color="#AAFFFF">' . substr(str_replace("\n", "", $bt2[count($bt2) - 1]), 0, -1) . ' => ' . substr(str_replace("\n", "", $bt1[count($bt1) - 1]), 0, -1) . "</font> "; ryLogger::getInstance()->addPrint($c); ob_start(); var_dump($var); ryLogger::getInstance()->addPrint(_h(ob_get_contents()), $color); ob_end_clean(); }
echo _t('Actions'); ?> </button> <button data-toggle="dropdown" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button"> <span class="caret"></span> <span class="sr-only"><?php echo _t('Toggle Dropdown'); ?> </span> </button> <ul role="menu" class="dropdown-menu dropup-text pull-right"> <li><a href="<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> form/acad-year/<?php echo _h($value['acadYearID']); ?> /<?php echo bm(); ?> "><?php echo _t('View'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } }
public static function display_extras($options) { $owner_id = isset($options['owner_id']) && $options['owner_id'] ? (int) $options['owner_id'] : false; $owner_table = isset($options['owner_table']) && $options['owner_table'] ? $options['owner_table'] : false; $layout = isset($options['layout']) && $options['layout'] ? $options['layout'] : false; $allow_new = true; if (isset($options['allow_new']) && !$options['allow_new']) { $allow_new = false; } $allow_edit = !isset($options['allow_edit']) || isset($options['allow_edit']) && $options['allow_edit']; if (!module_security::is_page_editable()) { $allow_edit = false; } // todo ^^ flow this permission check through to the "save" section. $html = ''; if ($owner_table) { $default_fields = self::get_defaults($owner_table); // we have all that we need to display some extras!! yey!! if ($owner_id) { $extra_items = self::get_extras(array('owner_table' => $owner_table, 'owner_id' => $owner_id)); $extra_items = self::sort_extras($extra_items, $default_fields); } else { $extra_items = array(); } foreach ($extra_items as $extra_item) { $extra_id = $extra_item['extra_id']; $id = 'extra_' . preg_replace('#\\W+#', '_', $extra_item['extra_key']); ob_start(); ?> <tr id="extra_<?php echo $extra_id; ?> "> <th <?php if (module_config::can_i('edit', 'Settings') && self::can_i('edit', 'Extra Fields') && isset($default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['field_type'])) { echo ' data-settings-url="' . module_extra::link_open_extra_default($default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['extra_default_id'], false) . '"'; } ?> > <?php if ($allow_edit) { ?> <span class="extra_field_key" onclick="$(this).hide(); $(this).parent().find('input').show();"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($extra_item['extra_key']); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _field[<?php echo $extra_id; ?> ][key]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($extra_item['extra_key']); ?> " class="extra_field" style="display:none;"> <?php } else { echo htmlspecialchars($extra_item['extra_key']); ?> <input type="hidden" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _field[<?php echo $extra_id; ?> ][key]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($extra_item['extra_key']); ?> "> <?php } ?> </th> <td> <?php if ($allow_edit) { $field_type = 'text'; if (isset($default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['field_type'])) { $field_type = $default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['field_type']; } if (!$field_type) { $field_type = 'text'; } $form_element = array('type' => $field_type, 'name' => 'extra_' . $owner_table . '_field[' . $extra_id . '][val]', 'value' => $extra_item['extra'], 'class' => 'extra_value_input', 'id' => $id); if ($field_type == 'select') { $form_element['options'] = array(); if (isset($default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['options']) && is_array($default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['options']) && isset($default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['options']['select'])) { foreach (explode("\n", $default_fields[$extra_item['extra_key']]['options']['select']) as $val) { $val = trim($val); if ($val === '') { continue; } $form_element['options'][$val] = $val; } } } module_form::generate_form_element($form_element); } else { echo nl2br($extra_item['extra']); } /* <input type="text" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table;?