Exemple #1
function MemberFav()
    global $fsql, $tsql;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $memberid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"];
    $scl = " memberid='{$memberid}' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    include ROOTPATH . "includes/pages.inc.php";
    $pages = new pages();
    $totalnums = TblCount("_member_fav", "id", $scl);
    $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key));
    $pages->set(20, $totalnums);
    $pagelimit = $pages->limit();
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_member_fav where {$scl} order by id desc limit {$pagelimit}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $title = $fsql->f('title');
        $url = $fsql->f('url');
        $var = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'url' => $url);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow();
    $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #2
function ToolsQqCs()
    global $msql;
    $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"];
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $scl = " cat='qq' and iffb='1' ";
    if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") {
        $scl .= " and tj='1' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_tools_code where {$scl} order by xuhao");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $id = $msql->f("id");
        $qq = $msql->f("qq");
        $name = $msql->f('name');
        $position = $msql->f('position');
        $tel = $msql->f('tel');
        $phone = $msql->f('phone');
        $memo = $msql->f('memo');
        $code = $msql->f("code");
        $xuhao = $msql->f("xuhao");
        $var = array('id' => $id, 'qq' => $qq, 'name' => $name, 'position' => $position, 'tel' => $tel, 'phone' => $phone, 'memo' => $memo, 'code' => $code, 'xuhao' => $xuhao);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #3
function NewsProject()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_news_proj order by id desc");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $id = $msql->f("id");
        $project = $msql->f("project");
        $folder = $msql->f("folder");
        if ($cutword != "0") {
            $project = csubstr($project, 0, $cutword);
        $link = ROOTPATH . "news/project/" . $folder . "/";
        $var = array('link' => $link, 'project' => $project, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #4
function AdvsFixed()
    global $msql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $pdv = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pdv"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_advs_pic where id='{$groupid}'");
    if ($msql->next_record()) {
        $src = $msql->f('src');
        $link = $msql->f('url');
    $src = ROOTPATH . $src;
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'src' => $src, 'pdv' => $pdv, 'link' => $link);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    if (substr($src, -4) == ".swf") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["menu"], $var);
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #5
function MemberNewsClass()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    if (isset($_GET["mid"]) && $_GET["mid"] != "" && $_GET["mid"] != "0") {
        $mid = $_GET["mid"];
    } else {
        return "";
    $mid = htmlspecialchars($mid);
    $scl = "  memberid='{$mid}' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_news_pcat where {$scl} order by xuhao");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $catid = $msql->f("catid");
        $cat = $msql->f("cat");
        $link = ROOTPATH . "news/membernews.php?mid=" . $mid . "&pcatid=" . $catid;
        $var = array('link' => $link, 'cat' => $cat, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #6
function AdvsSlides()
    global $msql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $n = 0;
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_advs_lb  where groupid='{$groupid}' order by xuhao limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $id = $msql->f('id');
        $src = $msql->f('src');
        $url = $msql->f('url');
        $title = $msql->f('title');
        $text = $msql->f('text');
        $src = ROOTPATH . $src;
        $var = array('n' => $n, 'src' => $src, 'url' => $url);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #7
function LinkPic()
    global $fsql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $scl = " groupid='{$groupid}' and src!='' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'morelink' => $morelink);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_advs_link where {$scl} order by xuhao limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $name = $fsql->f('name');
        $link = $fsql->f('url');
        $pic = $fsql->f('src');
        $src = ROOTPATH . $pic;
        $var = array('name' => $name, 'link' => $link, 'src' => $src, 'target' => $target);
        if (substr($pic, -4) == ".swf") {
            $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["menu"], $var);
        } else {
            $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #8
function Logo()
    global $msql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $w = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["w"];
    $h = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["h"];
    $showborder = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showborder"];
    $padding = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["padding"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_advs_logo where id='{$groupid}'");
