function checkDBFilesForChanges() { global $parm; $this->LogStage("Checking spec files for changes"); $changed = false; $checksums = array(); $specboot = $parm["SPEC_BOOT"] . ".add"; $checksums[] = array('file' => $specboot, 'md5' => md5_file($parm['DIR_PUB'] . "lib/" . $specboot), 'fullpath' => $parm['DIR_PUB'] . "lib/" . $specboot); if (isset($parm['INST'])) { $app = str_replace('_' . $parm['INST'], '', $parm['APP']); } else { $app = $parm['APP']; } if ($parm["SPEC_LIST"] != "") { $speclist = explode(",", $parm["SPEC_LIST"]); foreach ($speclist as $spec) { if (substr($spec, -5) != '.yaml') { $file = $spec . ".add"; } else { $file = $spec; } $checksums[] = array('file' => $file, 'md5' => md5_file($parm["DIR_PUB"] . "application/" . $file), 'fullpath' => $parm["DIR_PUB"] . "application/" . $file); } } $checkqry = "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname='instance_spec_checksums'"; $checkrslts = SQL_AllRows($checkqry); if (count($checkrslts) == 0) { $this->LogEntry("Instance tracking table doesnt exist yet...ignoring until next build"); return true; } foreach ($checksums as $checksum) { $query = "SELECT checksum,skey FROM " . ddTable_idResolve('instance_spec_checksums') . " WHERE \n application=" . SQLFC($app) . " AND spec_name=" . SQLFC($checksum['file']) . (isset($parm['INST']) ? " AND instance=" . SQLFC($parm['INST']) : ''); $row = SQL_OneRow($query); if ($row) { $this->LogEntry('Entry for ' . $checksum['file'] . ' file found'); if ($row['checksum'] != $checksum['md5']) { $this->LogEntry("Spec File Changed: " . $checksum['file']); $changed = true; $checksum_update = array('skey' => $row['skey'], 'checksum' => md5_file($checksum['fullpath'])); SQLX_Update('instance_spec_checksums', $checksum_update); $this->LogEntry("Updating Entry"); } } else { $this->LogEntry('Entry for ' . $checksum['file'] . ' not found'); $checksum_entry = array('application' => $app, 'instance' => isset($parm['INST']) ? $parm['INST'] : '', 'spec_name' => $checksum['file'], 'checksum' => md5_file($checksum['fullpath'])); SQLX_Insert('instance_spec_checksums', $checksum_entry); $this->LogEntry("Spec File Changed: " . $checksum['file']); $changed = true; } } if ($changed) { $this->LogEntry('One or more spec files have changed: Proceeding with full build'); } else { $this->LogEntry('Spec files have not changed: Proceeding with mini build'); } return $changed; }
function instaSave() { $val = trim(urldecode(gp('value'))); $row = array('skey' => gp('skey'), gp('column') => $val); SQLX_Update('configuser', $row); configWrite('user'); }
/** * The user has requested that we download the latest * version of each application from its respective * * */ function mainPull() { x_echoFlush('<pre>'); x_EchoFlush('<h2>Looking For Andromeda Version</h2>'); x_EchoFlush(""); // First take care of where we are pulling version // information from $def = ""; $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * from applications where application='andro'"); if (!isset($row['svn_url'])) { x_EchoFlush("-- This looks like the first time this node has"); x_EchoFlush(" been upgraded from Subversion. Using default"); x_echoFlush(" URL to look for releases:"); x_EchoFlush(" " . $def); $url = $def; } else { if (is_null($row['svn_url']) || trim($row['svn_url']) == '') { x_EchoFlush("-- Setting the Subversion URL to default:"); x_EchoFlush(" " . $def); $url = $def; $row['svn_url'] = $def; SQLX_Update('applications', $row); } else { $url = trim($row['svn_url']); x_EchoFlush("-- Using the following URL for Subversion:"); x_EchoFlush(" " . $url); } } // Find out what the latest version is x_EchoFlush(""); x_EchoFlush("-- Querying for latest version..."); $command = 'svn list ' . $url; x_EchoFlush(" Command is: " . $command); $rawtext = `{$command}`; if ($rawtext == '') { x_EchoFlush("-- NO VERSIONS RETRIEVED!"); x_EchoFlush(" It may be that the Sourceforge site is down?"); x_EchoFlush(""); x_echoFlush(" ---- Stopped Unexpectedly --- "); return; } $rawtext = str_replace("\r", "", $rawtext); $lines = explode("\n", $rawtext); // Pop off empty entry at end, then get latest version array_pop($lines); $latest = array_pop($lines); if (substr($latest, -1) == '/') { $latest = substr($latest, 0, strlen($latest) - 1); } x_EchoFlush(" Latest published version: " . $latest); // now find out what version we have x_EchoFlush(" "); x_EchoFlush("-- Finding out what version the node manager is at"); $file = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['application'] . '_andro_version_.txt'; x_EchoFlush(" Looking at file: {$file}"); if (!file_exists($file)) { x_EchoFlush(" File not found, it appears this is the first time"); x_EchoFlush(" this node has been upgraded this way. Will proceed"); x_EchoFlush(" to get latest version."); } else { $version = file_get_contents($file); x_EchoFlush(" Current version is " . $version); if ($version == $latest) { x_echoFlush(" This node is current! Nothing to do!"); x_EchoFlush(""); x_echoFlush(" ---- Processing completed normally ---- "); return; } else { x_echoFlush(" Newer version available, will get latest."); } } // now get the latest code $dir = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root']; $command = 'svn export --force ' . $url . $latest . ' ' . $dir; x_EchoFlush(""); x_EchoFlush("-- Overwriting Node Manager now"); x_echoFlush(" Command is " . $command); `{$command}`; x_echoFlush(""); file_put_contents($file, $latest); x_EchoFlush(" ---- Processing completed normally ---- "); }
/** * Execute an skey-based update * */ function update() { $row = aFromGP('x4v_'); $skey = 0; $table_id = $this->dd['table_id']; # KFD 6/12/08, allow functions to modify or prevent a write $tbefore = $table_id . "_writeBefore"; $tafter = $table_id . "_writeAfter"; if (function_exists($tbefore)) { $message = $tbefore($row); if ($message != '') { x4Error($message); return; } } # KFD 6/28/08, a non-empty date must be valid $errors = false; foreach ($row as $col => $value) { if (!isset($this->dd['flat'][$col])) { unset($row[$col]); continue; } $ermsg = "Invalid date format for " . $this->dd['flat'][$col]['description']; $ermsg2 = "Invalid date value for " . $this->dd['flat'][$col]['description']; if ($this->dd['flat'][$col]['type_id'] == 'date') { if (trim($value) == '') { continue; } if (strpos($value, '/') === false && strpos($value, '-') === false) { x4Error($ermsg); $errors = true; continue; } if (strpos($value, '/') !== false) { $parsed = explode('/', $value); if (count($parsed) != 3) { $errors = true; x4Error($ermsg); continue; } if (!checkdate($parsed[0], $parsed[1], $parsed[2])) { x4Error($ermsg2); $errors = true; continue; } } if (strpos($value, '-') !== false) { $parsed = explode('-', $value); if (count($parsed) != 3) { $errors = true; x4Error($ermsg); continue; } if (!checkdate($parsed[1], $parsed[2], $parsed[0])) { x4Error($ermsg2); $errors = true; continue; } } } } if ($errors) { return; } if ($row['skey'] == 0 || !isset($row['skey'])) { unset($row['skey']); $skey = SQLX_Insert($this->dd, $row); if (!errors()) { $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * FROM {$this->view_id} WHERE skey = {$skey}"); } x4Data('row', $row); } else { SQLX_Update($this->dd, $row); if (!errors()) { $skey = $row['skey']; $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * FROM {$this->view_id} WHERE skey = {$skey}"); x4Data('row', $row); } } # KFD 6/12/08, allow functions to modify or prevent a write if (Errors()) { return; } if (function_exists($tafter)) { $message = $tafter($row); if ($message != '') { x4Error($message); return; } } }