>_field[<?php echo $extra_id;?>][val]" id="<?php echo $id;?>" class="extra_value_input" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($extra_item['extra']);?>"> */ ?> </td> </tr> <?php $html .= ob_get_clean(); } if (module_security::is_page_editable() && $allow_new) { $extra_id = 'new'; ob_start(); // check if there are any "more" fields to add $more_fields_available = $allow_new; //if(!$more_fields_available){ foreach ($default_fields as $default_id => $default) { // check this key islany already existing. foreach ($extra_items as $extra_item) { if ($extra_item['extra_key'] == $default['key']) { unset($default_fields[$default_id]); continue 2; } } $more_fields_available = true; } //} if ($more_fields_available) { ?> <tr id="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _options_<?php echo $extra_id; ?> " <?php if (!module_config::c('hide_extra', 1)) { ?> style="display:none;"<?php } ?> > <th> </th> <td> <a href="#" onclick="$('#extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _options_<?php echo $extra_id; ?> ').hide();$('#extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _holder_<?php echo $extra_id; ?> ').show(); return false;"><?php _e('more fields »'); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php } // more fields available ?> <?php if (count($default_fields) || $allow_new) { ?> <tbody id="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _holder_<?php echo $extra_id; ?> " <?php if (module_config::c('hide_extra', 1)) { ?> style="display:none;"<?php } ?> > <!-- show all other options here from this $owner_table --> <?php $defaultid = 0; foreach ($default_fields as $default) { $defaultid++; $id = 'extra_' . preg_replace('#\\W+#', '_', $default['key']); ?> <tr> <th> <?php if ($allow_edit) { ?> <span class="extra_field_key" onclick="$(this).hide(); $(this).parent().find('input').show();"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($default['key']); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _field[new<?php echo $defaultid; ?> ][key]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($default['key']); ?> " class="extra_field" style="display:none;"> <?php } else { echo htmlspecialchars($default['key']); ?> <input type="hidden" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _field[new<?php echo $defaultid; ?> ][key]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($default['key']); ?> "> <?php } ?> </th> <td> <?php $field_type = $default['field_type']; if (!$field_type) { $field_type = 'text'; } $form_element = array('type' => $field_type, 'name' => 'extra_' . $owner_table . '_field[new' . $defaultid . '][val]', 'value' => '', 'class' => 'extra_value_input', 'id' => $id); if ($field_type == 'select') { $form_element['options'] = array(); if (isset($default['options']) && is_array($default['options']) && isset($default['options']['select'])) { foreach (explode("\n", $default['options']['select']) as $val) { $val = trim($val); if ($val === '') { continue; } $form_element['options'][$val] = $val; } } } module_form::generate_form_element($form_element); /*<input type="text" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table;?>_field[new<?php echo $defaultid;?>][val]" id="<?php echo $id;?>" value="<?php ?>">*/ ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($allow_new) { ?> <tr id="extra_<?php echo $extra_id; ?> "> <th> <input type="text" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _field[<?php echo $extra_id; ?> ][key]" value="<?php ?> " class="extra_field"> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="extra_<?php echo $owner_table; ?> _field[<?php echo $extra_id; ?> ][val]" value="<?php ?> "> <?php _h('Enter anything you like in this blank field. eg: Passwords, Links, Notes, etc..'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> <?php } // defaults / allow new $html .= ob_get_clean(); } // is page editable } // pass it out for a hook // this is really only used in the security module. if (function_exists('hook_filter_var')) { $html = hook_filter_var('extra_fields_output', $html, $owner_table, $owner_id); } else { $result = hook_handle_callback('extra_fields_output', $html, $owner_table, $owner_id); if ($result && count($result)) { foreach ($result as $r) { $html = $r; // bad. handle multiple hooks. } } } print $html; }
