function MetabaseParseConnectionArguments($connection, &$arguments)
    $parameters = parse_url($connection);
    if (!isset($parameters["scheme"])) {
        return "it was not specified the connection type argument";
    $arguments["Type"] = $parameters["scheme"];
    if (isset($parameters["host"])) {
        $arguments["Host"] = UrlDecode($parameters["host"]);
    if (isset($parameters["user"])) {
        $arguments["User"] = UrlDecode($parameters["user"]);
    if (isset($parameters["pass"])) {
        $arguments["Password"] = UrlDecode($parameters["pass"]);
    if (isset($parameters["port"])) {
        $arguments["Options"]["Port"] = $parameters["port"];
    if (isset($parameters["path"])) {
        $arguments["Database"] = UrlDecode(substr($parameters["path"], 1));
    if (isset($parameters["query"])) {
        $options = explode("&", $parameters["query"]);
        for ($option = 0; $option < count($options); $option++) {
            if (GetType($equal = strpos($options[$option], "=")) != "integer") {
                return $options[$option] . " connection option argument does not specify a value";
            $argument = UrlDecode(substr($options[$option], 0, $equal));
            $value = UrlDecode(substr($options[$option], $equal + 1));
            if (GetType($slash = strpos($argument, "/")) == "integer") {
                if (substr($argument, 0, $slash) != "Options") {
                    return "it was not specified a valid conection option argument";
                $arguments["Options"][substr($argument, $slash + 1)] = $value;
            } else {
                $arguments[$argument] = $value;
    return "";
Exemple #2
 function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)
     $this->report_errors = ($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) != 0;
     if (strcmp($mode, "r")) {
         return $this->SetError("the message can only be opened for reading");
     $url = parse_url($path);
     $host = $url['host'];
     $pop3 =& pop3_class::SetConnection(0, $host, $this->pop3);
     if (isset($pop3)) {
         $this->pop3 =& $pop3;
         $this->previous_connection = 1;
     } else {
         $this->pop3 = new pop3_class();
     if (!$this->ParsePath($path, $url)) {
         return FALSE;
     $message = substr($url["path"], 1);
     if (strcmp(intval($message), $message) || $message <= 0) {
         return $this->SetError("it was not specified a valid message to retrieve");
     if (!$this->previous_connection) {
         if (strlen($error = $this->pop3->Open())) {
             return $this->SetError($error);
         $this->opened = 1;
         $apop = isset($url["query"]["apop"]) ? intval($url["query"]["apop"]) : 0;
         if (strlen($error = $this->pop3->Login(UrlDecode($url["user"]), UrlDecode($url["pass"]), $apop))) {
             return $this->SetError($error);
     if (strlen($error = $this->pop3->OpenMessage($message, -1))) {
         return $this->SetError($error);
     $this->end_of_message = FALSE;
     if ($options & STREAM_USE_PATH) {
         $opened_path = $path;
     $this->read = 0;
     $this->buffer = "";
     return TRUE;
 public function view($id = '', $page = 1, $orderby = 0, $rownum = 0, $showtype = 0)
     $orderby = UrlDecode($orderby);
     $rownum = UrlDecode($rownum);
     $showtype = UrlDecode($showtype);
     $flag = 1;
     $this->data['to_page_id'] = $id;
     if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $_GET['page'] = $page;
     $this->data['get_page'] = $_GET['page'];
     // Configure::write('debug', 0);
     if (!is_numeric($id) || $id < 1) {
         $this->pageTitle = $this->ld['parameter_error'] . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
         $this->flash($this->ld['parameter_error'], '/', 5);
         $flag = 0;
     $brand_info = $this->Brand->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $id), 'fields' => ',Brand.status,,BrandI18n.meta_keywords,BrandI18n.meta_description,BrandI18n.description'));
     $this->set('meta_description', $brand_info['BrandI18n']['meta_description']);
     $this->set('meta_keywords', $brand_info['BrandI18n']['meta_keywords']);
     $this->params['id'] = $id;
     if (empty($brand_info)) {
         $this->pageTitle = $this->ld['brand'] . $this->ld['not_exist'] . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
         $this->flash($this->ld['brand'] . $this->ld['not_exist'], '/', 5);
         $flag = 0;
     } elseif ($brand_info['Brand']['status'] == 0) {
         $this->pageTitle = $this->ld['brand'] . $this->ld['not_exist'] . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
         $this->flash($this->ld['brand'] . $this->ld['not_exist'], '/', 5);
         $flag = 0;
     if ($flag == 1) {
         $this->pageTitle = $brand_info['BrandI18n']['name'] . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
         $navigations = $brand_info;
         $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $navigations['BrandI18n']['name'], 'url' => '/brands/' . $navigations['Brand']['id']);
         $this->set('ur_heres', $this->ur_heres);
         if (empty($rownum) && $rownum == 0) {
             $rownum = isset($this->configs['products_list_num']) ? $this->configs['products_list_num'] : (!empty($rownum) ? $rownum : 20);
         if (empty($showtype) && $showtype == 0) {
             $showtype = isset($this->configs['products_list_showtype']) ? $this->configs['products_list_showtype'] : (!empty($showtype) ? $showtype : 'L');
         if (empty($orderby) && $orderby == 0) {
             $orderby = isset($this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type']) ? $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type'] . ' ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method'] : (!empty($orderby) ? $orderby : 'created ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method']);
         if ($rownum == 'all') {
             $rownum_sql = 99999;
         } else {
             $rownum_sql = $rownum;
         $this->data['orderby'] = $orderby;
         $this->data['rownum'] = $rownum;
         $this->data['showtype'] = $showtype;
     if (isset($this->configs['enable_one_step_buy']) && $this->configs['enable_one_step_buy'] == 1) {
         $js_languages = array('enable_one_step_buy' => '1', 'enter_positive_integer' => $this->ld['be_integer']);
         $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     } else {
         $js_languages = array('enable_one_step_buy' => '0', 'enter_positive_integer' => $this->ld['be_integer']);
         $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     $this->set('description', $brand_info['BrandI18n']['description']);
Exemple #4
     $bk_KEY = $kiv['skey'];
     $bk_IV = $kiv['iv'];
     if (!$bk_KEY || !$bk_IV) {
         $title = "AllPay信用卡幕後授權-取店家專用的key失敗";
         $msg = "Client : " . $client . " 取店家專用的key失敗 error_HashKey_IV <br>";
         $msg .= "skey = " . $bk_KEY . "<br>";
         $msg .= "iv = " . $bk_IV . "<br>";
         $msg .= "使用者IP = " . $uip . "<br>";
         $msg .= "<hr size=1>於 pay-web 執行的 g_ssl.php 執行時間 " . number_format(microtime(true) - $t1, 3) . " 秒<br>" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
         @exec_mail(2, $title, $msg, 'g_ssl.php');
         @setlog("A", $_GET['client'], "error_HashKey_IV", $uip, $t1);
         echo 'error_HashKey_IV';
 $dt = UrlDecode(fnDecrypt($dt, $bk_KEY, $bk_IV));
 $lx = explode("*", $dt);
 $NEW_ssl = 1;
 $client = $lx[1];
 $card_no = $lx[2];
 $exp = $lx[3];
 $bgm = $lx[4];
 $amount = $lx[5] + 1 - 1;
 $stage = $lx[6] + 1 - 1;
  *@param $page 
  *@param $orderby
  *@param $rownum 
  *@param showtype
 public function index($page = 1, $orderby = '', $rownum = '', $showtype = '')
     $this->pageTitle = $this->ld['integral_shopping_mall'] . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['integral_shopping_mall'], 'url' => '/exchange/');
     $orderby = UrlDecode($orderby);
     $rownum = UrlDecode($rownum);
     $showtype = UrlDecode($showtype);
     if (empty($rownum) && $rownum == 0) {
         $rownum = isset($this->configs['products_list_num']) ? $this->configs['products_list_num'] : (!empty($rownum) ? $rownum : 20);
     if (empty($showtype) && $showtype == 0) {
         $showtype = isset($this->configs['products_list_showtype']) ? $this->configs['products_list_showtype'] : (!empty($showtype) ? $showtype : 'L');
     if (empty($orderby) && $orderby == 0) {
         $orderby = isset($this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type']) ? $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type'] . ' ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method'] : (!empty($orderby) ? $orderby : 'created ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method']);
     if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $_GET['page'] = $page;
     } else {
         $page = $_GET['page'];
     if ($rownum == 'all') {
         $rownum_sql = 99999;
     } else {
         $rownum_sql = $rownum;
     $this->data['get_page'] = $page;
     $this->data['orderby'] = $orderby;
     $this->data['rownum'] = $rownum;
     $this->data['showtype'] = $showtype;
     // 查找可用积分购买的商品
     $sortClass = 'Product';
     $page = 1;
     $parameters = array($orderby, $rownum_sql, $page);
     $options = array();
     $condition = "Product.point_fee > '0' and Product.status = '1' and = '1'";
     $locale = LOCALE;
     $total = $this->Product->get_cache_total($condition, $locale);
     $options = array('page' => $page, 'show' => $rownum, 'modelClass' => 'Product');
     $this->data['page_total'] = $total;
     list($page) = $this->Pagination->init($condition, $parameters, $options);
     // Added
     //	$products=$this->Product->findAll($condition,'',"Product.$orderby","$rownum",$page);
     $products = $this->Product->find_products_list($orderby, $condition, $rownum_sql, $page);
     $products_ids_list = array();
     if (is_array($products) && sizeof($products) > 0) {
