function LOADRULES($id)
    $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/etc/squid3/acls/container_{$id}.txt"));
    while (list($num, $val) = each($f)) {
        $val = trim(strtolower($val));
        if ($val == null) {
        if (is_regex($val)) {
            $GLOBALS["RULES"][$val] = true;
        $val = str_replace(".", "\\.", $val);
        $val = str_replace("*", ".*?", $val);
        $GLOBALS["RULES"][$val] = true;
    WLOG("Starting Group Number:{$id} " . count($GLOBALS["RULES"]) . " rules");
function GetMacFromIP($ipaddr)
    $ipaddr = trim($ipaddr);
    $ttl = date('YmdH');
    if (count($GLOBALS["CACHEARP"]) > 3) {
    if (isset($GLOBALS["CACHEARP"][$ttl][$ipaddr])) {
        return $GLOBALS["CACHEARP"][$ttl][$ipaddr];
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["SBIN_ARP"])) {
        $GLOBALS["SBIN_ARP"] = find_program("arp");
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["SBIN_ARPING"])) {
        $GLOBALS["SBIN_ARPING"] = find_program("arping");
    if (strlen($GLOBALS["SBIN_ARPING"]) > 3) {
        $cmd = "{$GLOBALS["SBIN_ARPING"]} {$ipaddr} -c 1 -r 2>&1";
        exec($cmd, $results);
        while (list($num, $line) = each($results)) {
            if (preg_match("#^([0-9a-zA-Z\\:]+)#", $line, $re)) {
                $GLOBALS["CACHEARP"][$ttl][$ipaddr] = $re[1];
                return $GLOBALS["CACHEARP"][$ttl][$ipaddr];
    $results = array();
    if (strlen($GLOBALS["SBIN_ARP"]) < 4) {
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["SBIN_PING"])) {
        $GLOBALS["SBIN_PING"] = find_program("ping");
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["SBIN_NOHUP"])) {
        $GLOBALS["SBIN_NOHUP"] = find_program("nohup");
    $cmd = "{$GLOBALS["SBIN_ARP"]} -n \"{$ipaddr}\" 2>&1";
    exec($cmd, $results);
    while (list($num, $line) = each($results)) {
        if (preg_match("#^[0-9\\.]+\\s+.+?\\s+([0-9a-z\\:]+)#", $line, $re)) {
            if ($re[1] == "no") {
            $GLOBALS["CACHEARP"][$ttl][$ipaddr] = $re[1];
            return $GLOBALS["CACHEARP"][$ttl][$ipaddr];
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["PINGEDHOSTS"][$ipaddr])) {
        shell_exec("{$GLOBALS["SBIN_NOHUP"]} {$GLOBALS["SBIN_PING"]} {$ipaddr} -c 3 >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
        $GLOBALS["PINGEDHOSTS"][$ipaddr] = true;
 private function Hotspot_debug($text)
     if (!$GLOBALS["SPLASH_DEBUG"]) {
     if (function_exists("WLOG")) {
     writelogs($text, "Hotspot_SessionActive", __FILE__, 0);
Exemple #4
    @file_put_contents($lockfile, time());
    $line = fread($urlptr, $blocksize);
    $bytes = $bytes + strlen($line);
    echo $line;
    if ($c > 300) {
        WLOG("({$id}): [{$basename}]:Ouput " . round($bytes / 1024 / 1000, 2) . "MB / {$lengthlog}MB", __LINE__);
        $c = 0;
    if ($fileptr) {
        fwrite($fileptr, $line);
WLOG("Finish {$fname}", __LINE__);
$sock = new sockets();
if ($fileptr) {
function logdata($type, $what, $fname)
    $file_path = "/home/artica/cache";
    $logfile = "{$file_path}/cache.log";
    $line = "@ " . time() . "Cache {$type} url: {$what} file: {$fname} client:" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n";
    file_put_contents($logfile, $line, FILE_APPEND);
function WLOG($text = null, $line)
function HashUsersFromGPID($gpid)
    $array = array();
    if (!is_numeric($gpid)) {
        return array();
    $sr = @ldap_search($GLOBALS["CONNECTION"], $GLOBALS["SUFFIX"], "(&(gidnumber={$gpid})(objectclass=posixGroup))");
    if (!$sr) {
        WLOG("[QUERY]:HashUsersFromGPID::{$gpid} Ressource false query (gidnumber={$gpid})");
        return array();
    $entry_id = @ldap_first_entry($GLOBALS["CONNECTION"], $sr);
    if (!$entry_id) {
        WLOG("[QUERY]:HashUsersFromGPID::{$gpid} entry_id false query (gidnumber={$gpid})");
        return array();
    $attrs = @ldap_get_attributes($GLOBALS["CONNECTION"], $entry_id);