} $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . (isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] * 60 : "0") . ',60'; $rows = $db->cmdrows(0, $sql); $AnzahlTags = $db->countallrows(); function SortIcon($name, $key, $popup, $default = false) { echo '<a id="by_' . $key . '" href="' . URL::addVar("sort", $key) . '" class="sortby" title="' . _e($popup) . '"><span>' . _e($name); if ((isset($_GET["sort"]) or $default) && $_GET["sort"] == $key) { if (!isset($_GET["sortdir"]) or $_GET["sortdir"] == "1") { echo ' ^'; } if (isset($_GET["sortdir"]) and $_GET["sortdir"] == "2") { echo ' ▼'; } } echo '</span></a>'; } PageEngine::html("html_head", array("title" => _h("{0} Tags auf {1}", array($AnzahlTags, SiteConfig::val("page/title"))))); PageEngine::html("header", array("searchquery" => isset($_GET["query"]) ? $_GET["query"] : "")); ?> <div id="Content" class="content-wrapper PageTags"> <article class="ContentLeft"> <div class="tabBar"> <div id="sort_tabs" class="tabsA"> <span class="label"><?php echo _e("Sort by »"); ?> </span> <?php SortIcon("Name", "name", "sort tags by their name"); SortIcon("Popularity", "popularity", "sort tags by their popularity"); ?> </div></div>
<p><?php echo _t('It seems the page you are looking for is not here anymore. The page might have moved to another address or just removed by our staff.'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- // Column END --> <!-- Column --> <div class="span6"> <div class="center"> <p><?php echo _t('Is this a serious error?'); ?> <a href="<?php echo _h(get_option('help_desk')); ?> "><?php echo _t('Let us know'); ?> </a></p> </div> </div> <!-- // Column END --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
<?php _e('Paid:'); ?> </td> <td> <span class="currency success_text"> <?php echo dollar($invoice['total_amount_paid'], true, $invoice['currency_id']); ?> </span> </td> <td colspan="2"> <?php _h('This is how much the customer has paid against the invoice. When they have paid the due amount the invoice will be marked as paid.'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?> " align="right"> </td> <td> <?php _e('Due:'); ?>
?> " required /></div> </div> <!-- // Group END --> <!-- Group --> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 col-md-3 control-label" for="minorName"><font color="red">*</font> <?php echo _t('Minor Name'); ?> </label> <div class="col-md-8"><input class="form-control"<?php echo gio(); ?> name="minorName" type="text" value="<?php echo _h($minor[0]['minorName']); ?> " required /></div> </div> <!-- // Group END --> </div> <!-- // Column END --> </div> <!-- // Row END --> <hr class="separator" /> <!-- Form actions --> <div class="form-actions">
echo ' (<a href="admin_group.php?gid=' . $gid . '&group_del_user='******'">' . __('Remove user from group') . '</a>)'; } echo '</li>' . chr(10); if (isset($all_users[$user_id])) { unset($all_users[$user_id]); } } echo '</ol>' . chr(10); if (count($all_users)) { echo '<h2>' . _h('Users not in this group') . '</h2>'; echo '<table class="prettytable">' . chr(10); foreach ($all_users as $user_id => $user_name) { echo '<tr><td><a href="user.php?user_id=' . $user_id . '">' . $user_name . '</a>'; echo '</td><td>'; if ($login['user_access_useredit']) { echo '<a href="admin_group.php?gid=' . $gid . '&group_add_user='******'">' . _h('Add user to group') . '</a>'; } echo '</td></tr>' . chr(10); } echo '</table>' . chr(10); } } elseif (isset($_POST['add'])) { // Adding if (!$login['user_access_useredit']) { showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area, true); exit; } // Checking input $add = slashes(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_POST['add']), ENT_QUOTES)); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `groups` ( `group_id` , `user_ids` , `group_name` ) VALUES ('', '', '" . $add . "');"); header("Location: admin_group.php");