         foreach ($products as $k => $v) {
             $products_ids_list[] = $v['Product']['id'];
     // 商品多语言
     $productI18ns_list = array();
     $product_conditions = array('ProductI18n.product_id' => $products_ids_list, 'ProductI18n.locale' => LOCALE);
     $productI18ns = $this->ProductI18n->get_productI18ns($product_conditions);
     if (isset($productI18ns) && sizeof($productI18ns) > 0) {
         foreach ($productI18ns as $k => $v) {
             $productI18ns_list[$v['ProductI18n']['product_id']] = $v;
     // 商品地区价格
     if (isset($this->configs['mlti_currency_module']) && $this->configs['mlti_currency_module'] == 1) {
         $locale_price_list = array();
         $locale_price_conditions = array('ProductLocalePrice.product_id' => $products_ids_list, 'ProductLocalePrice.locale' => LOCALE, 'ProductLocalePrice.status' => 1);
         $locale_price = $this->ProductLocalePrice->get_locale_price($locale_price_conditions);
         if (isset($locale_price) && sizeof($locale_price) > 0) {
             foreach ($locale_price as $k => $v) {
                 $locale_price_list[$v['ProductLocalePrice']['product_id']] = $v;
     //	$total = count($products);
     $products_ids_list = array();
     if (is_array($products) && sizeof($products) > 0) {
         foreach ($products as $k => $v) {
             $products_ids_list[] = $v['Product']['id'];
     $category_lists = $this->CategoryProduct->find_all(LOCALE);
     $this->set('categories', $category_lists);
     $product_id_conditions = array('ProductsCategory.product_id' => $products_ids_list);
     $product_category_infos = $this->ProductsCategory->get_product_category_infos($product_id_conditions);
     $product_category_lists = array();
     if (is_array($product_category_infos) && sizeof($product_category_infos) > 0) {
         foreach ($product_category_infos as $k => $v) {
             $product_category_lists[$v['ProductsCategory']['product_id']] = $v;
     $product_ranks = $this->ProductRank->find_rank_by_product_ids($products_ids_list);
     $user_rank_list = $this->UserRank->findrank();
     if (isset($product_ranks) && sizeof($product_ranks) > 0) {
         foreach ($product_ranks as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($v) && sizeof($v) > 0) {
                 foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) {
                     if ($vv['ProductRank']['is_default_rank'] == 1) {
                         $product_ranks[$k][$kk]['ProductRank']['discount'] = $user_rank_list[$vv['ProductRank']['rank_id']]['UserRank']['discount'] / 100;
     foreach ($products as $k => $v) {
         if (isset($productI18ns_list[$v['Product']['id']])) {
             $products[$k]['ProductI18n'] = $productI18ns_list[$v['Product']['id']]['ProductI18n'];
         } else {
             $products[$k]['ProductI18n']['name'] = '';
         if (isset($this->configs['products_name_length']) && $this->configs['products_name_length'] > 0) {
             $products[$k]['ProductI18n']['sub_name'] = $this->Product->sub_str($products[$k]['ProductI18n']['name'], $this->configs['products_name_length']);
         } else {
             $products[$k]['ProductI18n']['sub_name'] = $products[$k]['ProductI18n']['name'];
         if (isset($product_ranks[$v['Product']['id']]) && isset($_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']) && isset($product_ranks[$v['Product']['id']][$_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']])) {
             if (isset($product_ranks[$v['Product']['id']][$_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']]['ProductRank']['is_default_rank']) && $product_ranks[$v['Product']['id']][$_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']]['ProductRank']['is_default_rank'] == 0) {
                 $product_ranks[$k]['Product']['user_price'] = $product_ranks[$v['Product']['id']][$_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']]['ProductRank']['product_price'];
             } elseif (isset($user_rank_list[$_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']])) {
                 $product_ranks[$k]['Product']['user_price'] = $user_rank_list[$_SESSION['User']['User']['rank']]['UserRank']['discount'] / 100 * $v['Product']['shop_price'];
         if (isset($product_category_lists[$v['Product']['id']])) {
             $products[$k]['ProductsCategory'] = $product_category_lists[$v['Product']['id']]['ProductsCategory'];
             $v['ProductsCategory'] = $product_category_lists[$v['Product']['id']]['ProductsCategory'];
         if (isset($this->configs['products_name_length']) && $this->configs['products_name_length'] > 0) {
             $products[$k]['ProductI18n']['name'] = $this->Product->sub_str($products[$k]['ProductI18n']['name'], $this->configs['products_name_length']);
         //			if(isset($this->configs['mlti_currency_module']) && $this->configs['mlti_currency_module'] == 1 && isset($v['ProductLocalePrice']['product_price'])){
         //				$products[$k]['Product']['shop_price'] = $v['ProductLocalePrice']['product_price'];
         //			}
         if (isset($this->configs['mlti_currency_module']) && $this->configs['mlti_currency_module'] == 1 && isset($locale_price_list[$v['Product']['id']]['ProductLocalePrice']['product_price'])) {
             $products[$k]['Product']['shop_price'] = $locale_price_list[$v['Product']['id']]['ProductLocalePrice']['product_price'];
         //		$products[$k]['Product']['shop_price'] =$this->Product->locale_price($v['Product']['id'],$v['Product']['shop_price'],$this);
         if ($this->Product->is_promotion($v)) {
             $products[$k]['Product']['shop_price'] = $v['Product']['promotion_price'];
         if ($this->configs['category_link_type'] == 1) {
             //	$info = $this->CategoryProduct->findbyid($v['Product']['category_id']);
             if (isset($category_lists[$v['Product']['category_id']])) {
                 $info = $category_lists[$v['Product']['category_id']];
             $products[$k]['use_sku'] = 1;
             if ($info['CategoryProduct']['parent_id'] > 0) {
                 //	$parent_info = $this->CategoryProduct->findbyid($info['CategoryProduct']['parent_id']);
                 if (isset($category_lists[$info['CategoryProduct']['parent_id']])) {
                     $parent_info = $category_lists[$info['CategoryProduct']['parent_id']];
                 if (isset($parent_info['CategoryProduct'])) {
                     $parent_info['CategoryProductI18n']['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $parent_info['CategoryProductI18n']['name']);
                     $parent_info['CategoryProductI18n']['name'] = str_replace('/', '_', $parent_info['CategoryProductI18n']['name']);
                     $products[$k]['parent'] = $parent_info['CategoryProductI18n']['name'];
     if (isset($this->configs['enable_one_step_buy']) && $this->configs['enable_one_step_buy'] == 1) {
         $js_languages = array('enable_one_step_buy' => '1', 'enter_positive_integer' => $this->ld['be_integer']);
         $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     } else {
         $js_languages = array('enable_one_step_buy' => '0', 'enter_positive_integer' => $this->ld['be_integer']);
         $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['integral_shopping_mall'], 'url' => '/exchanges');
     $this->set('ur_heres', $this->ur_heres);
     $this->data['pages_url_1'] = $this->server_host . $this->webroot . 'exchanges/';
     $this->data['pages_url_2'] = '/' . $this->data['orderby'] . '/' . $this->data['rownum'] . '/' . $this->data['showtype'];
     $this->set('orderby', $orderby);
     $this->set('rownum', $rownum);
     $this->set('showtype', $showtype);
     $this->data['product_ranks'] = $product_ranks;
     $this->data['products'] = $products;
     $this->set('products', $products);
     $this->set('ur_heres', $this->ur_heres);
 function ReadReplyHeaders(&$headers)
     $headers = array();
     if (strlen($this->error)) {
         return $this->error;
     switch ($this->state) {
         case "Disconnected":
             return $this->SetError("1 connection was not yet established");
         case "Connected":
             return $this->SetError("2 request was not sent");
         case "RequestSent":
             return $this->SetError("3 can not get request headers in the current connection state");
     $this->content_length = $this->read_length = $this->read_response = 0;
     $this->content_length_set = 0;
     for ($this->response_status = "";;) {
         $line = $this->GetLine();
         if (GetType($line) != "string") {
             return $this->SetError("4 could not read request reply: " . $this->error);
         if (strlen($this->response_status) == 0) {
             if (!eregi($match = "^http/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[ \t]+([0-9]+)", $line, $matches)) {
                 return $this->SetError("3 it was received an unexpected HTTP response status");
             $this->response_status = $matches[1];
         if ($line == "") {
             if (strlen($this->response_status) == 0) {
                 return $this->SetError("3 it was not received HTTP response status");
             $this->state = "GotReplyHeaders";
         $header_name = strtolower($this->Tokenize($line, ":"));
         $header_value = Trim(Chop($this->Tokenize("\r\n")));
         if (isset($headers[$header_name])) {
             if (GetType($headers[$header_name]) == "string") {
                 $headers[$header_name] = array($headers[$header_name]);
             $headers[$header_name][] = $header_value;
         } else {
             $headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
         switch ($header_name) {
             case "content-length":
                 $this->content_length = intval($headers[$header_name]);
                 $this->content_length_set = 1;
             case "set-cookie":
