foreach ($check as $item) { $retorno = $DAO->DeletarRelacionamento($item); if ($retorno != 1) { break; } } if ($retorno == 1) { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">alert("Registro removido com sucesso");</script>'; echo '<script language= "JavaScript">location.href="rel_pessoal.php?id=' . $id . '";</script>'; } else { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">alert("Erro ao excluir");</script>'; } } } if (!empty($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'del') { $item = ValidateInteger(INPUT_GET, 'item'); $id = $_GET['id']; $retorno = $DAO->DeletarRelacionamento($item); if ($retorno == 1) { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">alert("Registro removido com sucesso");</script>'; echo '<script language= "JavaScript">location.href="rel_pessoal.php?id=' . $id . '";</script>'; } else { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">alert("Erro ao excluir");</script>'; } } ?> <script> function marcarTodos(marcar){ var itens = document.getElementsByName('check[]');
<?php include_once '../../includes.sys/ini.php'; include_once '../../includes.sys/metodos.php'; include_once '../DAO/EquipamentoDAO.php'; checkUserAuth(EXTERNAL_ROOT_PORTAL . '/index.php?error=true'); include_once '../../head.php'; if (!in_array(295, listarAcesso())) { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">location.href="index.php";</script>'; } $DAO = new EquipamentoDAO(); if (!empty($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'del') { $id = ValidateInteger(INPUT_GET, 'id'); $retorno = $DAO->Deletar($id); if ($retorno == 1) { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">alert("Registro removido com sucesso");</script>'; echo '<script language= "JavaScript">location.href="index.php";</script>'; } else { echo '<script language= "JavaScript">alert("Erro ao remover o registro");</script>'; } } ?> <!-- topbar ends --> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <!-- left menu starts --> <div class="span2 main-menu-span"> <?php include_once '../menu.php'; ?>
protected function _AddEdit($Sender, $PocketID = FALSE) { $Form = new Gdn_Form(); $PocketModel = new Gdn_Model('Pocket'); $Form->SetModel($PocketModel); $Sender->ConditionModule = new ConditionModule($Sender); $Sender->Form = $Form; if ($Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) { // Save the pocket. if ($PocketID !== FALSE) { $Form->SetFormValue('PocketID', $PocketID); } // Convert the form data into a format digestable by the database. $Repeat = $Form->GetFormValue('RepeatType'); switch ($Repeat) { case Pocket::REPEAT_EVERY: $PocketModel->Validation->ApplyRule('EveryFrequency', 'Integer'); $PocketModel->Validation->ApplyRule('EveryBegin', 'Integer'); $Frequency = $Form->GetFormValue('EveryFrequency', 1); if (!$Frequency || !ValidateInteger($Frequency) || $Frequency < 1) { $Frequency = 1; } $Repeat .= ' ' . $Frequency; if ($Form->GetFormValue('EveryBegin', 1) > 1) { $Repeat .= ',' . $Form->GetFormValue('EveryBegin'); } break; case Pocket::REPEAT_INDEX: $PocketModel->Validation->AddRule('IntegerArray', 'function:ValidateIntegerArray'); $PocketModel->Validation->ApplyRule('Indexes', 'IntegerArray'); $Indexes = explode(',', $Form->GetFormValue('Indexes', '')); $Indexes = array_map('trim', $Indexes); $Repeat .= ' ' . implode(',', $Indexes); break; default: break; } $Form->SetFormValue('Repeat', $Repeat); $Form->SetFormValue('Sort', 0); $Form->SetFormValue('Format', 'Raw'); $Condition = Gdn_Condition::ToString($Sender->ConditionModule->Conditions(TRUE)); $Form->SetFormValue('Condition', $Condition); if ($Form->GetFormValue('Ad', 0)) { $Form->SetFormValue('Type', Pocket::TYPE_AD); } else { $Form->SetFormValue('Type', Pocket::TYPE_DEFAULT); } $Saved = $Form->Save(); if ($Saved) { $Sender->StatusMessage = T('Your changes have been saved.'); $Sender->RedirectUrl = Url('settings/pockets'); } } else { if ($PocketID !== FALSE) { // Load the pocket. $Pocket = $PocketModel->GetWhere(array('PocketID' => $PocketID))->FirstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY); if (!$Pocket) { return Gdn::Dispatcher()->Dispatch('Default404'); } // Convert some of the pocket data into a format digestable by the form. list($RepeatType, $RepeatFrequency) = Pocket::ParseRepeat($Pocket['Repeat']); $Pocket['RepeatType'] = $RepeatType; $Pocket['EveryFrequency'] = GetValue(0, $RepeatFrequency, 1); $Pocket['EveryBegin'] = GetValue(1, $RepeatFrequency, 1); $Pocket['Indexes'] = implode(',', $RepeatFrequency); $Pocket['Ad'] = $Pocket['Type'] == Pocket::TYPE_AD; $Sender->ConditionModule->Conditions(Gdn_Condition::FromString($Pocket['Condition'])); $Form->SetData($Pocket); } else { // Default the repeat. $Form->SetFormValue('RepeatType', Pocket::REPEAT_ONCE); } } $Sender->Form = $Form; $Sender->SetData('Locations', $this->Locations); $Sender->SetData('LocationsArray', $this->GetLocationsArray()); $Sender->SetData('Pages', array('' => '(' . T('All') . ')', 'activity' => 'activity', 'comments' => 'comments', 'dashboard' => 'dashboard', 'discussions' => 'discussions', 'inbox' => 'inbox', 'profile' => 'profile')); return $Sender->Render('AddEdit', '', 'plugins/Pockets'); }