    if (!isset($attrs["memberUid"])) {
        return array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $attrs["memberUid"]["count"]; $i++) {
        $array[$attrs["memberUid"][$i]] = $attrs["memberUid"][$i];
    return $array;
        $member = trim(strtolower($member));
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_GROUPS"] > 0) {
            WLOG("Checking {$member} in {$LOGNAME} ({$DN})");
        $MEMBERS = $ldapext->HashUsersFromGroupDN($DN);
        if (!isset($MEMBERS[$member])) {
            fwrite(STDOUT, "ERR\n");
        fwrite(STDOUT, "OK\n");
$distanceInSeconds = round(abs(time() - $GLOBALS["STARTIME"]));
$distanceInMinutes = round($distanceInSeconds / 60);
WLOG("[STOP]: Stopping process After ({$distanceInSeconds}s - about {$distanceInMinutes}mn)");
if (isset($GLOBALS["F"])) {
function CleanSessions()
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["SESSIONS"])) {
    if (!is_array($GLOBALS["SESSIONS"])) {
function internal_find_program($strProgram)
    global $addpaths;
function TIMED_OUT($array)
    $WWW = $array["website"];
    if (count($GLOBALS["ACL_RULES"]) == 0) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT: skipped no rule defined");
        $array["LOCK"] = false;
        return $array;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("[{$WWW}]: ---------------- ||{$WWW}|| ANALYZE ----------------");
    $passed_minutes = $array["TIME"];
    if (!is_numeric($passed_minutes)) {
        $passed_minutes = 0;
    foreach ($GLOBALS["ACL_RULES"] as $array_rules) {
        if (!isset($array_rules["INTERVAL"])) {
            $array_rules["INTERVAL"] = 5;
        $MAX = intval($array_rules["MAX"]);
        $WAIT = intval($array_rules["WAIT"]);
        $INTERVAL = intval($array_rules["INTERVAL"]);
        if ($MAX == 0) {
            $MAX = 5;
        if ($INTERVAL == 0) {
            $INTERVAL = 5;
        // On calcul l'intervalle de la dernière heure de scan si ce n'est pas locké.
        $interval_passed = time_passed_min($array["END"], time());
        if (!$array["LOCK"]) {
            if ($interval_passed > $INTERVAL) {
                // L'interval est trop important, on débloque et on réitère.
                if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                    WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: UNLOCK : Interval {$interval_passed}Mn > {$INTERVAL} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
                $array["START"] = time();
                $array["LOCK"] = false;
                return $array;
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: passed minutes: {$passed_minutes}mn rule: {$MAX}mn [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        if ($passed_minutes < $MAX) {
        // Délai imparti
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: LOCKED [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        $array["LOCK"] = true;
        if ($WAIT == 0) {
            // On block tout le temps
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: Locked every time [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            return $array;
        if (!isset($array["WAIT_START_TIME"])) {
            //premier pointeur
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: %%% First pointer %%% [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            $array["WAIT_START_TIME"] = time();
            return $array;
        // nombre de minutes d'attente
        $MINUTES_TO_WAIT = time_passed_min($array["WAIT_START_TIME"], time());
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            $started = date("m d H:i:s", $array["WAIT_START_TIME"]);
            WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: Current {$MINUTES_TO_WAIT}mn from {$started} need to wait: {$WAIT}mn [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        if ($MINUTES_TO_WAIT > $WAIT) {
            //A attendu suffisament de temps, flush...
