/** * Add the scripts we want loaded in the header. */ function WPCW_addCustomScripts_FrontEnd() { if (is_admin()) { return; } // Our plugin-specific scripts // Don't use CSS for frontend if setting says so. if (TidySettings_getSettingSingle(WPCW_DATABASE_SETTINGS_KEY, 'use_default_css') != 'hide_css') { wp_enqueue_style('wpcw-frontend', WPCW_plugin_getPluginPath() . 'css/wpcw_frontend.css', false, WPCW_DATABASE_VERSION); } // Countdown Timer wp_enqueue_script('wpcw-countdown-plugin', WPCW_plugin_getPluginPath() . 'js/countdown/jquery.plugin.min.js', array('jquery'), WPCW_DATABASE_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('wpcw-countdown', WPCW_plugin_getPluginPath() . 'js/countdown/jquery.countdown.min.js', array('jquery', 'wpcw-countdown-plugin'), WPCW_DATABASE_VERSION); // AJAX Form Script for quizzes wp_enqueue_script('wpcw-jquery-form', WPCW_plugin_getPluginPath() . 'js/jquery.form.js', array('jquery'), WPCW_DATABASE_VERSION); // Plugin-specific JS wp_enqueue_script('wpcw-frontend', WPCW_plugin_getPluginPath() . 'js/wpcw_front.js', array('jquery', 'wpcw-jquery-form', 'wpcw-countdown'), WPCW_DATABASE_VERSION); // Variable declarations wp_localize_script('wpcw-frontend', 'wpcw_js_consts_fe', array('ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'progress_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('wpcw-progress-nonce'), 'str_uploading' => __('Uploading:', 'wp_courseware'), 'str_quiz_all_fields' => __('Please provide an answer for all of the questions on this page.', 'wp_courseware'), 'timer_units_hrs' => __('hrs', 'wp_courseware'), 'timer_units_mins' => __('mins', 'wp_courseware'), 'timer_units_secs' => __('secs', 'wp_courseware'))); }
/** * Requests a thumbnail for the specified website, using the cache or a live * fetch, depending on if the image already exists in the cache. * * @param Array $args The list of arguments required to request the thumbnail capture. */ function STWWT_fetch_thumbnail($args) { // Check cache for thumbnail $cacheFilename = md5(serialize($args)) . '.jpg'; $cachePath = STWWT_plugin_getCacheDirectory($cacheFilename); // Grab the cache length from the setting. Set a default of 7 days. $cacheDays = TidySettings_getSettingSingle(STWWT_SETTINGS_KEY, 'stwwt_embedded_cache_length') + 0; if ($cacheDays < 1) { $cacheDays = 7; } // Check cache if site was involved with an error of any kind.... $useCachedThumb = false; $errorThumb = false; // Still got a cached error, so don't do anything other than // use the cached thumbnail. if (STWWT_debug_gotCachedError($args)) { $useCachedThumb = true; $errorThumb = true; } else { // Are we using the cache? If so, check file exists in the cache... if ($cacheDays > 0 && file_exists($cachePath)) { $cacheCutoffDate = time() - 86400 * $cacheDays; // File is still within cache date, so just use cached file if (filemtime($cachePath) > $cacheCutoffDate) { $useCachedThumb = true; } } // end of if cacheDays } if ($useCachedThumb) { return STWWT_plugin_getCacheURL($cacheFilename, $errorThumb); } else { // File is not in cache, or we need a live version, so return it. return STWWT_fetch_requestThumbnailCapture($args); } }