                 if ($this->support_cookies) {
                     if (GetType($headers[$header_name]) == "array") {
                         $cookie_headers = $headers[$header_name];
                     } else {
                         $cookie_headers = array($headers[$header_name]);
                     for ($cookie = 0; $cookie < count($cookie_headers); $cookie++) {
                         $cookie_name = trim($this->Tokenize($cookie_headers[$cookie], "="));
                         $cookie_value = $this->Tokenize(";");
                         $domain = $this->request_host;
                         $path = "/";
                         $expires = "";
                         $secure = strtolower($this->protocol) == "https";
                         while (($name = strtolower(trim($this->Tokenize("=")))) != "") {
                             $value = UrlDecode($this->Tokenize(";"));
                             switch ($name) {
                                 case "domain":
                                     if ($value == "" || !strpos($value, ".", $value[0] == ".")) {
                                     $domain = strtolower($value);
                                 case "path":
                                     if ($value != "" && $value[0] == "/") {
                                         $path = $value;
                                 case "expires":
                                     if (ereg("^((Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday|Sun|Sunday), )?([0-9]{2})\\-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\\-([0-9]{2,4}) ([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2}) GMT\$", $value, $matches)) {
                                         $year = intval($matches[5]);
                                         if ($year < 1900) {
                                             $year += $year < 70 ? 2000 : 1900;
                                         $expires = "{$year}-" . $this->months[$matches[4]] . "-" . $matches[3] . " " . $matches[6] . ":" . $matches[7] . ":" . $matches[8];
                                 case "secure":
                                     $secure = 1;
                         $this->cookies[$secure][$domain][$path][$cookie_name] = array("name" => $cookie_name, "value" => $cookie_value, "domain" => $domain, "path" => $path, "expires" => $expires, "secure" => $secure);
     switch ($this->response_status) {
         case "301":
         case "302":
         case "303":
         case "307":
             if ($this->follow_redirect) {
                 if (!isset($headers["location"]) || strlen($headers["location"]) == 0) {
                     return $this->SetError("3 it was received a redirect without location URL");
                 $location = $headers["location"];
                 //echo  $location[0]."<br>";
                 if (strcmp($location[0], "/")) {
                     $location_arguments = parse_url($location);
                     if (!isset($location_arguments["scheme"])) {
                         $location = dirname($this->request_uri) . "/" . $location;
                 if (!strcmp($location[0], "/")) {
                     //if(substr($location,0,1)!="/") //
                     $location = $this->protocol . "://" . $this->host_name . ($this->host_port ? ":" . $this->host_port : "") . $location;
                 //echo  $this->protocol."://".$this->host_name.($this->host_port ? ":".$this->host_port : "").$location;
                 $error = $this->GetRequestArguments($location, $arguments);
                 if (strlen($error)) {
                     return $this->SetError("could not process redirect url: " . $error);
                 $arguments["RequestMethod"] = "GET";
                 if (strlen($error = $this->Close()) == 0 && strlen($error = $this->Open($arguments)) == 0 && strlen($error = $this->SendRequest($arguments)) == 0) {
                     if ($this->redirection_level > $this->redirection_limit) {
                         $error = "it was exceeded the limit of request redirections";
                     } else {
                         $error = $this->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                 $pri_cookies = $this->cookies;
                 $_SESSION['cookies'][$this->host_name] = $pri_cookies;
                 if (strlen($error)) {
                     return $this->SetError($error);
     return "";
  *@param $type
  *@param $keywords
  *@param $category_id
  *@param $brand_id
  *@param $min_price
  *@param $max_price
  *@param $page
  *@param $orderby
  *@param $rownum
  *@param $showtype
 public function advancedsearch($keyword = '', $page = 1, $limit = 12, $order_field = 0, $order_type = 0, $showtype = 0, $type = 0, $brand_id = 0, $min_price = 0, $max_price = 0, $flag = 0)
     $this->set('search_type', 'p');
     //Todo 改成后台可以控制
     if (isset($_SESSION['template_use']) && $_SESSION['template_use'] == 'arcotek') {
         $limit = 50;
     $order_field = UrlDecode($order_field);
     $order_type = UrlDecode($order_type);
     $limit = UrlDecode($limit);
     $showtype = 'L';
     //$keyword = trim($keyword, " ");
     // $keyword = UrlDecode($keyword);
     if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && $_GET['keyword'] != '') {
         $keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
     if ($keyword == 'All') {
         $keyword = '';
     $strkeyword = $keyword;
     if ($strkeyword == '') {
         $strkeyword = 'All Product';
     $this->product_order_field = $order_field;
     if (trim($keyword) != '') {
         $keyword = preg_split('#\\s+#', $keyword);
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['search'] . ':' . $strkeyword, 'url' => '');
     $flash_condition['flash_type'] = 'AS';
     $flash_list = $this->Flash->get_module_infos($flash_condition);
     $this->set('flash_list', $flash_list);
     $this->set('meta_description', $strkeyword);
     $this->set('meta_keywords', $strkeyword);
     if ($order_field == 'Product.created') {
         $this->pageTitle = '新品上架 - ' . sprintf($this->ld['page'], $page) . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     } elseif ($order_field == 'Product.sale_stat') {
         $this->pageTitle = '火爆团购- ' . sprintf($this->ld['page'], $page) . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     } else {
         $this->pageTitle = $strkeyword . ' - ' . sprintf($this->ld['page'], $page) . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     if (empty($limit)) {
         $limit = isset($this->configs['products_category_page_size']) ? $this->configs['products_category_page_size'] : (!empty($limit) ? $limit : 20);
     if (empty($showtype)) {
         $showtype = isset($this->configs['products_list_showtype']) ? $this->configs['products_list_showtype'] : (!empty($showtype) ? $showtype : 'L');
     $order_fields = array('Product.created', 'Product.sale_stat', 'Product.shop_price');
     if (!empty($order_field) && in_array($order_field, $order_fields)) {
     } else {
         $order_field = 'Product.sale_stat';
         $order_type = 'desc';
     if ($limit == 'all') {
         $limit = 99999;
     $this->set('search_eye', 1);
     $conditions['AND']['Product.status'] = 1;
     $conditions['AND'][''] = 1;
     $conditions['AND']['Product.bestbefore'] = 0;
     $conditions2['OR']['AND']['Product.status'] = 1;
     $conditions2['OR']['AND'][''] = 1;
     $conditions2['OR']['AND']['Product.bestbefore'] = 0;
     $conditions2['OR']['OR']['Product.recommand_flag'] = 1;
     $conditions2['OR']['OR']['Product.promotion_status'] = 1;
     if ($type == 'promotion') {
     } elseif ($type == 'new_arrival') {
         $order = 'Product.created desc';
     } elseif ($type == 'recommend') {
         $conditions['AND']['Product.recommand_flag'] = 1;
     } else {
     //	$bran_sel=array();
     // $bran_sel=$this->Brand->find('list',array('fields'=>array('',''));
     if (isset($this->configs['product_search_type']) && $this->configs['product_search_type'] == '0') {
         if (is_array($keyword) && sizeof($keyword) > 0) {
             foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) {
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][0]['OR'][$k]['Product.code like'] = "%{$v}%";
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][1]['OR'][$k][' like'] = "%{$v}%";
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][2]['OR'][$k]['ProductI18n.meta_keywords like'] = "%{$v}%";
                 $brand_ids_array = $this->BrandI18n->find('all', array('fields' => array('BrandI18n.brand_id'), 'conditions' => array(' like' => "%{$v}%")));
                 if (is_array($brand_ids_array) && isset($brand_ids_array) && !empty($brand_ids_array) && sizeof($brand_ids_array) > 0) {
                     $brand_ids = array();
                     foreach ($brand_ids_array as $kk => $vv) {
                         $brand_ids[$kk] = $vv['BrandI18n']['brand_id'];
                     $conditions['AND']['OR'][3]['OR'][$k]['Product.brand_id'] = $brand_ids;
                 $tag_conditions['and']['OR'][$k]['name like'] = "%{$v}%";
             $tag_in = $this->Tag->find('first');
             $tag_conditions = array();
             $keywords = array();
             if (is_array($keyword)) {
                 foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) {
                     $tag_conditions['and']['or'][$k][' like'] = "%{$v}%";
             $tag_conditions['and']['type'] = 'P';
             //  $tag_conditions['and'][' like'] ="%$keyword%";
             $tag_infos = $this->Tag->find('all', array('conditions' => $tag_conditions, 'fields' => 'Tag.type_id', 'group' => 'Tag.type_id'));
             if (!empty($tag_infos)) {
                 $pids = array();
                 foreach ($tag_infos as $t) {
                     $pids[] = $t['Tag']['type_id'];
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][4]['OR'][''] = $pids;