    if ($msql->next_record()) {
        $src = $msql->f('src');
        $link = $msql->f('url');
    $src = ROOTPATH . $src;
    $w = $w - $padding;
    $h = $h - $padding;
    if ($showborder != "none") {
        $w = $w - 1;
        $h = $h - 1;
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'src' => $src, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h, 'link' => $link);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    if (substr($src, -4) == ".swf") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["menu"], $var);
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #9
function ProductSameClass()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    if (strstr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], ".html")) {
        $Arr = explode(".html", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
        $nowcatid = $Arr[0];
    } elseif ($_GET["catid"] > 0) {
        $nowcatid = $_GET["catid"];
    } else {
        $nowcatid = 0;
    $nowcatid = htmlspecialchars($nowcatid);
    if ($nowcatid != "0") {
        $msql->query("select pid from {P}_product_cat where catid='{$nowcatid}'");
        if ($msql->next_record()) {
            $pid = $msql->f("pid");
        } else {
            $pid = 0;
    } else {
        $pid = 0;
    $scl = " pid='{$pid}' ";
    if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") {
        $scl .= " and tj='1' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_product_cat where {$scl} order by xuhao");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $pid = $msql->f("pid");
        $catid = $msql->f("catid");
        $cat = $msql->f("cat");
        $catpath = $msql->f("catpath");
        $ifchannel = $msql->f('ifchannel');
        if ($ifchannel == "1") {
            $link = ROOTPATH . "product/class/" . $catid . "/";
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "product/class/" . $catid . ".html")) {
                $link = ROOTPATH . "product/class/" . $catid . ".html";
            } else {
                $link = ROOTPATH . "product/class/?" . $catid . ".html";
        $var = array('link' => $link, 'cat' => $cat, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #10
function JobNavPath()
    global $msql;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $pagename = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pagename"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('sitename' => $GLOBALS["CONF"]["SiteName"]);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    if ($pagename == "detail") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["col"], $var);
        if (strstr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], ".html")) {
            $idArr = explode(".html", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
            $id = $idArr[0];
        } elseif (isset($_GET["id"]) && $_GET["id"] != "") {
            $id = $_GET["id"];
        $msql->query("select jobname from {P}_job where id='{$id}'");
        if ($msql->next_record()) {
            $jobname = $msql->f('jobname');
        $var = array('nav' => $jobname);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["con"], $var);
        $GLOBALS["pagetitle"] = $jobname;
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["col"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #11
function PageTitleList()
    global $fsql, $msql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    if ($groupid != 0 && $groupid != "") {
        $fsql->query("select folder from {P}_page_group where id='{$groupid}'");
        if ($fsql->next_record()) {
            $folder = $fsql->f('folder');
    } else {
        $str = "NO GROUPID";
        return $str;
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_page where groupid='{$groupid}' order by xuhao limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $title = $fsql->f('title');
        $url = $fsql->f('url');
        $pagefolder = $fsql->f('pagefolder');
        //链接,如果有跳转网址则优先跳转 20090503
        if (strlen($url) > 1) {
            if (substr($url, 0, 7) == "http://") {
                $link = $url;
            } else {
                $link = ROOTPATH . $url;
        } else {
            if ($pagefolder != "" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $pagefolder . ".php")) {
                $link = ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $pagefolder . ".php";
            } else {
                if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $id . ".html")) {
                    $link = ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $id . ".html";
                } else {
                    $link = ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/?" . $id . ".html";
        if ($cutword != "0") {
            $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword);
        $var = array('title' => $title, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #12
function FeedBackSmallForm()
    global $fsql, $tsql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_feedback where groupid='{$groupid}' and use_field = '1' order by xuhao");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $field_caption = $fsql->f('field_caption');
        $field_type = $fsql->f('field_type');
        $field_size = $fsql->f('field_size');
        $field_name = $fsql->f('field_name');
        $field_value = $fsql->f('field_value');
        $field_null = $fsql->f('field_null');
        $field_value_repeat = $fsql->f('value_repeat');
        $field_intro = $fsql->f('field_intro');