/** * @since 1.0.0 */ function get_initials($ID, $initials = 2) { $array = []; $bind = array(":id" => $ID); $q = DB::inst()->select("user", "userID = :id", "", "lname,fname", $bind); foreach ($q as $r) { $array[] = $r; } if ($initials == 2) { return substr(_h($r['fname']), 0, 1) . '. ' . substr(_h($r['lname']), 0, 1) . '.'; } else { return _h($r['lname']) . ', ' . substr(_h($r['fname']), 0, 1) . '.'; } }
function getForm($params) { if (isset($params['ryform_action']) && $params['ryform_action']) { $res = $this->doAction($params); return $res; } if (@$params['validate'] == $this->name) { return array(DATA_FORM_VALUES, $_POST); } if (isset($params['ryform_parent'])) { $parent_ryform_name = $params['ryform_parent'] . '/'; } else { $parent_ryform_name = ''; } $action = _url(ryzom_get_params(), array('validate' => $this->name)); $ret = ''; $ret .= '<form action="' . $action . '" method="POST">' . "\n"; if (!$this->getTemplate()) { $ret .= ' <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . "\n"; $ret .= ' ' . _s('t header', '<td height="24px">' . _t('parameter') . '</td><td>' . _t('value') . '</td><td></td>') . "\n"; $tmpl = ''; } else { $tmpl = $this->getTemplate(); } $i = 0; foreach ($this->defines as $def_id => $def) { if ($def->name == 'name') { $def->name = '_name'; } $deffullname = $def->name; $url_params = ryzom_get_params(); $type = $def->type; $infos = $def->infos; $value = $def->value !== NULL ? $def->value : $def->defaultValue; if (!is_object($value) && !is_array($value)) { $str_value = _h(strval($value)); } else { $str_value = ''; } if ($def->hidden) { $type = DEF_TYPE_HIDDEN; } $hidden = false; $input = ''; switch ($type) { case DEF_TYPE_HIDDEN: $input = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $def->name . '" value="' . $str_value . '" />' . "\n"; $hidden = true; break; case DEF_TYPE_TEXT: $input = '<input style="width:250px" type="text" name="' . $def->name . '" value="' . $str_value . '" size="25' . (_user()->ig ? '0' : '') . '" />'; break; case DEF_TYPE_NAMEID: $input = '<input style="width:250px" type="text" name="' . $def->name . '" value="' . getNameId($str_value) . '" size="25' . (_user()->ig ? '0' : '') . '" />'; break; case DEF_TYPE_ID: case DEF_TYPE_INT: case DEF_TYPE_FLOAT: $input = '<input style="width:100px" type="text" name="' . $def->name . '" value="' . $str_value . '" size="10' . (_user()->ig ? '0' : '') . '" />'; break; case DEF_TYPE_BOOL: $input = '<select name="' . $def->name . '">' . "\n"; if ($value) { $input .= '<option selected="selected" value="on">' . _t('yes') . '</option>' . "\n" . '<option value="off">' . _t('no') . '</option>'; } else { $input .= '<option value="on">' . _t('yes') . '</option>' . "\n" . '<option selected="selected" value="off">' . _t('no') . '</option>'; } $input .= '</select>'; break; case DEF_TYPE_OPTION_FUNCTION: case DEF_TYPE_OPTION: if ($type == DEF_TYPE_OPTION) { $options = $def->params; } else { if (is_array($def->defaultValue)) { $options = call_user_func_array($def->params, $def->defaultValue); } else { $options = call_user_func($def->params); } } $input = '<select name="' . $def->name . '">' . "\n"; $options_html = ''; foreach ($options as $option => $text) { $option = strval($option); if ($option && $option[0] === '<' && $option[1] === '/') { $options_html .= '</optgroup>'; } else { if ($option && $option[0] === '<') { $options_html .= '<optgroup label="' . $text . '">'; } else { if ($value !== NULL and strval($value) == $option) { $options_html .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $option . '">' . $text . '</option>' . "\n"; } else { $options_html .= '<option value="' . $option . '">' . $text . '</option>' . "\n"; } } } } $input .= $options_html; $input .