         $this->set('keyword', $keyword);
     } elseif (isset($this->configs['product_search_type']) && $this->configs['product_search_type'] == '1') {
         if (is_array($keyword) && sizeof($keyword) > 0) {
             foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) {
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][0]['and'][$k]['Product.code like'] = "%{$v}%";
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][1]['and'][$k][' like'] = "%{$v}%";
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][2]['and'][$k]['ProductI18n.meta_keywords like'] = "%{$v}%";
                 $brand_ids_array = $this->BrandI18n->find('all', array('fields' => array('BrandI18n.brand_id'), 'conditions' => array(' like' => "%{$v}%")));
                 if (is_array($brand_ids_array) && isset($brand_ids_array) && !empty($brand_ids_array) && sizeof($brand_ids_array) > 0) {
                     $brand_ids = array();
                     foreach ($brand_ids_array as $kk => $vv) {
                         $brand_ids[$kk] = $vv['BrandI18n']['brand_id'];
                     $conditions['AND']['OR'][3]['and'][$k]['Product.brand_id'] = $brand_ids;
                 $tag_conditions['and']['OR'][$k]['name'] = $v;
             $tag_in = $this->Tag->find('first');
             $tag_conditions = array();
             $keywords = array();
             if (is_array($keyword)) {
                 foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) {
                     $tag_conditions['and']['or'][$k][''] = $v;
             // $tag_conditions['and']['or']['type'] ='P';
             //    $tag_conditions['and'][' like'] ="%$keyword%";
             $tag_infos = $this->Tag->find('all', array('conditions' => $tag_conditions, 'fields' => 'Tag.type_id', 'group' => 'Tag.type_id'));
             if (!empty($tag_infos)) {
                 $pids = array();
                 foreach ($tag_infos as $t) {
                     $pids[] = $t['Tag']['type_id'];
                 $conditions['AND']['OR'][4][''] = $pids;
         $this->set('keyword', $keyword);
     if ($strkeyword == 'All Product') {
         $this->set('keyword', '');
     } else {
         $this->set('keyword', $strkeyword);
     if (isset($keyword) && !empty($keyword)) {
         $tag_in = $this->Tag->find('first');
         $tag_conditions = array();
         $keywords = array();
         if (is_array($keyword)) {
             foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) {
                 $tag_conditions['and']['or'][$k][' like'] = "%{$v}%";
         $tag_conditions['and']['type'] = 'P';
         //    $tag_conditions['and'][' like'] ="%$keyword%";
         $tag_infos = $this->Tag->find('all', array('conditions' => $tag_conditions, 'fields' => 'Tag.type_id', 'group' => 'Tag.type_id'));
         if (!empty($tag_infos)) {
             $pids = array();
             foreach ($tag_infos as $t) {
                 $pids[] = $t['Tag']['type_id'];
             $conditions['AND']['OR'][4][''] = $pids;
     $public_attr_ids = $this->ProductTypeAttribute->getattrids(0);
     $attr_id_infos = $this->Attribute->find('list', array('conditions' => array('' => $public_attr_ids), 'fields' => array('Attribute.code', '')));
     $this->set('attr_id_infos', $attr_id_infos);
     $options = array();
     $options['conditions'] = $conditions;
     $options2 = array();
     $options2['conditions'] = $conditions2;
     if (isset($this->configs['product_order']) && !empty($this->configs['product_order']) && $this->configs['product_order'] !== 'forsale' && $this->configs['product_order'] !== 'category') {
         $options['order'] = $this->configs['product_order'];
     } elseif (isset($this->configs['product_order']) && !empty($this->configs['product_order']) && $this->configs['product_order'] == 'category') {
         $options['order'] = 'category_id';
     } else {
         $options['order'] = $order_field . ' ' . $order_type;
     // $options['order'] =$this->configs['product_order'];
     $options['limit'] = $limit;
     $options['page'] = $page;
     $pro = $this->Product->find_all_products($options);
     $options['set'] = 'products';
     $options2['set2'] = 'products2';
     if ($min_price != 0 || $max_price != 0) {
         $conditions['AND']['Product.shop_price >='] = $min_price;
         $conditions['AND']['Product.shop_price <='] = $max_price;
     if ($brand_id != 0) {
         $conditions['AND'][''] = $brand_id;
         $this->set('cat_eye', $brand_id);
     $options['conditions'] = $conditions;
     //$options['conditions'] = $conditions;
     $parameters['get'] = array();
     $parameters['route'] = array('controller' => 'products', 'action' => 'advancedsearch', 'keyword' => $strkeyword, 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $limit, 'order_field' => $order_field, 'order_type' => $order_type, 'showtype' => $showtype, 'type' => $type, 'brand_id' => $brand_id, 'min_price' => $min_price, 'max_price' => $max_price);
     $page_options = array('page' => $page, 'show' => $limit, 'modelClass' => 'Product');
     $page = $this->Pagination->init($conditions, $parameters, $page_options);
     // Added
     $this->set('pages_list', $page);
     // foreach($pro as $k=>$v){
     //	$x=$this->Brand->findbyid($v['Product']['brand_id']);
     //	$brand_array[$v['Product']['brand_id']]= array();
     //	$brand_array[$v['Product']['brand_id']]['name']=$x['BrandI18n']['name'];
     //	$brand_array[$v['Product']['brand_id']]['cat']=$v['Product']['category_id'];
     // }
     $this->set('price_eye', $max_price);
     //$this->Product->find_all_products($options); //model
     if (!empty($pro)) {
         $brand_array = array();
         $category_array = array();
         $brand_ids = array();
         $category_ids = array();
         $brand_names = array();
         $categories = array();
         foreach ($pro as $k => $v) {
             if (!in_array($v['Product']['brand_id'], $brand_ids)) {
                 $brand_ids[] = $v['Product']['brand_id'];
             if (!in_array($v['Product']['category_id'], $category_ids)) {
                 $category_ids[] = $v['Product']['category_id'];
         $brand_array = $this->Brand->find('all', array('fields' => ','));
         foreach ($brand_array as $b) {
             $brand_names[$b['Brand']['id']] = $b['BrandI18n']['name'];
         if (!empty($category_ids)) {
             $category_array = $this->CategoryProduct->find('all', array('conditions' => array('' => $category_ids), 'fields' => ','));
             foreach ($category_array as $b) {
                 $categories[$b['CategoryProduct']['id']] = $b['CategoryProductI18n']['name'];
         $this->set('brand_names', $brand_names);
         $this->set('categories', $categories);
     $this->layout = 'default_search';
     if (isset($_POST['flag']) && $_POST['flag'] == 1) {
         $limit1 = 99999;
         $options = array();
         $options['conditions'] = $conditions;
         if ($this->configs['product_order'] == 'category') {
             $options['order'] = 'category_id';
         } else {
             $options['order'] = $this->configs['product_order'];
         $options['limit'] = $limit1;
         $options['page'] = 1;
         // $options['set'] = 'products';
         $pro1 = $this->Product->find_all_products($options);
         $public_attr_ids = $this->ProductTypeAttribute->getattrids(0);
         $pubile_attr_info = $this->Attribute->find('all', array('conditions' => array('' => $public_attr_ids), 'fields' => ','));
         $pat = array();
         if (!empty($pubile_attr_info)) {
             foreach ($pubile_attr_info as $k => $p) {
                 $pat[$p['Attribute']['id']] = $p['AttributeI18n']['name'];
         //TODO 改成后台可以定义 列值,属性应用需要判断
         $allproduct = array();
         Configure::write('debug', 0);
         $data = array();
         $data[] = array('Description', 'Part No.', 'Mfg', 'Qty', 'D/C', 'USD', 'Delivery', 'Notes');
         $allproduct = $data;
         $ii = 0;
         foreach ($pro1 as $k => $v) {
             $allproducts = array();
             $pab = array();
             foreach ($v['ProductAttribute'] as $pa) {
                 if ($pa['attribute_id'] == $attr_id_infos['dc'] && !empty($pa['attribute_value'])) {
                     $pab[$attr_id_infos['dc']] = $pa['attribute_value'];
                 if ($pa['attribute_id'] == $attr_id_infos['delivery'] && !empty($pa['attribute_value'])) {
                     $pab[$attr_id_infos['delivery']] = $pa['attribute_value'];
                 if ($pa['attribute_id'] == $attr_id_infos['notes'] && !empty($pa['attribute_value'])) {
                     $pab[$attr_id_infos['notes']] = $pa['attribute_value'];
             $product = $this->ProductI18n->find('first', array('conditions' => array('ProductI18n.product_id ' => $v['Product']['id']), 'recursive' => -1));
             $allproducts[] = $product['ProductI18n']['name'];
             $allproducts[] = $v['Product']['code'];
             $allproducts[] = isset($brand_names[$v['Product']['brand_id']]) ? $brand_names[$v['Product']['brand_id']] : '-';
             $allproducts[] = $v['Product']['quantity'];
             $allproducts[] = isset($pab[$attr_id_infos['dc']]) ? $pab[$attr_id_infos['dc']] : '-';
             $allproducts[] = isset($v['Product']['custom_price']) && $v['Product']['custom_price'] != '' ? $v['Product']['custom_price'] : $v['Product']['shop_price'];
             $allproducts[] = isset($pab[$attr_id_infos['delivery']]) ? $pab[$attr_id_infos['delivery']] : '-';
             $allproducts[] = isset($pab[$attr_id_infos['notes']]) ? $pab[$attr_id_infos['notes']] : '-';
             $allproduct[] = $allproducts;
         $this->Phpexcel->output('products_export_' . date('YmdHis') . '.xls', $allproduct);
Exemple #8
 function ParseStructuredHeader($value, &$type, &$parameters, &$character_sets, &$languages)
     $type = strtolower(trim($this->Tokenize($value, ';')));