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("[{$WWW}]:TIMED_OUT:: Unlock!, flush [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            $array["START"] = time();
            $array["LOCK"] = false;
            return $array;
    // rien découvert, on retourne le tableau;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("[{$WWW}]:Nothing to do [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    return $array;
Exemple #8
function IsInCache($KEY)
    if (!is_numeric($GLOBALS["StreamCacheTTLUri"])) {
        $GLOBALS["StreamCacheTTLUri"] = 30;
    if (isset($GLOBALS["CACHE"][$KEY]["URI"])) {
        if (trim($GLOBALS["CACHE"][$KEY]["URI"]) == null) {
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["CACHE"][$KEY]["time"])) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("IsInCache() {$KEY} = FALSE");
        return false;
    $data1 = $GLOBALS["CACHE"][$KEY]["time"];
    $data2 = time();
    $difference = $data2 - $data1;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("IsInCache() {$KEY} = {$difference}s/{$GLOBALS["StreamCacheTTLUri"]}s");
    if ($difference > $GLOBALS["StreamCacheTTLUri"]) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("IsInCache() {$KEY} = FALSE");
        return false;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("IsInCache() {$KEY} = TRUE");
    return true;
function Checktime($MAC, $ipaddr)
    $MAC = trim(strtolower($MAC));
    if ($MAC == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
        return false;
    NewComputer($MAC, $ipaddr);
    if (count($MAIN) == 0) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            WLOG("[ERR]: MAIN NO ARRAY...");
        return false;
    if (!isset($MAIN[$MAC])) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] Not found");
        return false;
    $time = time();
    $currentStartDay = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:01"));
    $ThisInt = $time - $currentStartDay;
    $array["0"] = "00:00";
    $array["3600"] = "01:00";
    $array["7200"] = "02:00";
    $array["10800"] = "03:00";
    $array["14400"] = "04:00";
    $array["18000"] = "05:00";
    $array["21600"] = "06:00";
    $array["25200"] = "07:00";
    $array["28800"] = "08:00";
    $array["32400"] = "09:00";
    $array["36000"] = "10:00";
    $array["39600"] = "11:00";
    $array["43200"] = "12:00";
    $array["46800"] = "13:00";
    $array["50400"] = "14:00";
    $array["54000"] = "15:00";
    $array["57600"] = "16:00";
    $array["61200"] = "17:00";
    $array["64800"] = "18:00";
    $array["68400"] = "19:00";
    $array["72000"] = "20:00";
    $array["75600"] = "21:00";
    $array["79200"] = "22:00";
    $array["82800"] = "23:00";
    $DayIndex = date("w");
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] Day Index: {$DayIndex} Start: {$currentStartDay} - Time:{$time} = {$ThisInt}");
    if ($ThisInt < 43200) {
        $allow_time_from = $MAIN[$MAC][$DayIndex]["AM"][0];
        $allow_time_to = $MAIN[$MAC][$DayIndex]["AM"][1];
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] We are in morning...");
    } else {
        $allow_time_from = $MAIN[$MAC][$DayIndex]["PM"][0];
        $allow_time_to = $MAIN[$MAC][$DayIndex]["PM"][1];
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] We are in afternoon...");
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] FROM: {$allow_time_from} ({$array[$allow_time_from]}) TO {$allow_time_to} ({$array[$allow_time_to]})");
    if ($ThisInt > $allow_time_from) {
        if ($ThisInt < $allow_time_to) {
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] ALLOWED");
            return false;
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        WLOG("[INFO]: [{$MAC}] BANNED");
    return true;
function LoadSessions()
    $GLOBALS["SESSIONS"] = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/squid3/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".cache"));
    WLOG("[START]:Loading " . count($GLOBALS["SESSIONS"]) . "sessions in cache...\n");
function CHECK_UID($WWW, $SUBF, $MaxPerHour = 0, $MaxPerDay = 0, $MaxPerWeek = 0)
    $YEAR = date("Y");
    $MONTH = date("m");
    $DAY = date("d");
    $HOUR = date("H");
    $WEEK = date("W");
    $base = "/home/squid/rttsize/{$YEAR}/{$MONTH}";
    if ($MaxPerHour > 0) {
        $path = "{$base}/{$WEEK}/{$DAY}/{$HOUR}/{$SUBF}/{$WWW}";
        if (is_file($path)) {
            $SIZE = intval(@file_get_contents($path));
            $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024;