function processSubmit() { // Get the submitted data $table = gp('gp_table_upd', ''); // Get the flat table def $table_dd = dd_TableRef($table); $tabflat = ArraySafe($table_dd, 'flat'); //hprint_r($table); $row = aFromGP('gp_upd_'); //hprint_r($row); //hprint_r($row); // Build a WHERE clause $where = array(); foreach ($row as $col => $val) { if (ArraySafe($tabflat[$col], 'primary_key', 'N') != 'Y') { continue; } $where[] = $col . " = '" . $val . "'"; } //hprint_r($where); $where = implode(' AND ', $where); // Build a SELECT $sql = "SELECT skey\n FROM " . ddTable_IDResolve($table) . "\n WHERE " . $where; //hprint_r($sql); $records = SQL_AllRows($sql); if (count($records) != 1) { echo "Invalid or non-unique key supplied\n<br>"; return; } // Well, we haven't failed yet, let's add the skey before the update, just to be safe. $row['skey'] = $records[0]['skey']; $skey = $records[0]['skey']; //hprint_r($row); SQLX_Update($table_dd, $row); if (Errors()) { echo hErrors(); } else { echo "Update Successful. <a href=\"?gp_page={$table}&gp_skey={$skey}\">View Record</a> <br>\n"; } }
function scDBUpdateOrInsert($table, $colvals) { $table_id = $table["table_id"]; $tabflat =& $table["flat"]; // First query for the pk value. If not found we will // just do an insert // $abort = false; $a_pk = explode(',', $table['pks']); $s_where = ''; foreach ($a_pk as $colname) { if (!isset($colvals[$colname])) { $abort = true; break; } $a_where[] = $colname . ' = ' . SQL_Format($tabflat[$colname]['type_id'], $colvals[$colname]); } if ($abort) { $skey = false; } else { $s_where = implode(' AND ', $a_where); $sql = 'SELECT skey FROM ' . DDTable_IDResolve($table_id) . ' WHERE ' . $s_where; $skey = SQL_OneValue('skey', $sql); } // STD says on 12/15/2006 that this routine should not put errors on screen //if (Errors()) echo HTMLX_Errors(); if (!$skey) { //echo "insert into ".$table_id."\n"; $retval = SQLX_Insert($table, $colvals, false); if (Errors()) { // STD says on 12/15/2006 that this routine should not put errors on screen //echo HTMLX_Errors(); //echo $sql; $retval = 0; } } else { //echo "update ".$table_id." on $skey\n"; $colvals['skey'] = $skey; $retval = -$skey; SQLX_Update($table, $colvals); if (Errors()) { // STD says on 12/15/2006 that this routine should not put errors on screen //echo HTMLX_Errors(); //echo $sql; $retval = 0; } } return $retval; }
function PW_ForgotPage1() { // KFD 11/13/06. Heavily modified for new system, threw out // the older code entirely, now that all apps have a users // table built into them. $eml = trim(gp('txt_email')); $seml = SQLFC(strtolower($eml)); $heml = hx($eml); $ueml = urlencode($eml); //$leml= MakeUserId(strtolower($eml)); $db2 = scDBConn_Push('usermaint'); $sq = "Select skey,user_id,member_password,email FROM users " . " where LOWER(email)={$seml}"; $member = SQL_AllRows($sq); // Nothing of any kind is a bummer, we can't do anything if (count($member) == 0) { ErrorAdd('There are no active accounts with that email address'); } else { $leml = MakeUserID($eml); $member = $member[0]; // If we know who they are, send a password and allow them to change it $user_pwkey = md5($member['member_password'] . $leml . time()); //$ref=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $http = httpWebSite() . "/"; $row = array('skey' => $member['skey'], 'user_pwkey' => $user_pwkey); $UID = $member['user_id']; $PWD = $member['member_password']; // KFD 12/21/06. Done for medinfo originally. If UID looks like // the email, send the email instead $emailUID = $member['email']; $table_dd = DD_Tableref('users'); SQLX_Update($table_dd, $row); $emailuser_id = OptionGet('EMAIL_USERID', 'N') == 'Y' ? $emailUID : $leml; $text_email = "\nYour username and password are: {$emailuser_id} and {$PWD}.\n \nIf you would like to change your password, click here:\n<{$http}?gp_page=x_password&gpp=2&eml={$ueml}&hash={$user_pwkey}>\n"; scDBConn_Pop(); //echo $text_email; EmailSend($eml, 'System Access Request', $text_email); ?> <b>Email Has Been Sent</b>. An email has been sent to you with information needed to access the system. <?php gpSet('gpp', 'X'); } }