     $p = trim($this->Tokenize(''));
     $parameters = $character_sets = $languages = array();
     while (strlen($p)) {
         $parameter = trim(strtolower($this->Tokenize($p, '=')));
         $remaining = trim($this->Tokenize(''));
         if (!strcmp($remaining[0], '"') && GetType($quote = strpos($remaining, '"', 1)) == 'integer') {
             $value = substr($remaining, 1, $quote - 1);
             $p = trim(substr($remaining, $quote + 1));
             if (strlen($p) > 0 && !strcmp($p[0], ';')) {
                 $p = substr($p, 1);
         } else {
             $value = trim($this->Tokenize($remaining, ';'));
             $p = trim($this->Tokenize(''));
         if (($l = strlen($parameter)) && !strcmp($parameter[$l - 1], '*')) {
             $parameter = $this->Tokenize($parameter, '*');
             if (isset($parameters[$parameter]) && isset($character_sets[$parameter])) {
                 $value = $parameters[$parameter] . UrlDecode($value);
             } else {
                 $character_sets[$parameter] = strtolower($this->Tokenize($value, '\''));
                 $languages[$parameter] = $this->Tokenize('\'');
                 $value = UrlDecode($this->Tokenize(''));
         $parameters[$parameter] = $value;
Exemple #9

$start = microtime(true);
require_once 'config/config.php';
require_once 'controller/Currency.php';
require_once 'controller/Logs.php';
$oRoute = explode('/', trim(UrlDecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), '/'));
if (count($oRoute) > 0) {
    try {
        $connection = new MongoClient();
        switch ($oRoute[0]) {
            case 'currency':
                $app = new Currency($connection->Currency, $defaultCurrency, $oRoute[1], $oRoute[2]);
                if ($app->Valid()) {
                    $result = $app->Calc();
                    $finish = microtime(true);
                    $app->Logger(array('request_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'request_time' => $finish - $start, 'request_price' => $app->cost, 'request_currency' => $app->fCurrency, 'request_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'request_ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));
                } else {
                    $result = array('error' => 1, 'mesage' => 'Запрос некорректен');
            case 'logs':
                $app = new Logs($connection->Currency);
                $result = $app->GetPeriod($oRoute[1], $oRoute[2]);
                $result = array('error' => 1, 'mesage' => 'Запрос некорректен');
    } catch (MongoConnectionException $e) {
        $result = array('error' => 1, 'mesage' => 'Сервис временно недоступен');
 public function hotel_fav($page = 1, $rownum = '', $orderby = '')
     $this->layout = 'usercenter';
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['user_center'], 'url' => '/users');
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => '酒店收藏', 'url' => '');
     $this->set('ur_heres', $this->ur_heres);
     $this->pageTitle = '酒店收藏' . ' - ' . $this->ld['page'] . ' ' . $page . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     $orderby = UrlDecode($orderby);
     $rownum = UrlDecode($rownum);
     if (empty($rownum)) {
         $rownum = isset($this->configs['products_list_num']) ? $this->configs['products_list_num'] : (!empty($rownum) ? $rownum : 5);
     if (empty($orderby)) {
         $orderby = isset($this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type']) ? $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type'] . ' ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method'] : (!empty($orderby) ? $orderby : 'created ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method']);
     if ($rownum == 'all') {
         $rownum = 99999;
     } else {
         $rownum = $rownum;
     $user_id = $_SESSION['User']['User']['id'];
     $condition = " type = 'h' and user_id={$user_id} ";
     $user_fav_infos = $this->UserFavorite->find('all', array('conditions' => $condition));
     $hotel_ids = array();
     $fav_type_id = array();
     if (!empty($user_fav_infos)) {
         foreach ($user_fav_infos as $k => $v) {
             $hotel_ids[$k] = $v['UserFavorite']['type_id'];
             $fav_type_id[$v['UserFavorite']['type_id']] = $v['UserFavorite']['id'];
     $condition = '';
     $condition = array('' => $hotel_ids, " TravelHotel.status ='1'");
     $limit = $rownum;
     $parameters['get'] = array();
     $parameters['route'] = array('controller' => 'favorites', 'action' => 'index?type=h', 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $limit);
     $options = array('page' => $page, 'show' => $limit, 'modelClass' => 'TravelHotel');
     $page = $this->Pagination->init($condition, $parameters, $options);
     // Added
     $hotel_infos = $this->TravelHotel->find('all', array('conditions' => $condition, 'order' => 'TravelHotel.created', 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $page));
     foreach ($hotel_infos as $k => $v) {
         $hotel_infos[$k]['UserFavoriteId'] = isset($fav_type_id[$v['TravelHotel']['id']]) ? $fav_type_id[$v['TravelHotel']['id']] : '';
     $this->set('hotel_infos', $hotel_infos);
     $user_id = $_SESSION['User']['User']['id'];
     $this->set('user_id', $user_id);
 function ReadReplyHeaders(&$headers)
     switch ($this->state) {
         case 'Disconnected':
             return '1 connection was not yet established';
         case 'Connected':
             return '2 request was not sent';
         case 'RequestSent':
             return '3 can not get request headers in the current connection state';
     $headers = array();
     $this->content_length = $this->read_length = 0;
     $this->content_length_set = 0;
     for (;;) {
         $line = $this->GetLine();
         if (GetType($line) != 'string') {
             return '4 could not read request reply';
         if ($line == '') {
             $this->state = 'GotReplyHeaders';
             return '';
         $header_name = strtolower(strtok($line, ':'));
         $header_value = Trim(Chop(strtok("\r\n")));
         if (isset($headers[$header_name])) {
             if (GetType($headers[$header_name]) == 'string') {
                 $headers[$header_name] = array($headers[$header_name]);
             $headers[$header_name][] = $header_value;
         } else {
             $headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
         switch ($header_name) {
             case 'content-length':
                 $this->content_length = intval($headers[$header_name]);
                 $this->content_length_set = 1;
             case 'set-cookie':
                 if ($this->support_cookies) {
                     $cookie_name = trim(strtok($headers[$header_name], '='));
                     $cookie_value = strtok(';');
                     $domain = $this->request_host;
                     $path = '/';
                     $expires = '';
                     $secure = 0;
                     while (($name = strtolower(trim(strtok('=')))) != '') {
                         $value = UrlDecode(strtok(';'));
                         switch ($name) {
                             case 'domain':
                                 if ($value == '' || !strpos($value, '.', $value[0] == '.')) {
                                 $domain = strtolower($value);
                             case 'path':
                                 if ($value != '' && $value[0] == '/') {
                                     $path = $value;
                             case 'expires':
                                 if (preg_match("/^((Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday|Sun|Sunday), )?([0-9]{2})\\-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\\-([0-9]{2,4}) ([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2}) GMT\$/i", $value, $matches)) {
                                     $year = intval($matches[5]);
                                     if ($year < 1900) {
                                         $year += $year < 70 ? 2000 : 1900;
                                     $expires = "{$year}-" . $this->months[$matches[4]] . '-' . $matches[3] . ' ' . $matches[6] . ':' . $matches[7] . ':' . $matches[8];
                             case 'secure':
                                 $secure = 1;
                     $this->cookies[$secure][$domain][$path][$cookie_name] = array('name' => $cookie_name, 'value' => $cookie_value, 'domain' => $domain, 'path' => $path, 'expires' => $expires, 'secure' => $secure);

include 'allpay_com.php';
include 'allpay_fn.php';
$CookieTOO_Sys = '';
if ($_GET['d'] == 'c') {
    setcookie("gw_allpay_t", '', "0", "/", $CookieTOO_Sys);
    echo 'Cookie已清除';
//$sValue = "Field=EWpS7g178XZos9C63HeHg9nk1hohAmtslhyhWUzVddNGMfdwHzPZcSR7v8w65JHFguoilkqJYotb/SAgp4RNXA==";
//$sValue.= "&Data=+0BJXQ3pD9fvKQEm+/kgGTV2OXI+ZZCCGlWSCHbGSX+qjcSdEBndlH+aJxzo5LAAUMOnA/UPluAqL69cDG/STE7U/8Znv1ZhALA7xLXtfaoLyAlhQ/gT0I1+BAmHBcQ9X97eORX07YBkXW+DkMSOddDO7oYhjJ6yGJCqNpPTmi+X1szbJ99LYWmRBn1UNwbQUwY/uVYfwIKvJOxJrcuhjw==";
//echo $_COOKIE['gw_allpay_t']."<br>\n";
//echo '<br>';
//$aaa = '1ZiNtaMLJC9ofyQLn+VoSD2lKieIhrxkJdZLzLiYfWSw/ALDN/yK7v384x5n4BtciqbqJQAKVp0G6/HB6T+kDMlJnpuu4L2lvCiBz6HJKFbcZlVBJp7AsT7VOoSkDbqH';
$Field = str_replace(' ', '+', $Field);
$Data = str_replace(' ', '+', $Data);
echo $Field . "<br>\n";
echo fnDecrypt($Field, $ck_KEY, $ck_IV) . "<br>\n";
echo '<br>';
echo $Data . "<br>\n";
echo UrlDecode(fnDecrypt($Data, $ck_KEY, $ck_IV)) . "<br>\n";
<a href="000_allpay_cookie.php?d=c">清除cookie</a>
  *@param $tag 
  *@param $orderby 
  *@param $rownum 
 public function tag($tag, $orderby = 'orderby', $rownum = '')
     $tag = UrlDecode($tag);
     if (isset($this->configs['article_category_page_list_number'])) {
         $rownum = $this->configs['article_category_page_list_number'];
     } elseif (!empty($rownum)) {
         $rownum = $rownum;
     } else {
         $rownum = 5;