= '</select>'; break; case DEF_TYPE_COMBO_FUNCTION: case DEF_TYPE_COMBO: if ($type == DEF_TYPE_COMBO) { $options = $def->params; } else { if (is_array($def->defaultValue)) { $options = call_user_func_array($def->params, $def->defaultValue); } else { $options = call_user_func($def->params); } } if (_user()->ig) { // TODO : try to do it with lua } else { // HTML 4 $input .= '<input style="width:400px" type="text" id="' . $def->name . '" name="' . $def->name . '" value="' . $str_value . '" /> <select onChange="combo(this, \'' . $def->name . '\')" onMouseOut="comboInit(this, \'' . $def->name . '\')" >'; $options_html = ''; $have_selected = false; foreach ($options as $option => $text) { if ($option && $option[0] === '<' && $option[1] === '/') { $options_html .= '</optgroup>'; } else { if ($option && $option[0] === '<') { $options_html .= '<optgroup label="' . $text . '">'; } else { if ($value and $value == $option) { $have_selected = true; $options_html .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $option . '">' . $text . '</option>' . "\n"; } else { $options_html .= '<option value="' . $option . '">' . $text . '</option>' . "\n"; } } } } if ($have_selected) { $input .= '<option value=""></option>'; } else { $input .= '<option selected="selected" value=""></option>'; } $input .= $options_html; $input .= '</select>'; } break; case DEF_TYPE_TEXTAREA: if (!$value) { $value = ""; } $input = '<pre>' . ($type == DEF_TYPE_BBCODE ? '<font color="orange">- BBCode -</font><br />' : '') . '<textarea name="' . $def->name . '" rows="3">' . _h($value) . '</textarea></pre>'; break; case DEF_TYPE_TRAD: $base = ''; $param = $def->name; $value = array_merge(array('en' => '', 'fr' => '', 'de' => '', 'ru' => '', 'es' => ''), $value); $base = ryzom_get_param('select_base', ''); $edit = $display = $input_header = ''; foreach (array('en', 'fr', 'de', 'ru', 'es') as $lang) { if (_user()->lang == $lang) { $edit = _i($lang == 'en' ? API_URL . 'data/img/lang/us.png' : API_URL . 'data/img/lang/' . $lang . '.png') . ' <textarea style="width: 90%" rows="3" name="' . $param . '[' . $lang . ']">' . _h($value[$lang]) . '</textarea>'; } if (!$base && $value[$lang] || $base == $lang) { $base = $lang; $display = strtoupper($lang) . ' = <font color="orange">' . str_replace("\n", '<br />', _h($value[$lang])) . '</font>'; } $input .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $param . '[' . $lang . ']" value="' . $value[$lang] . '" />'; $input_header .= _l(_i($lang == 'en' ? API_URL . 'data/img/lang/us.png' : API_URL . 'data/img/lang/' . $lang . '.png'), $url_params, array('select_base' => $lang)) . ' '; } $input = $input_header . $input . ' ' . $display . '<br />' . $edit; break; case DEF_TYPE_RYFORM: case DEF_TYPE_RYFORMS_ARRAY: $savedRyform = $value; if (is_array($savedRyform)) { $to_clean = array(); foreach ($savedRyform as $id => $ryform) { if (!is_object($ryform)) { $to_clean[] = $id; } } foreach ($to_clean as $id) { unset($savedRyform[$id]); } $savedRyform = array_values($savedRyform); } else { if (is_object($savedRyform)) { $savedRyform = array($savedRyform); } else { $savedRyform = array(); } } $input .= '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >'; if ($savedRyform) { foreach ($savedRyform as $id => $ryform) { if (!is_object($ryform)) { p('!!! ERROR !!!', $ryform); continue; } $ryform->id = $id + 1; if (!isset($ryform->formName) || !$ryform->formName) { $ryform->formName = 'Element ' . $id; } if (count($savedRyform) > 1) { $display_id = '<font size="12px" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px" color="#FFAA55">' . strval(intval($id) + 1) . '</font>'; } else { $display_id = ''; } $script_up = $id != 0 ? _l(_i('16/arrow_up', _t('up')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . $id, 'ryform_action' => 'up')) . ' ' : ''; $script_down = $id != count($savedRyform) - 1 ? _l(_i('16/arrow_down', _t('down')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . $id, 'ryform_action' => 'down')) . ' ' : ''; $icon = isset(self::$ryformsIcons[get_class($ryform)]) ? self::$ryformsIcons[get_class($ryform)] : _i('32/brick'); $input .