function _HCM_mailform($adresa = "", $priloha = false, $predmet = null)
    // priprava
    $result = "";
    $_SESSION[_sessionprefix . 'hcm_' . SL::$hcmUid . '_mail_receiver'] = @implode(",", _arrayRemoveValue(@explode(";", trim($adresa)), ""));
    if (_boolean($priloha)) {
        $rfile = array($GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.att'], "<input type='file' name='att' />");
        $att = true;
    } else {
        $rfile = array('');
        $att = false;
    if (isset($predmet)) {
        $rsubject = " value='" . _htmlStr($predmet) . "'";
    } else {
        $rsubject = "";
    $rcaptcha = _captchaInit();
    // zprava
    $msg = '';
    if (isset($_GET['hcm_mr_' . SL::$hcmUid])) {
        switch ($_GET['hcm_mr_' . SL::$hcmUid]) {
            case 1:
                $msg = _formMessage(1, $GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.msg.done']);
            case 2:
                $msg = _formMessage(2, $GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.msg.failure']);
            case 3:
                $msg = _formMessage(3, $GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.msg.failure2']);
            case 4:
                $msg = _formMessage(3, $GLOBALS['_lang']['xsrf.msg']);
    // predvyplneni odesilatele
    if (_loginindicator) {
        $sender = _loginemail;
    } else {
        $sender = "&#64;";
    $result .= "<div class='anchor'><a name='hcm_mform_" . SL::$hcmUid . "'></a></div>\n" . $msg . _formOutput("mform" . SL::$hcmUid, _indexroot . "remote/hcm/mform.php?_return=" . urlencode(_indexOutput_url) . ($att ? "' enctype='multipart/form-data" : ''), array(array($GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.sender'], "<input type='text' class='inputsmall' name='sender' value='" . $sender . "' /><input type='hidden' name='fid' value='" . SL::$hcmUid . "' />"), array($GLOBALS['_lang']['posts.subject'], "<input type='text' class='inputsmall' name='subject'" . $rsubject . " />"), $rcaptcha, array($GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.text'], "<textarea class='areasmall' name='text' rows='9' cols='33'></textarea>", true), $rfile), array("text", "sender"), $GLOBALS['_lang']['hcm.mailform.send']);
    return $result;
    $submitcaption = $_lang['global.create'];
    $continue = true;
/* ---  ulozeni / vytvoreni  --- */
if (isset($_POST['question'])) {
    // nacteni promennych
    $question = _htmlStr(trim($_POST['question']));
    $query['question'] = $question;
    $question = DB::esc($question);
    // odpovedi
    $answers = @explode("\n", $_POST['answers']);
    $answers_new = array();
    foreach ($answers as $answer) {
        $answers_new[] = _htmlStr(trim($answer));
    $answers = _arrayRemoveValue($answers_new, "");
    $answers_count = count($answers);
    $answers = @implode("\n", $answers);
    $query['answers'] = $answers;
    if (_loginright_adminpollall) {
        $author = intval($_POST['author']);
    } else {
        $author = _loginid;
    $locked = _checkboxLoad("locked");
    $reset = _checkboxLoad("reset");
    // kontrola promennych
    $errors = array();
    if ($question == "") {
        $errors[] = $_lang['admin.content.polls.edit.error1'];
Exemple #3
 * Vyhodnoceni relativnich casti cesty
 * @param string $path cesta
 * @return string
function _parsePath($path)
    $path = _arrayRemoveValue(explode("/", trim($path, "/")), ".");
    $loop = true;
    while ($loop) {
        $moverindex = -1;
        for ($i = count($path) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
            if ($path[$i] == "..") {
                $moverindex = $i;
        if ($moverindex != -1) {
            $collision = -1;
            for ($i = $moverindex - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
                if ($path[$i] != "..") {
                    $collision = $i;
            if ($collision != -1) {
                unset($path[$moverindex], $path[$collision]);
                $path = array_values($path);
            } else {
                $loop = false;
        } else {
            $loop = false;
    $output = implode("/", $path) . "/";
    if ($output == "/") {
        $output = "./";
    return $output;
 * Sestaveni casti SQL dotazu po WHERE pro vyhledani clanku v urcitych kategoriich.