     if (isset($this->configs['articles_list_orderby'])) {
         $orderby = $this->configs['articles_list_orderby'];
     } elseif (!empty($orderby)) {
         $orderby = $orderby;
     } else {
         $orderby = 'created';
     $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $yestoday = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 day'));
     $filter = '1=1';
     $filter .= " and  Article.status = '1' and Article.created <= '" . $now . "' and  Article.created >='" . $yestoday . "'";
     $today = $this->Article->findall($filter);
     $this->set('today', count($today));
     $article_id = array();
     if (isset($this->configs['use_tag']) && $this->configs['use_tag'] == 1) {
         $tags = $this->Tag->findall(" = '" . $tag . "' and TagI18n.locale = '" . LOCALE . "' and Tag.status ='1'");
         if (is_array($tags) && sizeof($tags) > 0) {
             foreach ($tags as $k => $v) {
                 $article_id[] = $v['Tag']['type_id'];
     $conditions = array('' => $article_id, 'Article.status' => '1');
     $total = $this->Article->findCount($conditions, 0);
     $sortClass = 'Article';
     $page = 1;
     $parameters = array($orderby, $rownum, $page);
     $options = array();
     $options = array('page' => $page, 'show' => $rownum, 'modelClass' => 'Article');
     $page = $this->Pagination->init($conditions, $parameters, $options);
     // Added
     if ($article_id != '') {
         $article_list = $this->Article->findall($conditions, '', "Article.{$orderby}", "{$rownum}", $page);
         foreach ($article_list as $key => $val) {
             $article_list[$key]['Article']['created'] = substr($val['Article']['created'], 0, 10);
             $article_list[$key]['Article']['modified'] = substr($val['Article']['modified'], 0, 10);
             if (isset($this->configs['products_name_length']) && $this->configs['products_name_length'] > 0) {
                 $article_list[$key]['ArticleI18n']['sub_title'] = $this->Article->sub_str($val['ArticleI18n']['title'], $this->configs['article_title_length']);
         $this->set('article_list', $article_list);
     $ur_heres = array();
     $ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['home'], 'url' => '/');
     $ur_heres[] = array('name' => $tag, 'url' => '/articles/index/hot');
     $this->set('ur_heres', $ur_heres);
     $this->set('orderby', $orderby);
     $this->set('rownum', $rownum);
     $this->set('total', $total);
     $this->pageTitle = $tag . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     //set js 语言
     $js_languages = array('page_number_expand_max' => $this->ld['page_number'] . $this->ld['not_exist']);
     $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     $this->set('meta_description', $tag);
     $this->set('meta_keywords', $tag);
  *@param $tag 输入标签
  *@param $page 输入页
  *@param $orderby 输入类型
  *@param $rownum 输入行数
 public function search($keyword = '', $page = 1, $limit = 0, $order_field = 0, $order_type = 0, $showtype = 0, $type = 0)
     $this->set('search_type', 'a');
     $order_field = UrlDecode($order_field);
     $order_type = UrlDecode($order_type);
     $limit = UrlDecode($limit);
     $showtype = UrlDecode($showtype);
     if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && $_GET['keyword'] != '') {
         $keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
     $keyword = UrlDecode($keyword);
     $keyword = addslashes($keyword);
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['search'], 'url' => '');
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $this->ld['article'], 'url' => '/articles');
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => $keyword, 'url' => '');
     $this->set('meta_description', $keyword);
     $this->set('meta_keywords', $keyword);
     $this->pageTitle = $keyword . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     if (empty($limit)) {
         $limit = isset($this->configs['products_category_page_size']) ? $this->configs['products_category_page_size'] : (!empty($limit) ? $limit : 20);
     if (empty($showtype)) {
         $showtype = isset($this->configs['products_list_showtype']) ? $this->configs['products_list_showtype'] : (!empty($showtype) ? $showtype : 'L');
     $order_fields = array('Article.created');
     if (!empty($order_field) && in_array($order_field, $order_fields)) {
     } else {
         $order_field = 'Article.created';
         $order_type = 'desc';
     if ($limit == 'all') {
         $limit = 99999;
     $conditions['AND']['Article.status'] = 1;
     if ($type == 'recommend') {
     if ($keyword != '') {
         $conditions['OR']['ArticleI18n.title like'] = "%{$keyword}%";
         $conditions['OR']['ArticleI18n.meta_description like'] = "%{$keyword}%";
     if (is_array($keyword) && sizeof($keyword) > 0) {
         foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) {
             $tag_conditions['and']['or'][]['name like'] = "%{$v}%";
     $tag_conditions['and']['type'] = 'A';
     $tag_infos = $this->Tag->find('all', array('conditions' => $tag_conditions, 'fields' => 'Tag.type_id', 'group' => 'Tag.type_id'));
     if (!empty($tag_infos)) {
         $aids = array();
         foreach ($tag_infos as $t) {
             $aids[] = $t['Tag']['type_id'];
         $conditions['OR'][''] = $aids;
     $nullcat = array();
     $nullcat['CategoryArticleI18n']['name'] = '';
     $nullcat['CategoryArticle']['id'] = 0;
     $this->set('CategoryArticle', $nullcat);
     $this->set('article_categories_direct_subids', $this->CategoryArticle->allinfo['A']['direct_subids']);
     $parameters['get'] = array();
     $parameters['route'] = array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'search', 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $limit, 'order_field' => $order_field, 'order_type' => $order_type, 'showtype' => $showtype, 'type' => $type, 'keyword' => $keyword);
     $options = array('page' => $page, 'show' => $limit, 'modelClass' => 'Article');
     $page = $this->Pagination->init($conditions, $parameters, $options);
     // Added
     $options = array();
     $options['conditions'] = $conditions;
     $options['order'] = $order_field . ' ' . $order_type;
     $options['limit'] = $limit;
     $options['page'] = $page;
     $articles = $this->Article->find('all', $options);
     $this->set('keyword', $keyword);
     // pr($articles);
     $this->set('articles', $articles);
Exemple #15
 public function request($url = null, $method = 'POST', $post = array(), $send_cookies = array(), $E = E_USER_WARNING)
     $fa = func_get_args();
     $protocoll = $this->protocoll;
     $host = $this->host;
     $verb = $this->verb;
     $interface = $this->interface;
     $endpoint = $this->endpoint;
     $post = $this->post;
     $send_cookies = $this->send_cookies;
     $auth_user = $this->auth_user;
     $auth_pass = $this->auth_pass;
     $resource = $this->resource;
     $format = $this->format;
     $func = $this->func;
     $args = $this->args;
     $get = $this->get;
     $version = $this->version;
     $E = $this->E;
     $method = $verb;
     $authentication = strlen($auth_user) ? UrlEncode($auth_user) . ":" . UrlEncode($auth_pass) . "@" : "";
     $url = $protocoll . '://' . $host;
     $url .= '/';
     $url .= 'v' . $version . '/';
     $url .= $interface . '/';
     $url .= $endpoint . '/';
     $url .= $resource . '/';
     foreach ($args as $k => $arg) {
         $url .= $arg . '/';
     $url .= $func . '.' . $format;
     if (count($get) > 0) {
         $url .= '?';
     $url .= http_build_query($get);
     if (count($fa) > 0) {
         trigger_error('Use of any arguments when calling ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated. Fallback calling parents method!', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
         return parent::request($url, $method, $post, $send_cookies, $E);
     if (null === $this->http) {
         return $this->fallback_auth($url, $method, $post, $auth_user, $auth_pass);
     $error = $this->http->GetRequestArguments($url, $arguments);
     $arguments['RequestMethod'] = $method;
     if (count($post) > 0) {
         $arguments['PostValues'] = array();
         foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
             $arguments['PostValues'][$key] = $value;
     $arguments["AuthUser"] = UrlDecode($auth_user);
     $arguments["AuthPassword"] = UrlEncode($auth_pass);
     $errorstr = '';
     $errorstr .= $error == '' ? '' : $error . trigger_error($error . ' in ' . __CLASS__ . ' line ' . __LINE__, $this->E);
     $this->http->RestoreCookies($send_cookies, 1);
     $error = $this->http->Open($arguments);
     $errorstr .= $error == '' ? '' : $error . trigger_error($error . ' in ' . __CLASS__ . ' line ' . __LINE__, $this->E);
     $error = $this->http->SendRequest($arguments);
     $errorstr .= $error == '' ? '' : $error . trigger_error($error . ' in ' . __CLASS__ . ' line ' . __LINE__, $this->E);
     $headers = array();
     $error = $this->http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
     $errorstr .= $error == '' ? '' : $error . trigger_error($error . ' in ' . __CLASS__ . ' line ' . __LINE__, $this->E);
     $error = $this->http->ReadWholeReplyBody($responsebody);
     $errorstr .= $error == '' ? '' : $error . trigger_error($error . ' in ' . __CLASS__ . ' line ' . __LINE__, $this->E);
     if (strlen($error) == 0) {
         if (strlen($error = $this->http->RestoreCookies($site_cookies, 1)) == 0) {
             if (strcmp(serialize($saved_cookies), serialize($site_cookies))) {
             } else {
     if ($error != '') {
         return $errorstr;
     $r = array();
     $r['status'] = intval($this->http->response_status);
     $r['headers'] = $headers;
     $r['body'] = $responsebody;
     $r['saved_cookies'] = $saved_cookies;
     $r['errorstr'] = $errorstr;
     $this->response = $r;
     return $r;
  *函数 user_product_comment 用于获取所购商品的分类信息.