function save() { $table_id = gp('x6page'); $dd = ddTable($table_id); $row0 = aFromGP('x6v_'); $row1 = aFromgp('x6inp_' . $table_id . '_'); $row = array_merge($row0, $row1); if (arr($row, 'skey', 0) == 0) { unset($row['skey']); } # KFD 12/20/08, prevent ui saves if dd does not allow them if (!isset($row['skey'])) { $perm = $this->uiPerm(gp('x6page'), 'ins'); if (!$perm) { x6Error("Inserts not allowed from this screen"); return; } } else { $perm = $this->uiPerm(gp('x6page'), 'upd'); if (!$perm) { x6Error("Updates not allowed from this screen"); return; } } # Add in values from parent if (gp('tableIdPar', false)) { $vals2 = $this->fetchParent(); $row = array_merge($row, $vals2); } # KFD 12/8/08, More generalized code to allow for # inserts before or after a row. # # an skeyAfter value means we must find the queuepos # column in this table, and save a value of that # column equal to +1 of the value in row skeyAfter if (gp('queuepos', '') != '') { $queuepos = gp('queuepos'); $skeyBefore = gp('skeyBefore'); $skeyAfter = gp('skeyAfter'); $skey = 0; if ($skeyBefore != -1) { $skey = $skeyBefore; } if ($skeyAfter != -1) { $skey = $skeyAfter; } if ($skey == 0) { $row[$queuepos] = 1; } else { $qpvalue = SQL_OneValue($queuepos, "Select {$queuepos} from {$dd['viewname']}\n where skey = " . sqlfc($skey)); if ($skey == $skeyAfter) { $qpvalue++; } else { $qpvalue--; } $row[$queuepos] = $qpvalue; } } # KFD 6/28/08, a non-empty date must be valid $errors = false; foreach ($row as $col => $value) { if (!isset($dd['flat'][$col])) { unset($row[$col]); continue; } $ermsg = "Invalid date format for " . $dd['flat'][$col]['description']; $ermsg2 = "Invalid date value for " . $dd['flat'][$col]['description']; if ($dd['flat'][$col]['type_id'] == 'date') { if (trim($value) == '') { continue; } if (strpos($value, '/') === false && strpos($value, '-') === false) { x6Error($ermsg); $errors = true; continue; } if (strpos($value, '/') !== false) { $parsed = explode('/', $value); if (count($parsed) != 3) { $errors = true; x6Error($ermsg); continue; } if (!checkdate($parsed[0], $parsed[1], $parsed[2])) { x6Error($ermsg2); $errors = true; continue; } } if (strpos($value, '-') !== false) { $parsed = explode('-', $value); if (count($parsed) != 3) { $errors = true; x6Error($ermsg); continue; } if (!checkdate($parsed[1], $parsed[2], $parsed[0])) { x6Error($ermsg2); $errors = true; continue; } } } } if ($errors) { return; } if (!isset($row['skey'])) { # KFD 5/26/09 Google Feature #23, hook inserts $method = $table_id . "_before_insert"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $row = $this->{$method}($row); } # KFD 6/8/09 Google #30, no action if returns false if ($row) { $skey = SQLX_Insert($dd, $row); if (!errors()) { $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * FROM {$dd['viewname']} WHERE skey = {$skey}"); # KFD 5/26/09 Google Feature #23, hook inserts $method = $table_id . "_after_insert"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $row = $this->{$method}($row); } x6Data('row', $row); } } } else { # KFD 5/26/09 Google Feature #23, hook updates $method = $table_id . "_before_update"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $row = $this->{$method}($row); } # KFD 6/8/09 Google #30, no action if returns false if ($row) { SQLX_Update($dd, $row); if (!errors()) { $skey = $row['skey']; $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * FROM {$dd['viewname']} WHERE skey = {$skey}"); # KFD 5/26/09 Google Feature #23, hook updates $method = $table_id . "_after_update"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $row = $this->{$method}($row); } x6Data('row', $row); } } } if (vgfGet('x6') == true) { if ($table_id == 'configinst') { configWrite('inst'); } if ($table_id == 'configapp') { configWrite('app'); } } }
function index_hidden_ajaxsql() { switch (gp('gp_ajaxsql')) { case 'update': $row = aFromgp('txt_'); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if ($value == 'b:true') { $row[$key] = 'Y'; } if ($value == 'b:false') { $row[$key] = 'N'; } } $table_id = gp('gp_table'); SQLX_Update($table_id, $row); break; case 'insert': $row = aFromgp('txt_'); $table_id = gp('gp_table'); // XDB SQLX_Insert($table_id, $row); break; } if (Errors()) { echo 'echo|' . hErrors(); } }