        $field_null = $field_null == "1" ? $mustfill = "<font style='color:red'>*</font>" : ($mustfill = "");
        if ($field_type == "5") {
            if ($step == "send") {
                $nowvalue = $_POST[$field_name];
            $fieldvalue = explode(";", $field_value);
            $nums = count($fieldvalue);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nums; $i++) {
                if ($fieldvalue[$i] == $nowvalue) {
                    $checked_select = "selected";
                } else {
                    $checked_select = "";
                $list .= "<option value=" . $fieldvalue[$i] . " " . $checked_select . ">" . $fieldvalue[$i] . "</option>";
            $var = array('title' => $field_caption, 'size' => $field_size, 'fieldname' => $field_name, 'fieldvalue' => $field_value, 'mustfill' => $mustfill, 'list' => $list, 'intro' => $field_intro);
            $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
            $list = "";
        } elseif ($field_type == "2") {
            if ($step == "send") {
                $field_value = $_POST[$field_name];
            $var = array('title' => $field_caption, 'size' => $field_size, 'fieldname' => $field_name, 'fieldvalue' => $field_value, 'mustfill' => $mustfill, 'intro' => $field_intro);
            $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["textarea"], $var);
        } else {
            if ($step == "send") {
                $field_value = $_POST[$field_name];
            } elseif ($field_name == "title" && $_GET["rel"] != "") {
                $field_value = $_GET["rel"];
            $var = array('title' => $field_caption, 'size' => $field_size, 'fieldname' => $field_name, 'fieldvalue' => $field_value, 'mustfill' => $mustfill, 'intro' => $field_intro);
            $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["input"], $var);
    $var = array('groupid' => $groupid);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #13
function MemberCentLog()
    global $msql, $fsql, $strCentFormAdmin;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $memberid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_member where memberid='" . $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"] . "'");
    if ($msql->next_record()) {
        $cent1 = $msql->f('cent1');
        $cent2 = $msql->f('cent2');
        $cent3 = $msql->f('cent3');
        $cent4 = $msql->f('cent4');
        $cent5 = $msql->f('cent5');
    $cw1 = MemberCentWidth($cent1);
    $cw2 = MemberCentWidth($cent2);
    $cw3 = MemberCentWidth($cent3);
    $cw4 = MemberCentWidth($cent4);
    $cw5 = MemberCentWidth($cent5);
    $var = array('centname1' => $GLOBALS["MEMBERCONF"]["centname1"], 'centname2' => $GLOBALS["MEMBERCONF"]["centname2"], 'centname3' => $GLOBALS["MEMBERCONF"]["centname3"], 'centname4' => $GLOBALS["MEMBERCONF"]["centname4"], 'centname5' => $GLOBALS["MEMBERCONF"]["centname5"], 'cw1' => $cw1, 'cw2' => $cw2, 'cw3' => $cw3, 'cw4' => $cw4, 'cw5' => $cw5, 'cent1' => $cent1, 'cent2' => $cent2, 'cent3' => $cent3, 'cent4' => $cent4, 'cent5' => $cent5);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $scl = " memberid='{$memberid}' ";
    include ROOTPATH . "includes/pages.inc.php";
    $pages = new pages();
    $totalnums = TblCount("_member_centlog", "id", $scl);
    $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key));
    $pages->set(20, $totalnums);
    $pagelimit = $pages->limit();
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_member_centlog where {$scl} order by dtime desc limit {$pagelimit}");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $id = $msql->f('id');
        $event = $msql->f('event');
        $dtime = $msql->f('dtime');
        $cent1 = $msql->f('cent1');
        $cent2 = $msql->f('cent2');
        $cent3 = $msql->f('cent3');
        $cent4 = $msql->f('cent4');
        $cent5 = $msql->f('cent5');
        $memo = $msql->f('memo');
        if ($event == "0") {
            $eventname = $memo;
        } else {
            $fsql->query("select name from {P}_member_centrule where event='{$event}' ");
            if ($fsql->next_record()) {
                $eventname = $fsql->f('name');
        $dtime = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $dtime);
        $var = array('id' => $id, 'eventname' => $eventname, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'cent1' => $cent1, 'cent2' => $cent2, 'cent3' => $cent3, 'cent4' => $cent4, 'cent5' => $cent5);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow();
    $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #14
function MemberComment()
    global $fsql, $tsql;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $memberid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"];
    $scl = " pid='0' and memberid='{$memberid}' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    include ROOTPATH . "includes/pages.inc.php";
    $pages = new pages();
    $totalnums = TblCount("_comment", "id", $scl);
    $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key));
    $pages->set(20, $totalnums);
    $pagelimit = $pages->limit();
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_comment where {$scl} order by uptime desc limit {$pagelimit}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $title = $fsql->f('title');
        $iffb = $fsql->f('iffb');
        $rid = $fsql->f('rid');
        $catid = $fsql->f('catid');
        $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime');
        $uptime = $fsql->f('uptime');
        $cl = $fsql->f('cl');