  *@param $rownum
  *@param $showtype
  *@param $orderby
 public function user_product_comment($rownum = '', $showtype = '', $orderby = '')
     $orderby = UrlDecode($orderby);
     $rownum = UrlDecode($rownum);
     $showtype = UrlDecode($showtype);
     if (!isset($_SESSION['User'])) {
         //	echo "111111111111";exit;
     $this->ur_heres[] = array('name' => __($this->ld['purchased'] . $this->ld['information'], true), 'url' => '');
     $this->set('ur_heres', $this->ur_heres);
     $user_id = $_SESSION['User']['User']['id'];
     if (empty($rownum)) {
         $rownum = isset($this->configs['products_list_num']) ? $this->configs['products_list_num'] : (!empty($rownum) ? $rownum : 20);
     if (empty($showtype)) {
         $showtype = isset($this->configs['products_list_showtype']) ? $this->configs['products_list_showtype'] : (!empty($showtype) ? $showtype : 'L');
     if (empty($orderby)) {
         $orderby = isset($this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type']) ? $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_type'] . ' ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method'] : (!empty($orderby) ? $orderby : 'created ' . $this->configs['products_category_page_orderby_method']);
     $condition = ' user_id=' . $user_id;
     $my_orders = $this->Order->findAll($condition);
     $orders_id = array();
     foreach ($my_orders as $k => $v) {
         $orders_id[$k] = $v['Order']['id'];
     if (empty($orders_id)) {
         $orders_id[] = 0;
     // pr($orders_id);
     $condition = array('OrderProduct.order_id' => $orders_id, " ProductI18n.locale='" . LOCALE . "' ");
     $total = $this->OrderProduct->find('count', array('conditions' => $condition));
     $sortClass = 'OrderProduct';
     $page = 1;
     $parameters = array($rownum, $page);
     $options = array();
     $page = $this->Pagination->init($condition, '', $options, $total, $rownum, $sortClass);
     // $my_orders_products=$this->OrderProduct->findAll($condition,'',"","$rownum",$page);
     $my_orders_products = $this->OrderProduct->get_orders_products($condition, $orderby, $rownum, $page);
     //  pr($my_orders_products);
     if (empty($my_orders_products)) {
         $my_orders_products = array();
     // pr($my_orders_products);
     $res_c = $this->CategoryProduct->findassoc(LOCALE);
     $res_b = $this->Brand->findassoc(LOCALE);
     $products_ids_list = array();
     $orders_ids_list = array();
     $orders_ids_list[] = 0;
     $products_ids_list[] = 0;
     if (is_array($my_orders_products) && sizeof($my_orders_products) > 0) {
         foreach ($my_orders_products as $k => $v) {
             $products_ids_list[] = $v['OrderProduct']['product_id'];
             $orders_ids_list[] = $v['OrderProduct']['order_id'];
     if (!empty($products_ids_list)) {
         $products_comment_conditions = array('Comment.type_id' => $products_ids_list, 'Comment.type' => 'P', 'Comment.user_id' => $_SESSION['User']['User']['id'], 'Comment.parent_id' => 0);
         $products_comment = $this->Comment->get_products_comment($products_comment_conditions);
         $my_comments_id[] = 0;
         if (isset($products_comment) && sizeof($products_comment) > 0) {
             foreach ($products_comment as $k => $v) {
                 $my_comments_id[] = $v['Comment']['id'];
         $my_comments_replies = $this->Comment->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Comment.parent_id' => $my_comments_id)));
         $replies_list = array();
         if (is_array($my_comments_replies) && sizeof($my_comments_replies) > 0) {
             foreach ($my_comments_replies as $kk => $vv) {
                 $replies_list[$vv['Comment']['parent_id']][] = $vv;
         $products_comment_list = array();
         if (isset($products_comment) && sizeof($products_comment) > 0) {
             foreach ($products_comment as $k => $v) {
                 if (isset($replies_list[$v['Comment']['id']])) {
                     $products_comment[$k]['Reply'] = $replies_list[$v['Comment']['id']];
                 $products_comment_list[$v['Comment']['type_id']][] = $products_comment[$k];
     $this->set('products_comment_list', $products_comment_list);
     $order_ids_conditions = array('' => $orders_ids_list);
     $p_order_infos = $this->Order->get_order_infos($order_ids_conditions);
     $order_lists = array();
     if (is_array($p_order_infos) && sizeof($p_order_infos) > 0) {
         foreach ($p_order_infos as $k => $v) {
             $order_lists[$v['Order']['id']] = $v;
     $product_category_conditions = array('ProductsCategory.product_id' => $products_ids_list);
     $product_category_infos = $this->ProductsCategory->get_product_category_infos($product_category_conditions);
     $product_category_lists = array();
     if (is_array($product_category_infos) && sizeof($product_category_infos) > 0) {
         foreach ($product_category_infos as $k => $v) {
             $product_category_lists[$v['ProductsCategory']['product_id']] = $v;
     foreach ($my_orders_products as $k => $v) {
         //$order_info = $this->Order->findbyid($v['OrderProduct']['order_id']);
         if (isset($order_lists[$v['OrderProduct']['order_id']])) {
             $order_info = $order_lists[$v['OrderProduct']['order_id']];
         $my_orders_products[$k]['OrderProduct']['order_code'] = isset($order_info['Order']['id']) ? $order_info['Order']['id'] : '';
         if (isset($product_category_lists[$v['Product']['id']])) {
             $product_category = $product_category_lists[$v['Product']['id']];
         if (isset($product_category) && isset($res_c[$product_category['ProductsCategory']['id']]['Category']['id'])) {
             $my_orders_products[$k]['Category'] = $res_c[$res_c[$product_category['ProductsCategory']['id']]['Category']['id']]['Category'];
             $my_orders_products[$k]['CategoryI18n'] = $res_c[$res_c[$product_category['ProductsCategory']['id']]['Category']['id']]['CategoryI18n'];
         if (isset($res_b[$v['Product']['brand_id']]['Brand']['id'])) {
             $my_orders_products[$k]['Brand'] = $res_b[$v['Product']['brand_id']]['Brand'];
             $my_orders_products[$k]['BrandI18n'] = $res_b[$v['Product']['brand_id']]['BrandI18n'];
         if ($v['Product']['id'] == '') {
     $this->pageTitle = $this->ld['purchased'] . $this->ld['information'] . ' - ' . $this->configs['shop_title'];
     if (!empty($this->configs['enable_one_step_buy']) && $this->configs['enable_one_step_buy'] == 1) {
         $js_languages = array('enable_one_step_buy' => '1', 'page_number_expand_max' => $this->ld['page_number'] . $this->ld['not_exist']);
         $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     } else {
         $js_languages = array('enable_one_step_buy' => '0', 'page_number_expand_max' => $this->ld['page_number'] . $this->ld['not_exist']);
         $this->set('js_languages', $js_languages);
     //	  pr($my_orders_products);
     $this->set('my_orders_products', $my_orders_products);
     $this->set('total', $total);
     $this->set('user_id', $user_id);
     $this->set('orderby', $orderby);
     $this->set('rownum', $rownum);
     $this->set('showtype', $showtype);
Exemple #17
 function ReadReplyHeadersResponse(&$headers)
     $headers = array();
     if (strlen($this->error)) {
         return $this->error;
     switch ($this->state) {
         case "Disconnected":
             return $this->SetError("1 connection was not yet established");
         case "Connected":
             return $this->SetError("2 request was not sent");
         case "ConnectedToProxy":
             return $this->SetError("2 connection from the remote server from the proxy was not yet established");
         case "SendingRequestBody":
             return $this->SetError("4 request body data was not completely sent");
         case "ConnectSent":
             $connect = 1;
         case "RequestSent":
             $connect = 0;
             return $this->SetError("3 can not get request headers in the current connection state");
     $this->content_length = $this->read_length = $this->read_response = $this->remaining_chunk = 0;
     $this->content_length_set = $this->chunked = $this->last_chunk_read = $chunked = 0;
     $this->connection_close = 0;
     for ($this->response_status = "";;) {
         $line = $this->GetLine();
         if (GetType($line) != "string") {
             return $this->SetError("4 could not read request reply: " . $this->error);
         if (strlen($this->response_status) == 0) {
             if (!preg_match($match = "#^http/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]*(.*)\$#i", $line, $matches)) {
                 return $this->SetError("3 it was received an unexpected HTTP response status");
             $this->response_status = $matches[1];
             $this->response_message = $matches[2];
         if ($line == "") {
             if (strlen($this->response_status) == 0) {
                 return $this->SetError("3 it was not received HTTP response status");
             $this->state = $connect ? "GotConnectHeaders" : "GotReplyHeaders";
         $header_name = strtolower($this->Tokenize($line, ":"));
         $header_value = Trim(Chop($this->Tokenize("\r\n")));
         if (isset($headers[$header_name])) {
             if (GetType($headers[$header_name]) == "string") {
                 $headers[$header_name] = array($headers[$header_name]);
             $headers[$header_name][] = $header_value;
         } else {
             $headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
         if (!$connect) {
             switch ($header_name) {
                 case "content-length":
                     $this->content_length = intval($headers[$header_name]);
                     $this->content_length_set = 1;
                 case "transfer-encoding":
                     $encoding = $this->Tokenize($header_value, "; \t");
                     if (!$this->use_curl && !strcmp($encoding, "chunked")) {
                         $chunked = 1;
                 case "set-cookie":
                     if ($this->support_cookies) {
                         if (GetType($headers[$header_name]) == "array") {
                             $cookie_headers = $headers[$header_name];
                         } else {
                             $cookie_headers = array($headers[$header_name]);
                         for ($cookie = 0; $cookie < count($cookie_headers); $cookie++) {
                             $cookie_name = trim($this->Tokenize($cookie_headers[$cookie], "="));
                             $cookie_value = $this->Tokenize(";");
                             $domain = $this->request_host;
                             $path = "/";
                             $expires = "";
                             $secure = 0;
                             while (($name = trim(UrlDecode($this->Tokenize("=")))) != "") {
                                 $value = UrlDecode($this->Tokenize(";"));
                                 switch ($name) {
                                     case "domain":
                                         $domain = $value;
                                     case "path":
                                         $path = $value;
                                     case "expires":
                                         if (preg_match("#^((Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday|Sun|Sunday), )?([0-9]{2})\\-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\\-([0-9]{2,4}) ([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2}) GMT\$#", $value, $matches)) {
                                             $year = intval($matches[5]);
                                             if ($year < 1900) {
                                                 $year += $year < 70 ? 2000 : 1900;
                                             $expires = "{$year}-" . $this->months[$matches[4]] . "-" . $matches[3] . " " . $matches[6] . ":" . $matches[7] . ":" . $matches[8];
                                     case "secure":
                                         $secure = 1;
                             try {
                                 $this->SetCookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $expires, $path, $domain, $secure, 1);
                             } catch (http_exception $ex) {
                                 $this->error = "";
                 case "connection":
                     $this->connection_close = !strcmp(strtolower($header_value), "close");
     $this->chunked = $chunked;
     if ($this->content_length_set) {
         $this->connection_close = 0;
     return "";
function CategoriesUpdate()
    global $_POST, $LangID;
    $CatID = xtc_db_prepare_input($_POST['catid']);
    $ParentID = xtc_db_prepare_input($_POST['parentid']);
    if (isset($ParentID) && isset($CatID)) {
        // product laden
        $SQL = "select categories_id, parent_id, date_added, sort_order, categories_image " . "from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " where categories_id='" . $CatID . "'";
        $count_query = xtc_db_query($SQL);
        if ($categorie = xtc_db_fetch_array($count_query)) {
            $exists = 1;
            $ParentID = $categorie['parent_id'];
            $Sort = $categorie['sort_order'];
            $Image = $categorie['categories_image'];
        } else {
            $exists = 0;
        // Variablen nur ueberschreiben wenn als Parameter vorhanden !!!
