Exemple #1
if (file_exists(DOC_ROOT . 'config.ini')) {
    //load main config so that we can connect to casebox db and read configuration for core
    $cfg = Config::loadConfigFile(DOC_ROOT . 'config.ini') + $cfg;
    if (isset($cfg['db_host']) && isset($cfg['db_user']) && isset($cfg['db_pass']) && isset($cfg['db_port'])) {
        //conect to db using global params from config.ini
} else {
    //Usually this appears when installing casebox and
    //a message instead of a complex error should be enough
    echo "Config file doesnt exist\n";
    // trigger_error("WARNING: file not exists " . DOC_ROOT . 'config.ini', E_USER_WARNING);
//define global prefix used
define('CB\\PREFIX', (empty($cfg['prefix']) ? 'cb' : $cfg['prefix']) . '_');
define('CB\\IS_DEBUG_HOST', empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || !empty($cfg['debug_hosts']) && Util\isInValues($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $cfg['debug_hosts']) || Util\is_cli());
define('CB\\IS_DEVEL_SERVER', !empty($cfg['_dev_mode']) && (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '.d.') !== false || !empty($cfg['_dev_hosts']) && Util\isInValues($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $cfg['_dev_hosts'])));
//analize python option
if (empty($cfg['PYTHON'])) {
    $cfg['PYTHON'] = 'python';
//set unoconv path
$cfg['UNOCONV'] = '"' . $cfg['PYTHON'] . '" "' . DOC_ROOT . 'libx' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'unoconv"';
Cache::set('platformConfig', $cfg);
/* config functions section */
 * detect core from enviroment
 * @return varchar | false
function detectCore()
Exemple #2
  1. include platform config
  4. Detect core name and initialize by defining specific params
  5. based on loaded configs set casebox php options, session lifetime, error_reporting and define required casebox constants
require_once 'config_platform.php';
$cfg = Cache::get('platformConfig');
//detect core and define core specific params
$cfg['core_name'] = detectCore() or die('Cannot detect core');
//set default database name
$cfg['db_name'] = PREFIX . $cfg['core_name'];
//loading core defined params
try {
    $cfg = array_merge($cfg, Config::getPlatformConfigForCore($cfg['core_name']));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    //return http "not found" if cant load core config
    if (Util\is_cli()) {
        trigger_error("ERROR: Config::getPlatformConfigForCore(" . $cfg['core_name'] . ") cfg=" . print_r($cfg, true), E_USER_ERROR);
    } else {
        header(@$_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Not Found');
//echo '<pre>'.print_r($cfg,true).'</pre>';
//loading full config of the core
$config = Config::load($cfg);
//analize core status and display corresponding message if not active
$status = Config::getCoreStatus();
if ($status != Config::$CORESTATUS_ACTIVE) {
    echo Config::getCoreStatusMessage($status);