        $lastname = $fsql->f('lastname');
        $lastmemberid = $fsql->f('lastmemberid');
        $backcount = $fsql->f('backcount');
        $title = csubstr($title, 0, 23);
        if ($uptime > time() - 86400) {
            $querycss = "binew";
        } else {
            $querycss = "bi";
        $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime);
        $uptime = date("Y-m-d", $uptime);
        if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "comment/html/" . $id . ".html")) {
            $link = ROOTPATH . "comment/html/" . $id . ".html";
        } else {
            $link = ROOTPATH . "comment/html/?" . $id . ".html";
        if ($lastmemberid == "-1") {
            $lastmemberurl = "#";
        } else {
            $lastmemberurl = ROOTPATH . "member/home.php?mid=" . $lastmemberid;
        $var = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'backcount' => $backcount, 'querycss' => $querycss, 'cl' => $cl, 'link' => $link, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'lastmemberurl' => $lastmemberurl, 'face' => $face);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow();
    $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #15
function MemberTags()
    global $fsql, $msql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tags = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tags"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $picw = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["picw"];
    $pich = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pich"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $scl = " memberid!='0' ";
    if ($tags != "") {
        $tags = $tags . ",";
        $scl .= " and tags regexp '{$tags}' ";
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_member_centset");
    if ($msql->next_record()) {
        $centname1 = $msql->f('centname1');
        $centname2 = $msql->f('centname2');
        $centname3 = $msql->f('centname3');
        $centname4 = $msql->f('centname4');
        $centname5 = $msql->f('centname5');
    $picnum = 1;
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_member where {$scl} order by cent1 desc limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $mid = $fsql->f('memberid');
        $pname = $fsql->f('pname');
        $nowface = $fsql->f('nowface');
        $tags = $fsql->f('tags');
        $cent1 = $fsql->f('cent1');
        $cent2 = $fsql->f('cent2');
        $cent3 = $fsql->f('cent3');
        $cent4 = $fsql->f('cent4');
        $cent5 = $fsql->f('cent5');
        $memberurl = ROOTPATH . "member/home.php?mid=" . $mid;
        $face = ROOTPATH . "member/face/" . $nowface . ".gif";
        $tagsArr = explode(",", $tags);
        $tag1 = $tagsArr[0];
        $tag2 = $tagsArr[1];
        $tag3 = $tagsArr[2];
        $var = array('pname' => $pname, 'face' => $face, 'picw' => $picw, 'pich' => $pich, 'tag1' => $tag1, 'tag2' => $tag2, 'tag3' => $tag3, 'memberurl' => $memberurl, 'centname1' => $centname1, 'centname2' => $centname2, 'centname3' => $centname3, 'centname4' => $centname4, 'centname5' => $centname5, 'cent1' => $cent1, 'cent2' => $cent2, 'cent3' => $cent3, 'cent4' => $cent4, 'cent5' => $cent5, 'target' => $target, 'picnum' => $picnum);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #16
function TopMenu()
    global $msql, $SiteUrl;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_menu where ifshow='1' and groupid='{$groupid}' order by xuhao limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $id = $msql->f('id');
        $menu = $msql->f('menu');
        $linktype = $msql->f('linktype');
        $coltype = $msql->f('coltype');
        $folder = $msql->f('folder');
        $url = $msql->f('url');
        $target = $msql->f('target');
        switch ($linktype) {
            case "1":
                $menuurl = ROOTPATH . $folder;
            case "2":
                $menuurl = $url;
                if ($coltype == "index") {
                    if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1") {
                        $menuurl = ROOTPATH;
                    } else {
                        $menuurl = ROOTPATH . "index.php";
                } else {
                    if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1") {
                        $menuurl = ROOTPATH . $coltype . "/";
                    } else {
                        $menuurl = ROOTPATH . $coltype . "/index.php";
        $var = array('menu' => $menu, 'menuurl' => $menuurl, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["menu"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #17
function MVMenu()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $tempcolor = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempcolor"];
    $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('tempcolor' => $tempcolor);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_menu where ifshow='1' and groupid='{$groupid}' and pid='0' order by xuhao ");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $topid = $msql->f("id");
        $topmenu = $msql->f("menu");
        $menustr = "";
        $fsql->query("select * from {P}_menu where ifshow='1' and  pid='{$topid}' order by xuhao ");
        while ($fsql->next_record()) {
            $id = $fsql->f("id");
            $menu = $fsql->f("menu");
            $linktype = $fsql->f('linktype');
            $coltype = $fsql->f('coltype');
            $folder = $fsql->f('folder');
            $url = $fsql->f('url');
            $target = $fsql->f('target');
            switch ($linktype) {
                case "1":