            $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024;
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("{$WWW}/{$SUBF} == {$SIZE}MB Max Hour:{$MaxPerHour}MB");
            if ($SIZE >= $MaxPerHour) {
                return true;
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("WARNING! {$path} no such file");
    if ($MaxPerDay > 0) {
        $path = "{$base}/{$WEEK}/{$DAY}/{$SUBF}/{$WWW}";
        if (is_file($path)) {
            $SIZE = intval(@file_get_contents($path));
            $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024;
            $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024;
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("{$WWW}/{$SUBF} == {$SIZE}MB Max Day:{$MaxPerDay}MB");
            if ($SIZE >= $MaxPerDay) {
                return true;
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("WARNING! {$path} no such file");
    if ($MaxPerWeek > 0) {
        $path = "{$base}/{$WEEK}/{$SUBF}/{$WWW}";
        if (is_file($path)) {
            $SIZE = intval(@file_get_contents($path));
            $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024;
            $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024;
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("{$WWW}/{$SUBF} == {$SIZE}MB Max Day:{$MaxPerDay}MB");
            if ($SIZE >= $MaxPerWeek) {
                return true;
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("WARNING! {$path} no such file");
function SIZE_QUOTA($url)
    if (trim($url) == null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::URL is null [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            return false;
    if (strpos(" {$url}", " 00:00:00:00:00:00") > 0) {
        return false;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::{$url} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    $values = explode(" ", $url);
    $USERNAME = $values[0];
    if (strpos($USERNAME, '$') > 0) {
        if (substr($USERNAME, strlen($USERNAME) - 1, 1) == "\$") {
            $USERNAME = null;
    $IPADDR = $values[1];
    $MAC = $values[2];
    $XFORWARD = $values[3];
    $WWW = $values[4];
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::USERNAME:{$USERNAME} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::IPADDR..:{$IPADDR} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::MAC.....:{$MAC} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::XFORWARD:{$XFORWARD} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("SIZE_QUOTA::WWW.....:{$WWW} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    $USERNAME = str_replace("%20", " ", $USERNAME);
    $USERNAME = str_replace("%25", "-", $USERNAME);
    $IPADDR = str_replace("%25", "-", $IPADDR);
    $MAC = str_replace("%25", "-", $MAC);
    $XFORWARD = str_replace("%25", "-", $XFORWARD);
    if ($XFORWARD == "-") {
        $XFORWARD = null;
    if ($MAC == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
        $MAC = null;
    if ($MAC == "-") {
        $MAC = null;
    if ($USERNAME == "-") {
        $USERNAME = null;
    $IPCalls = new IP();
    if ($IPCalls->isIPAddress($XFORWARD)) {
        $IPADDR = $XFORWARD;
    if (preg_match("#(.+?):[0-9]+#", $WWW, $re)) {
        $WWW = $re[1];
    if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $WWW, $re)) {
        $WWW = $re[1];
    if (!class_exists("squid_familysite")) {
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/";
    $fam = new squid_familysite();
    $WWW = $fam->GetFamilySites($WWW);
    if ($IPADDR != null) {
        $keymd5 = md5("{$WWW}{$IPADDR}");
        $LOG_PREFIX = "{$IPADDR}/{$WWW}";
    if ($MAC != null) {
        $keymd5 = md5("{$WWW}{$MAC}");
        $LOG_PREFIX = "{$MAC}/{$WWW}";
    if ($USERNAME != null) {
        $keymd5 = md5("{$WWW}{$USERNAME}");
        $LOG_PREFIX = "{$USERNAME}/{$WWW}";
    $database_size_path = "/var/log/squid/" . date("YW") . "_QUOTASIZE.db";
    if (!is_file($database_size_path)) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}:FATAL!!! {$database_size_path} doesn't exists");
        return false;
    $db_con = dba_open($database_size_path, "r", "db4");
    if (!$db_con) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}:FATAL!!! SIZE_QUOTA::{$database_size_path}, unable to open");
        return false;
    if (!dba_exists($keymd5, $db_con)) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
            WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}:FATAL!!! SIZE_QUOTA::{$keymd5} doesn't exists");
        return false;
    $array = unserialize(dba_fetch($keymd5, $db_con));
    $current_hour = 0;
    $current_day = 0;
    $current_week = 0;
    if (isset($array["HOURLY"][date("d")][date("H")])) {
        $current_hour = intval($array["HOURLY"][date("d")][date("H")]);
        $current_hour = $current_hour / 1024;
        $current_hour = $current_hour / 1024;
    if (isset($array["DAILY"][date("d")])) {
        $current_day = intval($array["DAILY"][date("d")]);
        $current_day = $current_day / 1024;
        $current_day = $current_day / 1024;
    if (isset($array["WEEK"])) {
        $current_week = intval($array["WEEK"]);
        $current_week = $current_week / 1024;
        $current_week = $current_week / 1024;
    $rules_week = $GLOBALS["ACL_RULES"]["WEEK"];
    $rules_hour = $GLOBALS["ACL_RULES"]["HOUR"];
    $rules_day = $GLOBALS["ACL_RULES"]["DAY"];
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}:{$current_hour}MB/{$current_day}MB/{$current_week}MB - {$rules_hour}MB/{$rules_day}MB/{$rules_week}MB");
    if ($rules_week > 0) {
        if ($current_week > $rules_week) {
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}: WEEKLY: {$current_week}MB/{$rules_week}MB MACTHES --> OK");
            return true;
    if ($rules_day > 0) {
        if ($current_day > $rules_day) {
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}: DAILY: {$current_day}MB/{$rules_day}MB MACTHES --> OK");
            return true;
    if ($rules_hour > 0) {
        if ($current_hour > $rules_hour) {
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
                WLOG("{$LOG_PREFIX}:HOURLY: {$current_hour}MB/{$rules_hour}MB MACTHES --> OK");
            return true;
    return false;
function LoadDatabase()
    WLOG("Reloading database...");
    $GLOBALS["GetMacToUidTIME"] = time();
    $GLOBALS["USERSDB"] = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/squid3/usersMacs.db"));
function LoadRules()
    if (!is_file("/etc/squid3/paranoid.db")) {
        return array();
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"])) {
        WLOG("LoadRules()::Loading new rules /etc/squid3/paranoid.db [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"] = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/squid3/paranoid.db"));
        $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"]["FFMTIMES"] = filemtime("/etc/squid3/paranoid.db");
        return $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"];
        $ffm = filemtime("/etc/squid3/paranoid.db");
        if ($ffm != $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"]["FFMTIMES"]) {
            WLOG("LoadRules()::Loading new rules /etc/squid3/paranoid.db [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"] = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/squid3/paranoid.db"));
            $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"]["FFMTIMES"] = filemtime("/etc/squid3/paranoid.db");
            return $GLOBALS["PARANOID_RULES"];
function api_mysql_connect()
    if ($GLOBALS["MYSQL_SOCKET"] != null) {
        $bd = @mysql_connect(":{$GLOBALS["MYSQL_SOCKET"]}", $GLOBALS["MYSQL_USERNAME"], $GLOBALS["MYSQL_PASSWORD"]);
    } else {
        $bd = @mysql_connect("{$GLOBALS["MYSQL_SERVER"]}:{$GLOBALS["MYSQL_PORT"]}", "{$GLOBALS["MYSQL_USERNAME"]}", "{$GLOBALS["MYSQL_PASSWORD"]}");
    if ($bd) {
        return $bd;
    $des = @mysql_error();
    $errnum = @mysql_errno();
    WLOG("api_mysql_connect() failed (N:{$errnum}) \"{$des}\"");
    return false;
function memory_trace($array)
    $key = null;
    $uid = $array["uid"];
    $ipaddr = $array["ipaddr"];
    $mac = $array["mac"];
    $size = $array["size"];
    $type = $array["type"];
    $servername = $array["servername"];
    if ($array["size"] == 0) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("O size ({$uid},{$mac},{$ipaddr}) -> {$servername}");
    if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $servername, $re)) {
        $servername = $re[1];
    if ($uid != null) {
        $key = "uid";
    if ($key == null) {
        if ($mac != null) {
            $key = "MAC";
    if ($key == null) {
        if ($ipaddr != null) {
            $key = "ipaddr";
    if ($key == null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("Unable to check key ({$uid},{$mac},{$ipaddr}) -> {$servername}");
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["TABLE_CHECKED"][date("YmdH")])) {