= _s('t row ' . $id % 2, '<td width="36px">' . _l($def->type == DEF_TYPE_RYFORM ? _i('16/arrow_redo', _t('change')) : _i('16/add', _t('add')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . strval(intval($id) + 1), 'ryform_action' => 'list')) . ' ' . $display_id . '</td>' . '<td width="10px">' . $script_up . $script_down . '</td>' . '<td ><table width="100%"><tr> <td width="40px">' . $icon . '</td> <td valign="middle" width="300px"><font size="12px" style="font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" color="#FFAA55">' . _l($ryform->formName, $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . $id, 'ryform_action' => 'edit')) . ' ' . '</font><br />' . _t(get_class($ryform) . '_short_description') . '</td> <td align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#000000">' . $ryform->getHtmlRepr() . '</td> </tr></table><td width="70px" align="right">' . _l(_i('16/script_edit', _t('edit')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . $id, 'ryform_action' => 'edit')) . ' ' . _l(_i('16/script_code', _t('edit_source')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . $id, 'ryform_action' => 'source')) . ' ' . _l(_i('16/script_delete', _t('del')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':' . $id, 'ryform_action' => 'del')) . '</td><td> </td>'); } } $input .= '</table>'; if (count($savedRyform) == 0 || $def->type != DEF_TYPE_RYFORM) { if (is_string($def->params)) { $infos = _l(_i('16/add', _t('add')), $url_params, array('new_ryform' => $def->params, 'ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':0', 'ryform_action' => 'add')); } else { if (count($def->params) == 1) { $infos = _l(_i('16/add', _t('add')), $url_params, array('new_ryform' => $def->params[0], 'ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':0', 'ryform_action' => 'add')); } else { $infos = _l(_i('16/add', _t('add')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $parent_ryform_name . $deffullname . ':0', 'ryform_action' => 'list')); } } if ($type == DEF_TYPE_RYFORMS_ARRAY) { $infos .= ' ' . _l(_i('16/application_form_add', _t('multiadd')), $url_params, array('ryform_name' => $deffullname, 'ryform_action' => 'list_multiadd')); } } break; case DEF_TYPE_FUNCTION: if (is_array($def->defaultValue)) { list($result_type, $value) = call_user_func_array($def->params, $def->defaultValue); } else { list($result_type, $value) = call_user_func($def->params); } if ($result_type == DATA_HTML_FORM) { return array(DATA_HTML_FORM, $value); } else { unset($url_params[$deffullname . '_action']); $input = $value; } break; default: $input = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $def->name . '" value="' . $value . '" />' . $value . "\n"; $hidden = true; } if ($hidden) { $ret .= $input; } else { if ($tmpl) { $tmpl = str_replace('{' . $def->name . '}', '<font ' . (_user()->ig ? 'color="orange" size="11"' : 'style="color:orange;"') . '>' . _t($def->prefixTrad . $def->name) . '</font>', $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('{' . $def->name . '.input}', $input, $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('{' . $def->name . '.infos}', $infos, $tmpl); } else { $ret .= _s('t row ' . strval($i % 2), '<td height="32px" width="200px"> ' . (!$def->optional ? '*' : '') . ($def->superAdmin ? '##' : '') . ($def->admin ? '#' : '') . _t($def->prefixTrad . $def->name) . '</td><td valign="center">' . $input . '</td><td>' . $infos . '</td>') . "\n"; } $i++; } } if ($tmpl) { $tmpl = str_replace('{submit.input}', '<input type="submit" value="' . _t('submit') . '" />', $tmpl); $ret .= $tmpl; $ret .= '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ><tr>' . _s('t row ' . strval($i % 2), '<td height="32px"> ' . _t('required_fields') . '</td><td></td><td align="middle"><input type="submit" value="' . _t('submit') . '" /></td>') . '</tr></table>'; } else { $ret .= _s('t row ' . strval($i % 2), '<td height="32px"> ' . _t('required_fields') . '</td><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="' . _t('submit') . '" /></td>'); $ret .= '</table>'; } $ret .= '</form><br />'; return array(DATA_HTML_FORM, $ret . "\n"); }
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