 * @param string|null $ids seznam ID kategorii oddelenych pomlckami nebo null
 * @return string
function _sqlArticleWhereCategories($ids)
    if ($ids != null) {
        $ids = _arrayRemoveValue(@explode("-", $ids), "");
        $sql_code = "(";
        $sql_count = count($ids);
        $counter = 1;
        foreach ($ids as $rcat) {
            $rcat = intval($rcat);
            $sql_code .= "(home1=" . $rcat . " OR home2=" . $rcat . " OR home3=" . $rcat . ")";
            if ($counter != $sql_count) {
                $sql_code .= " OR ";
        $sql_code .= ")";
        return $sql_code;
    return "";

/* ---  kontrola jadra  --- */
if (!defined('_core')) {
/* ---  priprava, ulozeni  --- */
$message = "";
if (isset($_POST['banned'])) {
    $banned = explode("\n", $_POST['banned']);
    $banned = _arrayRemoveValue($banned, "");
    $new_banned = array();
    foreach ($banned as $item) {
        $item = explode(".", $item);
        $item = _arrayRemoveValue($item, "");
        foreach ($item as $index => $isub) {
            $isub = intval(trim($isub));
            if ($isub < 0) {
                $isub = 0;
            if ($isub > 255) {
                $isub = 255;
            $item[$index] = $isub;
        $new_banned[] = implode(".", $item);
    $new_banned = trim(implode("\n", array_unique($new_banned)));
    DB::query("UPDATE `" . _mysql_prefix . "-settings` SET val='" . DB::esc($new_banned) . "' WHERE var='banned'");
    $message = _formMessage(1, $_lang['global.saved']);
    $data = $new_banned;
            if ($i == 0) {
                $info['rateform'] .= "<td rowspan='2'><img src='" . _templateImage("icons/rate-bad.png") . "' alt='bad' class='icon' /></td>\n";
            $info['rateform'] .= "</tr>\n";
        $info['rateform'] .= "\n<tr><td colspan='7'><input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['article.rate.submit'] . " &gt;' /></td></tr>\n</table>\n";
    $info['rateform'] .= _xsrfProtect() . "</form>\n";
// infobox
if ($query['infobox'] != "") {
    $info['infobox'] = _parseHCM($query['infobox']);
// sestaveni kodu
if (count(_arrayRemoveValue($info, null)) != 0) {
    // zacatek tabulky
    $content .= "\n<div class='anchor'><a name='ainfo'></a></div>\n<table class='article-info'>\n<tr class='valign-top'>\n";
    // prvni bunka
    if ($info['basicinfo'] != null or $info['idlink'] != null or $info['rateresults'] != null or $info['infobox'] != null and $info['rateform'] != null) {
        $content .= "<td>" . $info['basicinfo'] . $info['idlink'] . $info['rateresults'];
        // vlozeni formulare pro hodnoceni, pokud je infobox obsazen
        if ($info['rateform'] != null and ($info['infobox'] != null or $info['basicinfo'] == null)) {
            $content .= ($info['basicinfo'] != null ? "<br />" : '') . "<br />" . $info['rateform'];
            $rateform_used = true;
        $content .= "\n</td>\n";
    // druha bunka
    if ($info['infobox'] != null or $rateform_used == false and $info['rateform'] != null) {
        $content .= "<td>";
Exemple #7
         $file = @fopen($dir . $name, "w");
         if ($file) {
             @fwrite($file, $content);
             $message = _formMessage(1, $_lang['admin.fman.msg.edit.done'] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>(" . _formatTime(time()) . ")</small>");
         } else {
             $message = _formMessage(2, $_lang['admin.fman.msg.edit.failure']);
     } else {
         $message = _formMessage(2, $_lang['admin.fman.msg.disallowedextension']);
     // presun
 // presun
 case "move":
     $newdir = _arrayRemoveValue(explode("/", $_POST['param']), "");
     $newdir = implode("/", $newdir);
     if (mb_substr($newdir, -1, 1) != "/") {
         $newdir .= "/";
     $newdir = _parsePath($dir . $newdir);
     if (_loginright_adminfmanplus or mb_substr($newdir, 0, mb_strlen($defdir)) == $defdir) {
         $done = 0;
         $total = 0;
         foreach ($_POST as $var => $val) {
             if ($var == "action" or $var == "param") {
             $val = _admin_cparam($val);
             if (@file_exists($dir . $val) and !@file_exists($newdir . $val) and !@is_dir($dir . $val) and _admin_issafefile($val)) {
                 if (@rename($dir . $val, $newdir . $val)) {