        $GLOBALS["TABLE_CHECKED"][date("YmdH")] = true;
    $table = "quotahours_" . date('YmdH');
    $hour = date("H");
    $keyr = md5("{$hour}{$uid}{$ipaddr}{$mac}{$type}{$servername}");
    $sql = "SELECT `size` FROM `{$table}` WHERE `keyr`='{$keyr}'";
    $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($GLOBALS["Q"]->QUERY_SQL($sql));
    $ligne["size"] = intval($ligne["size"]);
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["size"])) {
        $ligne["size"] = 0;
    if ($ligne["size"] > 0) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("{$uid}/{$ipaddr} {$servername} ={$ligne["size"]} + {$size}");
        $newsize = $ligne["size"] + $size;
        $sql = "UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `{$table}` SET `size`='{$newsize}' WHERE `keyr`='{$keyr}'";
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        if (!$GLOBALS["Q"]->ok) {
    $familysite = $GLOBALS["Q"]->GetFamilySites($servername);
    $uid = mysql_escape_string2($uid);
    $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$table}` (`hour`,`keyr`,`ipaddr`,`familysite`,`servername`,`filetype`,`uid`,`MAC`,`size`) VALUES\n\t('{$hour}','{$keyr}','{$ipaddr}','{$familysite}','{$servername}','{$type}','{$uid}','{$mac}','{$size}')";
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
    if (!$GLOBALS["Q"]->ok) {
function XVFERTSZ()
    $F = base64_decode("L3Vzci9sb2NhbC9zaGFyZS9hcnRpY2EvLmxpYw==");
    if (!is_file($F)) {
        WLOG("License check no such license");
        return false;
    $D = trim(@file_get_contents($F));
    if (trim($D) == "TRUE") {
        return true;
    WLOG("License check no such license content");
    return false;
function UFDGUARD_UNLOCKED($url)
    if (trim($url) == null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_UNLOCK"]) {
            WLOG("UFDGUARD_UNLOCKED::URL is null");
            return false;
    if (strpos(" {$url}", " 00:00:00:00:00:00") > 0) {
        return false;
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    if ($q->COUNT_ROWS("ufdbunlock") == 0) {
        return false;
    $values = explode(" ", $url);
    $IPADDR = $values[0];
    $MAC = $values[1];
    $XFORWARD = $values[2];
    $WWW = $values[3];
    $IPADDR = str_replace("%25", "-", $IPADDR);
    $MAC = str_replace("%25", "-", $MAC);
    $XFORWARD = str_replace("%25", "-", $XFORWARD);
    if ($XFORWARD == "-") {
        $XFORWARD = null;
    if ($MAC == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
        $MAC = null;
    if ($MAC == "-") {
        $MAC = null;
    $IPCalls = new IP();
    if ($IPCalls->isIPAddress($XFORWARD)) {
        $IPADDR = $XFORWARD;
    if (preg_match("#(.+?):[0-9]+#", $WWW, $re)) {
        $WWW = $re[1];
    if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $WWW, $re)) {
        $WWW = $re[1];
    $WWW = $q->GetFamilySites($WWW);
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["ufdbunlock_c"])) {
        $GLOBALS["ufdbunlock_c"] = 0;
    if ($GLOBALS["ufdbunlock_c"] > 90) {
        $q->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM ufdbunlock WHERE `finaltime` <" . time());
        if (!$q->ok) {
        $GLOBALS["ufdbunlock_c"] = 0;
    if ($MAC != null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_UNLOCK"]) {
            WLOG("SELECT md5,finaltime FROM ufdbunlock WHERE `www`='{$WWW}' AND MAC='{$MAC}'");
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT md5,finaltime FROM ufdbunlock WHERE `www`='{$WWW}' AND MAC='{$MAC}'"));
        if (!$q->ok) {
        if ($ligne["md5"] != null) {
            if ($ligne["finaltime"] < time()) {
                return false;
            if ($IPADDR != null) {
                $q->QUERY_SQL("UPDATE ufdbunlock SET ipaddr='{$IPADDR}' WHERE MAC='{$MAC}'");
            return true;
    if ($IPADDR != null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_UNLOCK"]) {
            WLOG("SELECT md5,finaltime FROM ufdbunlock WHERE `www`='{$WWW}' AND ipaddr='{$IPADDR}'");
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT md5,finaltime FROM ufdbunlock WHERE `www`='{$WWW}' AND ipaddr='{$IPADDR}'"));
        if (!$q->ok) {
        $time = time();
        if ($ligne["md5"] != null) {
            if ($ligne["finaltime"] < time()) {
                WLOG("{$ligne["finaltime"]} < {$time} -> FALSE");
                return false;
            if ($MAC != null) {
                $q->QUERY_SQL("UPDATE ufdbunlock SET MAC='{$MAC}' WHERE ipaddr='{$IPADDR}'");
            return true;