        if (isset($_POST['parentid'])) {
            $ParentID = xtc_db_prepare_input($_POST['parentid']);
        if (isset($_POST['sort'])) {
            $Sort = xtc_db_prepare_input($_POST['sort']);
        if (isset($_POST['image'])) {
            $Image = xtc_db_prepare_input($_POST['image']);
        $sql_data_array = array('categories_id' => $CatID, 'parent_id' => $ParentID, 'sort_order' => $Sort, 'categories_image' => $Image, 'last_modified' => 'now()');
        if ($exists == 0) {
            $mode = 'APPEND';
            // set groupaccees
            $permission_sql = 'show columns from ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' like "group_permission_%"';
            $permission_query = xtc_db_query($permission_sql);
            if (xtc_db_num_rows($permission_query)) {
                // ist XTC 3.0.4
                $permission_array = array();
                while ($permissions = xtc_db_fetch_array($permission_query)) {
                    $permission_array = array_merge($permission_array, array($permissions['Field'] => '1'));
                $insert_sql_data = array('date_added' => 'now()');
                $insert_sql_data = array_merge($insert_sql_data, $permission_array);
            } else {
                // XTC bis 3.0.3
                $customers_statuses_array = array(array());
                $customers_statuses_query = xtc_db_query("select customers_status_id,\n                                                 customers_status_name\n                                                 from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_STATUS . "\n                                                 where language_id = '" . $LangID . "' order by\n                                                 customers_status_id");
                $i = 1;
                // this is changed from 0 to 1 in cs v1.2
                while ($customers_statuses = xtc_db_fetch_array($customers_statuses_query)) {
                    $i = $customers_statuses['customers_status_id'];
                    $customers_statuses_array[$i] = array('id' => $customers_statuses['customers_status_id'], 'text' => $customers_statuses['customers_status_name']);
                $group_ids = 'c_all_group,';
                for ($i = 0; $n = sizeof($customers_statuses_array), $i < $n; $i++) {
                    $group_ids .= 'c_' . $customers_statuses_array[$i]['id'] . '_group,';
                $insert_sql_data = array('date_added' => 'now()', 'group_ids' => $group_ids);
            $sql_data_array = array_merge($sql_data_array, $insert_sql_data);
            xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CATEGORIES, $sql_data_array);
        } elseif ($exists == 1) {
            $mode = 'UPDATE';
            xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CATEGORIES, $sql_data_array, 'update', 'categories_id = \'' . xtc_db_input($CatID) . '\'');
        //$languages = xtc_get_languages();
        $languages_query = xtc_db_query("select languages_id, name, code, image, directory from " . TABLE_LANGUAGES . " order by sort_order");
        while ($languages = xtc_db_fetch_array($languages_query)) {
            $languages_array[] = array('id' => $languages['languages_id'], 'name' => $languages['name'], 'code' => $languages['code'], 'image' => $languages['image'], 'directory' => $languages['directory']);
        $languages = $languages_array;
        for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) {
            $language_id = $languages[$i]['id'];
            // Bestehende Daten laden
            $SQL = "select categories_id,language_id,categories_name,categories_description,categories_heading_title," . "categories_meta_title,categories_meta_description,categories_meta_keywords";
            $desc_query = xtc_db_query($SQL . " from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id='" . $CatID . "' and language_id='" . $language_id . "'");
            if ($desc = xtc_db_fetch_array($desc_query)) {
                $categories_name = $desc['categories_name'];
                $categories_description = $desc['$categories_description'];
                $categories_heading_title = $desc['categories_heading_title'];
                $categories_meta_title = $desc['categories_meta_title'];
                $categories_meta_description = $desc['categories_meta_description'];
                $categories_meta_keywords = $desc['categories_meta_keywords'];
            // uebergebene Daten einsetzen
            if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
                $categories_name = xtc_db_prepare_input(UrlDecode($_POST['name']));
            if (isset($_POST['descr'])) {
                $categories_description = xtc_db_prepare_input(UrlDecode($_POST['descr']));
            if (isset($_POST['categories_heading_title'])) {
                $categories_heading_title = xtc_db_prepare_input(UrlDecode($_POST['categories_heading_title']));
            if (isset($_POST['categories_meta_title'])) {
                $categories_meta_title = xtc_db_prepare_input(UrlDecode($_POST['categories_meta_title']));
            if (isset($_POST['categories_meta_description'])) {
                $categories_meta_description = xtc_db_prepare_input(UrlDecode($_POST['categories_meta_description']));
            if (isset($_POST['categories_meta_keywords'])) {
                $categories_meta_keywords = xtc_db_prepare_input(UrlDecode($_POST['categories_meta_keywords']));
            $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => $categories_name, 'categories_description' => $categories_description, 'categories_heading_title' => $categories_heading_title, 'categories_meta_title' => $categories_meta_title, 'categories_meta_description' => $categories_meta_description, 'categories_meta_keywords' => $categories_meta_keywords);
            if ($exists == 0) {
                $insert_sql_data = array('categories_id' => $CatID, 'language_id' => $language_id);
                $sql_data_array = array_merge($sql_data_array, $insert_sql_data);
                xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION, $sql_data_array);
            } elseif ($exists == 1 and $language_id == $LangID) {
                // Nur 1 Sprache aktualisieren
                xtc_db_perform(TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION, $sql_data_array, 'update', 'categories_id = \'' . xtc_db_input($CatID) . '\' and language_id = \'' . $language_id . '\'');
        print_xml_status(0, $_POST['action'], 'OK', $mode, '', '');
    } else {
        print_xml_status(99, $_POST['action'], 'PARAMETER ERROR', '', '', '');
Exemple #19
 function ParseStructuredHeader($value, &$type, &$parameters, &$character_sets, &$languages)
     $type = strtolower(trim($this->Tokenize($value, ';')));
     $p = trim($this->Tokenize(''));
     $parameters = $character_sets = $languages = array();
     while (strlen($p)) {
         $parameter = trim(strtolower($this->Tokenize($p, '=')));
         $value = trim($this->Tokenize(';'));
         if (!strcmp($value[0], '"') && !strcmp($value[strlen($value) - 1], '"')) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2);
         $p = trim($this->Tokenize(''));
         if (($l = strlen($parameter)) && !strcmp($parameter[$l - 1], '*')) {
             $parameter = $this->Tokenize($parameter, '*');
             if (isset($parameters[$parameter]) && isset($character_sets[$parameter])) {
                 $value = $parameters[$parameter] . UrlDecode($value);
             } else {
                 $character_sets[$parameter] = strtolower($this->Tokenize($value, '\''));
                 $languages[$parameter] = $this->Tokenize('\'');
                 $value = UrlDecode($this->Tokenize(''));
         $parameters[$parameter] = $value;
  *函数 user_modifycat 修改分组名称.
 public function user_modifycat($cat_id = '', $new_name = '')
     if ($new_name != '') {
         $is_ajax = 1;
     } else {
         $is_ajax = 0;
     $no_error = 1;
     if (isset($_POST['cat_name'])) {
         $new_name = $_POST['cat_name'];
     if (isset($_POST['cat_id'])) {
         $cat_id = $_POST['cat_id'];
     $new_name = UrlDecode($new_name);
     $cat_info = array('id' => isset($cat_id) ? intval($cat_id) : 0, 'cat_name' => isset($new_name) ? trim($new_name) : '');
     if (trim($new_name) == '') {
         $no_error = 0;
         $result['msg'] = $this->ld['group'] . $this->ld['apellation'] . $this->ld['can_not_empty'];
     if ($no_error) {
         $this->UserFriendCat->save(array('UserFriendCat' => $cat_info));
         $result['msg'] = '' . $this->ld['tips_edit_success'] . '';
     if ($is_ajax == 0) {
         $this->pageTitle = $result['msg'];
         $flash_url = $this->server_host . $this->user_webroot . 'friends';
         $this->flash($result['msg'], $flash_url, 10);
     $this->layout = 'ajax';