                    $menuurl = ROOTPATH . $folder;
                case "2":
                    $menuurl = $url;
                    if ($coltype == "index") {
                        if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1") {
                            $menuurl = ROOTPATH;
                        } else {
                            $menuurl = ROOTPATH . "index.php";
                    } else {
                        if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1") {
                            $menuurl = ROOTPATH . $coltype . "/";
                        } else {
                            $menuurl = ROOTPATH . $coltype . "/index.php";
            $menustr .= "<li><a href='" . $menuurl . "' target='" . $target . "'>" . $menu . "</a></li>";
        $var = array('menustr' => $menustr, 'topmenu' => $topmenu);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #18
function FeedBackNavPath()
    global $msql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $pagename = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pagename"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'sitename' => $GLOBALS["CONF"]["SiteName"], 'channel' => $GLOBALS["PSET"]["name"], 'groupname' => $GLOBALS["groupname"]);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #19
function MemberMsn()
    global $fsql, $tsql, $strMemberMsnNtc2;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $memberid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"];
    $scl = " tomemberid='{$memberid}' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    include ROOTPATH . "includes/pages.inc.php";
    $pages = new pages();
    $totalnums = TblCount("_member_msn", "id", $scl);
    $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key));
    $pages->set(10, $totalnums);
    $pagelimit = $pages->limit();
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_member_msn where {$scl} order by dtime desc limit {$pagelimit}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $body = $fsql->f('body');
        $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime');
        $frommemberid = $fsql->f('frommemberid');
        $dtime = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $dtime);
        $body = nl2br($body);
        if ($frommemberid != "0") {
            $tsql->query("select * from {P}_member where memberid='{$frommemberid}'");
            if ($tsql->next_record()) {
                $pname = $tsql->f("pname");
                $nowface = $tsql->f("nowface");
            $face = ROOTPATH . "member/face/" . $nowface . ".gif";
            $memberurl = ROOTPATH . "member/home.php?mid=" . $frommemberid;
            $showback = "block";
        } else {
            $pname = $strMemberMsnNtc2;
            $face = ROOTPATH . "member/face/1.gif";
            $memberurl = "#";
            $showback = "none";
        $var = array('id' => $id, 'body' => $body, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'mid' => $frommemberid, 'face' => $face, 'memberurl' => $memberurl, 'showback' => $showback, 'pname' => $pname);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $tsql->query("update {P}_member_msn set iflook='1' where tomemberid='{$memberid}'");
    $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow();
    $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #20
function MailLogin()
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $link = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["link"];
    $domain = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["word"];
    $formname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["word1"];
    $formpass = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["word2"];
    $formdomain = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["word3"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('link' => $link, 'domain' => $domain, 'formname' => $formname, 'formpass' => $formpass, 'formdomain' => $formdomain);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #21
function IconSource()
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $sourceurl = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["sourceurl"];
    $link = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["link"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('sourceurl' => $sourceurl, 'link' => $link);
    if ($link != "") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["link"], $var);
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["text"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #22
function NewsTreeClass()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"];
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $scl = " catid!='0' ";
    if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") {
        $scl .= " and tj='1' ";
    if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") {
        $catid = fmpath($catid);
        $scl .= " and catpath regexp '{$catid}' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'target' => $target);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_news_cat where {$scl} order by xuhao");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $pid = $msql->f("pid");
        $catid = $msql->f("catid");
        $cat = $msql->f("cat");
        $catpath = $msql->f("catpath");
        $ifchannel = $msql->f('ifchannel');
        $fsql->query("select count(id) from {P}_news_con where catpath regexp '" . fmpath($catid) . "'");
        if ($fsql->next_record()) {
            $nums = $fsql->f('count(id)');
        if ($ifchannel == "1") {
