/** * function searchList search for guide category and returns the matching category * @param $q |string * @return array of category **/ function searchList($q) { $q = _clean($q); $arrWhr = array("title LIKE '%{$q}%'", "guide_group LIKE '%{$q}%'", "FIND_IN_SET('{$q}',tags)", "guide_txt LIKE '%{$q}%'", "author='{$q}'", "type='{$q}'", "id='{$q}'"); $cols = "*," . getConfig("CATEGORY_GUIDES") . " as category," . getConfig("SUBCATEGORY_GUIDES") . " as subcategory"; $whr = "blocked='false'"; $whr .= getAPIListWhere("api"); $sql = _db()->_selectQ('guides_tbl', $cols, $whr) . " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $arrWhr) . ")"; $res = _dbQuery($sql); $data = _dbData($res); return $data; }
/** * function searchList search for api category and returns the matching category * @param $q |string * @return $data |array **/ function searchList($q) { $q = _clean($q); $arrWhr = array("title LIKE '%{$q}%'", "src_path LIKE '%{$q}%'", "descs_short LIKE '{$q}'", "FIND_IN_SET('{$q}',tags)", "package_id='{$q}'"); $cols = " *," . getConfig("SUBCATEGORY_API") . " as subcategory," . getConfig("CATEGORY_API") . " as category"; $whr = "blocked='false'"; $whr .= getAPIListWhere("api"); $sql = _db()->_selectQ('api_toc', $cols, $whr) . " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $arrWhr) . ")"; $res = _dbQuery($sql); $data = _dbData($res); return $data; }
function getCast($tt, &$title = '') { $html = getHTML($tt); if (preg_match('#<h3 itemprop="name">[\\s\\S]+?</h3>#i', $html, $match)) { $title = _clean($match[0]); // var_dump($title); } if (preg_match('#<table class="cast_list">([\\s\\S]+?)</table>#i', $html, $match)) { $table = $match[1]; // preg_match_all('#itemprop="actor"[^<]+([\s\S]+?)</td>#', $table, $matches); // $actors = array_map( preg_match_all('#itemprop="actor"[\\s\\S]+?href="/name/(nm\\d+)[^>]+>([\\s\\S]+?)</a>#i', $table, $matches); $ids = array_map('_clean', $matches[1]); $actors = array_map('_clean', $matches[2]); // print_r($ids); $actors = array_combine($ids, $actors); // print_r($actors); preg_match_all('#<td class="character">([\\s\\S]+?)(?:\\(|/ \\.|</td)#i', $table, $matches); $characters = array_map('_clean', $matches[1]); $characters = array_combine($ids, $characters); // print_r($characters); return (object) compact('actors', 'characters'); } }
function clean_diff($old, $new) { $old = _clean($old); $new = _clean($new); $r = array_diff($old, $new); $a = array_diff($new, $old); if (!count($r) && !count($a)) { return ''; } $r = join("\n", $r); $r = $r ? '<td class="r"><ul>' . $r . '</ul></td>' : '<td> </td>'; $a = join("\n", $a); $a = $a ? '<td class="a"><ul>' . $a . '</ul></td>' : '<td> </td>'; $diff = '<tr>' . $r . $a . '</tr>'; $diff = preg_replace('#<item.*?>(.*?)</item>#', '<li>$1</li>', $diff); return $diff; }
function _getTitleFromPath($path) { $path = _clean($path); $title = explode('/', $path); $title = $title[0]; return $title; }
*********************************************/ error_reporting(0); session_start(); if (phpversion() >= '4.1.0') { //PHP4.1.0以降対応 $_GET = array_map('_clean', $_GET); $_POST = array_map('_clean', $_POST); //$_POST = array_map('_clean', $_GET); extract($_GET); extract($_POST); extract($_COOKIE); extract($_SERVER); $upfile_type = _clean($_FILES['upfile']['type']); $upfile_size = $_FILES['upfile']['size']; //某所で気づく・・・ $upfile_name = _clean($_FILES['upfile']['name']); $upfile = $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name']; } include_once './settings.php'; if ($act == 'envset') { $cookval = @implode(',', array($acte, $user, $come, $sizee, $mimee, $datee, $orige)); setcookie('upcook', $cookval, time() + 365 * 24 * 3600); $act = ''; } elseif ($act == 'logout') { unset($_SESSION['upuser']); $act = ''; } function _clean($str) { if (is_array($str)) { return $str;