            $url = ROOTPATH . "news/class/" . $catid . "/";
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "news/class/" . $catid . ".html")) {
                $url = ROOTPATH . "news/class/" . $catid . ".html";
            } else {
                $url = ROOTPATH . "news/class/?" . $catid . ".html";
        $var = array('url' => $url, 'catid' => $catid, 'pid' => $pid, 'cat' => $cat, 'nums' => $nums, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #23
function DiyHeadTraFlash()
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $pic = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pic"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $src = ROOTPATH . $pic;
    $var = array('src' => $src);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    if (substr($pic, -4) == ".swf") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["menu"], $var);
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #24
function JobList()
    global $fsql, $msql;
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_job where iffb='1' and jobstat='1' order by uptime desc limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $jobname = $fsql->f('jobname');
        $jobtype = $fsql->f('jobtype');
        $experience = $fsql->f('experience');
        $education = $fsql->f('education');
        $langneed = $fsql->f('langneed');
        $langlevel = $fsql->f('langlevel');
        $pnums = $fsql->f('pnums');
        $jobaddr = $fsql->f('jobaddr');
        $jobintro = $fsql->f('jobintro');
        $jobrequest = $fsql->f('jobrequest');
        $jobstat = $fsql->f('jobstat');
        $contact = $fsql->f('contact');
        $tel = $fsql->f('tel');
        $email = $fsql->f('email');
        $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime');
        $uptime = $fsql->f('uptime');
        $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime);
        $uptime = date("Y-m-d", $uptime);
        if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "job/html/" . $id . ".html")) {
            $link = ROOTPATH . "job/html/" . $id . ".html";
        } else {
            $link = ROOTPATH . "job/html/?" . $id . ".html";
        if ($cutword != "0") {
            $jobname = csubstr($jobname, 0, $cutword);
        $var = array('jobid' => $id, 'jobname' => $jobname, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'jobtype' => $jobtype, 'experience' => $experience, 'education' => $education, 'langneed' => $langneed, 'langlevel' => $langlevel, 'pnums' => $pnums, 'jobaddr' => $jobaddr, 'jobintro' => $jobintro, 'jobrequest' => $jobrequest, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'contact' => $contact, 'tel' => $tel, 'email' => $email);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #25
function MemberNotice()
    global $fsql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"];
    $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $membertypeid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERTYPEID"];
    if ($membertypeid == "") {
        return "";
    $scl = " membertypeid='{$membertypeid}' or membertypeid='0' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $str = $TempArr["start"];
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_member_notice where {$scl} order by dtime desc limit 0,{$shownums}");
    while ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $id = $fsql->f('id');
        $title = $fsql->f('title');
        $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime');
        $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew');
        $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred');
        $cl = $fsql->f('cl');
        $link = ROOTPATH . "member/member_notice.php?id=" . $id;
        $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime);
        if ($ifnew == "1") {
            $bold = " style='font-weight:bold' ";
        } else {
            $bold = "";
        if ($ifred == "1") {
            $red = " style='color:#ff0000' ";
        } else {
            $red = "";
        if ($cutword != "0") {
            $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword);
        $var = array('title' => $title, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'red' => $red, 'cl' => $cl, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'bold' => $bold);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;
Exemple #26
function JobContent()
    global $fsql, $msql;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    if (strstr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], ".html")) {
        $idArr = explode(".html", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
        $id = $idArr[0];
    } elseif (isset($_GET["id"]) && $_GET["id"] != "") {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $fsql->query("select * from {P}_job where id='{$id}'");
    if ($fsql->next_record()) {
        $jobname = $fsql->f('jobname');
        $jobtype = $fsql->f('jobtype');
        $experience = $fsql->f('experience');
        $education = $fsql->f('education');
        $langneed = $fsql->f('langneed');
        $langlevel = $fsql->f('langlevel');
        $pnums = $fsql->f('pnums');
        $jobaddr = $fsql->f('jobaddr');
        $jobintro = $fsql->f('jobintro');
        $jobrequest = $fsql->f('jobrequest');
        $jobstat = $fsql->f('jobstat');
        $contact = $fsql->f('contact');
        $tel = $fsql->f('tel');
        $email = $fsql->f('email');
        $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime');
        $uptime = $fsql->f('uptime');
    } else {
        $str .= $TempArr["err1"];
        return $str;
    $fsql->query("update {P}_job set cl=cl+1 where id='{$id}'");
    $GLOBALS["pagetitle"] = $jobname;
    $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime);
    $uptime = date("Y-m-d", $uptime);
    $jobintro = nl2br($jobintro);
    $var = array('jobid' => $id, 'jobname' => $jobname, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'jobtype' => $jobtype, 'experience' => $experience, 'education' => $education, 'langneed' => $langneed, 'langlevel' => $langlevel, 'pnums' => $pnums, 'jobaddr' => $jobaddr, 'jobintro' => $jobintro, 'jobrequest' => $jobrequest, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'contact' => $contact, 'tel' => $tel, 'email' => $email);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #27
function MemberBuyList()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $memberid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_member where memberid='" . $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"] . "'");
    if ($msql->next_record()) {
        $account = $msql->f('account');
        $paytotal = $msql->f('paytotal');
        $buytotal = $msql->f('buytotal');
    $var = array('account' => $account, 'paytotal' => $paytotal, 'buytotal' => $buytotal);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $scl = " memberid='{$memberid}' ";
    include ROOTPATH . "includes/pages.inc.php";
    $pages = new pages();
    $totalnums = TblCount("_member_buylist", "id", $scl);
    $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key));
    $pages->set(20, $totalnums);
    $pagelimit = $pages->limit();
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_member_buylist where {$scl} order by id desc limit {$pagelimit}");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $id = $msql->f('id');
        $payid = $msql->f('payid');
        $paytype = $msql->f('paytype');
        $buyfrom = $msql->f('buyfrom');
        $paytotal = $msql->f('paytotal');
        $daytime = $msql->f('daytime');
        $ip = $msql->f('ip');
        $orderid = $msql->f('orderid');
        $OrderNo = $msql->f('OrderNo');
        $logname = $msql->f('logname');
        $daytime = date("Y-n-j H:i:s", $daytime);
        $var = array('id' => $id, 'payid' => $payid, 'paytype' => $paytype, 'buyfrom' => $buyfrom, 'paytotal' => $paytotal, 'daytime' => $daytime, 'ip' => $ip, 'OrderNo' => $OrderNo, 'logname' => $logname, 'orderid' => $orderid);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow();
    $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums);
    $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #28
function Words()
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $word = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["word"];
    $link = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["link"];
    $pdvid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pdv"];
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'pdvid' => $pdvid, 'word' => $word, 'link' => $link);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    if ($link != "") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["link"], $var);
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["text"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #29
function Text()
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    $text = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["text"];
    $link = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["link"];
    $text = nl2br($text);
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'text' => $text, 'link' => $link);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    if ($link != "") {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["link"], $var);
    } else {
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["text"], $var);
    return $str;
Exemple #30
function ProductClass()
    global $msql, $fsql;
    $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"];
    $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"];
    $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"];
    $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"];
    $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"];
    if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") {
        $scl = " pid='{$catid}' ";
    } else {
        $scl = " pid='0' ";
    if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") {
        $scl .= " and tj='1' ";
    $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname);
    $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp);
    $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle);
    $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var);
    $msql->query("select * from {P}_product_cat where {$scl} order by xuhao");
    while ($msql->next_record()) {
        $pid = $msql->f("pid");
        $catid = $msql->f("catid");
        $cat = $msql->f("cat");
        $catpath = $msql->f("catpath");
        $ifchannel = $msql->f('ifchannel');
        if ($ifchannel == "1") {
            $link = ROOTPATH . "product/class/" . $catid . "/";
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "product/class/" . $catid . ".html")) {
                $link = ROOTPATH . "product/class/" . $catid . ".html";
            } else {
                $link = ROOTPATH . "product/class/?" . $catid . ".html";
        $var = array('link' => $link, 'cat' => $cat, 'target' => $target);
        $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var);
    $str .= $TempArr["end"];
    return $str;